Strengthening cerebral blood vessels

Weak, brittle vessels cause diseases that cause great damage to health - atherosclerosis, ischemia, stroke, heart attack. Statistics show that pathologies of the vascular system are one of the main causes of mortality throughout the world. Every year, 17.5 million people die from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Many people who have encountered similar disruptions in the body’s functioning are concerned with the question of how to strengthen the blood vessels located in the brain.

The need to strengthen blood vessels

Diseases of the elements of the bloodstream in the early stages proceed unnoticed. Common headaches, restless sleep, dizziness, noise in the head, decreased performance, increased fatigue, deterioration of cognitive abilities are alarming signs and symptoms that indicate the development of disorders in the brain tissue. Vascular fragility is associated with pathological changes in the structure of the vascular wall. Pathologies are provoked by the following reasons:

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • improper diet including foods high in fat and salt;
  • bad habits – abuse of alcohol-containing drinks, smoking;
  • low physical activity, sedentary work;
  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • arterial hypertension, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • frequent stress.

Cholesterol plaques are deposited on the surface of the walls, grow due to the attachment of calcium cells and the production of connective tissue. As a result, the lumen narrows, preventing normal blood flow. Cerebral circulation is disrupted, which causes hypoxia and tissue ischemia. Doctors believe that 80% of strokes and heart attacks could be avoided with the help of prevention and timely, correct therapy. The condition of the vascular walls can be improved.

To strengthen the blood vessels in the brain, medications, means and methods of traditional medicine are used. A comprehensive program for restoring the normal structure of blood vessels located in the brain includes dietary nutrition, physical activity, breathing exercises, and hardening of the body. Treatment is prescribed by doctors - therapist, cardiologist, neurologist.

Drug vasodilation

Today, the choice of drugs for vasodilation is quite wide.

Today there are many medications that can dilate blood vessels. Some of them are used urgently if it is necessary to relieve a spasm, while others are suitable for permanent use, but provide a long-term effect. The most commonly used are the following:

  1. Nitroglycerine. This simple and affordable drug should be in the first aid kit of every “heart” patient, and people prone to angina attacks should have it with them at all times. It must be used for attacks of angina pectoris - pain in the heart due to physical or mental stress. One nitroglycerin tablet quickly relieves spasm and pain. But this drug is not effective for many diseases and conditions, such as heart attack and stroke.
  2. Spasmalgon. Another short-acting drug. It cannot be taken on an ongoing basis, but if you need to relieve an attack of headache caused by vasoconstriction, then Spazmalgon is the optimal remedy.
  3. Papaverine. An effective remedy against vasospasm, but it should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
  4. Calcium channel blockers. This is one of the most common means of combating hypertension. Drugs in this group block receptors that are responsible for vasoconstriction, making the drug effective for the treatment of arterial hypertension.
  5. Ginko Biloba. Preparations based on this plant are used to combat age-related changes in blood vessels, as well as improve cerebral circulation.

This is only a part of the drugs to eliminate vascular spasms.

To combat the narrowing of blood vessels due to the deposition of cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques, other drugs are used. There are many commercial forms and names, which the doctor must select in accordance with the diagnostic results.

Pharmacy drugs

Discirculatory encephalopathy is diffuse or multifocal damage to brain tissue resulting from vascular pathologies. The disease in its early stages is treatable. Medications that will help strengthen the blood vessels in the brain are developed for the prevention and treatment of vascular pathologies.

Antihypertensive drugs are prescribed at a minimum dose to reduce the risk of side effects. If blood pressure does not decrease enough, the dose is gradually increased. For maximum therapeutic effect, combinations of drugs are used. Principles of wall strengthening therapy:

  1. Therapy with antiplatelet agents - substances that prevent the formation of blood clots.
  2. Statin therapy for elevated blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Limiting table salt consumption. No more than 5 g (half a teaspoon) daily.
  4. Reducing the amount of animal fat in the diet.

Severe narrowing (more than 70% of the space) of weak great vessels located in the brain requires surgical intervention. A stenting procedure is carried out, during which the vascular lumen is expanded using a cylindrical frame - a stent. Reconstruction of the circulatory system involves the surgical connection of individual vessels and the formation of new branches.


Medications for strengthening the vascular wall have a versatile effect - they reduce tissue permeability, reduce fragility, and increase elasticity. Medicines are available in the form of tablets, drops, capsules with a coating that is soluble in the intestines or stomach.

The selection of vascular-strengthening drugs for the brain is carried out taking into account the causes of occurrence, the age of the patient and the nature of the course of the pathology. When writing a prescription, the doctor takes into account chronic diseases of organs and systems, possible complications and side effects. Drugs created to strengthen the walls of blood vessels:

  1. Capillary stabilizers (Ascorutin, Taxifolin, Dehydroquercetin). They reduce the permeability of walls, prevent capillary fragility, restore microcirculation, have an antioxidant effect, and participate in redox reactions.
  2. Cardiotonic (“Cardiovalen”, “Adonizid”). Stimulates the activity of the heart muscle. They have a mild sedative (calming) effect.
  3. Angioprotectors (Troxevasin, Escusan). They improve microcirculation and rheological parameters of the blood, expand the vascular lumen, and increase the resistance (resistance) of capillaries to negative external influences. Stimulate metabolic processes in the tissues of vascular walls.
  4. Nootropic drugs (“Piracetam”, “Phenotropil”, “Glycine”). Improve mental functions and memory, stimulate cognitive abilities, increase sensitivity to learning. They stabilize the state of the cell membranes of neurons, normalize the synapse - the interaction and transmission of information between nerve cells in the central nervous system.
  5. Vasodilators and antispasmodics (“Eufillin”, “Cavinton”, “Papazol”). Increase the vascular lumen. They reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the walls, which prevents the occurrence of spasms and narrowing of the lumen.
  6. Normalizing blood flow. Myotropic antihypertensive drugs (“Apressin”, “Dibazol”) relax the muscle tissue of the vascular walls. Neurotropic drugs (Reserpine, Validol) have an antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) effect and normalize lipid (fat) metabolism. Preparations based on nitrates and their derivatives (“Nitroglycerin”, “Nitrosorbide”) improve cerebral circulation by expanding the vascular lumen.
  7. Calcium antagonists (Verapamil, Nifedipine). They slow down the penetration of calcium into the cells of the heart muscle and blood vessels, inhibit the increase in the volume of cholesterol plaques, and expand the vascular lumen.

To find out how to increase the elasticity of blood vessels located in parts of the brain using medications, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor - a therapist or a neurologist. The specialist will select a treatment program, taking into account the medical history, features of the course of the disease, and the results of the diagnostic examination.

Complexes of minerals and multivitamins

To strengthen the blood vessels and capillaries in the brain, vitamin complexes are indicated, including vitamins B, C, E, PP and trace elements - potassium, selenium, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron.

Types of drugs for cerebral vessels

A complex of drugs that can eliminate the cause of the pathology can stabilize the functioning of the central nervous system. And the new generation of vascular drugs for the brain will speed up recovery.

When treating affected vessels of the head and neck, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Alpha-1 adrenergic blockers. They reduce blood pressure by relieving vasospasm of arterioles and promote the dilation of blood vessels. Used for hypertension.
  2. Alpha-2 adrenergic blockers. They increase blood pressure by stimulating adrenergic receptors of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Prescribed for hypotension.
  3. Calcium channel blockers. They have a relaxing effect on the walls of blood vessels, relieve spasms and help expand the lumen of capillaries and arteries. They lower blood pressure by blocking the process of tissue saturation with calcium ions.
  4. Vasodilators. They help increase the lumen of blood vessels, reduce blood flow speed and blood pressure. Accelerate metabolic processes in brain tissue.
  5. Nootropic drugs. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, can inhibit or stimulate the transmission of nervous excitation in various parts of the brain, reduce or increase the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  6. Antispasmodics. Relaxes the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Antiplatelet agents. Prevents the formation of blood clots.

The method of using medications depends on the type of pathology and its effect on the body. The choice of treatment method is also influenced by the patient’s health status: for example, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pills for cerebral vessels will do more harm than good. In this case, droppers, intramuscular and intravenous injections from the blood vessels of the brain are prescribed.

The decision on how to treat the cerebral vessels and how the drugs will be administered is determined by the attending physician.

To dilate blood vessels

Before treating cerebral vessels, a specialist determines the cause of the pathology. This occurs during the process of interviewing and examining the patient. For example, an increase in blood pressure becomes a consequence of spasm and stenosis of blood vessels. They provoke a disruption of the blood supply to the central nervous system and a lack of nutrients to the brain cells.

To solve this problem, doctors prescribe drugs that improve the physiological characteristics of cerebral vessels:

  • "Piracetam." According to research, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, due to the activation of neurometabolic processes and blood circulation. Stimulates redox reactions in the body: accelerates the removal of glucose from the body, restores blood flow in ischemic areas of nervous tissue. Systematic use of Piracetam leads to increased resistance of the brain to lack of oxygen and intoxication.
  • "Mexidol". Applicable only in Russia. According to experts, it has antihypoxic, stress-protective, nootropic, antiepileptic and anxiolytic effects. Used to improve blood flow in the vessels of the brain after FM injuries, encephalopathy and vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).
  • "Papaverine". It has a hypotensive effect, that is, it reduces the tone and relaxes the walls of blood vessels. It is a blocker in the absorption of calcium ions by the body.

For atherosclerosis

Damage to the main arteries and veins by cholesterol plaques leads to a decrease in the lumen and a decrease in the elasticity of the vessel walls. This leads to depletion of blood flow and, as a consequence, degenerative changes in tissues. This disease increases the risk of blood clots.

Therapy of cerebral atherosclerosis is based on the use of new generation drugs aimed at reducing cholesterol deposits and eliminating the manifestations of pathology:

  • "Betaserk." Relieves the feeling of tinnitus, dizziness, and alleviates migraine attacks. This drug contains betahistine as an active substance. It regulates the pressure of fluids in the labyrinth and cochlea of ​​the hearing aid. Used in conjunction with other drugs in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • "Lovastatin." Corrects lipid metabolism - blocks their synthesis in the liver and accelerates elimination from the body.

With vasospasm

The main cause of cephalgia is usually narrowing of the main arteries and stenosis of small blood vessels of the head and neck. The following drugs will help get rid of it:

  • "Eufillin." Reduces muscle tone of the walls of blood vessels, improves blood supply to the structures of the central nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Available in the form of tablets and powder for injections and droppers.
  • "Drotaverine". It is an antispasmodic: it blocks the absorption of calcium ions by smooth muscle cells, reducing their tone. Does not depress the autonomic nervous system.
  • "Vitamin RR". Another name is nicotinic acid. Dilates blood vessels in the brain. Normalizes blood microcirculation in the tissues of the central nervous system, thereby preventing the development of ischemic changes. It is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, as it reduces the concentration of lipids in the body. It has a weak anticoagulant effect on blood cells, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.

To improve cerebral circulation

The activity of the entire central nervous system depends on the intensity of neurometabolic processes. Therefore, one of the directions in therapy is to activate the body’s circulatory system. In case of cerebrovascular accident, drugs for the blood vessels of the brain and heart are used as treatment:

  • "Actovegin". Refers to antioxidants. Restores the processes of saturation of brain tissue with useful microelements, improves blood flow, and prevents the development of ischemia.
  • “Vazobral.” Reduces the permeability of blood vessel walls to nutrients and has a pronounced neurometabolic effect. Restores cerebral circulation. Positively affects mental abilities, improves memory. Eliminates the effects of hypoxia and intoxication.
  • A dropper for cerebral vessels containing the drug “Cavinton” accelerates neurometabolic processes by increasing the consumption of glucose and oxygen by nerve cells. Increases the resistance of neurons to intoxication.

For cerebral ischemia

The lack of nutrients for the cells of the central nervous system is extremely destructive - it provokes dystrophic changes in them. This condition is dangerous for humans, as it leads to necrosis of nervous tissue and, as a consequence, dysfunction of the central organ of the nervous system.

To obtain an effective result in the treatment of ischemia, the following medications for cerebral vessels are used:

  • "Nimotop". Prevents neurological disorders caused by hypoxia by relieving spasms from the walls of blood vessels, normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system. Contains substances that block calcium absorption.
  • "Courantil". Slows down the aggregation of platelets, improves microcirculation in the structures of the brain. It is a vasodilator.
  • "Enduracin". The active ingredient is nicotinic acid. It accelerates neurometabolic processes, thereby preventing the development of degenerative changes.

For cerebral stroke

Acute disruption of the blood supply to the structures of the central nervous system most often develops of the ischemic type (in 80% of cases), in a quarter of clinical cases it is caused by hemorrhage, in 5% by non-traumatic subarachnoid bleeding.

One way or another, insufficient brain nutrition leads to neurological abnormalities. After emergency treatment of the patient, a long recovery follows, during which the following medications are prescribed:

  • "Clopidogrel." Reduces blood cell aggregation.
  • "Prestarium". Normalizes blood pressure. Taking the drug must be agreed with your doctor. There are a number of contraindications.
  • Semax nasal drops. Refers to nootropics. Promotes the restoration of neurons, activates brain function. Positively affects the cognitive functions of the brain.

To prevent blood clots

Increased blood aggregation threatens the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. A blood clot can break off, block the bloodstream and cause brain bleeding.

Elderly people are prescribed blood-thinning medications to prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the brain and treat vascular diseases:

  • "Warfarin", "Heparin", "Aspirin".
  • "Pentoxifylline." Increases the concentration of ATP in the brain and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system. Reduces blood viscosity, causes platelet destruction, increases the elasticity of red blood cells. Refers to vascular drugs that improve blood microcirculation in areas of impaired circulation in the structures of the brain. Helps eliminate night cramps and muscle pain.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Normal brain function depends on the integrity of the blood vessels. Unfortunately, their elasticity decreases under the influence of diseases and aging changes.

In atherosclerosis, which is common among older people, one of the causes of stroke is a decrease in the amount of collagen in the smooth muscles of blood vessels and their fragility, which is aggravated by the presence of cholesterol plaques.

Therefore, in the treatment of pathologies associated with the functioning of the circulatory system, vitamins for blood vessels in tablets and dietary supplements are additionally used:

  • "Ascorutin". Stabilizes the membrane of capillaries. Contains rutoside and vitamin C. Reduces the fragility of small blood vessels and has antioxidant properties.
  • "Glycine forte." The drug has a neurospecific effect on the nervous system and has a calming and antidepressant effect. Reduces the severity of manifestations of vegetative-vascular disorders and cerebral disorders in stroke and head injury, neutralizes the effect of ethanol on the central nervous system.


Methods and recipes of traditional medicine will help improve the elasticity of brain vessels. Folk remedies proven over the centuries to improve the condition of the blood vessels in the brain include:

  • Tinctures, decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs.
  • A balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fiber, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Sports activities. Dosed, precisely calculated loads train the heart muscle, accelerate blood flow, and improve blood supply to the brain.

Head massage, neck warm-up and hardening procedures will restore lost flexibility and tissue structure if the vessels have become thinner and weaker.

Natural vitamins

A diet high in natural vitamins is beneficial for the blood vessels in the brain. A tincture made from cranberries and garlic is a storehouse of useful substances. Garlic cleanses the inner surface of the walls from cholesterol plaques. The anti-sclerotic and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic have been known since ancient times. Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, have a pronounced antioxidant effect, lower blood pressure, and normalize cholesterol levels.

Herbal infusions

If you need advice on how to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is worth remembering medicinal plants that support the healthy state of the elements of the vascular system. Various combinations of herbal teas, which include motherwort, meadowsweet, cudweed, rose hips, hawthorn and rowan, are brewed with boiling water and used to increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Natural green tea substances well tone the weakened, thin walls of brain vessels.

Tincture of barberry root, sea buckthorn oil, sprouted grains of wheat, oats, buckwheat will regulate the decreased or increased tone of the walls of blood vessels supplying blood to parts of the brain. Tannins in black tea normalize thinned, brittle vascular walls. Tannin, which is part of tea, is a natural venotonic. These are substances that tone smooth muscle tissue. In tea with milk, the stimulating effect of caffeine is neutralized, which helps normalize the activity of the central nervous system.

Useful tips

Sauna is a great workout for blood vessels

To dilate blood vessels at home, in addition to proper nutrition, medication and folk therapy, you should adhere to a number of additional recommendations, which relate primarily to lifestyle:

  1. Healthy sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for vascular health and well-being. You need to spend at least 8-9 hours sleeping, depending on your needs. For insomnia, you can use natural-based sedatives.
  2. Massage. A general strengthening massage perfectly stimulates the functioning of the vascular system. When cerebral vessels are damaged, massage of the cervical-collar area is useful.
  3. Cold and hot shower. A contrast shower, in which you alternate between dousing with cold and hot water, is the best exercise for your blood vessels. It forces them to expand and contract, improves their tone and elasticity. But it should not be carried out on elderly people without preparation. In such cases, you can use a simpler option: place two basins with hot and cold water next to each other and lower them into them alternately for a few seconds.
  4. Sauna, bathhouse, hammam. Such procedures are associated with warming up the entire body, which causes the blood vessels to expand and relieves their spasm. Massage enhances the effect, be it a soap massage in the hammam or the use of brooms in the bathhouse. Traditional sprinkling with snow after a bath is an excellent prevention of vascular diseases.
  5. Walks. It is very important to take at least a half-hour walk in the fresh air every day, preferably in a park. This ensures a flow of fresh oxygen to all tissues and tones the blood vessels.

Following these recommendations will help normalize the functioning of blood vessels, relieve their spasms and get rid of growths, thereby preserving your health for many years.

Products to improve the condition of blood vessels

Nutritionists have identified which foods strengthen blood vessels and improve cerebral circulation. The list of foods necessary for normal nutrition of the vascular walls includes honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, fresh fruits and vegetables. Carrots, cranberries, eggplants, apricots, cabbage, and greens are especially useful. To find out how to improve the condition of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation, just remember about foods that are rich in vitamins PP and E.

These are legumes (beans, peas, lentils) and cereals (oats, buckwheat, corn). It is worth regularly adding river and sea fish to your diet, which contain a large amount of microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nutritionists advise against eating sausages, frankfurters and other processed meat products, dishes with large amounts of refined sugar, flour, fats and starch fractions.

Folk remedies for vasodilation

The beneficial properties of herbs can also be used to dilate blood vessels.

Traditional medicine, based on the healing properties of plants, has dozens of ways to dilate blood vessels at home:

  1. Garlic oil. This remedy is one of the most effective and versatile. The head of garlic should be mashed into a paste or finely chopped and placed in a glass jar, filled with a glass of unrefined vegetable oil. Leave the product in the refrigerator for at least a day. Then you need to drink one teaspoon of oil mixed with the same amount of lemon juice three times a day before meals. The duration of the course must be at least three months.
  2. Hawthorn. This remedy strengthens blood vessels and relieves their spasm. 20 grams of hawthorn fruits need to be poured with 200 grams of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator, taking one tablespoon before meals. A similar composition can be prepared from hawthorn flowers, but take 1 tablespoon per glass of water. The duration of the course is 3 months.
  3. Valerian. This plant is known for its calming properties, but it also relieves spasms and relaxes vascular muscles. To do this, you need to boil 10 grams of dry valerian roots in 200 grams of boiling water in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the broth should be infused for another 2 hours, well wrapped. Afterwards, strain and store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the product one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  4. It is also useful to drink herbal infusions, using motherwort, yarrow, dried grass, mistletoe, and fireweed.
  5. Hazel. Dry hazel bark and leaves are crushed. 20 grams of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour, well wrapped. The finished infusion should be taken one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  6. To cleanse blood vessels from toxins and plaques, other plants are used - birch buds, chamomile flowers, yarrow, St. John's wort, immortelle. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, 100 grams each, then a tablespoon of the mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for half an hour. You need to take the infusion twice daily: in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening. The course continues until the prepared mixture is finished. This course can be conducted once every 2-3 years.

These are the most common and well-proven home vasodilation methods. They can be used simultaneously with therapeutic drug methods, but you should consult your doctor before doing so. He will be able to determine whether this remedy will harm in a particular case and whether it will conflict with the therapy he has prescribed.

Healthy lifestyle

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are not just words. By giving up bad habits and devoting time to active recreation in nature, you can maintain the strength and flexibility of your vascular walls for a long time. Recommendations on how to restore vascular elasticity include proper sleep, which lasts at least 7 hours a day. During sleep, the body is restored, impaired functions are independently regulated and corrected.


Those who want to learn how to increase the speed of blood flow and increase the tone of blood vessels in the brain should remember yoga. The ancient Indian technique is aimed at improving overall well-being, normalizing the state of the vascular and immune systems. Yoga helps you relax and counteract the negative effects of stress. Shirshasana, otherwise known as headstand, significantly improves and accelerates cerebral circulation.

If it is difficult to perform intricate poses, you can replace them with simple gymnastics, which will ensure normal blood flow in the tissues of the brain. If the elasticity of the vessels that nourish the tissues of the brain and neck decreases, it is recommended to regularly perform the following exercises:

  1. Warming up the neck is performed using circular movements in a clockwise direction and in the other direction.
  2. Head tilts are made to the right and left, then alternately in different directions.
  3. Torso bends. Stand up straight. Bend your torso forward, touching the floor with the tips of your hands. Do not bend your knees.
  4. Bends while sitting. Sit on the floor, spread your straightened legs to the sides. Bend your torso forward, stretching your arms and touching the floor in front of you with your hands.
  5. Leg raises in a lying position. Take a horizontal position on your back, lift your outstretched legs alternately without bending them at the knees.
  6. “Goldfish” (method by N. Katsudzo). Take a horizontal position on your back, put your hands under the neck area. The legs are connected together. Pull your socks towards you, vibrate your body, imitating the movements of a swimming fish. Perform bending movements to the right and left.
  7. “Trembling leaf” (method of N. Katsudzo). Lie on your back, raise both extended legs up. Shake them vigorously and finely, imitating the movement of an aspen leaf in the wind.

Perform each exercise for 1-2 minutes. Doctors recommend devoting several hours a week to sports training. Running, swimming, exercise equipment and other cardio exercises are useful. There is no need to make sudden movements or exercise if you feel unwell - tinnitus, dizziness. Breathing exercises at a calm, measured pace will help the body relax and increase the flow of oxygen to the brain tissue.

Symptoms of narrowing of blood vessels supplying the brain

With hypertension or atherosclerosis, the problem increases gradually over several months. Sometimes patients notice tinnitus, dizziness or fatigue, which is attributed to overwork, lack of rest during a difficult work schedule. The characteristic symptoms of the pathology depend on the stage:

  1. At the initial stage, a depressed state, headaches, general weakness and drowsiness are observed. Sleep is disturbed, neurosis and depressive mood may develop, ringing in the ears, aching pain in the upper back are disturbing.
  2. At the second stage, the situation worsens, mental work is difficult for the patient. Often his behavior changes, outbursts of aggression or panic attacks appear, and his gait becomes uncertain. Health problems are accompanied by migraine attacks and fainting, hand tremors.
  3. At the last stage, a person may lose memory and control over urination, and a condition close to dementia develops.

If you do not engage in treatment and do not expand the blood vessels of the brain, changes in the functioning of its parts become irreversible. With chronic hypertension and hypotension, the risk of stroke and dangerous ischemic attacks increases several times.

The listed symptoms become an indication for a comprehensive diagnosis. The main methods to detect vasoconstriction:

  • dopplerography;
  • angiography of vessels with contrast agent;
  • coagulogram;
  • lipid profile to determine cholesterol levels;
  • measuring sugar levels.

When vasoconstriction occurs, the myocardial muscle often suffers, so daily monitoring of blood pressure using a special device is recommended. Panic attacks require consultation with a psychiatrist.

Medicinal preparations for cleaning

Some people do not know how to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain using folk remedies at home.

Doctors who specialize in herbal medicine recommend the use of certain types of medicinal herbs, for example:

  • In four hundred milliliters of boiling water, add two tablespoons of dry chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, and immortelle. Let it brew, then strain. Use morning and evening, with the addition of honey and bay leaf essential oil.
  • You need to take five equal parts of wormwood and clover, you will also need two parts of myrtle and one part of marjoram. You also need to add half a part of the parsley seeds to this collection. Then mix well. Separate three spoons of the mixture and pour one liter of boiling water into them. Cover and let sit for four hours.
  • The recipe includes five tablespoons of pine needles, two tablespoons of onion peel and the same amount of rose hips. Pour a liter of water into it, boil it and leave it to brew. The course of therapy lasts ninety days. Every day you need to drink up to half a liter, but in several doses.
  • You will need burdock root, chop it, separate one spoon, put it in a thermos, pour five hundred milligrams of water, let it infuse. You need to take one hundred and twenty milliliters on an empty stomach for ninety days.

You can cleanse the blood vessels of the brain with folk remedies at home, or with products made from one component, for example:

  • Take finely ground flax seeds and add one glass of water to them. After infusion, you can take it for four months, preferably before bedtime.
  • To prepare the infusion, you will need one tablespoon of hornbeam flowers, poured into one glass of boiling water. The course of treatment will be forty-five days. Take three times, in an amount of 125 milliliters.
  • You will need one tablespoon of field steelweed, filled with one glass of water; the decoction should be prepared in a steam bath. Therapy with this remedy is carried out for three months. You need to take the product four times a day, fifty milliliters.
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