Vitex sacred contraindications for women. chaste vitex main effect. Vitex sacred: plant

Chasteberry, which also goes by many names such as Vitex vulgare, Chasteberry, Chasteberry, Monk's pepper or Chasteberry, is a medicinal plant used in supplement form to treat a variety of health problems.

It is most commonly used in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual irregularities, infertility, acne, menopause, and breastfeeding complications.

It is also promoted as a protection against insect bites and the prevention of certain types of cancer, and is said to have many other medicinal properties. However, not all benefits are supported by science.

Here are the scientifically supported medicinal properties of chasteberry, contraindications, and some myths associated with its use.

Miracle – Vitex sacred

It is a tree-like shrub that grows up to 8 meters in height. With a pungent aroma emanating from the leaves. Homeland - Mediterranean, later spread further. Grows well in Asia, Crimea, and the Caucasus. During flowering, it is abundantly covered with pale lilac flowers. The branches are flexible and are used for decorative weaving.

According to ancient legends, the forefather of the Jews, Abraham, rested under such a bush, so it was called the Abraham Tree. It is believed that resting under the sacred vitex and inhaling its unusual aroma can restore youth.

Buy Vitex sacred in capsules

Vitex is most often sold in capsule form. You will find it in many health food stores and online. In addition to the cherry and commonwood berries, Vitex may also be called monk pepper, the purple commonwood in health food stores.

Nature's Way, Vitex Fruit, 400 mg, 100 Vegan Capsules
507 rub.

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Nature's Answer, Vitex, Agnus-Castetree Berry, 90 Vegetarian Capsules
586 rub.

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Solaray, Vitex Berry Extract, 225 mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules
816 rub.

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Now Foods, Chasteberry Extract, 300 mg, 90 Vegetarian Capsules
846 rub.

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Nature's Answer, Chasteberry Extract, Alcohol-Free, 2,000 mg, 1 fl oz (30 ml)
821 rub.

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Nature's Way, Femaprine, Abraham Tree Extract, 60 Capsules
RUB 1,156

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Solaray, Vitex, 400 mg, 100 capsules
389 rub.

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Gaia Herbs, Chasteberry Berry, 60 Vegan Herbal Liquid Capsules
RUB 1,252

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Frontier Natural Products, Organic Dried Tree of Abraham Berries, 16 oz (453 g)
RUB 1,465

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Medicinal qualities

Leaves, flowers, branches, and bark are considered useful for promoting health. Fruits contain the most medicinal substances. They ripen in early autumn. These are small, dark-colored berries that, when dried, resemble black peppercorns.

The diverse composition determines the unique healing qualities of vitex. The fruits, leaves, flowers and branches of the bush contain many useful substances. This allows for active sedative, diuretic and carminative properties.

Preparations with vitex are prescribed to provide antioxidant, analgesic and antimicrobial effects. The plant is a good helper in solving gynecological problems. Its active substances can affect hormonal balance and normalize the ratio of estrogen and progesterone.

Medicinal properties of chasteberry

Vitex has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Vitex preparations have sedative, estrogen-like and antifungal properties.

The use of vitex normalizes the function of the glands in case of hormonal disorders, affects the work of the corpus luteum - the gland responsible for the menstrual cycle.

Vitex fruits normalize digestive processes, tone and strengthen the body.

The seeds are used to make a special oil that helps with cancer.

Vitex is an analogue of hormones in women, and for this reason it is used by women in the treatment of the endocrine system or hormonal imbalance.

Health effects

A large number of useful substances in chasteberry have a beneficial effect on health. Even the strong aroma of the bush can alleviate the negative manifestations of mental disorders.

Positive effects on the body:

  1. increases stress resistance;
  2. used in complex treatment of oncology;
  3. prevents the development of diseases of the spleen and liver;
  4. restores the functioning of the digestive system;
  5. relieves scabies, urticaria, and skin diseases;
  6. relieves headaches;
  7. tones blood vessels;
  8. used in the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system;
  9. reduces the inflammatory process;
  10. improves falling asleep and sleep quality;
  11. relieves tired legs;
  12. accelerates the healing of superficial wounds.

In bodybuilding and sports, Vitex sacred allows you to gain muscle mass and get a beautiful, sculpted body due to accelerated protein production.

How does chaste vitex work?

Our current understanding of chasteberry is that it has a supportive and regulating effect on the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is known as the "master gland" because it controls many of the body's vital functions, such as sending chemical signals to the ovaries, telling them how much hormone to produce. This signal is also called the hormonal feedback loop.

Chasteberry is one of the best herbs for female fertility when it comes to balancing hormones and regulating the menstrual cycle.

What does Vitex do for female fertility?

Reduces the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and increases the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH).

Extends the short luteal phase , that is, the second half of the female menstrual cycle, which is sometimes shortened due to insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Although chasteberry does not contain any hormones, it does help the body increase its own production of luteinizing hormone (promoting ovulation), which in turn increases progesterone levels during the luteal phase of the cycle and promotes good implantation of the ovum if you are trying to get pregnant.

Increases progesterone levels. Vitex stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum, which is responsible for the secretion of progesterone. In a study of 45 women who took chasteberry as a dietary supplement, 86% experienced normal levels of progesterone in their blood.

Vitex for women

Vitex sacred has a hormone-like property. Its active substances are similar in effect to the effects of progesterone. This helps to normalize the functioning of a woman’s reproductive sphere. Preparations with Vitex are used for:

  • mastopathy;
  • fibroids and myomas of the uterus;
  • absence or scanty menstruation;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle due to taking contraceptives;
  • mastitis;
  • infertility.

The healing qualities of chaste vitex are recognized by classical science. It is used not only in folk medicine and dietary supplements. The fruit extract of the shrub is used in many medicines.

Composition and medicinal properties

The plant is rich in alkaloids, vitamins, tannins, and essential oils. It contains a lot of organic acids.

It should be noted that official medicine uses the plant in the manufacture of medicines. Homeopaths also use the raw material of common twig. It is used to regulate hormonal activity due to its high content of phytoestrogens. They normalize the menstrual cycle of women.

An extract from the juice of common twig is used as a sedative. The plant extract is used in the treatment of impotence and other male diseases. Vitex sacred is used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass. It improves the absorption of proteins.

The fruits of the medicinal plant have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. An alcoholic tincture of its flowers is used in complex therapy for the treatment of dermatitis.

Healing properties for men

Vitex sacred is also useful for the stronger half. The berries are used to improve sperm quality and increase sperm motility. Preparations containing extracts from the leaves help treat sexual impotence. Don't expect instant results. Natural medicinal products have a cumulative effect. With regular use, positive changes will be noticeable after 4 - 6 weeks, a lasting result will appear after 3 - 6 months.

Vitex sacred: soy isoflavones

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  1. As you know, Vitex sacred helps with menopause. Nature's Way's Vitex Fruit supplement (400 mg, 100 vegetarian capsules). By taking dietary supplements, a person literally receives the power of nature.

Recommendations for use: it is recommended to drink 1 capsule 2-3 times a day for 8-12 weeks. If necessary, continue the course, but reduce the dosage: 1 capsule per day.

  1. To enhance the effect, sacred vitex is combined with other dietary supplements. You need to pay attention to soy isoflavones - a dietary supplement, for example, “Soy Isoflavones” from Natrol ( 50 mg, 60 capsules). Its main task is to ease the symptoms of menopause. The supplement naturally eliminates hot flashes, excessive sweating and other unpleasant signs of menopause.

Both drugs strengthen a woman’s health with double strength and support her during the decline of her reproductive function.

Use for menopause

During menopause, chasteberry provides indispensable support. It stimulates the production of hormones, which smoothes out the negative manifestations of menopause. When you take it, your mood improves, migraines go away, hot flashes decrease, and blood pressure becomes more stable.

The calming effect of Vitex will help cope with depression, and the anti-inflammatory property will help prevent diseases. The use of drugs based on this plant must be agreed with a doctor, since it contains active components.

Reception scheme

You can take Abraham tree in the form of tincture, capsules and tablets. And for external rashes - in the form of oil. How to drink it (and not only drink it) correctly is in the table below.

For hormonal acneEssential oil is diluted with a base oil and applied directly to inflammation.
For lactationCourse 1.5 weeks of 500-600 mg of extract
To normalize hormones (including during menopause)Course up to 2 months, 500-1000 mg of active substance (depending on the severity of the problem)
For the treatment of gynecological problemsCourse up to six months, up to 1500 mg per day
To relieve PMS symptomsDrink 500-800 mg from the middle of the cycle until the end of menstruation.
In cancer therapyUp to 1500 mg throughout treatment and a month after it

Table 2. How to drink chasteberry

Use for polycystic disease

The active substances of chasteberry act on the synthesis of female hormones and help restore their balance. Against this background, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system are corrected.

Cysts form for various reasons, including as a result of an imbalance in the relationship between hormones. This balance can be restored with regular use of medicines containing chaste vitex. For example, the plant-based drug Femicaps is used for polycystic disease and other gynecological problems.

Vitex capsules: use and dosage

Take in the morning. It is advisable to take Vitex capsules in the morning before breakfast, because in the morning our pituitary gland is most sensitive to the action of Vitex, which reduces prolactin.

Vitex capsule preparations may contain fruit powder or standardized Vitex extract.

There are not enough scientific studies that can establish the exact recommended dose of Vitex for each specific condition or disease.

The dose needed may depend on various factors, including your age, health, and the specific drug (extract) used.

Take Vitex capsules according to the manufacturer's recommendations on the back of the package.

Fruits of Vitex sacred

Vitex on iherb

As a medicinal product, sacred vitex is sold on iHerb in capsules and liquid form. Each release form is convenient to use in its own way.

Now Foods Chasteberry Extract, 300 mg, 90 Capsules

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Now Foods, a well-known manufacturer of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, has released Vitex in capsule form. They are allowed for consumption by adherents of healthy eating rules. The manufacturer added angelica officinalis to the drug to enhance the therapeutic effect. There are 90 pieces in a white jar with a branded label. Recommended dosage is 1 capsule daily or as recommended by a physician.

The drug is used to improve women's health and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. It relieves breast pain well before menstruation and during menopause. Used to establish a regular cycle.

Vitex sacred from Herb Pharm, 30 ml

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The popular Herb Pharm brand produces chaste vitex in liquid form. There is 30 ml in a dark bottle with a pipette cap. Liquid extract of vitex fruits is taken on the recommendation of a doctor. It needs to be diluted in water or juice. Usually up to three doses are prescribed per day between meals. Shake the bottle well before use.

The drug is taken to renew the body and improve the functioning of the reproductive system of men and women. Regular use helps restore hormonal levels, reduce nervousness, and alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Vitex from Solaray, 400 mg, 100 capsules

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A well-known manufacturer of high-quality vitamin supplements produces capsules with the addition of sacred vitex. This dietary supplement is approved for use by adherents of a vegetarian diet. Does not contain GMOs and gluten, therefore it is not capable of causing allergic reactions. A white jar with a branded sticker contains 100 vegetable capsules. You need to take them one piece twice a day, with water or with food.

The product is used in the complex treatment of mastopathy, promotes the resorption of cystic formations, and softens the manifestations of PMS. At the same time, it improves sleep and helps you rest better.

Vitex Fruit from Nature's Way

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To influence hormonal levels, you can purchase a high-quality Vitex Fruit preparation from Nature's Way. A plastic jar contains 320 nutritional capsules, approved for use by vegetarians. They have a gray color and a tart berry aroma. The recommended dosage regimen is 1 capsule two or three times a day (from 8 to 12 weeks) then 1 capsule daily. Maximum effectiveness is achieved with long-term use.

The dietary supplement helps normalize hormonal levels and is prescribed for endometriosis and fibroids. It cannot be combined with alcoholic and energy drinks; there is a risk of developing allergic reactions.

Vitex (Agnus castus), Abraham tree berry from Nature's Answer

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From the vitamin supplement company Nature's Answer, you can purchase a supplement containing Chasteberry. They make plant-based capsules that are vegetarian friendly. You should take the dietary supplement as recommended by your doctor or one capsule per day.

This is a good natural dietary supplement for strengthening women's health, correcting hormonal imbalances that underlie many reproductive diseases. In crushed form, the fruits of the sacred vitex are better absorbed in the digestive system, and a positive result occurs faster.

Vitex sacred for women's health

Chasteberry is especially known for its ability to improve conditions affecting the female reproductive system. One of the most popular and well-studied properties of Chasteberry is its ability to reduce PMS symptoms. These include constipation, irritability, depressed mood, migraines, chest pain and tenderness.

Researchers believe that chasteberry works by reducing levels of the hormone prolactin. It helps balance your other hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, thereby reducing PMS symptoms.

In one study, women with PMS took either chasteberry or a placebo in the days leading up to three menstrual cycles. A total of 93% of patients who received Vitex reported a decrease in PMS symptoms, including depression, anxiety, and food cravings.

In two small studies, women with PMS were given 20 mg of chasteberry per day or a placebo for three menstrual cycles.

In the group of women who took Vitex, there were twice as many reports of a reduction in symptoms, including irritability, mood swings, headaches and breast swelling, compared to those who received a placebo.

Chasteberry also helps reduce cyclic mastalgia, a type of breast pain associated with menstruation. Research shows that it can be as effective as standard pharmaceutical treatments, but with far fewer side effects.

However, two recent reviews report that while vitex appears to be helpful in reducing PMS symptoms, its benefits may be overestimated. Better designed studies may be needed before strong conclusions can be drawn.

Chasteberry's ability to balance hormones may also help relieve menopausal symptoms.

In one study, 23 postmenopausal women were given chasteberry oil. Women reported improvements in menopausal symptoms, including improved mood and sleep. Some even regained their menstrual cycles.

In a follow-up study in which 52 pre- and post-menopausal women were given chasteberry cream, 33% had significant improvements, while another 36% reported moderate improvements in symptoms, including night sweats and hot flashes.

However, not all studies have shown a positive effect. In one recent and larger double-blind randomized controlled trial—the gold standard in research—women were given either a placebo or a pill containing a combination of chasteberry and St. John's wort daily.

After 16 weeks, chasteberry supplementation was no more effective than placebo in reducing hot flashes, depression, or other menopausal symptoms.

Keep in mind that many of the studies reporting beneficial effects provided women with supplements in which chasteberry was mixed with other herbs. Therefore, it is difficult to know how effective Vitex alone is.

Vitex may improve female fertility due to its possible effect on prolactin levels. This may be especially true for women with a luteal phase defect or a shortened second half of the menstrual cycle. This disorder is associated with abnormally high levels of prolactin and makes it difficult for a woman to become pregnant.

In one study, 40 women with abnormally high prolactin levels were given either 40 mg of chasteberry or a pharmaceutical drug. Vitex was as effective as the drug in lowering prolactin levels.

In another study of 52 women with a luteal phase defect, 20 mg of Vitex resulted in lower prolactin levels and longer menstrual phases, whereas placebo patients showed no improvement.

In another study, 93 women who had been trying to conceive without success in the past 6 to 36 months were given a supplement containing chasteberry or a placebo. After three months, women receiving Vitex experienced improved hormone balance and 26% became pregnant. By comparison, only 10% of patients in the placebo group became pregnant.

Keep in mind that the supplement contains a mixture of other ingredients, making it difficult to determine the effectiveness of chasteberry alone.

Irregular periods can also make it difficult for women to plan a pregnancy. Three additional studies reported that Vitex was more effective than placebo in improving menstrual cycles in women with irregular periods.

Vitex for insomnia

Vitex sacred is used to improve falling asleep, deep sleep, improve the psycho-emotional state to combat insomnia. To do this, you can take dietary supplements with an extract of this plant. For example, it is contained in the Mirazenova dietary supplement. This drug is made from medicinal plants and is prescribed for insomnia and negative symptoms during menstruation.

Increase libido

Tea made from fresh and dried vitex flowers helps increase sexual desire in men and women. This applies to the childbearing period and people at the age of menopause. Phytoestrogens in the composition will help you enjoy sexual intercourse. The consumption of tea should be constant; the herbal preparation has a cumulative effect.


The use of drugs and dietary supplements based on medicinal plants has a positive effect on health. At the same time, side effects rarely occur, and there are few contraindications, which distinguishes natural remedies from medications. It is important to choose the right component correctly. Complete information about Vitex sacred will allow you to make an informed choice.

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