Sensorineural hearing loss - symptoms and treatment

  • September 5, 2018
  • Diseases and conditions
  • Olga Simchenko

Hearing loss is a weakening of hearing, and this disease occurs mainly in older people. If you don't take it seriously, you may lose your hearing forever. Quite often, hearing loss is treated with folk remedies. Improvement in hearing in this case occurs quite quickly, but such techniques must be applied systematically.

Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Traditional methods are used as a complement to drug therapy. Prognosis largely depends on the correctness of therapy.

Features and classification of the disease

Hearing loss is a hearing impairment that is combined with changes in speech. The disease can develop at any age, even in newborns. A person cannot hear, even if they speak very loudly.

The symptoms of the disease increase gradually, and the pathology itself can be temporary or permanent. Negative external factors, as well as various pathologies, can cause hearing impairment.

Classification of hearing loss is carried out depending on the degree of the disease, the causes of occurrence and the age of the first manifestation of symptoms. Doctors distinguish 4 stages of the disease and several of its varieties. According to the level of damage, the disease is divided into the following types:

  • neurosensory;
  • conductive;
  • mixed;
  • sudden deafness;
  • acute form;
  • chronic deafness.

The conductive type is characterized by the fact that hearing loss is caused by tumors, otitis media and other diseases. The neurosensory type is accompanied by intense pain. It is caused mainly by internal pathologies or medications.

Degrees of hearing loss are determined by the sound range. If this indicator is above 90 dB, then a diagnosis of “deafness” is made. The degree of the disease is determined after examination. Subsequent treatment largely depends on the results obtained.

Depending on the degree of hearing loss, symptoms may vary slightly. However, it is worth remembering that, regardless of the stage or form of the disease, a person may have a deterioration in the perception of sounds.

What types of hearing loss are there?

Classification of hearing loss is carried out depending on the degree of development of the disease, its causes and the age at which symptoms first appear. In medical practice, there are four stages of this disease and six main types.

Only a specialist can determine the specific type of hearing loss based on a general examination of the patient. Each form of the disease has its own characteristics and treatment methods.

According to the level of damage, hearing loss is divided into the following types:

  • conductive type (hearing impairment is caused by obstacles in the middle or outer ear; hearing impairment can be caused, for example, by otitis media, tumors and other diseases);
  • sensorineural type (the main reason for the development of this type of hearing loss is the death of hair cells; in some cases, this disease may be accompanied by pain; medications or internal pathologies can provoke the disease);
  • sudden deafness (this condition develops under the influence of various types of viruses, hearing loss can manifest itself within several hours);
  • mixed type (the development of the disease is influenced by the simultaneous influence of external and internal factors);
  • chronic hearing loss (hearing loss occurs in several stages, the duration of the development of the disease can occur for months or years);
  • acute form (the duration of the disease is no more than a month, and symptoms can develop within several hours or days).

The degree of development of hearing loss is determined by the range of sounds that the patient can distinguish. If this indicator exceeds 90 dB, then a diagnosis of deafness is made. The specialist studies the extent of the disease using special examination methods. This stage is mandatory in the diagnosis of hearing loss. The direction of further treatment largely depends on its results.

Classification of hearing loss by degree of development:

  • 1st degree - the range of perceived sounds does not exceed 40 dB;
  • 2nd degree - the range of sound perception does not exceed 55 dB;
  • 3rd degree - the range of perceived sounds does not exceed 70 dB;
  • Grade 4 - the range of perceived sounds does not exceed 90 dB.

Common symptoms of hearing loss are the appearance of tinnitus, frequent headaches, combined with dizziness, attacks of nausea or vomiting. Regardless of the form and stage of the disease, the patient always has a disturbance in the perception of sounds. The degree of deafness may vary. In some cases, the development of the disease is accompanied by severe pain in the ears.

Causes and symptoms

It is important to understand exactly what causes hearing loss and how to quickly and effectively deal with this problem. The disease can develop not only under the influence of negative external influences, with complications of pathologies, or manifest itself at the genetic level. Congenital pathologies are much more difficult to treat.

Sometimes the occurrence of hearing abnormalities is influenced by birth injuries. Symptoms may not appear immediately. The causes of hearing loss may include the following factors:

  • complication of infectious and viral diseases;
  • exposure to vibration and noise;
  • middle ear disease;
  • formation of sulfur plug;
  • complications of atherosclerosis;
  • vascular damage.

The main sign of hearing loss is serious hearing problems. Symptoms may include:

  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • speech disorder;
  • nausea.

When the first signs of the disease occur, you should visit an otolaryngologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes and symptoms of hearing loss

Hearing loss is a disease in which progressive partial hearing loss occurs. As the disease progresses, the perception of sounds and speech communication are impaired. Hearing loss includes difficulties in perceiving speech at medium and short distances; in advanced cases, deafness occurs.

  • If hearing loss occurs at birth, it is called early; all other cases are referred to as late hearing loss.
  • Hearing loss from infancy is the most difficult to cure, since the patient does not know what sounds are.
  • There are three types of hearing loss:
  • conductive (difficulty conducting sound waves through the outer and middle ear into the inner ear);
  • neurosensory (damage to the sound-receiving apparatus);
  • mixed.

The causes of conductive hearing loss include:

  • otitis externa;
  • ear defects;
  • sulfur plugs;
  • otosclerosis (pathological growth of bone tissue in the middle ear);
  • various damage to the auditory ossicles;
  • otitis media of acute and chronic forms;
  • malfunction of the auditory tube.

Causes of sensorineural hearing loss:

  • age-related hearing loss;
  • exposure to strong noise without protection from it;
  • piggy;
  • meningitis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Meniere's disease (high pressure of fluids in the inner ear);
  • taking certain medications (Cisplatin, Quinine, antibiotics);
  • neuritis of the auditory nerve (inflammatory process in the nerve responsible for hearing function);
  • maternal rubella during pregnancy;
  • impaired blood supply to the auditory nerve.

Mixed hearing loss can be caused by both conductive and sensorineural forms of the disease.

In medicine, there are four degrees of development of the disease:

  • 1st degree. Sound perception up to 40 dB. At this stage of the disease, a person hears sounds from a distance of several meters only in conditions of complete silence. When extraneous noise occurs, the patient begins to experience difficulty in auditory perception.
  • 2nd degree. Hearing acuity drops to 44-55 dB. There is a sudden loss of hearing. Even in the absence of extraneous noise, the perception of sounds is limited.
  • 3rd degree. Hearing is almost lost. The patient perceives sounds from 70 dB. If left untreated, the disease begins to progress. At this stage of development of hearing loss, the patient cannot communicate normally without a hearing aid.
  • 4th degree. Hearing loss. Perception of sounds from 90 dB. The patient cannot hear spoken speech.

The main symptom of the disease is hearing problems.

Symptoms also include:

  • noise in ears;
  • mild dizziness;
  • slurring and speech impairment;
  • nausea, vomiting.


If the disease has not yet advanced, wearing a hearing aid is not required; special exercises should be performed every day to improve hearing. Hearing exercises can significantly improve your hearing within just a few months.

They normalize blood circulation in the ears and the functioning of the auditory nerves. Indirect massage of the eardrum is carried out internally.

You need to do them in the morning, setting aside time for this every day:

  • Getting out of bed, start rubbing your ears in a circular motion. Fifteen rubbings are performed on each ear at the same time. Patients suffering from high blood pressure should be careful with exercise, as it greatly increases blood flow.
  • Next (the exercise is called “heavenly drum”) you need to cover your ears with your palms and place your fingers towards the back of your head. Lightly tap with your fingers about ten times. Perform about twenty repetitions.
  • To massage the eardrum, you need to insert your finger into the ear canal and then sharply pull it out. Perform simultaneously for both ears.
  • Pull your earlobes with your thumb and index finger up to ten times.
  1. You can get rid of hearing loss using folk remedies.
  2. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, products obtained from food, and others are used as healing agents.
  3. Propolis is a universal remedy used for many diseases.
    In the treatment of hearing loss, there are also recipes available for use:
  • Propolis tincture and oil. Mix alcohol tincture of propolis and olive oil in proportions of one to four. Shake the mixture well to thoroughly mix the ingredients. Small tampons are made from gauze fabric and soaked in a healing composition. Manipulations are carried out as carefully as possible so as not to harm the eardrum. Treatment is carried out for one and a half days (36 hours), after which they take a break for a day. The full course involves twelve procedures.
  • Propolis and sea buckthorn oil. Thirty grams of crushed propolis is poured with one hundred milliliters of 70% alcohol. The composition is left to infuse for a week, shaking it occasionally. After this, the mixture is filtered. The ear canals are cleaned and tampons soaked in the resulting tincture are inserted into them (pressing them against the eardrums). The course of therapy is about two weeks.


Hearing loss can also be treated with products that are available to everyone.

Vegetables, berries, and fruits have medicinal properties and, when used correctly, have a positive healing effect.

Here are some recipes:

  • Onion. Take a large onion. Make a hole in it and place a teaspoon of dill seeds in it. The onion with dill is placed in the oven and baked until it turns brown. The onion baked in this way is wrapped in gauze and the juice is squeezed out. The product is instilled into the sore ear warm, nine drops up to four times a day. The composition must be stored in the refrigerator and reheated immediately before use. Usually, after instillation, wax and dirt come out of the ear. After everything comes out, the hearing becomes much better. Treatment is continued for a month.
  • Bread compress. To prepare the product, take a tablespoon of cumin and juniper fruits, as well as five tablespoons of rye flour. Cumin and juniper fruits are ground into flour. All ingredients are mixed and bread is baked from them. The crust is removed from the still hot fresh self-baked bread, and alcohol is poured into the pulp. Mix well and apply the resulting mixture to and around the ears. After the bread has cooled, cotton swabs soaked in almond or rue oil are placed in the ears. Oils are alternated every day. Such compresses help restore hearing.
  • Garlic and camphor oil. This recipe copes well with hearing loss caused by acoustic neuritis. For treatment, ear plugs are made filled with a paste of one clove of garlic mixed with three drops of camphor oil. The earbuds are kept in the ears until a slight burning sensation appears. The procedure is performed every evening before bed for two weeks.
  • Cranberry juice. The drink is prepared from one glass of berries, crushed with a wooden spoon. The juice is filtered off, and the remaining skins are poured with a liter of cold water and boiled. A tablespoon of honey is added to the warm fruit drink, and after it has cooled, it is mixed with the previously separated juice. Fruit juice prepared in this way strengthens the immune system and cleanses blood vessels in case of hearing loss.
  • Nutrition. To restore hearing, consume a quarter of a lemon with peel, fresh vegetables and fruits, lingonberries and cranberries, onions and garlic, grapes, apples and dried fruits daily.

Various infusions and decoctions are prepared for internal use:

  • Infusion of bay leaf. Two tablespoons of pre-crushed bay leaf are poured into one glass of boiling water and left for about two hours. The composition is instilled into the ears or washed when there is pus discharge and hearing loss.
  • Infusion of pine nuts. A glass of pine nuts is poured with a glass of vodka. Infuse for forty days in a warm, dark place. After this, the composition is filtered and taken ten drops orally after breakfast.
  • A decoction of the rhizomes of calamus. Two tablespoons of dry rhizomes are poured into three glasses of boiling water and left for three hours. Take a quarter glass half an hour before meals three times a day.

Other means

In folk therapy of diseases, original remedies are also used.

Take red or yellow sheet copper three millimeters thick. Circles with a radius of one centimeter are cut out of it and sanded with sandpaper.

One of the circles is placed on the tragus of the ear, and the second on the bone behind the auricle so that they are exactly opposite each other. Both circles are fixed with adhesive tape. The procedure is carried out overnight.

In the morning, the copper circles are removed and washed thoroughly in warm water, after which they are left to dry. The ears are washed with soap. This is done every day until complete recovery.

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies and methods is accessible and effective for both adults and children. Before you begin treatment using traditional medicine recipes at home, you should consult your doctor.


Hearing loss can develop not only under the influence of negative external factors or as a result of complications of certain diseases, but also manifest itself at the genetic level. Congenital pathology is the most difficult to treat.

In some cases, the development of hearing abnormalities is influenced by birth injuries. Symptoms of hearing loss may not appear immediately. The key factor is the cause that provoked the disease.

The following factors can cause the development of hearing loss:

  • complications of viral and infectious diseases;
  • middle ear diseases;
  • negative impact of noise and vibrations;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • complications of atherosclerosis;
  • formation of sulfur plug;
  • vascular damage;
  • poisoning by poisons or chemicals;
  • age-related changes;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications.

Traditional treatment

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies at home must be approved by an otolaryngologist. Often, the disease can be completely cured, especially when combined with the use of medications and alternative methods. Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies in children and adults helps to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem, and they also act more gently and safely.

Home remedies and techniques help effectively dissolve accumulated wax in the ears, which impairs hearing. For this, compresses and natural drops are used. There are also effective agents intended for oral administration. They allow you to normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes.

When treating deafness with folk remedies, only natural ingredients are used that have been used for decades to restore hearing.

Features of treatment with non-traditional methods

It is necessary to carry out any therapeutic measures using folk remedies only after approval of this decision by a doctor. He must first understand the reason that influenced the formation of this pathological process, and only then prescribe therapy. All remedies used in folk medicine can improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the hearing organ. The medicine also helps improve blood flow and cellular metabolism.

The video shows treatment of hearing loss at home:

All folk remedies used for the treatment of hearing loss are divided into 3 types:

  • for instillation;
  • for oral administration;
  • for putting in the ear.

If you use drops, then you need to carry out the procedure while lying on your side. After the drops are in the right place, do not get up suddenly, lie down for another 2-3 minutes. When treating with oral medications, you must first familiarize yourself with the contraindications, and also not combine them with drinking strong drinks.

Medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs are widely used to improve hearing. They can be used to wash the ears, prepare compresses, or taken orally as a means of normalizing the immune system and eliminating inflammation. The following plants can be used for treatment:

  • Bay leaf;
  • sagebrush;
  • hop;
  • peppermint;
  • juniper;
  • chamomile;
  • Melissa.

Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed bay leaf, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and let stand for 2 hours. Instill the prepared product into the ears or rinse if there is decreased hearing and discharge of purulent contents.

Take 1 tbsp. pine nuts, pour 1 tbsp. vodka. Leave for 40 days in a warm, dark place. Then filter the finished product and drink 10 drops daily, after breakfast.

Bee products

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies in adults can be carried out using beekeeping products. Prepare a mixture of 10% propolis tincture and vegetable oil 1:2. Twist the flagella from the bandage and soak in the medicinal composition. Insert them into the ear and leave for a day. You need to repeat this procedure 20 times. You can also knead the propolis a little with your hands, roll it into a flagellum and insert it into your ears.

Dilute propolis in alcohol and pour in 2-3 drops of olive oil. Twist some cotton wool or a bandage, soak the prepared tampon in the prepared solution and insert it into the ear. Leave for 36 hours. The course of therapy consists of 10 procedures.

Almond oil is considered a good remedy, which helps fight ear congestion. To do this, you need to mix it with propolis 3:1, and then heat it a little in a water bath. Soak a tampon in the prepared product and insert it into the ear for 12 hours. The therapeutic course involves 14-21 days. You can also make a good remedy with sea buckthorn or corn oil.

Folk remedies will help in the treatment of hearing loss

Traditional medicine recipes use only natural products that help restore hearing for decades. They are written by wisdom and composed by experience.

Propolis and garlic for hearing loss

Both garlic and propolis have healing properties that are necessary in the preparation of this remedy for restoring hearing.

To prepare the mixture you need to take:

  • propolis tincture 10% – 1 part;
  • vegetable oil – 2 parts.

Twist flagella from a bandage or clean gauze and soak in the mixture. Insert them into the ear canals for 24 hours. Do the procedures for 20 days.

Propolis against hearing loss also helps in its own form, if you knead it in your hands into a flagellum and place it in the passage of the problem ear.

Garlic and vegetable oil

Mix garlic juice (1 part) with vegetable oil (3 parts). The oil should be fresh, ideally olive oil. Place 2 drops in ears for 15 days. Seven days break and repeat the procedures again in a course of 15 days.

Garlic and camphor oil will help with hearing loss

Grate garlic (1 clove) on a fine grater or pass through a garlic press. Add camphor oil (3 drops). Wrap the mixture in a bandage and insert it into the ear canal.

The remedies are good for hearing loss after otitis media and problems associated with vascular disorders.

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies

Hearing loss can be stopped using folk recipes at home with healing compounds.

  1. Squeeze the juice out of 5 viburnum berries by piercing them with a needle. Add the same amount of honey and mix. In the evening, make a flagellum and tie a thread to it. Soak in the mixture and insert into the ear. We do this 20 times. After which your hearing will be restored and the tinnitus will disappear.
  2. Ear wax also limits hearing. Instill 7 drops of almond oil daily and drink a glass of milk with three drops of birch tar throughout the day.

Bay leaves and geranium help with hearing loss

Very effective home remedies for restoring hearing, proven over decades, are bay leaf infusion and geranium juice.

Take 5 bay leaves and brew a glass of boiling water in a thermos for 3 hours. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals (three times a day). Apply the same infusion to your ears, 5 drops each. Treatment lasts 10 days with a break of five days. It will help even with complete deafness.

You need to instill juice from geranium leaves (2 drops) in your ears for ten days. If you have hearing loss, it is also useful to wash your hair with an infusion of marsh geranium: steam 2 tablespoons of fresh leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. After three hours, dilute with warm water and wash your hair without soap. Wrap in a warm towel and let dry.

Onions and beets helped against hearing loss

“When my grandmother’s hearing decreased, she did not grieve for long. She began to treat herself using her own methods, giving up pharmaceutical medications. After a couple of months, her constant questioning didn’t irritate anyone. What did she do. I cooked beets in their skins, after washing them well. Cleaned and squeezed the juice. She put instillations in their ears and, most importantly, in both of them, although she began to hear poorly in one ear. She said they were related. If you cure one, the other will go stale. 4 drops four times a day. The last time before going to bed I inserted cotton wool. Later I learned that beet juice is an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Now I’m treating myself this way.” Irina V, 57 years old.

“When I began to hear poorly, I decided not to go to the hospital right away. There was no pain, why walk in vain. Onions helped. I cut the top off the onion and made a small depression. I poured onion seeds into it and covered it on top. I baked it in the oven for half an hour. I instilled the cooled juice, 3 drops at a time, before going to bed. Ten days passed, I was not lazy - I was treated. My hearing has improved. For prevention, I do this every 3 months. I also started drinking teas with cumin and honey. I believe that they also help me restore my hearing.” Igor Vladimirovich, 53 years old.

You can add one more to these recipes. Dilute onion juice (1 part) with distilled water (2 parts). Place 2 drops in your ears in the morning and before bed.

Treatment with peroxide

Many people believe that pathogens enter the body mainly through the nasal passages, but infections can also enter through the ears, so it is important to strictly keep them clean. It is believed that peroxide is a very good antiseptic. It can be used to remove wax plugs.

For treatment, it is recommended to instill peroxide with a concentration of 3% into the ears. First dissolve 10 drops of antiseptic in 1 tbsp. l. water. Instead of direct instillation, tampons soaked in this liquid can be inserted into the ears. Keep them for 10-20 minutes.

It is worth remembering that peroxide is contraindicated when treating hearing loss in children, as it can cause damage to the eardrum.

Hearing loss

There are classifications of hearing loss that take into account the level of damage, the degree of hearing impairment and the period of time during which hearing impairment develops.

Types of hearing loss depending on the level of damage:

  • Conductive hearing loss.

Caused by an obstacle to the conduction and amplification of sound. The obstruction occurs at the level of the outer ear (malformations, cerumen plugs, tumors, otitis externa) or the middle ear (traumatic damage to the eardrum and auditory ossicles, otitis media, adhesive otitis, tubootitis, otosclerosis).

  • Sensorineural (sensorineural) hearing loss.

At the level of the inner ear, mechanical vibrations are converted into electrical impulses. The death of hair cells causes disruption of this process. As a result, the perception of sounds deteriorates and is distorted. With sensorineural hearing loss, a decrease in the pain threshold for sound perception is often observed. For a healthy person, the pain threshold when perceiving sounds is approximately 100 dB. Patients with sensorineural hearing loss may experience pain when hearing sounds slightly above the hearing threshold.

Sensorineural hearing loss can develop due to microcirculatory disorders in the inner ear, Meniere's disease (increased fluid pressure in the inner ear), pathology of the auditory nerve, etc. Some infectious diseases (measles, meningitis, mumps, AIDS) can cause sensorineural deafness. It is extremely rare that autoimmune diseases (Wegener's granulomatosis) lead to the development of sensorineural hearing loss.

In more than 60% of patients with congenital deafness and hearing loss, hearing impairment develops due to the toxic effect of alcohol on the fetus in fetal alcohol syndrome. When infected with syphilis in utero, every third child becomes deaf.

Sensorineural hearing loss can be caused by medications. Irreversible hearing loss occurs in a number of patients after taking aminoglycoside antibiotics (monomycin, kanamycin, neomycin, gentamicin). Reversible hearing loss can develop when taking certain diuretics, macrolide antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The cause of the development of sensorineural deafness may be exposure to traffic, household and industrial noise, intoxication of the body with lead, mercury and carbon monoxide.

  • Mixed hearing loss.

It develops under the simultaneous influence of factors causing conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Correcting this type of hearing loss often requires sophisticated hearing aids.

Types of hearing loss depending on the period of development of hearing impairment:

  • Sudden deafness.

Hearing loss develops over several hours. The cause of hearing loss with sudden deafness (sudden hearing loss) is exposure to a number of viruses (herpes, mumps and measles viruses), circulatory disorders in the labyrinth, the ototoxic effect of certain drugs, tumors and injuries.

Due to the characteristic symptoms and features of the course, sudden deafness (sudden sensorineural hearing loss) is distinguished as an independent nosological unit. Patients with sudden deafness describe the onset of hearing loss as a “switching off” or “telephone cord breaking.” This form of hearing loss is usually unilateral.

Sudden hearing loss is characterized by a high degree of hearing impairment, up to complete deafness from the first hours of the disease. In about half of patients, self-healing occurs a few days after the onset of symptoms of sudden deafness. In some patients, hearing loss is irreversible. Both complete and partial restoration of hearing is possible.

  • Acute hearing loss.

Hearing loss develops over several days. In cases where the development of hearing loss lasts more than seven days, but less than one month, it is customary to speak of subacute hearing loss.

  • Chronic hearing loss.

The patient's hearing decreases gradually, over months or even years. There are stable and progressive stages of chronic hearing loss.

With all types of hearing loss, varying degrees of hearing loss can be observed - from mild hearing loss to complete deafness.

Lotions and compresses

It is very important to achieve improved hearing when treating hearing loss with folk remedies. To do this, it is recommended to apply compresses and lotions externally, which affect the pathology and help eliminate earwax. In particular, various products to improve hearing are widely used. These include:

  • garlic;
  • viburnum;
  • Rye bread.

Garlic has very good antimicrobial properties and also helps normalize blood circulation. Often used to improve hearing in cases of sensorineural hearing loss. In addition, this is a good remedy for a disease that is caused by the presence of wax plugs in the ears.

You need to peel 1 clove of garlic, grate or crush it. Pour 3 drops of camphor oil into the prepared pulp and stir. Wrap the resulting mixture in a bandage to form a tampon. Insert it into the ear and hold it for 20 minutes until a burning sensation appears, and then remove it. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night. Use lotions for 5 days. It is worth remembering that such treatment procedures are strictly contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.

Garlic and olive oil are widely used to improve hearing. You need to squeeze out the garlic juice and mix it with oil 1:3. Then instill 2 drops into the ear. The therapeutic course is 15 days.

A good remedy is considered to be lotions based on viburnum berries, which help get rid of not only hearing loss, but also tinnitus. Squeeze juice from 6 berries. For this you can use fresh and frozen viburnum. Add the same amount of honey to the resulting juice and stir. Soak cotton swabs in the prepared product and insert them into the ear for 8 hours. You can use such lotions at night. The therapeutic course is 10-20 procedures.

You can use rye bread as compresses, which you need to bake yourself. Grind 1 tbsp. l. juniper berries, add 5 tbsp. l. rye flour and 1 tbsp. l. cumin. Bake bread from the prepared dough, and then cut off the crust from the hot dough. Soak the pulp in alcohol and then apply it to your ears while it’s hot. After cooling, you need to remove it, and put cotton wool, previously soaked in almond oil, into the ear canals. A contraindication is the presence of pus.

Folk recipes

Alternative medicine offers many remedies that can effectively help in treatment. However, you should not neglect consulting an otolaryngologist and his appointments.


Propolis recipes are often used to cure illness. To prepare the recipe, you will need to take:

  • alcohol tincture of propolis;
  • olive oil.

The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1:4.

Moisten small gauze swabs in the resulting mixture and carefully place them in the ear canal. To be effective, it is recommended to keep tampons in the ear canals for one and a half days. Then a break is taken for one day. A total of 12 procedures are required.

If there is pus in the ear canal, then crushed propolis can help. To prepare, you will need to take 70 grams of propolis and pour it with alcohol (100 grams). Moistened gauze swabs must be inserted into the ear canal. The procedure must be carried out every day for 15 days.

If hearing loss is caused by age-related changes, then propolis tincture mixed with sea buckthorn oil will help. To be effective, the procedure is recommended to be carried out regularly for 2 months.


Onion is one of the effective remedies for treating hearing impairment.

If, in addition to hearing loss, the patient feels tinnitus, then a simple recipe will do: instill up to 3 drops of onion juice into the ear canal for a month.

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You can also take a slice of onion, heat it and wrap it in a bandage. The bow is then placed into the ear canal. This compress can be kept in the ear throughout the night.

Also, during such treatment, it is recommended to instill onion juice mixed with warm water into the nose.

Pine nuts

Pine nuts are also effective in treating hearing loss. You can prepare a tincture or decoction from them.

To prepare the tincture you need:

  • 200 grams of pine nuts;
  • 100 ml vodka.

Pour vodka over the nuts and leave for 40 minutes in a warm room. The tincture is necessary in the morning after breakfast, 10 drops daily.

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • 200 grams of pine nut shells;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

The decoction should be infused for 40 minutes. One serving is designed for two doses in the morning and evening.

We recommend that you read the article about the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.

There is also a useful article on the treatment of eustachitis with folk remedies.

Here you will learn how you can cure tubootitis at home.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is effective in treating sensorineural hearing loss. There are several ways to use this tool.

To prepare the first recipe you will need:

  • chopped bay leaf;
  • cool boiling water.

The bay leaf is poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. The infusion should be instilled into the sore ear in the morning and evening every day for 2 weeks.

To prepare the following recipe, you need to take:

  • five leaves of chopped bay leaf;
  • 150 grams of vodka;
  • one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

The mixture must be infused for 2 weeks. After the tincture is ready, you need to strain it and instill two drops into the sore ear several times a day. It is recommended to do this procedure every day until your hearing returns to normal.


Garlic is also often used to treat illness. To prepare the first recipe you will need to take:

  • garlic juice, squeezed out using a press - one part;
  • olive oil - 3 parts.

Mix the components and instill two drops into the ear every day for three weeks. Then you need to take a month's break and subsequently resume treatment.

For the next recipe you need to take:

  • chopped garlic - 300 grams;
  • alcohol - 500 ml.

Mix the ingredients and leave the mixture in a dark place for at least 2 weeks. Then strain and take 20 drops of tincture daily, dissolving them in milk.

Other recipes

Alternative medicine is rich in treatments for a variety of diseases, and hearing loss is no exception.

You can use the following recipe:

  • Rye flour (5 tbsp);
  • Juniper berries (a handful);
  • Cumin (1 tbsp).

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Mix all the ingredients, form a flat cake and bake it. You need to remove the crust from baked bread and pour alcohol into the bread pulp. While the cake is hot, you need to place it on and around the sore ears. After the bread has cooled, you need to remove it and put gauze swabs soaked in almond oil into the ear canals.

In order to eliminate the feeling of constant ringing in the ears, it is recommended to instill a warmed hop-based decoction into the ears.

Almond oil helps improve hearing. It is recommended to instill it into the ears regularly, up to 3 drops per day.

Ear drops

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies is quite widely used. Improvement in hearing occurs gradually, which is why it is recommended to continue therapy even after the elimination of unpleasant symptoms. For instillation into the ear, products prepared from food and medicinal herbs are used.

Wash and boil the beets in their skins, and then squeeze out the juice. Place 4 drops in your ears 2-3 times daily. The product must be warm. The therapeutic course is no more than 30 days.

For severe hearing loss, fresh white lily flowers can be used. Fill a 200-gram jar with flowers, pour in vegetable oil and close the lid tightly. Keep the finished product in the refrigerator for 7 days. Instill 1-2 drops of the finished product right before bed. Place a gauze pad on top.

Geranium is often used to improve hearing. It is used fresh and effectively helps with absolutely any type of this pathology. Rinse fresh geranium leaves well with water, squeeze out the juice, which is then instilled in 2 drops for 2 weeks.

Some people prefer to use a mixture of several tinctures to improve hearing, but this is not recommended, as this can cause dangerous complications. Before using any medicine, consult a doctor.

Almond oil will help stop the progression of sensorineural pathology. On the first day, you need to drip 3-4 drops of this product into the left ear, and on the second - into the right. The therapeutic course is 30 days. If hearing loss has developed due to blockage with sulfur plugs, then almond oil should be slightly warmed in a water bath and 7 drops should be dripped into the ear. Then, after an hour, remove the wax using a cotton swab.

Treatment with garlic

To carry out therapy you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • olive, corn or camphor oil;
  • garlic;
  • medical gauze.

Course of treatment: 2 times for 21 days. The second stage begins a week after the end of the first. There are two ways to treat with garlic:

  1. Using juice. It needs to be squeezed out and diluted with olive or corn oil in a ratio of 1:3. Shake the resulting liquid and place 2 drops in your ears every day.
  2. Use a whole head of garlic. It must be ground, then add camphor oil. Use 3 drops per 1 clove. Wrap the resulting mixture in cheesecloth, then make turundas. Stick it in your ears.

If you or someone you know has a disease such as hearing loss, treatment with folk remedies, reviews of which are very positive, should definitely help.

Oral preparations

To eliminate hearing loss and improve hearing, treatment with folk remedies involves taking drugs prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. They help quickly normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation. Take 1 tbsp. l. red clover, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave to brew for 2 hours. Drink in small portions throughout the day. The therapeutic course is 2-3 months.

Dissolve 1 tsp. natural birch tar in 1 tbsp. warm milk. Then drink the finished medicine. The course of therapy lasts 45 days. Take 3-4 stems of golden mustache, cut the plant, put it in a glass container. Pour vodka into it to the brim 1:2. Leave in a dark place for 21 days, and then drink 1 tsp. before meals, after diluting the product in a small amount of water. Continue treatment for 1 month.

Other means

Take a large onion, make a recess in it, into which put 1 tsp. dill seeds Place it in the oven and bake until it turns brown. Wrap the vegetable in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Instill the finished product into the sore ear, 9 drops up to 4 times daily. Store the medicinal composition in the refrigerator and reheat immediately before use. After instillation, dirt and wax come out of the ear. After this, hearing becomes better. The therapeutic course is 1 month.

Over the course of several days, you need to consume ¼ of a lemon with peel. This technique helps eliminate complications of otitis media.

Grind fresh or dry lemon balm leaves and pour 1:3 vodka. Let stand for 7 days in a dark place. Filter, instill 3 drops daily for 2 weeks.

Take 2 tbsp. l. dry string leaves and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 60-90 minutes covered. Drink the infusion warm daily, 1-2 tbsp. The course of therapy lasts 20 days. Dry and grind calamus root into powder. Take 1 tsp. powder daily, washed down with warm water. Continue treatment for 10 days.

Many people are interested in what kind of music to listen to to improve their hearing and how to do it correctly. Classic compositions have a beneficial effect. It is worth noting that it is recommended to listen to them through speakers and not headphones. Musical compositions help saturate the brain with sounds and are used to treat grade 2-3 hearing loss.

Folk remedies for treating hearing loss

You can treat this pathology at home yourself. Very often, traditional methods successfully complement official treatment. The popularity of homemade recipes is largely due to the naturalness, cheapness and general availability of the ingredients. Here are the most popular recipes that you can easily make at home yourself.

  • propolis tincture 10% - 5 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 15 ml.

The components must be mixed and shaken before each use. This solution is applied to ear canals, which are placed in the ear canals for 24 hours. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.

For this recipe you need to take:

  • garlic juice – 5 ml;
  • olive oil – 15 ml.

A mixture of these substances should be instilled into the ear canals 2 times a day, 1-2 drops, for 20 days.

In order to make turunda you must mix:

  • grated clove of garlic;
  • camphor oil – 3 drops.

This substance needs to be wrapped in a piece of thick gauze and inserted into the ear.

With the help of this berry you can get rid of not only hearing loss, but also annoying tinnitus.

You need to squeeze the juice out of the berries and add an equal amount of honey to it. The resulting substance should be soaked into cotton balls. They are inserted into the external auditory canal at 8 o'clock. Course – 20 days.

Almond oil

To soften and remove plugs, you can use warm almond oil, 7 drops in the ear canal. It is important to ensure that it is not hot, otherwise you may get burned. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Calendula, linden and oak

Calendula and linden are plants with immunomodulatory properties, and oak bark has astringent properties.

  • oak bark – 30 g;
  • calendula flowers – 20 g;
  • linden flowers – 20 g;
  • boiled water – 1 glass per 20 grams of prepared collection.

The resulting mixture must be infused for two hours. It is used to prevent ENT infections in a course of 2-3 weeks every season. You need to instill 3 drops into each nostril (the nasopharynx is connected to the middle ear with the help of an auditory tube).

If you squeeze the juice from geranium leaves, you will get a wonderful cure for hearing loss. By dripping 2 drops once a day for 10 days, you can feel an improvement.

There is a recommendation that says that for the same purpose you can wash your hair with water infused with geranium leaves.

This infusion can be dropped into the ears and taken orally. Necessary:

  • bay leaves - 5 pieces;
  • boiled water – 250 ml.

After the leaves have been infused for 3 hours, the decoction can be drunk 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day and instill 5-6 drops 2 times a day.Beets

You will need 1 boiled beet, from which you need to squeeze the juice. It should be instilled 3 drops 3-4 times a day. Beets have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties - relieves swelling and pain.

Golden mustache

This plant is a favorite folk remedy. To prepare an alcohol tincture you will need:

  • golden mustache (finely chopped) – 1 part;
  • alcohol - 2 parts.

The components are mixed, placed in a tightly sealed container and placed in a dark place for 21 days. Before use it is diluted with water. The course looks like this:

  • days 1-3 – 3 times 1 tsp;
  • days 4-6 – 3 times 1 dl;
  • Days 7-30 – 3 times 1 tbsp. l.

The course can be repeated after 15 days.

White Lily

You can cure deafness by taking:

  • white lily flowers;
  • vegetable oil.

You need to fill an opaque container with flowers and fill them with oil. This should be stored in a cool place. If you have otitis media or hearing loss, place 2-3 drops into the ear canal at night and cover with cotton wool. After a couple of weeks, your hearing should improve.

Treatment of hearing loss caused by otitis media

If hearing loss was caused by otitis media, then you must adhere to certain recommendations, namely:

  • warm the ears with dry heat;
  • instill plantain or burdock juice;
  • apply almond oil in the form of drops;
  • chew propolis daily;
  • consume lemon daily along with the pulp;
  • drink angelica infusion in the form of tea.

Mint tincture helps cope well with hearing loss. Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed mint leaves, pour 200 ml of vodka and leave to brew for a week. Every 3 hours, instill 1 drop into the problem area for 7 days.

Therapeutic exercises

Breathing exercises help relieve ear congestion. It should be carried out in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. Initially, you need to exhale through your nose so that your stomach is drawn in as much as possible, and then inhale deeply. Do such exercises very slowly, starting with several dozen, increasing their number daily. Breathing exercises help with otitis media and help normalize hearing.

You need to repeat them until slight dizziness appears. If discomfort occurs, you need to lie down and rest a little. You should not quit the exercise after your health has returned to normal and your hearing has been restored. It is also recommended to perform it as a prevention of relapse.

Insert your index finger into your ear and then pull it out sharply. If you do this exercise daily with both ears at once, then gradually your hearing will be completely restored. In the morning, it is recommended to intensively rub your ears in a circular motion. If a person suffers from high blood pressure, then exercises should be done very carefully, as they increase blood flow.

Cover your ears with your palms, placing your fingers towards the back of your head. Tap lightly with your fingers about 10 times. Perform about 20 repetitions. Pull your earlobes with your thumb and index finger up to 10 times.

What is prohibited to do

Signs of hearing loss should not be ignored, despite the fact that many forms of the disease are short-term in nature. Hearing loss occurs suddenly and disappears within a few hours. If the attacks become constant, then you need to be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to get rid of the complication. If you have hearing loss, it is not recommended to:

  • self-medicate;
  • use folk remedies without consulting a doctor;
  • ignore signs of hearing loss;
  • continue independent therapy if it is not effective.

If treatment is carried out incorrectly, complications may arise, so if your health worsens, it is recommended to visit an otolaryngologist.

Components of the hearing restoration technique:

  • Massage of biologically active points to restore hearing.
  • Ear massage to restore hearing.
  • Work on the emotional state, self-regulation techniques - how to keep yourself in a state of balance, how to relieve stress on your own, how to relieve emotional and physical stress.
  • Causes of hearing loss.
  • Hearing restoration technique.
  • Gymnastics to restore and strengthen the mobility of the spine and joints.

We do not work with diagnoses of deafness.

We do not offer a “pig in a poke.” THE FIRST DAY IS ALWAYS FREE!

The courses are conducted by a doctor, Tamara Petrovna Malkina, at the Hearing Restoration Center on Ordynka.

The course of hearing treatment lasts 10 days, 4 hours each. Check out the course schedule.

Sign up for a hearing restoration course.

Carrying out prevention

The main measure to prevent hearing loss will be regular examination by an otolaryngologist, especially in the presence of provoking factors that lead to hearing loss. Timely detection of the disease directly affects the effectiveness of therapy. The main methods of prevention will be:

  • timely examination in case of hearing loss;
  • treatment of infectious and viral diseases;
  • complete treatment of diseases of the ENT organs;
  • proper ear hygiene.

Hearing loss is a pathology in which the quality of hearing significantly deteriorates. In order to effectively cope with the existing problem, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy, which includes the use of traditional medicine. It is important to coordinate all your actions with your doctor.

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