A healthy body means good health, external beauty, and longevity. Self-healing has become fashionable today. People began to cleanse the body - the liver, kidneys, intestines, and blood. Vessels are not left unattended either. It is believed that the arteries must be periodically rid of everything unnecessary. Is cleaning blood vessels with folk remedies safe, and is there a need for it? Which methods are the most effective?
Myths about “cleansing” blood vessels
The circulatory system performs an important function in the body - it delivers blood to organs and tissues from the heart and back. And although blood is a liquid substance, it is quite capable of “clogging” arteries. With age, the risk of atherosclerosis increases. It is manifested by the deposition of cholesterol plaques on any part of the bloodstream. Connective tissue gradually grows in plaques, and the vascular lumen narrows. In severe cases, blockage may even occur. Persons also at risk are:
- with obesity;
- smokers;
- patients with hypertension;
- with diabetes mellitus;
- leading a sedentary lifestyle;
- those who do not adhere to proper nutrition;
- with a hereditary predisposition to atherosclerosis.
Why is it important to monitor the condition of blood vessels? Atherosclerosis is fraught with serious complications: from ischemia to stroke or heart attack.
While self-medicating, many are not aware of the correctness and necessity of measures aimed at cleaning the bloodstream.
There are two main myths about vascular health:
- herbal remedies are the key to healthy blood flow if consumed regularly;
- regular inpatient treatment can prevent atherosclerosis and eliminate existing disease.
But in fact, already formed vascular blockages can only be removed surgically, and no herbal remedies can dissolve these formations. So is there any point in cleaning? Undoubtedly, but for preventive purposes!
Cleansing recipes from healers
Herbalist Tatyana Nikolskaya describes a technique for combating atherosclerosis and eliminating cholesterol plaques from blood vessels and arteries. Tatyana suggests making your own herbal infusions that work in two directions:
- Reduced arterial blood pressure.
- Dissolution of cholesterol plaques.
The first group of collections contains plants:
- promoting blood thinning,
- removing excess fluid from the body,
- dilates the lumens of blood vessels,
- having a sedative effect.
Suitable plants: yellow sweet clover, plantain, meadowsweet, thyme and horsetail, dill seed in equal proportions. Take as follows: 3 tbsp. Brew spoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours, take half a glass before each meal. Another recipe offered by the healer is prepared as follows: motherwort, blueberry leaves, cudweed, knotweed, chamomile in equal proportions. Take according to the scheme for the first collection.
Collections that prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and help restore the elasticity of blood vessels are made up of medicinal plants with anti-sclerotic, vasodilating, sedative, weight loss, decongestant, hemolytic effects. The dried herbs are mixed, crushed, and the decoction is prepared according to the 3 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs in 3 cups of boiling water, infusion for 2 hours, dosage 1 cup before meals 3-4 times a day. The course lasts up to 2 months.
Collection No. 1: Sweet clover, cudweed, plantain, motherwort, meadowsweet 3 parts each, Chernobyl, quinoa, white marigold, raspberry leaves, toadflax, blueberry leaves, red clover, speedwell 2 parts, angustifolia fireweed 1 part.
Collection No. 2: plantain, sweet clover, motherwort, cudweed, meadowsweet 3 parts each, thyme, red clover, string, pepper knotweed, lemon balm 2 parts each, currant leaves, lingonberry, chamomile 1 part each.
Elena Shvedova is a media character who promotes the cleansing of blood vessels using folk remedies. She has developed a recipe for a drink that keeps the circulatory system in good shape and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon chia seeds, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric (seasoning), half a fresh lemon and a quarter of a frozen lemon, a glass of warm boiled water. Recipe: prepare seeds soaked in 1/5 glass of water in the evening, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass in the morning, rub the frozen lemon and add to the glass along with the zest and membranes, add turmeric and honey, add water to the edge of the glass. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Drink daily on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.
What doctors recommend doing
Any good doctor will give recommendations not only on methods of cleaning blood vessels, but also on compliance with certain rules that guarantee a reduction in the risk of atherosclerosis. What will the specialist advise:
- regular examination of people at risk for the disease, as well as people over 40 years of age;
- constant monitoring of blood pressure - for hypertension, measurements twice a day;
- monitoring blood glucose levels - at least once every six months;
- annual (and more often if indicated) ECG to assess the condition of the heart and its functioning.
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases is possible only with a responsible approach to this by the patient himself. We must not forget that this group of pathologies causes the highest percentage of mortality among the population around the world.
Methods for cleansing heart vessels
You can clean the coronary vessels using various methods: in the hospital, with medications, folk remedies, lifestyle changes, and diet.
Read on topic: Recipe for cleaning blood vessels using the Neumyvakin method
Cleaning with folk remedies
Cleaning blood vessels with folk remedies has a number of advantages: less expensive procedures, you can cleanse yourself at home, efficiency and naturalness of the ingredients. In the folk pharmacy there are many recipes for cleaning the blood vessels of the heart and the whole body. It is very important to understand that the folk recipe, although natural, has a strong effect on the body, so you must first consult with your doctor, especially if there are any pathologies of the cardiac system.
In the case of an advanced situation, the appearance of a large number of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, an emergency operation is most often performed to clean the blood vessels of the heart. It is important to maintain a work-rest schedule; in the modern world, many people work a lot, get tired, do household chores on weekends, and have no time left for a good and productive rest.
You need to understand that good rest and relaxation for the body is just as important as proper nutrition.
Bay decoction
A bay decoction will help to effectively clean the coronary vessels; to prepare it you need to: pour 350 ml of water into 7-8 leaves of dry bay leaves, then cook the product until boiling and after 5 minutes remove from the heat. Next, you need to let the product cool and take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day, for a minimum course of 21 days.
Preparations for cleaning blood vessels of the heart
Preparations for cleaning blood vessels, usually prescribed by doctors: Many drugs for cleaning blood vessels can be used at home, but must be prescribed by a doctor. You can only find out how to clean the heart vessels with medication from your attending physician after a full examination.
- statins - few people know about the actions of these medications and are afraid to take them, but in the case of cleansing blood vessels, their effectiveness can hardly be surpassed;
- vitamins B, P;
- tablets for cleaning blood vessels, which can influence the acceleration of lipid metabolism;
- venotonics to strengthen the walls of blood vessels (Phlebodia, Detralex, Askorutin);
- Omega 3 and Alpha Lipoic acid (they are best taken together).
In cases where the human vascular system is weak, the arteries and veins are worn out, fragile, subject to sprains and deformations, cleansing should be carried out in a hospital setting, under the constant supervision of medical personnel.
Read on topic: How to prepare and drink red clover tincture to cleanse blood vessels
Nutrition adjustments
During cleansing and subsequently, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition:
- it is necessary to exclude from the diet all fatty foods: pork, fast food, semi-finished products (sausages, sausage), liver, chicken eggs, fried foods, dairy products, butter, cream, lard;
- observe the drinking regime - drink at least 40 ml. water per 1 kg. weight;
- include green fruits and vegetables, more greens, in your daily menu.
You also need to include physical activity, breathe more fresh air, go to bed before 11 pm.
Changing diet and lifestyle
To reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis or stop the progression of an already detected disease, you need to:
- body weight control – it is important to prevent obesity;
- regular physical activity: it is not necessary to go to big sports or exhaust yourself in the gym, even daily morning exercises and walking are enough;
- giving up bad habits, because alcohol and nicotine are the worst enemies of our blood vessels;
- review of the diet - in nutrition it is important not to exceed the level of fat by more than 25% of the total daily caloric intake, carbohydrates should be up to 50%, salt - no more than 5 g per day.
What foods will “taste” the vessels? First of all, these are: whole grains, vegetables and fruits, foods high in protein and low in fat - lean meats and fish, legumes, nuts; low-fat ones should be preferred from the range of dairy products. Recommended heat treatment of food is boiling, stewing, steaming, baking. It’s better to avoid fried foods! You should not get carried away with flour and sweets, fast food and semi-finished products, pickles, spicy and smoked foods.
Cardiovascular diseases
Grate fresh horseradish, mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting gruel with enough honey so that the total amount of honey and horseradish gruel does not exceed 1 tbsp. spoons, and eat this mixture on an empty stomach 1 hour before breakfast.
This old recipe can be safely used now. You just need to take into account that horseradish should be consumed in this form for no more than 30 days in a row.
More interesting things
The Amazing Properties of Honey Mixed with Cold Water
If you experience unpleasant sensations, the dose of horseradish should be reduced, then gradually increased again to 1 teaspoon. If necessary, treatment can be resumed, but not earlier than after 2 months.
During treatment, do not smoke, drink alcohol or overexert yourself. Over the course of 3 years, it is recommended to carry out 5-6 monthly courses of horseradish treatment.
Nutraceuticals for cleaning blood vessels: examples of drugs
In Russia, nutraceuticals as such are not recognized by law, and depending on the composition they are:
- Dietary supplement, if released in the form of a medicine.
- Product with dietary or medicinal properties. Such food products are called functional. In fact, they are simply enriched with biologically active components.
The following nutraceuticals (dietary supplements) have been developed for cleaning blood vessels:
- Arterio, the indication for use of which is hypertension. The composition includes amaranth seeds, black cumin and motherwort fruits.
- Normalize, which restores vascular patency. The product consists of plant extracts - hawthorn, St. John's wort, astragalus.
- Hypertension, designed to normalize blood pressure. This dietary supplement contains extracts of discorea, elecampane and Tibetan lofant.
Nutraceuticals are taken according to the instructions, be sure to take into account the possible risk of intolerance or side effects!
What is more effective - cleaning blood vessels with folk remedies or with drugs and dietary supplements? In fact, the benefits of both will be visible only when an integrated approach is taken to the issue of maintaining the circulatory system normally. Without changing your lifestyle, adjusting your diet and exercising, cleansing will only give short-term results.
Folk remedies
There are traditional medicine recipes that cleanse blood vessels and hearts from blood clots and atherosclerotic tumors. These recipes are based on medicinal plants and simple ways to prepare them.
Before starting therapy with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who, based on the lipid spectrum, will tell you which medicinal plants to use to cleanse the blood vessels of the heart, and will also prescribe a treatment regimen.
The following recipes are most effective for cleaning:
- A folk remedy is lemon, as well as honey and fresh garlic . Grind the lemons and garlic in a meat grinder (take 10 lemons and heads of garlic). Pour this mixture with liquid natural honey and place it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator for 7 days. Take the prepared mixture 3 - 4 teaspoons once a day. Do not take on an empty stomach;
- To strengthen the endothelium of the heart vessels, it is very useful to consume the juice of the plantain plant in equal volume with liquid natural honey , but not more than one tablespoon per day;
- Ginger cleansing of heart vessels - 300.0 grams of fresh ginger root, 300.0 grams of natural honey, and one lemon. Grind the washed root and lemon in a meat grinder or in a blender and add honey. Store the mixture in a glass container in the refrigerator. To prevent cholesterol - 1 tablespoon per day. To treat high cholesterol index - one spoon three times a day;
- Cleaning vessels with a decoction of flax seeds - 6 teaspoons of flax seeds, 1.2 liters of water. Pour the seeds into cold purified water and bring it to a boil. Leave the boiled broth to cool. Drink 100.0 milliliters of decoction per day. Flax seeds help dissolve cholesterol deposits, which helps clean the lumen of blood vessels;
- To cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, chop 100.0 grams of walnuts along with 5 - 6 cloves of fresh garlic . Pour this mixture with cooled boiled milk. After the mixture has been infused in the room (approximately 1 hour), it is placed in the refrigerator. You need to take this drink 70.0 grams three times a day, 2 hours before starting a meal. The course of cleaning is 14 days.
Garlic is most effective for cleaning blood vessels