Spice is used not only to enrich the taste and flavor of food. Leaves and fruits saturate the body with vitamins and improve health. The beneficial properties and contraindications of coriander seeds have been known for more than 3000 years. Residents of the East and the Mediterranean believed that the plant gave strength. The Romans claimed that the spice invigorates and stimulates the appetite. Hippocrates prepared decoctions with cilantro for patients with hysteria and depression, Dioxide and Galen treated skin diseases with them. You can find out whether coriander and cilantro are the same thing or not from the previous article.
Coriander fruits: health benefits and harms
The spice contains: carbohydrates, mono-disaccharides, nitrogenous substances, proteins. The list continues:
- fatty acids - maristic, linoleic, oleic, isooleic;
- organic matter;
- pectins;
- cellulose;
- vitamins: B1, B2, E, PP, A, C;
- mineral group – potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc.
- alkaloids.
The benefits of coriander seeds for the body are undeniable. Chewing grains helps with stomatitis and toothache. The pungent odor cleanses the oral cavity of pathogenic microorganisms. The fruits are considered the first remedy against caries. The bitter-spicy taste stimulates the production of gastric juice, bile, and enzymes.
Calorie content and chemical composition
The chemical composition of cilantro includes 2.1 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 0.9 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product. It contains 2.8 g of fiber, 92.21 g of water. It also contains vitamins: most of all carotene, retinol, phylloquinone and ascorbic acid. There are also vitamins E, PP and compounds from group B (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9). There are many minerals in cilantro, these are: K, Ca, Mg, Na, Ph, Fe, Mn, Cu, Se, Zn.
The chemical composition of fats is represented by saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Essential oil is present in all parts of the plant, most of it in the seeds. The calorie content of cilantro is low - 23 kcal.
Medicinal properties and contraindications of coriander
Decoctions from plant materials have a diuretic effect. Used for cystitis, inflammation of the renal pelvis, gall bladder, painful urination. The product is effective:
- for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, liver;
- strengthening the immune system, heart and blood vessels, bones;
- against flatulence and intestinal colic;
- for diabetes mellitus;
- colds;
- allergies:
- insomnia;
- high blood pressure;
- increased sweating;
- arthritis.
The value of the spice with a specific aroma is due to the content of linalool and geraniol in the essential oil. It is included in the formulas of choleretic, anthelmintic, antihemorrhoidal, and laxatives. Linalool serves as a raw material for citral, used to treat keratitis and conjunctivitis. There are also known preparations with coriander for allergies.
- Tinctures and decoctions remove heavy metals and help with nausea, diarrhea, and belching.
- Seed oil contains substances that promote the digestion and absorption of starchy foods and root vegetables.
- Ground coriander is used as an antiseptic instead of iodine and brilliant green to disinfect wounds and fungal infections.
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There are few restrictions on use. To avoid poisoning, the spice should be consumed in moderation. You should eat up to 50 g of greens and 3 g of seeds per day. It is not recommended to take:
- with hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers;
- hypotension;
- cardiac ischemia;
- thrombophlebitis;
- chronic cholecystitis.
Restrictions do not prevent you from throwing a couple of fruits into a hot dish for flavor or a sprig of cilantro into a salad. People with individual intolerance to the spice need to know what can replace coriander in a dish.
Useful composition of cilantro
Fresh greens are a rich storehouse of vitamins. Decades of use of cilantro by the population, and numerous studies, confirm the value of its composition.
The aromatic herb contains a high amount of vitamin A, which ensures reproductive function, eye and skin health. The body's recovery processes, as well as immunity, are supported by ascorbic acid, which is found in large quantities in greens.
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The plant also contains vitamins PP, E and a set of B-vitamins. As for macronutrients, cilantro contains phosphorus, sodium and calcium. It contains a lot of potassium and magnesium. Of the microelements, iron and iodine stand out in particular for their presence.
Useful composition of cilantro
The plant contains sugar, dextrins, starch and digestible carbohydrates. The average energy value is 25 kcal. It is recommended to limit the average daily consumption of spices to 35 g of fresh herbs and no more than 4 g of seeds.
What are the benefits of coriander for women?
The spice is often found in cosmetics. Homemade lotions and decoctions from seeds contain carotene and essential oils. They are useful:
- for the treatment of acne;
- eliminating swelling under the lower eyelids;
- whitening age spots;
- rinsing hair to strengthen the roots and eliminate dandruff.
To do this, place a spoonful of greens or seeds in hot water in the evening, and wipe your face with the infusion in the morning. A few drops of essential oil are added to the bath to firm and moisturize the skin.
Herbalists advise using infusions during menopause. They relieve nervous excitement and eliminate sweating during hot flashes. To do this, place a spoonful of seeds in a glass of boiling water and drink 1/3 half an hour before meals.
The infusion is effective for normalizing the menstrual cycle. 1 tsp peas are poured with 250 ml of water and evaporated over fire until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Take 5 days before menstruation, 30 ml three times a day.
What is cilantro
According to the botanical classification, it belongs to the Celery family. It grows only for 1 season, then it throws out seeds, from which new specimens grow in the spring. Cilantro has long been cultivated and grown in personal plots, achieving 3 goals at once:
- you have a tasty and healthy seasoning for first and second courses at hand;
- a medicinal plant will help eliminate gastrointestinal problems, freshen breath, improve appetite;
- the pungent aroma repels garden pests.
Appearance, taste and aroma of greens
The small annual plant has long been known as a valuable seasoning and medicine. The herb is used fresh, frozen and dried.
In appearance it resembles a taller parsley with delicate small carved leaves on elongated petioles. Their color is light green, gaining intensity as the plant grows. Blooms in June, bears fruit in September.
Green mass and seeds are valued. The taste is slightly tart with a pronounced bitterness. The fruits are round, light brown, and when pressed, split into two halves.
The aroma is sharp, lemon-pepper, and unpleasant in high concentrations. In perfume compositions it acquires a delightful shade of freshness and is in demand in cosmetology, soap making, and perfumery.
In fresh leaves and unripe fruits, it is quite specific and to some it resembles the smell of a crushed bug. This is where alternative names came from, such as bedbug, šlöndra, kolyandra, dhania.
When dried raw materials are added to dishes, only a rich aroma remains, improving digestion and causing increased salivation just from the anticipation of tasting. Its source is the essential oil contained in all parts of the plant, mainly in the seeds.
How is it different from parsley?
The crops differ in their lifespan and resistance to frost. Cilantro is a more southern resident and in central Russia is grown only as an annual crop.
Outwardly, they have a lot in common, but parsley has smaller bushes, and the leaves are denser and elongated, resembling a wavy carved “triangle”.
The main difference is in taste and aroma. In cilantro it is more pungent, specific, and stable, since the bulk of its green mass is collected before flowering.
Unripe seeds emit a sharp unpleasant odor. In fully ripened grains it is noble and reveals a rich composition of shades.
Are cilantro and coriander the same thing or not?
Yes and no, but we are certainly talking about the same plant. Coriander is often referred to as the seeds of the spicy crop (they are used as a spice), and cilantro is its fresh greens. Young leaves and seeds are most often eaten.
The stems are usually used to prepare medicines. In addition to culinary purposes, coriander seeds are used as a component of perfume compositions and fragrances (in the form of essential oil).
There are several most popular varieties of cilantro:
- Vanguard;
- Borodino;
- King of the Market;
- Picnic;
- Lovely;
- Chico;
- Alekseevsky;
- Ray.
Coriander during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Most spices are prohibited during this period. Some increase the tone of the uterus, others provoke allergies. In the absence of individual intolerance, the spice will only bring benefits to the expectant mother. To get rid of nausea and heartburn, chew several grains. In this case, the components have a gentle effect on the bladder. This helps remove excess fluid and get rid of swelling.
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Tea with 4 sprigs of cilantro or coriander decoction:
- relieves mental stress;
- calms the nerves;
- dilates blood vessels;
- normalize sugar and cholesterol levels,
The benefits of cilantro for the male body
The benefits of cilantro for the male body
Centuries ago, a decoction was prepared from cilantro to increase potency. Modern medical research has proven the effectiveness of this remedy, and it is superior to some medications. The presence of potassium in the grass is very valuable for the male body, especially after 4 decades. Cilantro can be used to successfully treat the prostate.
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By the way, the herb perfectly relieves intoxication and neutralizes hangover. Chewed seeds also help the liver, accelerating the elimination of toxins.
Beneficial properties of coriander for men
The spice is taken for potency and libido enhancement. Kolyandra contains a phytohormone - androsterone - an analogue of testosterone. Salad with cilantro is considered an aphrodisiac. Herbs and fruits increase sperm motility, improve sperm quality, which greatly increases the possibility of conception. Chewing aromatic peas reduces the smell of alcohol and helps maintain a sober mind.
The use of coriander spice in folk medicine: recipes
Several adapted options for the treatment of common diseases.
- To enhance smooth muscle tone during intestinal atony, it is recommended to take 50 ml of a decoction of dried fruits.
- Add 2 drops of coriander oil to ointments to relieve rheumatic pain and rub on problem areas. For internal use, 3 drops are combined with honey and drunk after meals.
- For fever and chills, a recipe will help: 10 g of kolyandra powder is placed in a thermos and filled with warm water. Drink the infusion in the morning. During the day, drink green tea with spices and lemon.
- For diabetes, 10 g of fruits are ground into pestles and boiled in a glass of water for 3 minutes. The quantity is divided into 3 days. Should be taken at intervals between meals for up to 3 months.
Coriander uses
Coriander greens
- rash - apply grass pulp to the affected surface or drink coriander tea;
- increases the secretion of gastric juice. The action begins half an hour after administration and lasts about six hours;
- coriander infusion is useful for patients with anemia and hypoacid gastritis as an appetite enhancer;
- used for coughs, infused for colds, runny nose, pneumonia;
- fresh coriander is useful for patients with hypertension when there is a risk of blood clots;
- gingivitis, bad breath - chew coriander grass for 10 minutes or eat the sugared fruits like candy;
- taken as a choleretic, diuretic;
- To relieve sexual excitability, simmer a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiled water for about three minutes. Use 3 times a day;
- stops vomiting, hemoptysis, belching;
- the grass expels large and small worms and other parasites;
- eliminates the smell of onions, garlic, wine;
- the bactericidal properties of the herb have been used since ancient times and were used for long-term storage of meat;
- assessed in Europe during terrible epidemics of smallpox and typhus;
- a good brain stimulant.
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Coriander juice
- increases the blood clotting process. When the juice is consumed internally, the effect of the plant begins within an hour and remains at a high level for up to six hours;
- calms strong pulsation, including the beating of blood vessels in the eye;
- coriander is useful as a hemostatic - stomach and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, postoperative bleeding. Stops bleeding from the nose, gums, postpartum bleeding, heavy, painful periods;
- treats chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
- a teaspoon of coriander - hay fever, allergies, skin rashes, use three times;
- fresh grass juice - inflammation of the oral cavity, erysipelas, urticaria, carbuncles;
- a mixture of coriander herb juice, grape juice - hypertension, diabetes, scrofula;
- the juice of the fresh part of the herb is given to children for measles, scrofula
- rinsing - healing of the oral cavity, ulcerative stomatitis, burns of the oral cavity;
- skin rashes, itching, skin inflammation - baths, compresses, washing.
Coriander fruit
- aerophagia - swallowing air;
- poor digestion, appetite, gastrointestinal spasms, flatulence, diarrhea;
- use coriander - nervous vomiting, anorexia nervosa, dyspepsia of nervous origin;
- useful - migraines, fainting, dizziness associated with digestive disorders;
- fried - prevents vomiting and sour belching;
- intestinal atony - 70 ml of fruit infusion three times a day;
- recommended – neurosis, nervous fatigue, depression, hysterical attacks;
- fruit tincture is not only an excellent antidepressant, it lowers blood pressure, cleanses the blood, strengthens the heart muscle, and restores impaired metabolism;
- coriander treats bronchitis, cough, bronchial asthma;
- painful periods, weak bladder, cystitis;
- helps – worms, hemorrhoids;
- wine with coriander—dyspepsia, poor bowel function, constipation, colds, liver disease;
- coriander oil - problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, for inhalation or as a bath additive for colds;
- externally - erysipelas of the skin, rheumatism, for washing the eyes, nasopharynx during inflammation,
- stimulate the restoration of damaged tissues;
- a decoction of which the recipe is described below is useful - inflammation of the oral mucosa, as a hemostatic, healing for strangulations and burn wounds;
- coriander tincture, take 2 tsp externally, a glass of water - for mouth rinsing, wounds, skin inflammation;
- oil, ointment from the fruit is an excellent multifaceted useful remedy for the treatment of wounds, skin problems, prevents inflammatory processes from occurring, accelerates healing, and relieves pain from rheumatism.
- In addition, the ointment increases blood circulation, makes it more elastic, so it is effective against mechanical, chemical damage, and suppuration.
Coriander for weight loss
Those who watch their weight actively use the spice in their diet. It replaces salt, brings new notes to food, accelerates breakdown and metabolism. If you give up foods with empty calories and balance your diet in favor of vegetable and protein dishes, your weight loss in a month will be more than 5 kg. However, there is no need to sprinkle the cilantro salad with spice grains. To intensify the process, adhere to the norm and regularly flavor the food.
Cilantro roots are added to stews and soups. The ground grains are sprinkled on any savory dish or chewed directly in the mouth. To give a refined taste, it is combined with bay leaf, cumin, black pepper, and cardamom. The beneficial properties and contraindications of cardamom spice are described in detail in this article.
Growing cilantro at home
How to grow cilantro on a windowsill
If you are a lover of tasty and aromatic food, you can grow coriander greens at home to have it on the table at any time of the year. Cilantro on the windowsill is a constant source of vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. Sowing cilantro for seedlings is carried out in the first half of March: coriander seeds are laid out on the surface of a moist substrate at a distance of 7 cm from each other and buried by about 1-1.5 cm. Then, to create greenhouse conditions, the container is covered with glass or placed under transparent polyethylene and kept in a bright, warm place. If your days are still too short at this time of year, install a fluorescent lamp or phytolamp above the container at a height of 20-25 cm.
Caring for cilantro seedlings is simple: water the substrate when the need arises, and regularly ventilate the crops, removing condensation from the coating. As soon as cotyledon leaves appear on the seedlings, the covering is removed from the crops. After three weeks, cilantro greens can be eaten.
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Coriander tincture
The alcohol extract is taken for hysteria, depression, colds, lung diseases, against worms, diarrhea: Infuse 1 part of alcohol and 10 fruits for a week, drink a spoonful. An effective recipe for red wine is pour 110 g into 1 liter of alcoholic drink, filter after 7 days, take 100 ml before meals. A tincture of cilantro flowers is useful - a spoonful of the raw material is brewed like tea and left to brew for 20 minutes. Doctors recommend that adherents of a healthy diet regularly include coriander in their diet.
Coriander - seasoning and garnish
Residents of Southeast Asia and Latin America have been eating cilantro since childhood. The feathery leaves are eaten as a side dish, finely chopped with a knife and added to sauces and fillings. Fresh herbs are the main component of the traditional Canarian Mojo sauce and the Chilean herbal sauce Pebre.
Russians put cilantro in salads. The Thais make a sauce from the root of the plant.
Ground dried seeds are found in dry gingerbread spice mix. They are added to marinades, sausages, baked goods, desserts, liquor, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. This is an important component of curry and the main seasoning in Georgian cuisine.
The famous Tkemali plum sauce is made with whole or ground seeds, depending on the variety. Coriander is often combined with cumin.
Tkemali sauce
The spice gives a piquant aroma to the German Gose beer, which is produced in the states of Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. Whole coriander seeds are brewed as tea.
Mashed potatoes with cilantro
Cut pink potatoes (500 g) into 4 parts, boil in a double boiler for about 35 minutes. Finely chop coriander root (3 tablespoons) with a knife. Melt butter (50 g), add black cumin (2 tsp), vegetable broth (instant, 1 tsp), cream (100 ml). Crush the potatoes along with the prepared mixture.
Serve as a side dish for grilled sausages or sausages.
Harm of coriander
Coriander and cilantro do not have any strict contraindications, but there are some restrictions on its use. Due to the high content of essential oils in the composition, the daily dose of both herbs (4 g) and seeds (35 g) cannot be exceeded. This will lead to overexcitation, menstrual irregularities, allergies, insomnia, and anxiety.
Coriander and cilantro are not recommended for intestinal or gastric ulcers, a tendency to increase blood clotting, cholecystitis and cardiac ischemia. In such cases, the harm of coriander will only become more pronounced.
Infusions or decoctions from the plant should not be applied to open or bleeding wounds. And for pregnant women it is better to completely abandon its consumption or limit it to the maximum. Children can use a small amount of spice and only as a seasoning due to possible contraindications of coriander.
Coriander recipes
Coriander infusion
A tablespoon of herb, 200 ml of boiling water, infuse in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup in 15 minutes.
Fruit infusion
3 tsp. coriander grains, 250 ml of boiling water, infuse in a boiling water bath for a quarter of an hour, cool for 45 minutes, drain. Take 2 tbsp. in half an hour.
Coriander tincture
100g of fruit, 0.5l of vodka, kept in a dark place, room temperature for three weeks. The contents are sometimes shaken. Take 20 drops three times. One of the best antidepressants.
Decoction for external use
2 tbsp. chopped coriander, one and a half cups of boiling water, simmer on low heat for half an hour, leave until it cools down, strain.
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The fruits are ground to a powder, part coriander powder, two parts unsalted suet. Grind everything, heat it in a boiling water bath, stirring constantly. Keep the refrigerator.
Coriander seed oil
Half a glass of crushed seeds, a liter of vegetable oil, a water bath for an hour. Then cool, squeeze out the remainder, place in a dark container, and seal tightly. Take 2 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.
Wine with coriander
100g of crushed seeds, a liter of dry grape wine, keep tightly covered in a sunny place for 3 weeks. Then express and squeeze. Take 50ml with meals
Coriander tea
A teaspoon of seeds per cup of water. The seeds are poured in, left for a quarter of an hour, and drained.
Bloating, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, to improve appetite and gastrointestinal function
20g of fruits are ground in a coffee grinder with powdered sugar (30g). Store tightly closed. Use 2 tsp. with a glass of warm water twice before meals.
Hemorrhoids treatment and prevention
1. 10g each of coriander seeds, licorice root, yarrow herb, cassia leaves, 200ml of water. Mix everything, add boiling water, wait until it boils, then leave for half an hour. The strained composition is consumed 100 ml once a day before bedtime.
2. 20g each of coriander fruit, buckthorn bark, yarrow herb, Alexandria leaf, licorice root. A tablespoon of the mixture, 200 ml of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. Drink half a glass in the evening.
Inflammation of the gallbladder
10g coriander seeds, 30g trifoliate leaf, 40 cumin flowers, 500ml water. The raw materials are ground well. Take 20g, boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Decant and cool. Take 100 ml 20 minutes before meals.
Frigidity, sexual coldness of a woman
Mix one part tincture of coriander fruits, hop cones, two parts tincture of European hogweed fruits. Take 20 drops 3 times a day.
Gargling when there is bad breath
20g dried coriander, 10g anise fruit, 10g Roman cumin, 5g rosemary flowering tops. A teaspoon of mixture, 0.5 liters of water. Boil the sealed container, cool, and drain.
Prevention of aging
30g coriander fruits, 50g petals, rosehip leaves, 50g thyme herb. 2 tbsp. mixture, 0.5 liters of boiling water, boiling bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45, decant. Drink 3/4 cup 20 minutes before meals.
Take the same amount by weight of coriander seeds, plantain seeds, onions, parsley, carrots, 0.5 liters of boiling water. 2 tbsp. the mixture is crushed to a powder, infuse tightly closed water bath for 30 minutes. Take 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach, and a glass in the evening while lying in a warm bed, warmed with a heating pad.
Choleretic agent
20g each of dry coriander, coltsfoot, 30g trifoliate leaf, 40g immortelle flowers. 2 tbsp. mixture, 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Use 100ml 3 times.
Green cilantro for weight loss
The beneficial properties of cilantro can be used for dietary purposes. The seasoning contains many organic acids responsible for normalizing fat metabolism. Coriander helps break down deposits, removes toxins from the intestines and helps get rid of swelling. All this helps to eliminate excess weight.
To lose weight, simply include cilantro in your daily diet and consume 5 g of seeds and 50 g of plant greens along with food. Additionally, you need to avoid sweet, fried and fatty foods.