Green nuts: what diseases are treated, benefits and harms, uses, recipes
Green walnuts: benefits and harms
What do green walnuts look like? The main feature of a green walnut is the soft peel of the corresponding
How to make your heels soft and smooth at home - 7 best recipes for baby-like heels
Summer is the time for the sea, fruits, beaches, sundresses - and, of course, sandals. If in
What diseases does copper sulfate help with?
Recently, people are increasingly looking for specific folk methods of treatment. And it's all
Avocado oil: benefits for skin, nails, hair and immunity, possible harm
Chemical composition of avocado oil Avocado oil is obtained by cold pressing from the pulp of the fruit of the same name.
Remedy for stretch marks. How to get rid of stretch marks using folk remedies
How to properly treat stretch marks?
How to remove stretch marks is a fairly popular question among the fair sex. Stretch marks are not
Shilajit for colitis Shilajit is often used to treat ulcerative colitis. This is one of those
How to treat the gallbladder with folk remedies
Traditional medicine preparations can quickly cope with most gallbladder diseases. Exceptions
Celandine oil properties and uses for skin
General description Cosmetic celandine oil is prepared on the basis of any basic vegetable fat (olive, sunflower,
juniper essential oil
Juniper oil: properties and applications
Juniper berry oil is a light, transparent, fluid liquid with a yellowish or
Varieties of bee honey. Which one is tastier and healthier?
Even a specialist cannot answer the question of how many types of honey there are. Varieties
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