Vitamin B17, where it is found, why the body needs it

Composition of "Amygdalin" (vitamin B17)

Amygdalin is a medicine containing vitamin B17. In pharmaceutical circles it is also known as "Laetrile". According to its chemical structure, it is classified as a cyanogenic glycoside. When it enters the human body, the substance breaks down into compounds of glucose, cyanide and benzaldehyde.

Vitamin B17 was originally derived from almond seeds. Later they learned to produce it artificially. In terms of its effect, the synthetic analogue turned out to be stronger than the prototype. It has good solubility in alcohol and water. It is also characterized by good volatility. The distinctive features of vitamin B17 include the characteristic bitter odor of almonds.

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Vitamin B17 price

Mexican laetrile is in greatest demand among the population. It is worth recognizing that the price of vitamin B17 in this country is relatively low. According to consumer reviews, the quality of a product purchased from an online store often leaves much to be desired. The original anti-cancer vitamin can be ordered inexpensively (the cost of a quality product is about 2,000 rubles) from the catalog presented on the official website of the laetrile manufacturer in Mexico. Prices for this vitamin in Moscow are as follows:

  • Ayurveda balm b17 – 720-800 rub.;
  • amygdalin in capsules – 2000-2500 rubles;
  • laetrile in liquid form – 2500-3200 rub.

Why does the body need vitamin B17?

The history of vitamin B17 dates back to ancient Egypt. It was extracted from apricot kernels, which are considered one of the richest sources of the substance. Traditional healers of Egypt claimed that the components included in its composition replenish energy reserves and prevent dangerous diseases.

Vitamin B17 is not produced by the human body. It can only get into it as part of medicines and some food products. Traditional medicine does not recognize the positive effects of Amygdalin on the body. Today it is considered the strongest poison. But hypothetically, vitamin B17 can cope with a host of serious diseases. It is used in cases where the potential harm does not outweigh the positive properties. Studies have proven that Amygdalin has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and has an analgesic effect. Proper use strengthens the immune system and reduces susceptibility to bacterial and inflammatory diseases.

Important! When heat treated below 300°C, vitamin B17 retains its beneficial properties.

Vitamin B17 is a cure or a deadly poison

An alternative name for vitamin B17 is amygdalin or lethril. In terms of its chemical structure, this compound differs in many ways from already known vitamins. The discoverer of amygdalin is Ernst Krebs, who devoted his work to proving the non-toxicity of amygdalin. In order to substantiate his theory, the scientist injected himself with a high dose of amygdalin, but even such a radical step did not give a positive result in proving the non-toxicity of vitamin B17.

Other countries, including Russia and the United States, have outright banned the production and sale of extracted vitamin B17. In the United States, the sale of apricot kernels, which are a valuable source of amygdalin, is even prohibited. In addition, in the United States of America, distributors of amygdalin-based products marketed as anti-cancer drugs are being prosecuted.

Benefits and harms of "Amygdalin"

Vitamins of group B17 can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. Therefore, before using them, it is necessary to study in detail the principle of their effect on the human body. Amygdalin has a significant effect on the immune system. When used traditionally, it activates humoral and cellular immune responses. Vitamin B17 causes B lymphocytes to interact with T lymphocytes. This leads to the release of specific immunoglobulins. For this reason, the body copes with various diseases faster.

Other beneficial properties of Amygdalin include:

  • analgesic effect;
  • slowing down natural aging processes;
  • destruction of malignant cells;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • removal of oxidation products from the body;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • elimination of anxiety states;
  • improvement of visual function.

A pronounced therapeutic effect of “Amygdalin” is noted in relation to the joints and cardiovascular system. In addition, it is capable of killing malignant cells. This occurs due to cyanide produced during the breakdown of the vitamin. The drug effectively blocks pain caused by metastases. It should be noted that in the initial stages of the disease it is most effective.

Another advantage of Amygdalin is its hypotensive effect and the ability to accelerate the regeneration of epithelial tissues. "Amygdalin" helps to quickly and easily cope with skin diseases. In addition, it prevents rheumatoid arthritis and keeps bones healthy. An additional bonus of the medicine is the improvement of visual function.

A lack of vitamin B17 in the body can trigger the development of cancer. But this happens extremely rarely. The main provoking factor for this condition is considered to be a poor diet. In most cases, the disease is caused by other causes. Therefore, the degree of effectiveness of treatment therapy in each individual case will vary. If a person becomes deficient in the vitamin, they may notice the following symptoms:

  • frequent headaches;
  • depressed state;
  • mental disorders;
  • decreased performance;
  • pain in certain parts of the body.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods are extremely unlikely to experience B17 deficiency. This is due to the fact that it enters the body in sufficient quantities with food.

The main disadvantage of the drug is its toxicity. When vitamin Amygdalin breaks down, hydrocyanic acid is formed. Once in the body, it interferes with the respiration of cells, causing their destruction. High concentrations of the substance can cause suffocation. The danger of Amygdalin also lies in the cyanide content. It is called a powerful poison that has a detrimental effect on all life support systems.

Attention! Hydrocyanic acid formed as a result of the breakdown of Amygdalin can cause coma or death.

What foods contain vitamin B17

A certain amount of vitamin B17 enters the human body in food. Therefore, with a varied diet, the likelihood of developing a deficiency is negligible. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have exotic dishes in your diet.

Products containing Amygdalin include:

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  • bean pods;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • apricot kernel;
  • bitter almonds;
  • pear and apple seeds;
  • flax-seed;
  • dark chocolate;
  • caraway;
  • celery;
  • chilli;
  • mushrooms.

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Vitamin B17 is found in small amounts in cereals and dried fruits. If there is a deficiency of the substance, it is recommended to include buckwheat, brown rice and millet porridge in the diet. But the leading amount of the useful element is presented in the seeds and seeds of various fruits.

Advice! Before using vitamin B17 for medicinal purposes, you must consult with your doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body.

Foods that contain amygdalin

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this vitamin is found exclusively in products of plant origin. Most of it is, of course, contained in apricots - the product is quite accessible to everyone, however, it is rather suitable for prevention, but treatment will take a lot of time. In general, it must be said that the amygdalin content in the seeds is higher than in the pulp of the fruit. The bioactive ingredient we are interested in can be found in a number of other natural products, such as: aloe gel, wheatgrass, chili peppers, chard, edible mushrooms, turmeric, vegetables and raw fruits, flax, aloe juice, chia seeds and black seeds. Slightly less substance is found in lentils, pumpkin seeds and oil, millet, currants, raspberries, flaxseed oil, gooseberries, buckwheat, quince, elderberry and cherries. Amygdalin can be found in sufficient quantities in spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, beans, dried apricots, cashew nuts, blackberries, raisins, watercress, and green peas.

Vitamin B17 against cancer – myth or reality

There is a lot of controversy about vitamin B17 in oncology. It is believed that it is capable of destroying tumor cells. The people of India and Asia, who eat a lot of foods containing vitamins, practically do not suffer from cancer. The antitumor effect is achieved due to the cyanide content. It penetrates deep into cancer cells, destroying them from the inside.

The first studies of the antitumor properties of Amygdalin were carried out in 1845. Californian scientist Ernst T. Krebs used the drug to treat cancer. In the process of studying the substance, he discovered that it was very toxic. In 1952, an artificial analogue was developed, which was called “Laetrile”. It began to be used not only for the treatment of cancer, but also for preventive purposes.

Scientists have found that malignant cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen. For this reason, they are resistant to most anticancer drugs. "Amygdalin" promotes their saturation with oxygen, thereby facilitating the healing process. Many years of research by specialists have shown that the drug is ineffective against breast and lung cancer.

Today, Laetrile or Amygdalin are no longer used to treat cancer patients. The FDA has officially banned the use of the drug due to its toxicity and low effectiveness. The National Cancer Institute conducted an independent study that refuted the benefits of vitamin B17.

Representatives of alternative medicine responded to this by accusing pharmaceutical companies of wanting to hide an effective medicine. They continue to believe that vitamin B17 prevents cancer. The drug is banned in the USA. But in Australia and Mexico it continues to be sold in pharmacies. It is impossible to buy the medicine in Russia.

B17 - a vitamin in the treatment of cancer

In the scientific community there are very different and contradictory opinions about amygdalin. Some scientists convince the audience of the substance’s great effectiveness in eliminating cancer, while others do not perceive vitamin B17 as an auxiliary agent in oncology. Based on the research conducted, there are certain conclusions of scientists based on the results of testing the effects of amygdalene and laetrile. For example, in the United States, laetrile was removed from sale on the basis that the substance could be poisonous due to its cyanide content.

Tests and experiments were carried out on laboratory animals in scientific institutes. They show that B17 slows down the development of malignancy and stops tumor growth. Vitamin B17 prevents metastases.

Some researchers claim that they have been able to remove certain chemical compounds from amygdalin that are produced by organic structures and actively act on cancer cells. As a result of experiments, it was proven that cancer formation stops its growth and activity.

Application of "Amygdalin"

The dosage of vitamin B17 is determined individually. It depends on whether Amygdalin enters the body from natural sources. The maximum single dose of the substance is 1000 mg. You are allowed to consume no more than 3000 mg per day. An overdose can cause side symptoms. In childhood, the use of vitamin B17 is excluded. It can greatly harm a fragile child’s body.

The tablet form of "Amygdalin" is taken three times a day, one piece at a time. They contain 500 mg of active substance. Take 30 minutes before meals. Injection administration of the drug is also possible. Each ampoule of solution contains 3 mg of vitamin. In some cases, injection administration of Amygdalin is practiced in conjunction with chemotherapy. An alternative option for taking vitamin B17 is apricot kernels.

Comment! To increase the effectiveness of Amygdalin, additionally take selenium, zinc and vitamin C.

Laetrile or amygdalin

There are no significant differences between the therapeutic effects provided by these substances. Laetrile, as a chemically synthesized analogue of amygdalin, is recommended to be taken as an additional source of fatty acids, flavonoids, and antioxidants. It is worth reminding the reader that these properties of vitamin B17 are very contradictory. Such controversial issues require further scientific research.

The instructions for use of this product indicate that, taking into account the individual sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug, the prophylactic dose of the substance is 200-1000 mg, which is equal to 6-30 apricot kernels. The specified amount of vitamin must be consumed throughout the day. A one-time dose of laetrile or amygdalin can provoke severe hydrocyanic acid poisoning, followed by death. The substance is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Contraindications and side effects

Since representatives of traditional medicine have ambivalent views on the drug, it should be used with extreme caution. There are a number of conditions in which it is better to avoid taking the vitamin.

These include the following:

  • vitamin surplus in the body;
  • age under 18 years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

If used incorrectly, Amygdalin can cause side effects. People with liver dysfunction and genetic defects are at risk. The most common adverse drug reactions include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • migraine;
  • muscle weakness;
  • dizziness.

With pronounced toxic poisoning, yellowing of the mucous surfaces of the eyes and mouth is noted. The skin takes on an earthy tint. At the same time, a person’s performance decreases and nervousness increases. There may be heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

What other products contain the above substance?

Amygdalin is found in some types of nuts, sprouts and leaves. Products containing vitamin B17:

  • macadamia nuts, almonds and cashews;
  • alfalfa, bamboo, garbanzo, mung bean, fava sprouts;
  • spinach, eucalyptus, alfalfa leaves;
  • beet tops;
  • watercress;
  • tubers of sweet potatoes, yams, cassava.

The latter product can be found on supermarket shelves in the form of flour.

Precautionary measures

Amygdalin is considered toxic, so it can accumulate in liver cells, destroying them from the inside. During treatment, it is necessary to periodically take a biochemical blood test to determine AST and ALT levels. This will allow you to monitor the nature of the negative effects of the drug on the body.

Experts advise giving preference to natural sources of the vitamin. Amygdalin is contained in them in limited quantities, which reduces the risk of side effects. In addition, glucose weakens the effect of the poison. Therefore, it is better to eat foods containing vitamin B17 with sugar.

Under certain circumstances, even a minimal intake of vitamin B17 into the body can be fatal. It is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from this. It is difficult to predict how the body will react to taking the drug. If he is in a weakened state, special vigilance must be exercised. It is advisable to monitor the situation by regularly taking laboratory tests.

Why does the body need vitamin B17?

The beneficial properties of vitamin B17 were used by healers and healers of Ancient Egypt and India. Residents of these countries often ate apricot kernels and bitter almonds, so they practically did not get cancer.

Representatives of modern science are confident that the glycoside present in the seeds of pome and stone fruit crops has a positive effect on the body:

  • relieves the condition of joints affected by arthritis;
  • normalizes blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension;
  • activates metabolic processes, eliminates excess weight and prevents obesity;
  • slows down cell aging;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • neutralizes and destroys cancer cells, accelerates the recovery of cancer patients.

However, careless intake of vitamin B17 in medicinal or natural form can lead to an overdose and negative consequences.

The main signs of excess amygdalin are:

Nausea is a symptom of an excess of amygdalin in the body.

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • fever;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • bluish skin;
  • problems with concentration and coordination of movements.

In case of severe poisoning with cyanide, which is vitamin B17, the risk of seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, respiratory arrest, and death increases.

Consequences of vitamin B17 deficiency according to alternative medicine

Proponents of alternative science argue that the absence or low concentration of letril in the blood can lead to unpleasant symptoms:

Headache is a symptom of a lack of vitamin B17 in the body.

  • causeless fatigue;
  • constant headaches;
  • pain of an unspecified nature;
  • depression;
  • immunodeficiency states, frequent infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • metabolic disorders (obesity);
  • erosions, benign neoplasms.

But the most dangerous consequence of a deficiency of a biologically active substance is the growth of cancer cells and malignant tumors.

Supporters of traditional medicine are confident that such a concept as a lack of vitamin B17 cannot be applied: the organic compound is inherently a strong poison, so the body does not need it.

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