How to prepare propolis ointment at home?

Miracle ointment. Recipes and application.

Ointments for all occasions.
Traditional medicine recipes. This ointment treats many diseases: fibroids, mastitis, gangrene, ulcers (including trophic ones), burns, boils, abscesses, sore joints, the most chronic sinusitis, purulent otitis, abscesses in the throat, eczema, ovarian cysts - all this will cure a miracle - ointment!


Pour 1 glass of refined vegetable oil into an enamel bowl, throw in beeswax the size of a matchbox and put the bowl on low heat until the wax melts. Crush half the yolk of a hard-boiled egg onto a saucer with a fork and gradually add it with your fingers to the bowl with oil and wax. Stir, remove from heat and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Then strain through a nylon cloth. Store in the refrigerator in a glass container. The ointment is very effective. Thus, if the ointment needs to be applied, then it is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees.

She cures:

1. sinusitis. The ointment, melted in a tablespoon and immediately drawn into a pipette, is dropped into the nose for the most terrible sinusitis. To prevent it from freezing, do everything quickly. It is enough to drop the ointment into the nose twice with an interval between drops of one hour, and you can even get rid of monthly sinusitis. The ointment penetrates the maxillary sinuses and draws pus onto itself with enormous force!

2. purulent otitis. Twist a flagellum from cotton wool and insert it into the ear. Change the flagellum as needed, and at the same time lubricate it behind the ear with ointment. The ointment draws pus onto itself with tremendous force. This way you can treat all otitis, not just purulent ones.

3. abscesses in the throat, abscesses in the throat, purulent sore throat. Lubricate the throat with ointment, apply a compress to the neck area. Only if you do all this in the evening, repeating the procedure every hour, then by the morning the abscess will burst.

4. bronchi, pain in the stomach, in the intestines, boils on the body, stye in the eyes. Three times a day before meals we take half a teaspoon of ointment.

5. burns, boils, wounds, swelling, toothache, joint pain of the knees. Apply it at night to the sore spot, wrapping and wrapping it. Use a clean finger to coat the sore tooth and lubricate the gum with ointment, and you will see how the sores begin to recede. The result will definitely be excellent.

6. trophic ulcers, gangrene. Also apply napkins with ointment and also change after 2 hours. Pus will come out of the wounds profusely; you will see for yourself how quickly your life-saving treatment is progressing, despite all sorts of ineffective expensive drugs. Burns, boils, wounds, swelling of the skin, toothache (a cotton swab with ointment on the gums.

8. You can strengthen your nails with this ointment by rubbing the ointment into your nails at night.

Note: you need to use natural beeswax. For external use, you can take any oil, but for internal use, olive oil is better.

Anti-inflammatory ointment.

Ingredients: 1 glass of animal fat, 100 g of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of birch buds, 50 g of propolis. Melt the fat in a water bath, bring to a boil, add birch buds, keep in a water bath for 3 hours, when cooling, add propolis, stir. After dissolving the propolis, add vegetable oil. Leave in a water bath until it cools completely. Strain and store in the refrigerator.

Helps with bronchitis, joint arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

An ointment that heals well any, even festering wounds.

To prepare the ointment, you need fresh bloodroot juice. Take 1 tbsp per serving of ointment. l. juice of this plant. Add 60 g of rendered pork fat to this amount of juice. Stir and leave in a warm place, and then stir again to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then put 1 tsp there. beeswax and a little propolis.

Place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Leave again in a warm place for 2 hours to let everything brew. Then put the ointment in the refrigerator, but take the ointment out every hour and mix well so that it thickens evenly. Now the ointment is ready.

It must be stored in the refrigerator. It's easy to use. Apply the ointment to the wound and put a bandage on top. Very soon the wound will heal.

Ointment from the herb cudweed for wounds, ulcers, boils.

10 gr. crushed powder of dried cucumber herb mixed with 50 g. Butter or vegetable oil and 1 tsp. honey Everything is rubbed thoroughly. The ointment is applied to the wound 2-3 times a day, and on boils - under an adhesive plaster. Wounds heal very quickly.

A healing miracle - ointment.


Take 40 gr. Natural wax (not foundation), 100 gr. Olive oil (vegetable oil is also possible), 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Crumble the wax into the butter, add sugar and put on low heat. Stirring slowly, melt the wax and sugar into the butter.

Dissolves long and slowly. Stir continuously, the sugar begins to burn (but this is not particularly scary. As a result, the wax will seem to go from a solid state to a soft one. You should get a homogeneous ointment. Cool and you can use it.

This ointment penetrates deeply.

This ointment relieves any inflammatory process.

1. runny nose and nasal congestion. Spread on the bridge of the nose or place in each nostril. Doesn't sting at all. It’s especially good for those who have small children, so as not to torment them with drops. Helps immediately. 2. sore throat. Also apply to the tonsil area. Cover your throat. 3. cough. Rub your chest. We do both front and back. 4. sores in the mouth and lips. 5. ear inflammation. With a tampon inside. The next day passes. 6. any abrasion and sore on the surface of the skin with obvious inflammation around it. My son had his ear badly torn off last summer. By evening the ear became bright red and swollen. It's hot outside. Do not apply a bandage. And the boy won’t walk down the street with her. 7. muscle strain. 8. joint pain.

Basic recipe

To prepare a miracle cure - ointment with beeswax, you will need very little. The basic recipe has only three ingredients:

  • actual wax;
  • vegetable oil;
  • boiled chicken egg.

For production you need natural wax, it can even be unfiltered. Of course, cleaned wax looks much more aesthetically pleasing, but the presence of impurities in the wax is not a problem, but serves as a guarantee of its naturalness and greater effectiveness. Approximately 30 g of wax will be required.

The quality of vegetable oil, despite prejudice, also does not matter: refined sunflower, flaxseed, castor or first-press olive, depends only on your preferences. You need one glass of oil.

There should be no discrepancies at all regarding the subject of a chicken egg: it needs to be boiled and for the ointment, use only half of the boiled yolk.

Before preparation, it is necessary to build a water bath: for medicinal purposes, it is recommended not to heat the wax to more than 70 degrees. Combine oil and wax in an enamel bowl. Heat until the mixture becomes homogeneous. There is no need to stir. After the wax has melted without removing it from the water bath, half a boiled yolk is added to the composition. It must first be kneaded. Stir until smooth, and only then stop heating.

You don’t have to strain the composition, just pour it into pre-prepared sealed jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Before use, you need to knead a little ointment in your hands - it easily becomes plastic under the influence of body temperature.

As a supplement, you can use any pharmaceutical oil, depending on the indications.

Miracle ointment for many diseases

Skin treatment

If you need a quick-acting remedy that will help cope with:

  • burns;
  • inflammatory process;
  • frostbite;
  • fungal infection;
  • cracks on the legs and microcracks on the hands;
  • furunculosis;
  • ulcers;
  • peeling and itching of the skin of unknown origin, you can use another recipe. However, the wax must be supplemented with propolis.

To prepare this ointment, instead of vegetable oil, take butter; it will take about 100 g. As already mentioned, you need wax and propolis (10 g each), as well as the yolk of one hard-boiled egg.

For preparation, it is recommended to use a water bath, with careful temperature control: the mixture should not warm up to more than 70 degrees. Place mashed butter, crushed wax and propolis powder in an enamel bowl. The mixture is constantly stirred and kept at a constant temperature until it becomes homogeneous. Then pre-pounded yolk is added to it. At the same temperature, without leaving the water bath, the future ointment is heated, stirring constantly, for another 10-15 minutes.

Be careful not to let water get into it. After the ointment has become homogeneous, it is poured into prepared glass jars with airtight lids and left to cool.

Store only in the refrigerator, warm in the palm of your hand before use.

Beekeeping. Beeswax based ointment.

Treatment of sore joints

For connective tissue pathologies, arthritis, arthrosis, and generally for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis and radiculitis, it is recommended to complicate the recipe a little and add animal fat to the composition of the medicine.

To prepare, you need to take 100 g of vegetable and animal fat. Literally any kind will do, goose, badger, bear, even pork. Dry larkspur root and propolis, crushed or grated to a powder in an amount of 20-30 g each. The same amount of wax will be required. If desired, you can add dry crushed mint or lemon balm - no more than 20-30 g.

All components are mixed, then placed to be heated and extracted in a water bath. After the wax and fat have become liquid and mixed with oil, the future ointment is kept at a temperature of 70 degrees, stirring constantly for at least 30 minutes. Then filter through nylon and pour into jars.

The resulting ointment has several possibilities for use:

  • you can simply rub it into the sore spot while doing self-massage;
  • If you heat it in a water bath, you can make a hot application. To do this, you need to prepare cellophane in advance, several layers of gauze to retain heat and an elastic bandage. The melted ointment is poured onto cellophane and firmly fixed on the sore joint. It is recommended to leave it overnight.

Ointment for joints - a folk recipe based on beeswax and deadwood

Miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk recipe application. How to prepare an ointment from wax and yolk

The recipe for a miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk requires strict adherence to the ratio of ingredients and preparation diagram. It is necessary to ensure the presence of scales and a thermometer to measure temperature. It is better to mix the ingredients in a deep container. The classic recipe for a miracle ointment includes:

  • 250 ml vegetable oil;
  • ½ chicken yolk;
  • 40 g wax.

Preparation principle:

  1. Vegetable oil is heated over low heat to a temperature of 40 °C.
  2. Wax is added to the heated oil.
  3. While the wax is melting, grind the yolk in a separate container.
  4. The next step is to gradually pour it into the resulting mixture.
  5. If abundant foam appears, remove the pan temporarily from the heat.
  6. The medicinal product is carefully mixed over low heat.
  7. The ointment is set aside for 10-15 minutes, after which it is distributed into jars with an airtight lid.

As an alternative, use an ointment with wax, olive oil and yolk. Olive oil acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory protector. It increases the body's ability to heal itself. An ointment containing it is considered especially useful in the treatment of varicose veins. Another positive property is hydration of dehydrated skin. The disadvantages of ointment with olive oil include a high risk of an allergic reaction.

Comment! During cooking, the egg yolk takes on a dark brown hue. This is considered absolutely normal.

Beeswax Recipes

Wax is a biologically active substance with bactericidal properties. Therefore, many pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations are prepared on its basis. The production of many medicinal creams, ointments, plasters and suppositories is possible only on the basis of beeswax (sticky and mercury plasters, camphor, spermaceti and lead ointment, etc.).

In folk medicine, beeswax has long been used to treat runny nose, sore throat, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. There are ancient wax-based recipes for healing furunculosis and other pustular skin diseases.

The production of many medicinal creams, ointments, patches and suppositories is possible only on the basis of beeswax

For a runny nose, sore throat, sinusitis, and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to chew honeycombs with honey, a teaspoon of honeycomb honey several times a day, for 15 minutes. It is also very useful to chew wax (especially with honey) as a prophylactic to prevent influenza and other viral infections - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

For angina, inhalations are recommended. Place 60 grams of propolis, 40 grams of wax in a 300-400 ml container and place in a water bath. Vapors are inhaled through a tube 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 15 minutes. The wax contains carotene and vitamin A, so it is used for some skin diseases. This is due to the fact that wax has an antimicrobial effect.

Treatment of joints and spine with beeswax recipe

Take 100 grams of beeswax, 10 grams. mumiyo, 10 ml of aloe juice and 50 ml of cedar oil. Dissolve mumiyo in aloe juice and add oil. Melt the wax in a water bath and add to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly. The ointment must be rubbed into the sore joints and spine until recovery. By using this beeswax recipe, you will get relief in the first days.

Treatment of benign tumors, mastopathy with beeswax recipe

We take 80 grams of celandine grass, 80 grams of oleoresin, 100 grams of beeswax and 600 grams of olive oil. Pour the resin with olive oil and cook for 30 minutes until it is completely dissolved. Add beeswax and stir constantly. Grind the celandine in a coffee grinder and add to all the ingredients. Boil the entire mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath, then filter and apply to the required areas.

Miracle ointment for 100 diseases. Beeswax: properties

The miraculous ointment for 100 diseases, instructions for preparation of which are offered, consists of three parts. Wax is the main ingredient of the product. Its healing qualities have long been used by humanity, and the first mentions of it date back to the third millennium BC. e. Even the priests of Ancient Egypt idolized this product, and in the treatises of famous healers of the past its wonderful healing properties were described many times. And today, in our advanced age, humanity often turns to beekeeping products for help, the medicinal qualities of which are also recognized by official medicine, highlighting a whole area called apitherapy. Wax owes its unique healing properties to almost three hundred different unique chemical compounds.

Church candles are not suitable for preparing the ointment; you need natural wax, which can be purchased at the market, in specialized api-pharmacies or from a beekeeper you know. The maximum concentration of nutrients in the wax is indicated by its color. Rich sandy with a noticeable dark green tint, indicating an increased presence of propolis - this is the indicator that you need to focus on. In addition, wax is necessary in the composition of the ointment as a stabilizer-preservative.

Composition of ointment wax oil yolk

The usefulness of the miracle ointment based on beeswax with yolk and oil was known in ancient times.

Beeswax composition: preservative, natural antibiotic, natural emulsifier, which cannot be avoided when making a cream or ointment composition. If the product is white, it means it was obtained from young honeycombs. The greenish color of the wax indicates its enriched vitamin composition, which:

  • fights pain;
  • disinfects;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • softens epidermal tissue.

Vegetable oil in the ointment is not just an additional ingredient; due to the oil, the wax is better absorbed by the body. It is better if a cold-pressed natural product is used to prepare the medicinal composition.

This product is more saturated with useful components, and if it needs to be taken orally, it does not have bitterness. Refined oil lasts longer in the refrigerator.

Boiled egg yolk is used in cosmetology as a restorative component at the cellular level. The medicine is more effective if you use eggs from domestic chickens to prepare it (can be replaced with quail yolks).

Miracle ointment for hemorrhoids. Opinions of people who have tried the medicinal ointment and doctors

Those who have already experienced the miracle ointment for 100 diseases speak very highly of it. Patients very often use it as a drug to treat ARVI. Today, cold medicines are quite expensive to buy, but here you have a simple remedy and the ingredients for making it at hand.

Can be used as a cosmetic to improve facial skin. The drug has a healing and softening effect. Women especially praise the results of use on rough skin of the feet.

Reviews from doctors about Valentina Seimova’s ointment are quite categorical. The situation is such that most diseases cannot be cured even with the most proven drugs.

If, for example, you treat gangrene, then you need to think 200 times about what to use. Boiled yolk spoils very quickly, even when stored in a cold place. So, if you anoint your leg or arm with this mixture, you can immediately say goodbye to it.

Secondly, regarding the treatment of colds, wax and oil are good, and the yolk can cure a runny nose, and even if it has been rotten in the jar for a long time, so as not to catch an even bigger infection.

Treatment of the reproductive system with this drug generally causes complete bewilderment.

The miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk has not passed the tests of official medicine. People are lured out of money in a variety of ways, especially since such ointment is sold everywhere. There are no real cases of cure for diseases with the help of this drug. You can advertise and sell anything you want, Seimova’s Christmas ointment is just that case.

In principle, if used externally, for example, for varicose veins, there will be no harm, but use in areas where there are abrasions or in the form of vaginal tampons, turundum in the nose and for ulcers and colitis is strictly contraindicated.

Olive oil wax propolis: when to apply the ointment

The main component in a preparation of any concentration is bee glue or bee bond.
The main component in a preparation of any concentration is bee glue or bee bond. It is he who plays the leading role, having the following impact:

  • regenerating;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antifungal.

In addition, propolis ointment helps strengthen local immunity and suppresses viral and bacterial activity well. Regularly using propolis-based ointment for skin care, patients note a slowdown in aging, reduction and smoothing of wrinkles.

The use of propolis ointment is justified by its powerful regenerating and antiseptic effect. Moreover, the action and effect of ointment with propolis for skin diseases is noticeable within a few days. The inflammatory process decreases, the skin stops itching, and the lesions of the skin are significantly reduced.

Propolis ointment with the addition of various components is used from:

  • paraproctitis;
  • scars;
  • epididymitis;
  • hemorrhoids.

Ointment based on bee glue is widely used for diseases such as:

  • runny nose, sinusitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • erysipelas;
  • tearfulness of the eyes;
  • erosion.

Medicines containing propolis are prescribed for healing wounds, burns, and bedsores. The method and duration of use varies; it directly depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Next, we will tell you how propolis ointment is made at home.

Miracle ointment of the monastery. Monastic ointment: application, properties, reviews

In ancient times, when there was no professional medicine, many people were treated with so-called folk remedies, and this helped them. Monastic ointment is one of those inventions of mankind that have been used to treat more than one generation of people. In this article we will tell you in detail about the product and its advantages.

Recipe for monastery ointment

Today, absolutely all people know about the effect of an ointment of this nature. That is why many manufacturers have patented the production of products under their own brands. That is, now people do not make the ointment themselves, but can buy it ready-made in pharmacies. In addition, many manufacturers say that a large number of ointments are exclusively natural. Some companies have proven this. On the packaging you can read the composition of the product and make sure that its composition is natural, or vice versa.

Today, the monastic ointment is not one of its kind, because technology does not stand still, but new medicinal preparations are being developed. The recipe, which was invented long ago by our ancestors, has been preserved to this day, which allows us to buy this ointment in pharmacies or make it ourselves. Consider the recipe for the monastery ointment.

You need to take lard, certainly old and salted, including yellowed lard. Find a pine log or plank that is as resinous as possible, and also grind chaga (birch mushroom) in a coffee grinder. Prepare wire, a vessel to collect melted lard, and also matches.

Now you can get started. Preferably somewhere outdoors, as the process is smoky. You need to strengthen a pine block or thick wood chips at an angle and set fire to its lower part.

Hold the lard on a wire over the fire. The melted fat will flow into the fire and along the log, mixing with the seething resin, flow into the tank. To this fat you need to add 2-3 teaspoons of chaga per hundred grams, stir thoroughly, and cool.

Application of ointment

Monastic ointment has long shown itself to be the best. It is truly healing and helps with certain ailments. Due to the fact that the ointment is made exclusively from natural ingredients and contains absolutely no chemicals, it is useful. As for possible harm, there is none. This type of ointment has received quite a lot of positive reviews throughout its existence. Therefore, you can use it without any problems or fears.

The ointment has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. And it is used mainly as an adjunct to the treatment of diseases of bones and joints of various etiologies.

Proper Use

In order for the monastic ointment to give the desired effect, it is necessary to use it exclusively according to the rules advised by medical experts. First of all, it should be noted that this ointment is for external use only. It must be applied to a person’s skin at the place where this or that pain is felt. Rub the ointment into the skin no more than three times a day in a circular motion.

If you have problems with joints, after applying this ointment you need to do a warm-up to the best of your ability. In this case, all the positive substances will begin to act much faster.

As for the duration of use of the drug, this issue must be resolved with your doctor, because each person is individual, and the ointment is suitable for everyone according to their specific characteristics.

Properties of the ointment

An ointment of this nature can perfectly restore all tissues of the human body. It perfectly relieves pain in the human body, as well as aches in bones and joints. Blood flow in the body increases and reaches the required level. The ointment also has a warming effect on the place where it was applied. Any inflammation or swelling is relieved only after a week of using this product. Tension in certain muscles is relieved, and relaxation occurs in the human body, which allows you to have a good rest. Mobility in the joints increases, and this is also a positive property of this drug. After fractures, it has a strengthening function for certain bones.

Many doctors recommend the use of this particular type of ointment in order to relieve tension in the body and for treatment of one or another type, which was indicated above. Monastic ointment will ensure smooth skin in any case.

Monastic ointment has quite positive reviews. Let's look at them in more detail to know whether this remedy is worth using. Some patients say that they liked the ointment, but it is not available in pharmacies in their city; they have to order online and overpay for delivery.

Other users, who often leave comments on the page anonymously, say that they like the composition of this ointment and its smell. As for the effect, it is undeniable.

Cream of propolis wax and olive oil

This mixture is also recommended for external use, for infections and damaged skin.
Has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. This mixture is also recommended for external use, for infections and skin damage. Has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Ingredients : 120-140 g of propolis oil (based on butter, olive or sea buckthorn), 25 g of beeswax.


  1. Grate the wax.
  2. Heat the propolis oil in a water bath, add wax. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Do not allow the mixture to begin to boil.
  3. Filter through a bandage or gauze.

Application : apply to the skin, use with bandages.

Ointment based on beeswax and olive oil. How to prepare an ointment based on beeswax?

This miracle ointment with beeswax is easy to prepare. In addition to 25-30 g of wax, we will need the following ingredients:

  • ½ chicken egg yolk
  • Vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, wheat germ, hemp) – 150 ml.

The main role in this recipe is given to natural wax, the healing properties of which have been known for many years and proven experimentally.

The beneficial compounds contained in the wax (carotenoids, fatty acids, minerals, esters, vitamins, saturated carbohydrates) have an effective bactericidal effect on the body, perfectly soothe, soften and moisturize the skin.

For this reason, beeswax is often used to prepare medicinal compositions and ointments for healing wounds during furunculosis and burns, during inflammatory processes, and to restore blood supply to cells and tissues.

The second important component in this homemade ointment is any vegetable oil that you find at home or that you like best. Olive oil is the most common choice.

The presence of oil is mandatory, because it is this product that helps the wax dissolve faster, making it very soft. And the oil itself (if we talk about olive oil) is extremely healthy and rich in vitamins that the human body needs.

The third component is the yolk of a chicken egg. It is better to use the yolk of a homemade egg, which must first be boiled.

How can such a familiar product as egg yolk be useful in an ointment with beeswax? The fats, proteins and sulfur it contains renew cells and help the regenerative processes in them.

Cooking technology

An ointment is prepared from oil, wax and yolk as follows: the oil must be poured into a bowl and heated to 35-40 degrees in a water bath. Crumble the wax there. It should completely melt and combine with the butter, after which we add in small portions the yolk, well mashed with a fork (or mashed with a blender).

Be careful when doing this. The yolk can cause a lot of foam to appear. The mixture begins to actively bubble and foam. At this point, it is better to remove the saucepan from the heat for a short time. Then we return it to the stove again, constantly stirring until it reaches a homogeneous consistency.

We remove our preparation without letting it boil (it is not recommended to heat beeswax, used for medicinal purposes, above 65-70 degrees). You can control the temperature using a cooking thermometer.

It is important. A truly effective miracle ointment can be obtained if you constantly monitor the melting process. Because prolonged boiling and overheating can destroy most of the beneficial substances in the final product.

Next, it is recommended to strain the finished ointment (for this we use a sieve, suitable synthetic fabric or gauze) and pour it into small (preferably glass) containers with a wide neck.

There is a point of view that it is not necessary to strain the composition. It is simply poured into sealed, pre-prepared jars. But in any case, you need to choose a cooler place to store the ointment, or better yet, place it in the refrigerator.

Before using it, the required amount of ointment needs to be warmed up a little by kneading it in your hands. Under the influence of body temperature, the mass softens and becomes plastic.

Beeswax cream recipe

The ancient Egyptian priestesses used face creams, body balms, and lipsticks based on beeswax. The main component of this miracle cream is beeswax, a product unique in its composition and healing qualities. Cream with beeswax saturates facial tissues with useful substances and, like a second skin, supports your face and prevents it from sagging.

Recipe for anti-aging cream based on beeswax

Ingredients for cream:

  • 50 ml of oil, which can be found in your home pharmacy-cosmetic bag: it can be olive, wheat germ, jojoba;
  • 25 ml coconut oil;
  • wax : you need about 20 grams of it.

We advise you to read: Wax for calluses on feet.

As an active supplement, take about a quarter of a teaspoon of vitamin E; it is easy to find in pharmacies. 10 drops of essential oil of your choice. Add beeswax to the oil. Wax is hard and different from oils. Melt this mixture in a water bath, stirring to speed up the process. The wax should become liquid, like oil, and almost “get lost” in the oil.

Allow time for your cream to cool at room temperature. Stir the cooling mixture vigorously from time to time. When the cream base from the liquid creamy milk thickens slightly, add the essential oils and active ingredients.

Even before starting the process, prepare a storage container - sterilize if possible, wipe with alcohol or wash with soap and dry. The more thorough the sterilization, the longer the cream is stored. Transfer the cream to a prepared sterile container (jar, container with a lid) until it hardens completely.



Wax and propolis ointment. What is bee propolis?

Propolis is a bee glue that bees use to seal cracks and isolate foreign objects in the hive, as well as to disinfect honeycombs. It is a hard plastic substance of dark green, brown or yellowish color.

It has a characteristic bitter taste and smells of honey and wax. Bees make propolis by mixing collected pollen with their secretion from the jaw glands.

The healing properties of propolis

Propolis naturally has the properties of a pharmaceutical antibiotic and at the same time helps strengthen the immune system and has no side effects. It contains flavonoids and phytoncides. These are powerful antioxidants that are known to fight cancer and slow down aging. Used as a remedy:

  • normalization of pressure;
  • improving blood formation;
  • antimicrobial and antiviral action;
  • antifungal and antiparasitic;
  • diuretic and choleretic.

The medicinal properties of this substance have led to its widespread use in the fields of dentistry, gynecology, dermatology and pediatrics. In medicine, homeopathic ointment with propolis and throat spray with propolis are used.

Areas of use

Propolis-based ointments are an effective traditional medicine with a wide range of beneficial qualities. They are indicated for various diseases and health problems and are common due to the availability of ingredients. Medicines are used to increase local immunity and restore regenerative processes.

Propolis ointment is used:

  1. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Trophic ulcers.
  3. Dermatitis.
  4. Diseases of the genital organs.
  5. Hemorrhoids.
  6. Damage to the skin, abrasions and open wounds.
  7. Colds.

Since the product is organic, it has a cumulative effect. To improve the results of therapy, you need to adhere to the application regimen and avoid omissions. Painful sensations are localized within the first few days after the start of treatment.

For each disease, a suitable dosage of a healing mixture has been developed . So, to combat fungi, a composition with a 20% concentration of the substance is used. For open lesions, 30 percent ointment is used. Erosion, bruising and open wounds are eliminated with ointments containing 15% bee bond. The 10 percent products are cosmetic in nature.


Propolis ointment can be boiled when diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur. The natural substance has anesthetic properties, fights inflammation and provides a regenerative effect. In terms of analgesic properties, bee glue is often superior to novocaine.

Outdoor use

The use of propolis for external treatment of affected areas of the skin has been practiced since the advent of traditional medicine. This form of use is especially effective if the stomach is intolerant to the product.

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