Treatment with a magnet using traditional methods
Magnetic fields have a mysterious effect on the body; many attribute healing properties to them. In many
From such raw materials it is possible to prepare preparations that will help both in the treatment of facial skin and in solving cosmetic problems.
Chamomile for the face: benefits, application, reviews
≡ Home → Chamomile → Properties of chamomile → Chamomile is one of the most
It is difficult to find another such product with such a controversial reputation. Some people can't live without
How to use rosemary oil? The benefits and harms of rosemary oil
Rosemary oil (English: Rosemary oil, Latin: Rosmarinus oleum) is an essential product that is produced
How to prepare celandine using serum for oncology
Hello everyone friends. A healing drink - kvass from celandine - was invented by a scientist and doctor
Honey for weight loss: reviews, diet recipe
Honey is a unique product that has been famous for many extremely beneficial properties for thousands of years.
The use of wormwood for cancer
Wormwood for cancer - drugs and folk recipes
Plants » Herbs 0 1378 Article rating Kira Stoletova In modern alternative medicine, wormwood
Vinegar for lice and nits
How to get rid of lice at home using folk remedies?
Lice are ancient insects. Archaeologists discovered their remains in Egyptian, Indian, and Peruvian mummies. By
lavender flowers
7 simple recipes for aromatic lavender tea
Positive properties The benefits of lavender tea are obvious; it has a calming and relaxing effect, which is why it is used
Foot bath
Diuretic folk remedies for swelling of the legs
Quote from Vedma_ELENA message Read in full To your quote book or community! Edema - excess fluid accumulation
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