What herbs to use to cleanse brain vessels

Why do you need to clean vessels?

Blood vessels lose strength over time and become brittle and vulnerable. The causes of such negative phenomena are age-related changes, previous injuries, poor diet, alcohol and smoking. Under the influence of these factors, the vessels stretch, thin out and become vulnerable. If vascular diseases are accompanied by high blood pressure, there is a danger of rupture of blood arteries.

Poor vascular condition can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • periodic pressure surges;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • fainting and rapid heartbeat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • cold extremities.

Particularly dangerous is the rupture of the blood channels of the brain, which in most cases leads to a stroke and death. With timely diagnosis, the risks of hypertension and heart attack can be significantly reduced.

Review of effective remedies

The main advantage of using herbs to cleanse blood vessels is safety, availability and a gentle effect on the body. Traditional medicine recipes have virtually no contraindications if the dosage and medical recommendations are followed. People who suffer from chronic illnesses need prior approval from their healthcare provider.

Herbs that are used to improve cerebral circulation often have restorative, immunomodulatory, tonic or sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Taking home remedies made from similar ingredients has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems.

The ability to improve blood supply to the head is rightfully attributed to certain plants - green and onions, garlic, walnuts and pine nuts, dandelion, mint, dill and many others. The most powerful herbs for accelerating blood flow and improving cerebral circulation have vasodilating properties, restoring the elasticity and flexibility of the walls.


To improve the condition of vascular walls and regulate blood circulation, hawthorn fruits are traditionally used. The drug accelerates blood flow in the vascular system of the brain, normalizes blood pressure, increases the heart rate while reducing the excitability of the heart muscle.


A decoction of periwinkle is one of the effective home remedies for normalizing blood circulation in the brain area. Prescribed to improve memory function, eliminate vascular spasms and headaches, stimulate metabolism in the cells and tissues of the central nervous system, and increase the intensity of cerebral blood flow.


Celandine is used to improve blood supply to tissues in the brain. Celandine has antispasmodic, diuretic, choleretic properties, slows down the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, and reduces blood pressure.


A tincture prepared from valerian root, dill seeds and honey has an anxiolytic (suppresses anxiety) and sedative (calming) effect. A homemade remedy increases concentration and regulates the functioning of the circulatory system. Due to the decrease in nervous tension, the load on the heart muscle decreases. The components of the product expand the vascular lumen, lower blood pressure, and contain high concentrations of antioxidants that help lower cholesterol levels.


Elecampane has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects. A remedy made from elecampane roots accelerates blood flow, lowers blood pressure in the vascular system, and regulates metabolic processes, in particular lipid metabolism.


Rosemary restores cerebral blood flow and normalizes the functions of the cardiovascular system. Rosemary decoctions and infusions have an antiatherosclerotic effect and regulate cholesterol levels.


The coltsfoot plant increases the strength and elastic properties of the vascular wall. It has an antispasmodic effect and lowers blood pressure. Used to prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and regulate metabolic processes.


Among the herbs that improve blood circulation in the brain area is oregano. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduces psycho-emotional stress, and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and vascular system. Used to treat hypertension and the presence of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

The effectiveness of strengthening the walls of blood vessels with herbs

Medicinal herbs serve as a natural source of health that help strengthen and restore the structure of blood vessels, making them stronger. In order to achieve maximum effect in treatment, it is necessary to systematically carry out procedures to cleanse blood vessels.

During the procedures, blood circulation improves, the functions of the cardiovascular system are normalized, harmful substances, bad cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels and toxins are removed.

Folk recipes and preparations based on medicinal plants serve as reliable assistants in the fight against vascular diseases.

Medical nutrition

Not only infusions and decoctions of herbs have medicinal effects. Common plant products that are present in the kitchen of a caring housewife have vascular strengthening and cleansing properties.

Ramson is a juicy spring green that is eaten with pleasure both fresh with sour cream and salted.

Since pickles do not benefit the vessels, it is better to be content with fresh wild garlic.

Or make a vodka-based tincture: pour one part of finely chopped wild garlic with two parts of vodka, leave for 3 weeks in a bright place, strain.

Drink 10 drops mixed with water. Course 3 weeks.

Garlic rivals any other “green doctor” in providing invaluable benefits to the body.

Vessels are its profile. Even ancient Chinese healers made recipes based on garlic to treat migraines, forgetfulness, and mental fog.

Pour 150 g of alcohol or vodka over one and a half peeled and chopped heads of large garlic.

With alcohol, the concentration of beneficial substances is much higher. Leave in a dark, cool place for 10 days, strain, and leave for another 2 days.

Take the prepared tincture before meals, drop it in 50 g of milk, 3 times a day.

You need to start with one drop, then add one more each time.

Then, on the contrary, the drops begin to decline. So another 5 days.

This recipe is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Green and onions, red and white - dilate blood vessels, dissolve cholesterol plaques.

By including fresh onions in your daily diet, you will get rid of the beginning troubles with blood vessels without chemical drugs.

An effective recipe is a combination of 100 g of linden honey (how to determine here) with 200 g of onion juice. This tincture should be taken at lunch every day, 50 g.

It will also strengthen the immune system, save you from the flu during the period when the virus is rampant, and protect against bacterial infections of the throat and bronchi.
Walnuts (recipe for men) – in ground form, eat one tablespoon daily for two months.
You will feel your headaches go away, your blood pressure will stabilize, and the pain in your legs associated with vascular angiopathy will disappear.

Popular foods among Russians have a positive effect on blood vessels: cranberries, beets, carrots, grapefruit, lemon (along with zest).

These natural healers work at their full potential only when fresh!

Spices and seasonings will clean the vessels without special recipes. Effective and tasty helpers in the fight against bad cholesterol and toxins are:

  • cinnamon,
  • red hot pepper,
  • Bay leaf,
  • basil,
  • dill.

What substances do our blood vessels need?

For the vascular system to function normally, the following substances must be supplied to the body:

  • Rutin is from the group of vitamins P, it strengthens capillary walls and has an indirect effect on lowering blood pressure. By lowering blood pressure, the risk of vascular structure ruptures is reduced.
  • Vitamin C has a positive effect on smooth muscles, making them more permeable. The tissue of the vascular walls becomes elastic.
  • Vitamin E, an antioxidant, has a slowing effect on cell destruction. Due to long-term intake of vitamin E, the fragility of blood vessels is significantly reduced.
  • Vitamins B and K work as stimulants of intercellular metabolism occurring in the walls of blood vessels. Due to this, the likelihood of a heart attack is reduced, since the heart muscle receives the substances necessary for its normal functioning.
  • Iron and potassium keep blood vessels elastic; these elements are responsible for transporting oxygen to the walls of capillaries.

Blood purification is a necessary procedure that directly affects the structure of blood vessels and their fragility. The purer the blood, the stronger the blood channels, the less atherosclerotic plaques form inside them. “Harmful” cholesterol and sodium compounds make capillary walls brittle, increasing the likelihood of vascular wall rupture.

Strengthening the blood vessels of the heart with herbs

• Hawthorn. A popular folk remedy that lowers blood pressure when taken regularly. It can be found in pharmacies in the form of a tincture or you can prepare your own decoction from dried hawthorn flowers. Delicious and healthy tea is obtained from the fruits of hawthorn and rose hips.

• Motherwort. Has a calming effect and normalizes blood pressure. Motherwort contains biologically active substances, vitamins, alkaloids, and essential oils.

The plant promotes the expansion of heart vessels, relieves spasms, and reduces pulse.

It is recommended to use as an infusion or as part of herbal teas.

• Mistletoe. The herb prevents the development of atherosclerosis. A cold infusion of mistletoe normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and affects the expansion of capillaries.

Read: Folk remedies for cystitis

To prepare it, pour 10 g of mistletoe into a glass of cooled boiled water and leave to infuse overnight. Strain the product and drink it a day, dividing it into 3 doses.

Treatment is recommended to be carried out in courses - drink for three weeks, then take a break for two weeks, then take it again for three weeks, and so on until the condition improves.

• Oregano. The plant helps prevent the development of heart disease. It contains antioxidants, vitamins, cholesterol-lowering fiber, and essential oils.

This herb can improve your mood.

You can use oregano (aka marjoram or oregano) simply as a seasoning or make a decoction.

In folk medicine, many other plants and herbal preparations are known to strengthen the heart, blood vessels and capillaries. But it is recommended to use them with caution, after consulting with your doctor.

How to achieve maximum effect

The greatest effect from medicinal herbs will be achieved only if the disease is in its initial stage. The patient's lifestyle must be radically changed. The patient must take the following steps:

  • give up fatty and fried foods, canned food and fast food;
  • engage in physical education and sports, take daily walks;
  • take B vitamins and magnesium, preferably through food;
  • Rest regularly and get good sleep.

Only then will medicinal herbs give the effect that is expected from them. Painful symptoms will begin to subside only after a few months.

Herbs for cleansing blood vessels: warnings and contraindications

The main purpose of taking medicinal herbs is to dissolve cholesterol plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. Plants familiar to everyone cope with this task: garlic, lemon, bay leaf, hornbeam flowers, birch buds, St. John's wort and other herbs.

You can take drugs not only when symptoms appear, but also for preventive purposes. For older people, decoctions should be taken on an ongoing basis.

Since herbs have a complex biochemical composition, they can cause allergies and pressure surges. The selection of the composition of the preparation must be approached scrupulously, taking into account what side effects this or that ingredient may have. People suffering from chronic diseases cannot use all herbs to cleanse blood vessels. A number of plants are contraindicated for kidney failure, gastrointestinal problems, liver and gallbladder diseases. It is not recommended to clean blood vessels during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Which herbs are unsafe:

  • St. John's wort can increase blood pressure; in preparations it is better to replace it with centaury;
  • Motherwort has a laxative effect; lemon balm or hops can be added to the collection;
  • Immortelle increases blood clotting.

Unlike medications, herbal remedies do not have immediate effects; they must be taken for a long time.

How to choose, store and properly prepare herbal decoctions and infusions

  • Use fresh or dried raw materials; the shelf life of dry herbs is no more than 2 years.
  • Decoctions are taken on the same day.
  • Follow recipe recommendations.
  • Take the amount recommended in the prescription. Stick to the recommended number of doses per day.
  • Do not use decoctions with alcohol and carbonated water.

List of the best herbs for blood vessels

Medical experts highlight several herbs and herbal preparations that most actively reduce cholesterol and help strengthen the circulatory system.


The roots, flowers and leaves of the plant contain a lot of magnesium and potassium, which help normalize the salt balance. Due to this, the level of sodium and its derivative components in the body decreases. Immortelle is a source of tannins and flavonoids, which help stabilize blood pressure.

This medicinal plant provides an invaluable service to the liver, accelerating the breakdown of complex carbohydrate compounds; this is an important fact for the recovery of the entire cardiovascular system. Doctors recommend taking immortelle for ailments such as hypertension and aneurysms. A decoction is made from the plant: 2 teaspoons of the herb are poured into half a liter of boiling water, left for 3 hours, filtered and taken three sips three times a day. The product turns out bitter, so it can be diluted with water. The course of treatment is one and a half months.

Attention! For patients with chronic liver diseases, immortelle decoction is contraindicated.


Peppermint is known to be an effective sedative. However, mint contains substances that stimulate the regeneration of vascular walls. Doctors prescribe enemas with the addition of mint essential oil for hemorrhoids. With the help of healing herbal procedures, broken blood vessel walls are healed, inflammation and painful symptoms are relieved.

Peppermint is a remedy against hypertension and vasculitis. Healing tea is prepared from the leaves of the plant. For 200 ml of boiling water, take a small spoon of the dry mixture, brew it and add honey to the tea. It is recommended to drink no more than two cups per day; there are no course restrictions.

Clover flowers

The plant contains many vitamins B, E, and K that are beneficial for human health. Clover contains more of them than green onions. Clover cleanses blood vessels from “bad cholesterol” and other lipid compounds. It is recommended to drink it for patients with atherosclerosis and heart failure.

Prepare an infusion of clover as follows: mix a tablespoon of dried clover flowers with three tablespoons of honey. Leave the mixture for two weeks, stirring daily. Eat a small spoon before meals three times a day, for up to one and a half months. During this period, you need to consume at least two liter jars of the mixture.

Dandelion root

This is an excellent remedy for breaking down cholesterol plaques and strengthening veins and capillaries. Medicinal decoctions and infusions are prepared from dandelion root, which help fight atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and other ailments associated with pathologies in the venous vessels.

Preparing the infusion does not take much time; you need to take one part of the dry root and add five parts of hot water. You can use a thermos for this. Infuse the decoction and take 50 g three times a day; after taking, do not drink tea or coffee for about 2 hours.

Dill seeds

We can safely call this remedy universal, since it successfully treats many chronic diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. With the help of dill seeds, you can normalize blood pressure, reduce the risk of varicose veins, and expand the lumen in blood vessels. The infusion is prepared from 1 spoon of dill seeds and 1 liter of boiling water. After the medicine is infused, it is drunk for 14 days three times, 50 ml each.

Note! Dill seeds have a strong diuretic effect.


Hawthorn contains a lot of phenolic acids, pectins, vitamin K, and ascorbic acid. These substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize blood circulation, and increase the tone of the vascular walls. Doctors prescribe hawthorn to patients with heart rhythm disturbances accompanied by hypo- or hypertension.

Hawthorn is used to prepare medicinal alcohol infusion. First, dry the fruits of the plant well, then grind them in a coffee grinder. Then take 30 g of the powder mass and fill it with alcohol or high-quality vodka in an amount of 200 ml. Infuse the alcoholic infusion for at least 10 days, and take it in small doses, a spoonful three times a day. Treatment is continued for 21 days, then they take a break and start drinking the tincture again.


This plant is a prophylactic for a variety of pathologies of the central nervous system and damage to brain tissue. Melissa serves as an “ambulance” for severe headaches or sudden spasms of blood vessels. Tea is made from it. You can brew the plant daily, but drink no more than three glasses. Melissa perfectly tones and gives vigor. It is recommended to add honey, lemon, and apple pieces to tea.


The effect of fennel begins within 15 minutes, so it is recommended to use it for high blood pressure. Fennel has a powerful diaphoretic effect, it removes toxins from the blood and lymph and serves as a strong antibacterial agent.

Fennel infusion can be consumed 100 ml in the morning and evening 15 minutes before meals. The usual course is 14 days, then one week of rest and you can continue treatment. To prepare a medicinal infusion, you will need fennel seeds in the amount of a teaspoon and 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15-30 minutes and drink as directed.


The root of this plant, which contains a lot of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, is used for treatment. Horseradish helps balance the content of components such as red blood cells, platelets, and leukocytes in the blood; it removes sodium compounds and cleanses the blood. People with anemia, leukemia, and low hemoglobin levels are recommended to be treated with fresh horseradish root.

Grind the horseradish root on a fine grater and mix with a spoon of honey. Eat a small spoon daily.


Aloe juice contains enzymes that can penetrate into the blood through the gastric mucosa. They break down lipid compounds and successfully remove cholesterol from the body. Aloe is useful for obesity, atherosclerosis, as well as complications of the heart and blood vessels.

It is recommended to use the plant juice fresh. To do this, a small leaf is cut from the bush, then the peel is removed from it and the resulting “candy” is placed under the tongue for half an hour. The procedure should be repeated daily in the morning and on an empty stomach.

To reduce pressure

Vascular pathologies, in particular hypertension, are a common cause of blood flow disorders. The action of herbs to improve blood circulation in the brain helps lower blood pressure.

Herbal infusions

Prepare a mixture from 3 tablespoons of peppermint and motherwort herb, 2 tablespoons of lemon balm and juniper cones, and one tablespoon of dill. Place 2 tablespoons of the resulting mass in a thermos, add one liter of hot boiled water and leave for 4 hours. Take one hundred milliliters warm before meals.

To improve cerebral circulation, a herbal preparation is prepared. You need to take one hundred grams of tincture of valerian, motherwort, peony, hawthorn roots, 50 ml of lemon balm and eucalyptus, 50 ml of eucalyptus, 25 ml of mint, 30 ml of Corvalol, 10 pieces of cloves. The ingredients are mixed and left for two weeks. Half an hour before meals, stir thirty drops in half a glass of water. Take twice a day. The duration of treatment is from one to three months.

The celandine is wiped, the resulting juice is poured into jars. Place in the refrigerator for storage. Take 30 minutes before meals. To do this, dilute 3 drops of juice in 100 ml of clean water. It is recommended to take before breakfast and before dinner.


The fruits of chokeberry are used to prepare an infusion. Take two teaspoons of fruits, pour boiling water into them, infuse, strain and drink. An infusion of black currants, blueberries, and cranberries is prepared in a similar way.

Viburnum is considered especially useful. It is used to lower blood pressure, reduce blood viscosity and improve blood supply to the brain. It improves metabolism, strengthens and restores capillaries. It contains various vitamins, phosphorus, iodine, potassium. Viburnum is used to prepare decoction, jam, and juices.

So, to get a decoction, knead the viburnum fruits in the amount of 2 dessert spoons, pour a glass of hot water, place in a fifteen-minute water bath, cool, and drain. After this, add another glass of hot boiled water. Drink 60 ml four times a day.

Pine drinks

It has long been known that pine needles reduce headaches, cleanse blood vessels, soothe, and lower blood pressure.

Tea is made from pine or spruce needles (the branches are usually left behind). One kilogram of raw materials is placed in a three-liter saucepan, water is poured into it, boiled for a quarter of an hour, and left to steep overnight. Before the broth begins to boil, you can add currant or raspberry leaf. It is recommended to take up to 5 months.

Herbal medicine for the treatment of certain diseases

Every second person over 45 years old has problems with the heart and blood vessels, statistics say. The most common diseases diagnosed in this group of people are: hypertension of any degree, varicose veins, and the presence of atherosclerosis. At a more mature age, from 65 years of age, people have more serious pathologies in which the functionality of the circulatory system is no longer restored.

Herbal medicine is of great importance for human health. If you conduct health-improving courses once a year, the risk of illnesses will be significantly reduced.


Atherosclerosis is associated with the phenomenon of excess low-density cholesterol and fatty compounds in the blood. Harmful elements gradually accumulate inside the vessels, on their walls. Next, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques begins, which clog the passages and blockage of blood vessels occurs.

The most effective “fighters” against blockages are clover, aloe, and dandelion root.

Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis

The disease is caused by the rapid destruction of blood elements such as red blood cells and platelets. After their death, their remains oxidize and stick together into blood clots. Thus, blood flow is blocked in small vessels.

There are a number of medicinal herbs that can thin the blood and dissolve blood clots, these are: horse chestnut, wormwood, Kalanchoe, ginko biloba, Japanese sophora.

Varicose veins

The disease can be treated with horse chestnut, wormwood and Kalanchoe. A “porridge” is prepared from the plants and applied to sore spots on the legs.

To restore the elasticity of blood vessels and return the veins to their normal shape, hawthorn and dill seeds will help.

Folk recipes for decoctions and infusions

  • Recipe 1. Rose hips, motherwort, dried grass, meadowsweet in equal parts. Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 10 hours. Drink 100 ml before meals for two months.
  • Recipe 2. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the barberry roots. Drink half a glass of infusion 4 times a day.
  • Recipe 3. Garlic, lemon, horseradish in equal parts. Infuse in boiling water, add honey, drink a glass twice a day.

Simple ways to improve blood quality

Improper or insufficient blood circulation is a common health symptom that occurs due to several reasons. It may not appear, but it needs to be treated as early as possible before it creates havoc in the body. Impaired blood circulation can cause fatigue, pain, swelling, drowsiness, chills, and metabolic imbalance.

There are several treatments for vascular disorders, such as surgery and medications, that help improve blood flow. However, such drugs may cause side effects. This is the reason why some people stick to folk remedies that will help improve blood circulation.

These methods are time-tested, are effective in improving blood circulation, and do not cause any side effects. Here are some such cost-effective techniques that will help in treating this condition.

Exercise can help improve blood circulation. This is one such effective remedy that can help in treating such ailments without spending money. It is necessary to exercise regularly to improve blood circulation.

You can start with simple basic exercises such as walking, cycling, jumping rope, etc. However, if you are already facing problems that may worsen your health, you should consult a doctor immediately. It is better to consult your doctor before starting any active exercise.

You should keep your body warm to help improve blood circulation. Poor circulation is mainly due to narrowing of blood vessels, which can worsen the condition when you live in a cold climate, causing your blood vessels to narrow even more.

Take a bath therapy course at home, if you have your own steam room, or at a spa. Wear warm clothes and cover yourself with a warm blanket, especially in winter. A warm atmosphere can cause blood vessels to dilate, which improves blood circulation. It can also reduce symptoms such as cramps, which occur when there is not enough oxygen to the tissues.

Hydrotherapy is another effective treatment option. You need to alternate between cold and hot showers when you take water treatments. Try to get the water directly to the problem area of ​​the body that suffers the most due to poor blood circulation.

Hot water and a shower on the affected area can increase the flow of blood, and when cold water enters the body, it is sent to all internal organs.

Cayenne pepper

This spice will help activate the blood circulation process.
When consuming cayenne pepper, there is an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and increased blood flow throughout the body. Cayenne pepper will improve blood circulation and also help strengthen the walls of the arteries. However, it may cause some side effects such as upset stomach, abdominal pain if consumed in excess.

It's best to consult your doctor before adding spices to your diet.

Diet and folk recipes

A healthy diet can help improve blood circulation. It is necessary to drink plenty of water to protect yourself from dehydration. Blood thinned with water better transports oxygen throughout the body. Therefore, a healthy balanced diet is very important in this matter as well.

To ensure that all vessels are in perfect order, you can use alternative medicine for preventive and therapeutic purposes. To a certain extent, herbal preparations can help restore some of the body’s lost abilities.

1. Herbal infusion

To improve cerebral circulation, you can drink a course of infusion prepared from medicinal herbs.

To prepare it, take 25 milliliters of mint tincture, 30 milliliters of Corvalol, 50 milliliters of eucalyptus tincture and 100 milliliters of tincture of evasive peony, hawthorn fruit and valerian root.

Pour all components into one container. Add 10 cloves to the mixture. Close the container with the infusion tightly and place it in a dark place for several weeks. It is better to use a container for infusion that is made of dark glass. Its contents must be shaken periodically. When the drug is ready, you can start taking it. Drink an infusion of herbs half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. Before taking the infusion, it is better to dilute it: add 30 drops of the product to 100 milliliters of water.

2. Alfalfa

To restore memory, you can take an infusion of alfalfa seeds. It is worth noting that this remedy also improves memory. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of seeds and pour warm water over them. This amount of raw material will require 100 milliliters of water. Take the resulting amount of folk remedy 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Course – 9 months. After this, it is necessary to interrupt treatment for a month and then repeat.

3. Orchis

Orchis infusion will help you strengthen your cardiovascular system. To prepare an effective and high-quality product, it is necessary to select fresh plant roots. To be more precise, its soft tuber.

In this case, you don’t have to cut the plant completely. You can simply carefully remove it from the soil, remove the soft tuber, and then plant the plant in place. After a year, the plant will grow another soft tuber.

Collect 10 of these tubers. Divide the roots into several parts. Place them in a dark glass bottle. Fill the raw material with 200 milliliters of 96% alcohol. Place the tincture in a dark place for several weeks.

Take the prepared tincture before breakfast on an empty stomach, one teaspoon at a time. After a month or a month and a half, you will be able to restore almost all the vessels damaged by the stroke, as well as get rid of paralysis.

Tingling fingertips, headache, insomnia, decreased memory and attention - these symptoms may be the first signs of circulatory problems. This condition is dangerous because the tissues in the ischemic zone experience an acute lack of oxygen and nutrients, and are also overfilled with toxic products and CO2.

To improve microcirculation in the affected area, you need to understand the cause of the condition. If the trigger factor is an insufficiently developed capillary network, start playing sports. You have high cholesterol and a history of atherosclerosis - eat right and visit a cardiologist on time. And if there is something wrong with your nervous system, go see a neurologist and drink mint and valerian tea.

4. Mulberry

A decoction of mulberry leaves will help heal blood vessels and get rid of hypertension. To prepare it, take an enamel pan and put 9 mulberry leaves in it.

Fill them with 50 ml of water. Place the container on the fire and boil everything for a few minutes. After this, let the broth sit for a while. Drink this remedy as tea for three or four months. A fresh decoction should be prepared daily. Thanks to this folk remedy, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and blood pressure is reduced.

5. Oranges and lemons

To normalize blood pressure and cleanse blood vessels of toxins, you can eat porridge made from lemons and oranges.

To prepare it, take two lemons and two oranges. Remove the seeds from them and pass everything through a meat grinder. Add a few tablespoons of honey to the resulting mass and place it in a dark room at room temperature for a day. Then transfer the mixture into a jar and place it in the refrigerator. You can take the drug several times a day, one tablespoon at a time, until you feel better. You can drink the gruel with tea.

You will find a lot of advice in the article “How to improve cerebral circulation using folk remedies,” and this useful video will complement it.

6. Hawthorn

Hawthorn tincture will help you get rid of nervous overexcitation and insomnia. In addition, this remedy lowers blood pressure well, and also reduces all manifestations of thyrotoxicosis. To prepare the tincture, take half a glass of fresh hawthorn fruits and fill them with 40% alcohol.

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