Chamomile for the face: benefits, application, reviews

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Chamomile is one of the most popular plants used to prepare cosmetics for facial skin care. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and mild anti-allergenic effects. Chamomile soothes the skin, corrects complexion, promotes healing of small wounds and reduces the number of rashes.

Preparations based on natural chamomile raw materials can be used as an alternative to pharmaceutical products

Chamomile is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. It is considered almost a healing plant that can restore youth and beauty to the skin. However, while chamomile may indeed be effective, some of its properties have been greatly exaggerated.

What are the benefits of chamomile for the face?

In medicine and cosmetology, chamomile inflorescences are used. Dried flowers contain more than 40 different biologically active components that provide the therapeutic effect of drugs. The essential oil, the amount of which in the raw material ranges from 0.4 to 1.5%, contains chamazulene (10%), α-bisabolol, sesquiterpene alcohols (50%), isovaleric, nonyl, caprylic acids and some other components. The raw material also contains apigenin, choline, coumarins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, tannins, vitamins and other components.

The most active and medically important component is chamazulene: it has been shown to be a highly effective anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and analgesic substance.

The properties of chamomile have been studied in many laboratory and clinical studies. They have proven that when used externally, preparations based on inflorescences have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, analgesic and regenerative effects.

For example, cosmetics with chamomile provide the following effects:

  • Reduce inflammation;
  • Reduce the number of rashes;
  • Accelerate the healing of scratches and wounds;
  • Tones the skin;
  • Correct complexion;
  • Reduce redness, including that caused by sunburn;
  • Reduce itching and flaking;
  • Helps reduce oily skin.

The main components that provide the anti-inflammatory effect are terpene compounds (matricin, chamazulene) and α-bisabolol. The antispasmodic and regenerating effects of chamomile are based on the content of apigenin and α-bisabolol. When applied externally, apigenin penetrates skin cells and promotes their regeneration. It also has an anti-allergenic effect and helps reduce redness and swelling.

The beneficial substances in the plant are concentrated mainly in the inflorescences, which is why these baskets are used for the preparation of medicines and cosmetics

The inflorescences also contain vitamins and minerals, due to which chamomile is believed to nourish the skin. In fact, when applied externally, these substances do not penetrate the skin and have virtually no effect on its condition.

Different components of chamomile have different effects on the skin, but studies have shown that the most beneficial is the complex extract from the plant, and not its individual ingredients.

Properties of chamomile

Correct use of chamomile in cosmetology allows you to get rid of many facial skin problems. This includes acne, skin aging, and excessive oily skin.

Chamomile can soothe, whiten, relieve inflammation, moisturize the skin, restore youth and beauty. And all this is possible thanks to the healing components that make up this miraculous flower.

Chemical composition of the plant

Microelements, biologically active substances, vitamins, organic acids - all this is contained in chamomile decoction. Which ones exactly? Consider below:

  • Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons - create a special protective film, carefully protect the facial skin from external influences.
  • Alcohols have a beneficial effect on facial skin.
  • Chamazulene is a component that is present in infused chamomile decoction and forms the basis of the essential oil. The substance can minimize the manifestations of an allergic reaction, and acting as an antiseptic, relieve inflammation and remove acne.
  • Flavonoids – minimize the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Caprylic acid - helps get rid of fungal infections.
  • Coumarins - rejuvenate and restore the skin to its former elasticity.
  • Carotene – evens out facial skin.
  • Sitosterol – saturates the epidermis layer with oxygen, normalizes blood circulation, gives the skin a healthy tone and freshness.
  • Organic acids – eliminate pigmentation, nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Polysaccharides – prevent dry skin.

Thus, each of the components of chamomile decoction performs its own function. These substances slow down or even completely prevent skin aging. Others heal wounds and relieve inflammation. Still others have an antibacterial effect.

Together, all components can restore beauty and healthy complexion.

Benefits of chamomile decoction for the face

Each of the listed components has a beneficial effect on the dermis, and therefore a decoction of these flowers is rightfully considered a “natural cosmetologist.” Regardless of skin type, this “natural medicine”:

  • moisturizes
  • Helps effectively fight acne
  • rejuvenates and improves skin elasticity
  • whitens age spots and makes the complexion smooth and fresh
  • eliminates oily shine
  • removes irritability
  • eliminates fine wrinkles
  • promotes rapid healing of small wounds
  • relieves swelling.

We can say with confidence that there is practically no problem that chamomile cannot cope with. Moreover, it is a hypoallergenic product that almost never causes adverse reactions.

To verify this, you should conduct a simple test: lubricate your wrist with a small amount of decoction, and if after a few hours there is no reaction, then there is no individual intolerance to the substance.

Resulting effects

When used correctly, chamomile can be a fairly effective facial skin care product. She:

  • Provides an anti-inflammatory effect. According to the WHO monograph, chamomile extract has this effect due to the content of terpene compounds in it: matrixin, chamazulene and α-bisabolol and polysaccharides;
  • Helps reduce the number of skin rashes due to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects and improving cellular metabolism;
  • Has an anti-allergenic effect. It is provided by apigenin, which also helps reduce redness, swelling and itching, and azulene;
  • Shows mild antibacterial activity. The WHO monograph states that the extract and hydroalcoholic tincture inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci and some other bacteria;
  • Has a slight antispasmodic effect. It is based on the content of α-bisabolol, apigenin and its compounds. When caring for damaged skin, such as scratched or sunburned skin, chamomile relieves pain;
  • Promotes cell regeneration, healing of minor scratches and wounds that remain after acne. Also helps restore chapped and burned skin. This property is provided mainly by apigenin and chamazulene, as well as coumarin and polysaccharides. Apigenin penetrates skin cells and starts the process of their renewal. Chamazulene also has a regenerating effect and is also anti-inflammatory. If you wipe your face with chamomile or make compresses, the wound healing process will go much faster;
  • Moisturizes dry facial skin. The active substances of the plant help improve cellular metabolism. In particular, polysaccharides improve water balance and saturate cells with moisture; Reduces skin oiliness. If your face quickly becomes oily during the day, you can wipe it with chamomile alcohol tincture. Due to the alcohol content, it dries out the skin;
  • Lightens the skin due to the content of organic acids. It should be borne in mind that chamomile does not completely remove pigmentation or freckles, but provides a slight lightening effect, due to which defects may become less noticeable. To obtain a more pronounced effect, such products are often made with the addition of other components, for example, lemon juice;
  • Tones the skin. To obtain this effect, most often the face is wiped with ice cubes prepared from the decoction.

Very often, other herbal ingredients are added to chamomile cosmetics. Due to this, the properties of the entire drug change, and other contraindications also appear. This must be taken into account so as not to cause harm to the skin.

In this cream, both aloe and chamomile have a healing effect, but they can also cause side effects

Chamomile infusion - 12 best uses

Chamomile infusion - 12 best uses

In conservative medicine, traditional methods of therapy are rarely approved, but there are exceptions. Chamomile products are actively recommended even by modern qualified doctors. Natural preparations based on this plant help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases and are used in skin and hair care.

Chamomile infusion - benefits and harm

Only the flowers of this annual herb are suitable for therapeutic purposes; they contain the maximum amount of valuable chemical compounds:

  • bioflavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • polyines;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • phytosterol;
  • polysaccharides;
  • carotenes;
  • tannins;
  • gum;
  • zinc;
  • slime;
  • chamazulene;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • glycosides and other components.

For such a rich composition, chamomile infusion is highly valued in both folk and conservative medicine - the benefit of the remedy in question lies in its main properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • soothing;
  • antibacterial;
  • carminative;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • hemostatic;
  • painkiller;
  • choleretic;
  • astringent;
  • antihistamine.

What does chamomile help with?

Thanks to these qualities, the described plant can be used in the treatment of acute and chronic systemic diseases, dermatological pathologies and cosmetic problems. The healing properties of chamomile are used for the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • infectious inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • pain syndromes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • injuries;
  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • neuralgia;
  • bleeding;
  • rheumatism;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • angina;
  • flu;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • migraine;
  • oral infections;
  • rhinitis;
  • poisoning;
  • diabetes;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • cervical erosion and others.

Chamomile effectively and quickly helps against skin allergies, furunculosis, eczema, psoriasis and diaper rash. Lotions with herbal infusion promote accelerated healing of various damage to the epidermis (burns, scratches, wounds). In cosmetology, chamomile flowers are used to care for problematic and aging skin, treat dandruff and hair loss.

Chamomile infusion - contraindications

The only case when the use of internal and external remedies from the herb in question is strictly prohibited is individual intolerance. In some people, chamomile tincture can cause severe allergic reactions, itching, rashes and swelling. Natural medications are prescribed with caution in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • simultaneous treatment with sedatives;
  • taking diuretics.

How to prepare chamomile infusion?

There are 2 options for the presented medicine - for oral use and external use. Chamomile infusion for oral administration can be prepared hot or cold. The local preparation differs from the solution for internal use in concentration. The external infusion of chamomile is much stronger and is brewed only with boiling water.

Hot Drink Recipe


  • chamomile flowers - 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.


  • Place dry raw materials in a thermos.
  • Pour boiling water over it.
  • Infuse the medicine for 3 hours.
  • Strain the solution.

Cold brew recipe


  • chamomile flowers - 1−1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • cold water - 1 glass.


  • Rinse the plant material.
  • Fill the grass with water.
  • Leave at room temperature for 8 hours.
  • Strain the medicine.

External solution recipe


  • chamomile flowers - 2.5-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.


  • Rinse and place the plant base in a thermos.
  • Pour boiling water over chamomile.
  • Leave for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Strain the product.

Chamomile infusion - application

In most cases, the classic hot drink recipe is suitable, which should be consumed 50 ml 3-4 times a day. Similar dosages are applicable when making cold infusions. These options are recommended for the treatment of diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • respiratory system;
  • kidney;
  • gallbladder;
  • genitourinary tract and other systemic pathologies.

Special methods are necessary if chamomile tincture is used externally - application may include:

  • lotions;
  • compresses;
  • wiping;
  • baths;
  • rinsing.

Chamomile tincture for face

In cosmetology, this plant is especially valued for its antibacterial properties that help fight acne. Chamomile for acne is used in the form of a strong water infusion as a lotion or toner. This product is used to wipe the skin daily up to 5 times a day. To enhance the effect, you can add 1-2 drops of tea tree essential oil, salicylic or boric alcohol to the solution.

Acne mask


  • chamomile infusion - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • fresh lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons.

Preparation, use

  • Beat the whites with a fork.
  • Add it to the cooled chamomile infusion.
  • Mix the composition with lemon juice.
  • Apply the product to a clean and dry face.
  • Wash after 20 minutes.
  • Repeat twice a week.

Acne is not the only thing that chamomile infusion helps with. The described solution is an excellent product for caring for aging and mature skin. Herbal infusion promotes toning and deep hydration of the epidermis.

Daily use of the drug instead of lotion improves complexion and increases its elasticity. You can wash your face with chamomile infusion, make compresses and masks from it.

Morning rubbing of the skin with ice cubes with the addition of the proposed product has a positive effect.

Chamomile infusion for hair

The natural solution in question is often used for soft and natural lightening of curls. Thanks to chamomile infusion, blondes get rid of the yellow tint of their hair, and dark strands acquire a beautiful golden-copper tint. You can achieve the desired effect by regularly rinsing your hair after each wash for 2-5 months.

Chamomile helps well against dandruff, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, hair loss and oily seborrhea. You need to mix the herbal infusion and high-quality vodka in equal proportions. Trichologists recommend wiping the scalp with this composition before daily washing (a quarter of an hour before), doing a light massage with your fingertips for 5-10 minutes.

Douching with chamomile infusion

The product described is not suitable for standard intimate hygiene; it can only be used in the presence of inflammatory processes. The medicinal properties of chamomile are used in therapy:

  • thrush;
  • cystitis;
  • jersey neck erosion;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • bacterial infections.

Douching solution recipe


  • chamomile flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water - 1 l.

Preparation, use

  • Fill the raw material with water.
  • Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  • Strain the product.
  • Pour the infusion, cooled to 37-38 degrees, into a clean syringe.
  • Perform the procedure while sitting over the toilet or lying in the bath.
  • All muscles, including vaginal ones, should be completely relaxed.
  • Repeat the manipulations until the entire volume of the solution is finished (10-15 minutes).
  • The course of therapy is 7-10 days, at the discretion of the gynecologist.

Chamomile infusion for gastritis

This herbal preparation is used only as an adjuvant as part of complex therapy.

The main effect of the drug is anti-inflammatory, so it helps reduce the intensity of pain and restore damaged epithelium.

Some people find chamomile helpful for heartburn, as the infusion normalizes the production of gastric juice and slightly reduces its acidity. It is important to take the described natural medicine in parallel with the medications prescribed by the gastroenterologist and follow the recommended diet.

Remedies based on the flowers of this herb also cope well with dyspeptic disorders. Dried chamomile is effective against diarrhea, flatulence, bloating and belching.

Regular use of the infusion normalizes the production of bile, pancreatic enzymes and improves intestinal motility. A standard hot or cold solution recipe is used.

You should drink 50 ml 20 minutes before each meal.

Chamomile infusion for throat

The presented remedy relieves soreness, burning and pain. Chamomile infusion is used for daily rinsing and oral administration.

In the first case, it is necessary to prepare a concentrated medicine according to the prescription for external use. For chamomile to help quickly with a sore throat, you should rinse your throat and mouth 5-7 times a day.

At the same time, you can drink a less strong infusion of a third of a glass 2-3 times a day.

If the inflammatory process progresses and a sore throat begins, it is necessary to make a more effective rinse solution.

To do this, add a pinch of boric acid powder to the concentrated infusion and stir the composition well. This liquid has pronounced antibacterial properties.

It helps not only to relieve pain and inflammation, but also to eliminate pus from the tonsils.

Chamomile infusion for eyes

The antiseptic abilities of the described medicine help to cope with conjunctivitis of any origin and symptoms of allergic reactions.

A strong infusion of chamomile flowers is recommended for use as an eye wash. First you need to wipe your closed eyelids and eyelashes with the solution and remove dried discharge.

After this, you should wash your open eyes with the liquid. It is convenient to direct the stream with a small syringe or syringe.

Cosmetologists also often advise using chamomile infusion. This product helps relieve fatigue, reduces the severity of dark circles around the eyes, and removes puffiness and bags.

For cosmetic purposes, a concentrated infusion of chamomile is used. Soak cotton pads with the liquid and apply to the eyelids as a compress.

It is better to perform the procedure daily, in the evening, for 10-15 minutes.

Chamomile for toothache

It is not possible to completely eliminate unpleasant sensations using natural remedies. A strong infusion of chamomile will help alleviate pain and slightly stop the inflammatory process.

To do this, you need to make a “bath” - take a concentrated solution into your mouth and hold it near the damaged tooth or gum for 8-10 minutes. A lotion with chamomile infusion produces a similar effect.

A piece of cotton wool soaked in healing liquid should be applied to the painful area for a quarter of an hour.

Chamomile infusion for cough

The presented solution can be used for internal use or inhalation. Chamomile is a good remedy for coughs if you combine these procedures. You need to take an infusion of standard concentration (2 tsp.

spoons of flowers per glass of boiling water), 50 ml half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. In order for chamomile to have the fastest possible effect against colds, it is recommended to do inhalations at the same time.

You need to inhale the vapor of an infusion of 0.5 cups of dried flowers and 500 ml of boiling water for 12-15 minutes.

In what cases is chamomile ineffective?

The positive effect of chamomile on facial skin has been confirmed by scientific research. However, it is not a remedy that can relieve serious dermatological diseases, eliminate age-related changes or prevent the appearance of wrinkles. In folk medicine, chamomile is credited with many beneficial properties, but some of them are poorly expressed, and some, without experimental confirmation, remain only speculative.

There are many recipes for cosmetics with chamomile that are used for facial rejuvenation, citing the regenerative properties of the plant. In fact, not a single study has shown that chamomile can somehow affect the structure of the skin and the number of wrinkles. The regenerative property of the plant consists only in the fact that it accelerates the healing process of small wounds and damage.

Chamomile is also believed to help reduce oily skin. However, this is not quite true. To degrease the face, as a rule, use an alcohol tincture of chamomile. In this case, the effectiveness of the product is ensured not by the extract from the plant, but by the alcohol, which dries the skin. The tincture should not be used for a long time, so as not to dry out or burn the skin, and after stopping the procedures, it soon becomes oily again. The fact is that increased work of the sebaceous glands can be caused by a number of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, for example, changes in hormonal levels, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other factors. In these cases, it is impossible to solve the problem with chamomile.

Fresh chamomile inflorescences doused with alcohol to prepare an alcohol tincture

You should also not expect that chamomile will completely cure acne, remove pimples or narrow pores, making them invisible. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, chamomile can reduce the severity of acne, but it will not eliminate all pimples. These problems may also require seeing a doctor and complex treatment.

Chamomile is also ineffective for rosacea. This disease is associated with the expansion of subcutaneous blood vessels, which causes redness of the skin. When used externally, chamomile does not affect the condition of blood vessels, so it does not remove redness. It is also worth considering that if you have rosacea, you should not use ice cubes from chamomile decoction. The effect of cold on the skin of the face causes vasospasm, which is a provoking factor for the development of rosacea.

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Chamomile is used in the care of sunburned skin. If your face turns red after a day in the sun, you can wash your face with chamomile infusion. It will slightly reduce pain and speed up healing. However, for large burns of other types, chamomile will be ineffective. In these cases, it is better to consult a doctor and use medications appropriate to the condition.

Chamomile helps lighten the skin slightly, so it is used to whiten the face. The products help to slightly correct the color and make freckles or age spots less noticeable. However, chamomile cannot completely remove such defects.

As for the properties of chamomile to reduce puffiness or circles under the eyes, they are little pronounced and appear only with regular use of the product. If you urgently need to remove such defects, then chamomile will not help. Dark circles under the eyes and puffiness of the face in most cases are not a cosmetic problem, but a symptom of some disorder within the body.

The condition of the skin depends on many factors, and cosmetic products do not always completely solve the problem. In addition, incorrectly selected products can cause harm rather than benefit. It is better to consult a cosmetologist in a timely manner, and, if necessary, to doctors of other specialties.

How to properly use chamomile for your face

At home, you can easily prepare various cosmetics with chamomile. For example, you can make a decoction or infusion of chamomile for rinsing your face, tonic, mask, ice cubes, compress or steam bath.

Chamomile decoction is the most common preparation based on its inflorescences.

Rinse your face with chamomile infusion or decoction twice a day. They are used after washing and removing makeup with special products. After rinsing, it is advisable not to wipe your face with a towel, but leave it to dry naturally. This way, more nutrients will remain on the face.

Separately, we figured out how to prepare a chamomile decoction, and how to prepare an infusion...

Alcohol tincture is used mainly for the care of oily skin in order to dry it out a little. Apply a few drops of tincture to a cotton pad and then rub it on your face, avoiding the eye and lip area. You can do this procedure in the morning after waking up or before going to bed. It is important to monitor the condition of the skin so as not to dry it out and cause irritation and peeling. Regular use of this product over a long period of time is not recommended.

The aggressive effect of alcohol on the skin may be more pronounced than the healing effect of chamomile itself

Ice cubes are used to tone the facial skin. They are prepared from chamomile decoction or infusion, which is poured into molds and frozen.

To cleanse the face, reduce rashes, and correct color, masks based on the decoction are used. To obtain additional effects, other components are often added to them. The specifics of the procedure may differ slightly, but generally the masks are applied to the face for 10-20 minutes, after which it is washed with warm water or a decoction of herbs. Cleansing masks are done one to three times a week, depending on the condition of the skin and the desired results.

You can also make a compress from chamomile preparations. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of soft cloth, gauze or a face mask specially purchased at the pharmacy and apply to the skin. It is advisable to keep the compress for 10-15 minutes. In this case, every 5 minutes or more often the fabric must be re-wetted. You can apply compresses to the entire face or to individual problem areas. The number of procedures and their frequency depend on the desired results. If you need to reduce redness and relieve inflammation, lotions can be applied several times a day. If it is necessary to reduce the number of skin rashes, the procedure can be performed every day for several weeks or a month until the skin condition improves.

Steam baths are used to expand pores and cleanse the face. To steam the skin, prepare a chamomile decoction, pour it into a convenient container and hold your face over it. In this case, the temperature of the solution should be 50-70 °C so that the steam does not burn the skin. You can check the temperature with your hands: the broth should be hot, but not scalding. It is also not recommended to lean too close over the container. The distance should be about 30 cm. To better steam your face, it is advisable to cover your head along with the container with a towel.

In this case, it is very important not to place the lower edges of the towel under the bowl, so that if you move awkwardly, you don’t accidentally tip it over yourself.

Before steaming, you need to cleanse your face and remove all makeup. It is recommended to apply moisturizer to the eyelids, and if the skin is dry, then to the entire face. The duration of steaming also depends on the skin type. If it is dry, only 5-10 minutes are enough for steaming, if it is normal - 10-15, if oily - 15-20. You should not steam your face for too long, and you should also not lower it low above the container or start the procedure when the decoction has just boiled. This can scald the skin or cause rupture of small blood vessels.

To make the procedure more convenient, you can use a special cosmetic device “Chamomile Betro 2”. It is used for steaming the face and performing inhalations.

How to prepare chamomile infusion?

There are 2 options for the presented medicine - for oral use and external use. Chamomile infusion for oral administration can be prepared hot or cold. The local preparation differs from the solution for internal use in concentration. The external infusion of chamomile is much stronger and is brewed only with boiling water.

Hot Drink Recipe


  • chamomile flowers - 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.


  • Place dry raw materials in a thermos.
  • Pour boiling water over it.
  • Infuse the medicine for 3 hours.
  • Strain the solution.

Cold brew recipe


  • chamomile flowers - 1−1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • cold water - 1 glass.


  • Rinse the plant material.
  • Fill the grass with water.
  • Leave at room temperature for 8 hours.
  • Strain the medicine.

External solution recipe


  • chamomile flowers - 2.5-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.


  • Rinse and place the plant base in a thermos.
  • Pour boiling water over chamomile.
  • Leave for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Strain the product.

Recipes for homemade skin care products

The basis of many home cosmetics is a decoction or infusion of chamomile. To prepare them, you can use independently collected and dried inflorescences, raw materials purchased at a pharmacy, or chamomile tea in filter bags.

Recipe for chamomile decoction and infusion

The decoction and infusion are prepared in the ratio of 2 teaspoons of dried inflorescences per 100 ml of water. To prepare the decoction, the raw materials are placed in a metal pan, filled with water, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-4 minutes. Then it is left to cool and infuse for half an hour, after which it is filtered. You can also cook the decoction in a water bath. You need to pour water into a large pan and lower the smaller pan with raw materials into it. After the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the broth for another 15 minutes. During the cooking process, you need to ensure that the broth itself does not boil.

There is no need to warm up, much less boil, the infusion.

To prepare the infusion, the inflorescences are poured with boiled water at room temperature and left to infuse for at least 3-4 hours. After this, after straining the infusion, it can be used. You can also brew chamomile tea bags. For 100 ml of water, usually take 2 sachets.

The decoction and infusion can be used for washing, wiping and steaming the face, as well as for preparing compresses, masks, soap or gel for washing. Steamed chamomile can be used at room temperature for 2 days, in the refrigerator for 4 days. Before using it, it is advisable to remove it from the refrigerator in advance so that the product is not very cold.

Cleansing gel recipe

It is also useful to read: What are the benefits of chamomile tea for the body?

You can wash your face with homemade gel in the morning and evening. It effectively cleanses the skin of cosmetics, moisturizes it and, due to the content of chamomile and calendula, helps reduce rashes.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile inflorescences;
  • 2 tablespoons calendula;
  • 4 branches of parsley;
  • 1 teaspoons fresh honey;
  • 200 ml milk.

The parsley needs to be finely chopped, then mixed with dry herbs and ground until creamy. The milk must be put on the fire and brought to a boil. Then you need to add a mixture of ground herbs to it and keep it on the lowest heat for about half an hour. Then the milk needs to be left for 2-3 hours to infuse. Next, you need to strain the product, pour honey into it and mix well. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Anti-rash mask recipe

This mask also contains mint and plantain. Mint cleanses and tones the skin. Plantain enriches it with vitamins and has a wound-healing effect.

Mint in this recipe is used as a light tonic.

To prepare you need:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile inflorescences;
  • 1 teaspoon mint leaves;
  • 1 teaspoon plantain leaves;
  • 1 teaspoon potato starch;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

Dried herbs need to be mixed and poured with boiling water. After an hour, when the product has infused and cooled, you need to strain it, and then add a spoonful of potato starch to it. The finished product should be applied to problem areas of the face and left for half an hour. Then you can wash your face with herbal infusion. In this recipe, starch can be replaced with finely ground Hercules oatmeal flakes.

Furacilin is also often used to reduce acne. This is a drug that has a pronounced antiseptic effect. To prepare a face mask, take three furatsilin tablets, grind them into powder and pour in a small amount of chamomile and calendula infusion. The resulting thick mixture is applied to the face for 1-2 hours.

Other herbal ingredients are often added to chamomile cosmetics to obtain additional effects. For example:

  • Glycerin moisturizes the skin;
  • Calendula cleanses and relieves inflammation;
  • Aloe provides wound healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, and also moisturizes the skin and enriches it with vitamins;
  • Sage provides anti-inflammatory and tonic effects, reduces swelling and the number of rashes;
  • Nettle has antiseptic and regenerating effects, reduces skin oiliness and saturates it with vitamins;
  • St. John's wort has a pronounced antiseptic effect, accelerates wound healing and makes the skin less oily;
  • The sequence provides anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and antibacterial effects;
  • Celandine has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. It moisturizes the skin and reduces the number of blackheads;
  • Linden provides antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, and also moisturizes the skin and enriches it with beneficial substances;
  • Rosehip promotes cleansing and moisturizing;
  • Green tea provides antioxidant and tonic effects. Several components can be mixed in one preparation. Before using them, you need to make sure there are no allergies or other contraindications.

At home, you can prepare a completely natural analogue of such a gel.

Chamomile ice recipes

For normal to dry skin. To make ice, two tablespoons of medicinal dried chamomile and 200 ml of water are enough. After boiling, simmer the mixture over low heat for 2 minutes, covered. The broth is infused for up to four hours, then filtered and poured into forms for freezing.

Making ice from the infusion is even easier. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water, leave covered for 6 hours, then strain and freeze.

For oily and combination skin. You can cleanse and smooth oily skin in just a week by using ice cubes for your face. Chamomile can quickly improve your facial condition. Its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and soothing properties are effective in treating acne.

Chamomile ice for combination and oily skin can be prepared according to the following recipe. Pour 200 ml of water into three tablespoons of raw material, bring to a boil and immediately switch to low heat, then simmer under the lid for 5 minutes. The broth should cool and infuse for at least four hours. Pour the strained infusion into molds and freeze.

Ice with chamomile for the face perfectly replaces tonics and washing with water in the morning, but it is contraindicated for those suffering from rosacea (spider veins). It is recommended to wipe your face with ice not only in the morning, but also throughout the day. In this case, it is advisable to carry out along massage lines.

Chamomile-based cosmetics

There are also a lot of ready-made cosmetics based on chamomile extract. In any cosmetic store you can find gels, tonics, lotions, sprays, creams, masks and scrubs from different manufacturers.

Facial cleansing gel is produced by the French company Yves Rocher. It is suitable for normal skin types, as well as those prone to redness. Cleaning foam gel is also produced by the Green mama company. In addition to chamomile, it also contains lingonberry, strawberry, lavender extract, D-panthenol, citric acid and other components. According to the manufacturer, the foam helps moisturize the skin, saturate it with vitamins and minerals and reduce the number of rashes. The product also whitens the face a little.

Natural facial soap with chamomile extract is produced by the Greek company Korres. It consists of 96% natural ingredients. Soap soothes the skin, reduces redness and irritation. Due to the content of glycerin and almond oil, the soap also provides a moisturizing effect.

Parcel with soap from Korres company

You can also use special toners to remove makeup. The products are applied to cotton pads and wiped over the face. Bielita chamomile toner is suitable for normal skin, sensitive and prone to dryness. Magrav Chamomile Facial Infusion is suitable for oily and allergy-prone skin. According to the manufacturer, it removes signs of fatigue and tightens the skin.

The “Chamomile and Thyme” tonic from the Home Doctor brand, due to the content of two medicinal plants, has a stronger anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It reduces flaking, redness and prevents acne.

For deeper cleansing, cosmetologists recommend using scrubs and peelings several times a week. The cosmetic series “Agafya’s Bathhouse” of the Grandmother Agafya’s Recipes brand includes a chamomile facial scrub based on natural ingredients. The facial peeling roll is produced by Librederm Herbal Care. It stimulates the process of cell regeneration and improves skin microrelief.

It is also advisable to make masks once or twice a week. According to reviews, a fabric-based collagen face mask produced by the Korean company Shary gives good results. In addition to chamomile extract, it also contains aloe extract, collagen, hyaluronic acid and Argan oil. According to the description, the mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness. For very sensitive skin, the Blue Chamomile Fresh Line mask is suitable. It cleanses pores, reduces inflammation and softens the skin.

After cleansing, cosmetologists recommend using lotions. Toning lotion with chamomile is produced by Clarins. It also contains linden and vitamins A and E. The product soothes, tones the skin and enriches cells with beneficial substances. Moisturizing lotion for face and body “Oats and Chamomile” is produced by the Polish company Avon (Avon). It reduces flaking, moisturizes the skin and makes it softer. The product is suitable for all skin types, and thanks to its large volume (750 ml), it lasts for a long time.

For problem skin prone to rashes, salicylic lotion with silver and chamomile extract from the Vitateca brand is suitable. It contains salicylic acid and alcohol, due to which the product dries out the skin and reduces the appearance of acne.

Many manufacturers have entire series of products for comprehensive facial skin care. An example is the products of the Clean Line brand, Avon and others. They have a cleansing foam, gel, scrub, toner and face cream with chamomile extract for different skin types.

Today there are a lot of cosmetic products available, and a cosmetologist can best choose the most suitable one.

Indispensable chamomile for the skin: all options to eliminate defects with a natural gift

Chamomile has many benefits for the skin. It is often included in the composition of various cosmetic products. Chamomile can be used to solve problems of all skin types. At home, it is possible to use it in any way: in decoctions, infusions, lotions and compresses. Chamomile for skin care is simple and effective.

Which is better - oil, extract or decoction?

Chamomile can be used in a variety of skin care products. Oils, extracts, decoctions and infusions, and lotions are prepared from it. Each product has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

In infusion or decoction

This is the easiest way to prepare the product. Most often, chamomile infusion is used for oily and problem skin. It calms it down, and also tones, relieves inflammation, and tightens pores.

Combine dried chamomile and alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. The resulting mixture must be infused for a week or ten days in a dark and warm place. When the infusion is ready, it must be passed through a sieve to separate the liquid from the raw materials. The product must be stored in a glass jar in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.

To treat the skin, it is necessary to dilute the tincture with water one to one.


Oil solutions are a little more difficult to prepare. This product is more suitable for dry and sensitive skin. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the dermis. Chamomile oil helps heal wounds and pustules and eliminate inflammation.

Even with dry skin, acne and acne can occur, but most products are not suitable because they contain alcohol and dehydrate it even more. Therefore, chamomile oil is ideal for treatment. They need to process imperfections point by point.

You can purchase the product at the pharmacy, but it is also possible to prepare it yourself. To do this, mix dried flowers with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. Keep the mixture in a warm place without sunlight for at least 30 days. Once ready, strain and store in a dark glass bottle in a cool place.

Chamomile extract

Chamomile extract is obtained through water extraction. This way almost all useful substances are preserved. In other words, you need to prepare a decoction. It is used for inflammation, suppuration, for the treatment of acne, ulcers, and burns. It is useful for them to wash their face in the morning.

To make a decoction, take a few spoons of dry raw materials and add hot water. The resulting mixture should be simmered over low heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then cool and separate the liquid from the raw materials. The broth should be stored in the cold, but not longer than a couple of days.

Chamomile oil extract

There is also an oil extract. Dried flowers are filled with vegetable oil of your choice. It should be twice as much as chamomile. Then the mixture is simmered in a water bath for a couple of hours. After cooling, you need to separate the liquid from the raw material and store it in a cool place.

This is the most effective and concentrated form of herbal preparation.

Recipes for facial skin

Despite the form in which chamomile is used, it is pleasant and useful to take care of different skin types. There are many recipes.

For dry skin

Chamomile softens the dermis, moisturizes it and relieves inflammation, peeling and irritation. It is best to use oil solutions for dry. Your arsenal of home care products with chamomile should include:

  • Moisturizing mask. Mix butter with raw egg and heavy sour cream. Beat the resulting mixture until smooth. Before application, cool and keep on face for 15 - 20 minutes. The mask softens the skin and smoothes out small wrinkles, giving the face a fresh and well-groomed appearance.
  • Soothing mask. Mix chamomile oil with a decoction and liquid natural honey in a non-metallic bowl. Keep the mask on for 15 - 20 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature.
  • Firming and rejuvenating. For the mask, mix oatmeal without sugar with chamomile infusion, add a little natural honey. Beat the mixture until smooth. Apply on face for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Chamomile ice cubes. A herbal decoction is first prepared. Then it is filtered and poured into molds. You can wipe your face in the morning to invigorate and tone the skin, as well as in the evening to relieve fatigue.
  • Wash with chamomile. For dry skin, a decoction diluted with water is suitable. So you can replace your usual washing with water with this morning procedure. This will give the skin radiance, whiten pigment spots, and even out the color. It is necessary to wash your face by wiping your face along the massage lines with a cotton pad with chamomile infusion.

To learn how to prepare a mask for sensitive dry skin, watch this video:

For oily skin

Chamomile is simply irreplaceable in the care of oily skin. It dries out inflammation, tightens pores, and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can diversify your home care with:

  • Wash with chamomile extract. This will help fight oily shine and certain imperfections. To do this, dry flowers need to be poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 20 - 30 minutes. Cool and separate the liquid. Soak the disc in the broth and wipe the face along the massage lines.
  • Chamomile lotion. Dried flowers are poured with alcohol and left for a week. Each time, the lotion is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and the most problematic areas are wiped.
  • Scrub. In a non-metallic bowl, mix soaked chamomile flowers and ground natural coffee. The raw materials can be reused after preparing the infusion. Mix everything thoroughly and gently apply to the skin along massage lines. This scrub is recommended to be done once a week.
  • Cleansing mask. Mix together a concentrated chamomile decoction, chicken protein and lemon juice. Keep the mask on for 15 - 20 minutes. You should wash your face with cool water.

Chamomile face scrub

For problem skin

This type of skin will be helped to acquire a well-groomed appearance and get rid of acne and dull complexion thanks to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. For problematic dermis, it is useful to carry out the following procedures with chamomile:

  • Anti-inflammatory and soothing mask. To do this, brew a couple of spoons of dry raw materials with boiling water and let it brew for 10 - 15 minutes. Then add low-fat cottage cheese and a few drops of tea tree essential oil to the resulting mass. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the face. You need to keep the mask on for half an hour. With regular use, inflammation appears significantly less, and the greasy shine disappears.
  • Cleansing mask. A chamomile decoction is prepared in advance. Then they are poured with oatmeal and allowed to swell. After this, the mixture must be thoroughly beaten and applied to the face for half an hour. This product helps remove waste and toxins and tighten pores.
  • Against clogged pores. A mask made of white clay diluted with concentrated chamomile decoction will get rid of blackheads. You need to keep it for 10 - 15 minutes, without allowing it to dry out.
  • Steam bath. Dried chamomile flowers are poured with hot water and brought to a boil. Then you need to remove from the heat and let it cool a little so as not to get burned. Now you can hold your face above the dishes; for a better effect, cover your head along with the pan with a towel. Carry out the procedure for 10 - 15 minutes. After this, comedones can be removed. However, it is important to close the pores after the procedure by washing with cool water and treating the skin with tonic.

To learn how to steam and cleanse your face with chamomile, watch this video:

Around eyes

Chamomile is no less effective for the area around the eyes. The following are used to care for this delicate part of the face:

  • Ice cubes . Pour the strained broth into molds. It should be used in the morning to eliminate swelling and dark circles. You should move along the massage lines - from the outer corner to the nose and from the inner to the temple.
  • Chamomile compresses. In the cooled, preferably even cold, infusion, moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the eye area for 10 minutes. This eliminates fatigue and bags under the eyes.
  • Enrichment of creams and gels . Chamomile infusion or oil can be mixed with your usual remedy for the area around the eyes. But it is important to do this in moderation so as not to cause even more swelling.

Recipes for body skin care

The beneficial properties of chamomile are useful not only in facial care, but also the body must be kept in excellent condition. The following procedures will help with this:

  • Relaxing baths with chamomile infusion. It can be taken for any skin type. The chamomile procedure relieves tension, eliminates irritation and peeling.

To prepare it, you will need a liter of decoction, which must be poured into a full bath.

  • Bathing hands and feet. For the procedure, you need to dissolve a glass of chamomile infusion in a liter of hot water. It takes 10 minutes to hold your arms or legs. After the procedure, you need to moisturize the skin with cream. You can take baths every day. They help heal wounds, eliminate peeling, irritation and itching, and soften the skin.

For better results, you can use ingredients such as natural honey, sea salt, and horsetail.

  • Chamomile essential oil is useful to add to body cream or lotion. This helps increase skin firmness, elasticity, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Compresses against stretch marks. Dried flowers are poured into the milk, everything is cooked over low heat until it boils. Then let it brew a little and cool. Then a prepared piece of soft cloth or gauze is moistened in the resulting mixture. It needs to be applied to the problem area, covered with cellophane and a warm blanket.

The procedure time is up to 20 minutes. After the compress, you need to apply your favorite body cream.

To learn how to prepare a bath with chamomile for feet against swelling, watch this video:

How can chamomile help with allergies?

Chamomile has powerful antihistamine properties, which is why it is often used as a natural remedy to combat allergies. In addition, this is one of the best ways against dermatitis; it helps eliminate swelling in the throat and inflammation.

For the procedure, prepare a decoction of three tablespoons of flowers and hot water. The mixture should be simmered over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. In the cooled broth, moisten a soft cloth, gauze or a piece of bandage, then apply a compress to the sore spot, cover with cellophane and thick cloth. You can keep it from half an hour to several hours. Best done at night.

But chamomile should not be taken internally if you have allergies. It only works for external manifestations of the disease.

Contraindications for use

Since this is a natural product, there are not many contraindications The most important thing is allergies and sensitivity to chamomile . Before use, you need to apply a compress to an inconspicuous area of ​​the body and wait for a reaction for an hour. If no discomfort occurs, you can use it to prepare homemade care products.

It is also important to remember that not all procedures are permitted. Chamomile ice should not be used on very dry epidermis, skin prone to rosacea, dermatitis, psoriasis, or in the presence of diseases. You should not arrange steam baths for those ailments, or even for acute inflammations on the face. You need to wait until they pass.

We recommend reading about herbs for facial skin. You will learn about herbs for different skin types, rules for using at home, recipes for masks and cocktails for rejuvenating, moisturizing and firming the skin. And here is more information about steam baths for the face.

Chamomile has many useful and valuable properties. It preserves youth, elasticity of the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation. It helps in caring for all types of dermis and hair. In addition, it is an inexpensive and accessible remedy that you can prepare yourself at home.


For whom is chamomile contraindicated?

A contraindication to the external use of chamomile is an allergy to it or to other aster plants such as ragweed, asters and chrysanthemums. If after the procedure your face immediately turns red, the product is probably not suitable.

Ice cubes should not be used for rosacea, as exposure to cold can trigger the development of the disease. Steaming the face with a decoction to cleanse the pores is not recommended for those with elevated temperatures, heart and vascular diseases, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system. Chamomile is used with caution for dermatological diseases, after cosmetic procedures that injure the skin, and operations. In these cases, you should definitely consult a doctor before using the products.

Be that as it may, serious dermatological problems must be resolved together with a doctor. It is the specialist who will help identify the causes of the disease and select the appropriate medications and cosmetic products. Fighting serious diseases with the help of chamomile is dangerous, because if it is ineffective, the pathology can progress to a stage where effective treatment will be too difficult and expensive. At home, chamomile is used on the face only as an addition to conventional cosmetics, the task of which is only to maintain good skin condition, but not to treat it.

Interesting video: how to make natural lotion for oily skin from chamomile

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