Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies at home. Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies
Moisten a small piece of sterile bandage or cotton wool with propolis tincture and lubricate the surface of the tonsils and tongue three times a day.
Method No. 1
Mix 15 grams of honey and butter together, add a pinch of soda, leave on the fire until it starts to foam, cool and drink at once. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
Method No. 2
600 milliliters of honey + 400 milliliters of red, dry wine + 350 grams of grated aloe leaves, place in a glass container, shake well, wrap in a dark towel or cloth and in a dark place for 5 days. Drink 15 ml 40 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner, for at least four days. There is no need to strain the mixture.
Method No. 3
Pass 2 large lemons through a meat grinder with one kilogram of carrots, pour in a liter of liquid, fresh honey, transfer the mixture into a bottle, meanwhile chop one hundred grams of horseradish and pour in 150 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol, after a day combine all the products together, and leave for three weeks for infusion. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
The recipe is also relevant for any viral and ARVI diseases.
Compress No. 1
Grated, raw potatoes, about 300 grams, mix 20 ml of olia and a few drops of iodine, place the mixture on a soft, clean cloth, apply to the neck in the throat area and wrap in a warm scarf, leaving overnight. In the morning, rinse your neck with warm water.
Compress No2
You will need vodka diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. Soak four-layer gauze in the solution and place it on the throat, wrap it with cling film on top and secure it with a woolen scarf or terry towel for 5-6 hours, no rinsing required.
Recipe No1
Mix a tablespoon of calendula tincture with 100 ml of warm water, rinse every hour for the first two days, then 3-5 times a day in subsequent days until complete recovery.
Recipe No. 2
In a glass of water, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of soda and salt + 3 drops of iodine, rinse 2-3 times a day.
Recipe No. 3
Warm up the beer and use it warm to rinse twice a day.
Recipe No. 4
Finely chop 200 grams of garlic or pass through a garlic press, add the same amount of water and leave for six hours under a tight lid. Strain, the solution is enough for one day, for 2 rinses.
Recipe No. 5
Pour 4 finely chopped plantain leaves (preferably fresh) into a glass of just boiled water, cover and let stand for half an hour, strain and gargle every 1-1.5 hours.
Recipe No. 6
Sage is one of the most popular and powerful antiseptics; it is also very effective and effective in the treatment of sore throat.
Pour 20 g of small sage leaves into 450 ml of boiling water, leave to steep for 30 minutes, filter. Repeat the procedure for 5 days in the mornings and evenings.
They can be done in different ways, for example like this:
- Mix agave juice, honey and alcohol in a ratio of 1:2:3;
- Boil the potatoes (do not peel them!). Add a few drops of 5% iodine and vegetable oil to it. Apply to the sore throat, after transferring the mixture onto a gauze base and secure with a woolen scarf, leave overnight;
- Apply heated salt in fabric bags to the outside of the throat and nose (you can roll it up in a small sheet);
- Gently apply fresh cabbage leaves to your throat and tie a shawl, change every couple of hours;
- Moisten a gauze napkin in not hot water and generously soap it with 72% laundry soap, leave until the morning. After waking up, wash your neck and treat with a soothing, tonic cream. Children should keep the compress for no longer than 2 hours;
- Warm and hot compresses can be made from onions (grated), herbal infusions or table vinegar;
- Massage your neck using eucalyptus and lavender oil. It is also recommended to add it to foot baths and apply it to the chest;
- Sunbathing. Of course, this is unlikely to be possible within the confines of a city apartment, but to do this, you can go to the dacha to your parents or grandmother. Ultraviolet rays eliminate germs and relieve swelling and inflammation of the tonsils.
If the patient has a high temperature, take antipyretics, then use traditional methods.
Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies. Folk remedies for sore throat that will help quickly cure the disease
This disease, accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils, brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. An excessively elevated temperature and a noticeable sore throat are only part of what a sick person has to endure. For successful healing, timely and accurate diagnosis is of fundamental importance, for which you need to consult a doctor. In addition to the prescribed medications, suitable folk remedies for sore throat will be useful. Before using them, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to avoid a negative reaction from the body and worsen the situation.
Folk remedies for purulent sore throat in adults - various rinses
A similar folk remedy for purulent tonsillitis should be used more often. Compositions for this case must include a disinfecting component. Here are some ideas:
- a little freshly squeezed beet juice and a spoonful of 6 percent vinegar are dissolved in a glass of warm liquid;
- a teaspoon of peroxide for the same volume of water;
- Another solution is to dissolve half a spoonful of salt and soda and mix in three drops of regular iodine;
- A tablespoon of a mixture of dried calendula and rose flowers is boiled in the same amount of liquid, filtered.
Treatment of purulent sore throat with folk remedies
It is not advisable to do without rinsing alone. An integrated approach is recommended - external effects in parallel with internal ones. The following compress usually demonstrates considerable effectiveness. Freshly squeezed aloe juice, regular vodka (without additives), and a little steamed honey are combined in a ratio of 1:3:2. The resulting mixture is soaked in a suitable piece of gauze or clean cloth folded in several layers. It is applied around the affected area, with a scarf placed on top to warm it up. It is advisable to use it at night - every day until recovery. A few more options for treatment procedures are inhalation with freshly boiled potatoes or boiled milk, chewing a piece of propolis, but not more than 6 grams per day.
Folk remedies for sore throat in children: cottage cheese
Young children require gentle therapeutic methods. When you need to heal a child from a sore throat, the effective remedy - a folk one, without the use of unnecessary chemicals - is a curd compress. To create it, lay out about a centimeter layer of cottage cheese (preferably homemade rather than store-bought) on a clean gauze lined with three layers. The top is covered with a similar number of gauze layers. Before using the fermented milk product in this recipe, it is imperative to slightly warm it up in a water bath to 27-30 degrees. After applying it to the throat and tying it with a warming bandage, leave it for a couple of hours, then remove it.
How to treat sore throat with folk remedies in adults: effective propolis
Treatment of sore throat at home with folk remedies is much faster if you use pre-prepared propolis tincture for such purposes. It is permissible to use it only if you are not allergic to bee products. 10-30 grams of propolis are crushed almost into dust. It will be easier to complete a similar task if you first freeze the substance. It is dissolved in half a glass (100 grams) of pharmaceutical alcohol. It is necessary to insist in a dark glass, shaded place for at least a week, but preferably two. The resulting composition, the remains of which can be stored in the refrigerator, is used to lubricate the inflamed areas.
Folk remedies for sore throat in adults: elecampane with alcohol
The solution to the problem of how to treat sore throat with folk remedies is to use the rhizome of this famous medicinal plant. It especially helps when the illness is accompanied by temporary loss of voice. The indicated potion is prepared from half a liter of vodka, which needs to be poured over 50 grams of elecampane root (dried). After three days of infusion, use the resulting substance as an instillation in the throat. Do not swallow. The drops should be applied to the tonsils and other inflamed areas. A single dose is a third of a teaspoon. For at least half an hour after such manipulations, it is advisable to refrain from drinking water or eating. There’s no point in talking, and for the next 24 hours.
How to cure a sore throat with folk remedies: garlic effect
Such folk remedies are often used to treat sore throat in adults. They are also acceptable for young patients, but are not accepted by the children themselves, who usually find it difficult to tolerate the specific garlic aroma and taste. One of the recipes involves using a whole head of garlic: its cloves are crushed, poured with very warm boiled water, and combined with a pinch of soda. You must breathe over the resulting vapors of this mixture. From the product passed through a special press, a mixture for rinsing is created by adding liquid. An additional measure is to rub garlic cloves on your soles the night before going to bed.
Oils for sore throat: fir, sea buckthorn, tea tree oil
Oil emulsions are used in herbal medicine for oral use, inhalation treatment and disinfection of the oral cavity. Unlike taking tablets or liquid synthetic drugs, using oil for sore throat very rarely causes adverse reactions. It is worth mentioning that these drugs have high chemical activity, which allows you to quickly relieve negative symptoms. For this reason, essential oils are used for therapeutic measures in acute and chronic forms of inflammation of the tonsils of any etiology.
Most often, the following types of lipophilic substances are used for this disease:
- Sea buckthorn oil is used for rinsing for sore throat. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of water. l. emulsions. Gargle with this remedy 4 times a day for a week.
- Tea tree oil is used for the same purpose. The correct concentration of the solution is 2 drops of a lipophilic agent per glass of water.
- Fir oil for sore throat is used to lubricate the tonsils. The procedure is carried out several times a day at six-hour intervals.
Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies in adults. Treatment of sore throat in adults
Only an ENT specialist can tell you how to treat a sore throat quickly and effectively using medications at home. It is he who will prescribe effective antibiotics and other medications that are necessary to cure a sore throat and eliminate the symptoms of this disease.
Even before the doctor arrives at home, the patient should, if possible, be placed on bed rest, and should be placed in a separate room. A person with tonsillitis is given separate dishes, a towel and other individual household items. The room in which the patient lies is ventilated several times a day, the floor should be washed with chloramine at least once a day.
The following recommendations will help reduce pain and speed up the healing process at home:
- Drink more warm liquids. The measure will prevent dehydration and make swallowing easier.
- Protect your voice. It is recommended to talk (especially in a raised voice) as little as possible. It is best to maintain complete silence until recovery.
- Take lozenges against a sore throat.
- Drink tea with honey and lemon. The drink will strengthen the immune system, help destroy germs and relieve pain. It is important that the temperature is comfortable for reception.
- Gargle with a solution of salt or soda whenever possible.
- Systematically humidify the air in the room. A measure to reduce irritation of mucous membranes.
It is not advisable to carry any type of sore throat on your feet. And with staphylococcal or streptococcal forms, bed rest is required for the first 5–6 days (and in severe cases, more than 10 days). Most often, it is not possible to quickly cure a sore throat in an adult. For purulent forms of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed.
Treatment in one day
When treating a sore throat at home, throat lotions quickly give good results. The basis is the warming effect. Alcohol compresses, potato, honey and cabbage leaf compresses are highly effective.
A compress with alcohol is prepared from 70% alcohol. It is mixed in a 1:1 ratio with boiled water. In order to avoid burns, add a few drops of eucalyptus or lavender oil to it. Moisten a clean cloth with the solution and apply it to the throat. You can wrap a wool scarf around the top.
Eucalyptus has powerful antiseptic properties. Lavender, in turn, can have a mucolytic and analgesic effect. However, when quickly treating a sore throat at home, you should consider the possibility of an allergic reaction to essential oils, so it is recommended to do an allergy test before use.
Compresses from cabbage leaves: wash 1 leaf cleanly, pour boiling water over it to soften it and coat it with honey. The solution is applied to the neck and wrapped in a woolen scarf. The frequency of compresses is 2 times a day. In this case, the body temperature should not be higher than 36 degrees.
Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies. Ointments for sore throat
Treatment of sore throat with folk remedies in adults and children is not complete without the use of special ointments that help quickly relieve inflammation, reduce sore throat and cleanse the mucous membrane of plaque.
Recipe No. 1
100 ml of refined olive or sunflower oil is placed in a water bath. After it boils, add 10 g of pre-crushed beeswax.
Soda is effective against fungi, iodine has an antiseptic effect, and saline solution cleanses and moisturizes the mucous membrane well.
Before starting to prepare the ointment, hard-boil a fresh chicken egg, remove the yolk and divide it into 4 parts. To prepare the ointment, use 1/4 of it.
After the wax has dissolved, add crushed yolk in small portions. The liquid will foam a lot at this time. Then the product is removed from the heat, allowed to stand for a quarter of an hour and filtered through nylon cloth. Store the prepared ointment in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar.
Ointments are used for application to inflamed areas of the mucous membrane
At the first signs of a sore throat, warm up a small amount of ointment and carefully lubricate the sore throat. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. Improvement is visible the very next day.
You can also treat your throat with compresses using ointment. To do this, it is applied to a small piece of cotton fabric, which is applied to the throat and tied on top with compress paper and a scarf. Leave this compress overnight.
Recipe No. 2
Another folk remedy for sore throat is an ointment based on butter, aloe and honey. To prepare it, melt 100 g of natural oil in a water bath and add 50 ml of aloe juice. Then the mixture is removed from the heat and mixed with 100 g of May honey, after which the finished ointment is placed in a glass jar and placed in the refrigerator.
For sore throat, the use of products containing aloe juice is effective.
The ointment can be used in adults and children over 2 years of age. It is applied directly to the tonsils, preferably when the first signs of the disease appear. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.
This remedy can be taken orally; for this, half a teaspoon of ointment is dissolved in 200 ml of warm milk and drunk in small sips.
Folk remedies for inhalation
Propolis tincture. Add 2 tsp to 0.5 liters of hot water. propolis tinctures. Repeat inhalation 3 times a day.
Collection of herbs: calendula, thyme, chamomile, oregano. Brew 2 tbsp. mixture of herbs per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Apply 3 times a day.
A decoction of St. John's wort with the addition of mint and sage. Cook 2 tbsp in a water bath for 10 minutes. plants in 0.4 l. water.
Anise and eucalyptus oil. For 0.5 liters of boiling water - 5 drops of anise oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day, duration 10 minutes.
When is inhalation prohibited?
Inhalation for angina has a number of contraindications. Such folk treatment for sore throat in children can have a negative effect on the baby’s body, therefore, before the procedure, you should consult a doctor; using inhalations yourself is not recommended.
Rules for the procedure
Do not give inhalations to a small child without the approval of the attending physician!
It is important to prepare the baby for the procedure to avoid unpleasant reactions. Inhalation is not done after eating; it is worth postponing the procedure for several hours after. The optimal period is after 1.5 - 2 hours.
Two sessions per day are enough for children. Duration no more than 3-4 minutes. The healing steam is inhaled through the mouth. It is advisable to teach your child to hold his breath for 2 seconds with each breath. The liquid must be at the optimal temperature to sufficiently steam the respiratory tract, as well as remove bacteria through sweat, but comfortable for the patient to avoid burns and injuries.
Treatment of sore throat in children with folk remedies has always brought positive results. But it is worth remembering that treatment in children with folk remedies does not ensure complete recovery, and in case of complications you should definitely consult a doctor.