Viburnum tincture with vodka, moonshine or cognac

Properties of the infusion

Traditional healers and healers have long figured out the healing properties of viburnum, which is often called the “healer” - because it contains many useful substances.
Medicine is in no hurry to replace this wonderful berry with something else, because it really contains many vitamins and microelements, without which it is impossible to imagine the treatment and prevention of many diseases, strengthening the immune system, and improving heart function.

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The fruits of this shrub contain useful substances:

  • Tannin;
  • Coumarin;
  • Carotene;
  • Pectin.

Using viburnum tincture:

  • Accelerates kidney function;
  • Activates sweating;
  • The body cleanses itself of toxins faster;
  • Metabolism returns to normal.


  1. Viburnum contains viburnin, which gives it a certain bitterness. The component destroys infections and bacteria.
  2. The tincture contains valeric acid, which helps fight tense situations, depression, insomnia and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Viburnum alcohol lamp is often recommended to replace antispasmodic drugs.

With its help, our ancestors:

  • Relieved headaches;
  • Lowered blood pressure;
  • Improved digestion;
  • The stomach and intestines were adjusted.

Doctors prescribe a tincture of this berry for:

  • Gastritis with low acidity;
  • Hypertension;
  • Swelling.

Not everyone can take viburnum tincture without a doctor’s prescription.

Those who have:

  • Increased acidity;
  • Chronic kidney disease;
  • Low pressure.

Healing recipes

The use of viburnum for hypertension in recipes is very common. Most of them contain the same ingredients. The only difference is how they are prepared. All these remedies are equally effective. The most important thing is to choose a method that is suitable for you and convenient.

Using an integrated approach, you can consolidate and enhance the effect that was obtained from the treatment of hypertension. Often, prescriptions for the treatment of heart rhythm and blood pressure disorders are inherited.

The following recipes are often used:

  1. To improve heart function and lower blood pressure, you need to grind a couple of tablespoons of dry berries of this plant. Next, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about 4 hours. You need to take ½ glass 3 times a day. This infusion also has a diuretic and restorative effect.
  2. For hypertension, you can pour 2 liters of boiling water into 3 cups of fresh berries. Let sit in a warm place for approximately 8 hours. After the allotted time, strain, grind the berries and mix with a liter of honey. Use 1/3 cup 20 minutes before meals three times a day for a month. It is best to store this infusion in the refrigerator.
  3. It is also recommended to steam the washed berries in the oven over low heat for 2 hours. Then grind through a sieve and mix with honey. Then add a little water, and then simmer for a short time in the oven. This mixture should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 3 tablespoons.
  4. The berries must be washed and filled with boiled water. Let it stand. It will be good if you use this infusion instead of tea. It can be sweetened with sugar or honey. It reduces blood pressure well and also improves well-being.
  5. Using a bark decoction will also be effective. To do this, take 10-20 g of bark. Then pour 2 cups of boiling water over it and boil for 30 minutes. Then strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

If you can enjoy and use fresh berries during the season, what about in winter and spring? For such purposes, you can prepare jam, juice or jam from these berries. All these types of preparations will also preserve and carry useful substances for the human body.

You can also use a method such as freezing. These berries are perfect for making jelly, filling for pies, and fruit drinks. You can also candy this berry. It will also keep well. To do this, you need to twist kg of berries and mix with 2 kg of sugar. Then transfer to glass containers.

Basically, each recipe already contains certain doses of one or another infusion or decoction based on viburnum. But before consuming viburnum for hypertension, you need to be careful. Although they say that this plant has virtually no contraindications, its berries and other parts are not recommended for use when:

  • pregnant women,
  • people suffering from increased blood clotting,
  • patients with gout.

Be healthy!

Decoction recipe

There are several options for preparing viburnum infusion. Each of them differs in the creation methodology, main components and focus on the problem.

Cooking with vodka

The recipe for vodka tincture is simple:

  1. Take 0.5 kg of viburnum fruits and 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. First, place the berries in a darkened glass bottle and fill them with vodka so that it barely covers them.
  3. The vessel is tightly closed and placed in a dark place for a day.
  4. After this time, add unused vodka, seal tightly and place in a cool and dark place for a month.
  5. Later, strain, squeeze the juice from the berries, pass through cheesecloth.
  6. Pour the finished medicine into bottles, close with stoppers and store in a cool place.

If you can’t stand vodka infusions, you can replace it with wine.

Vodka with honey

Tincture, which includes:

  • Honey;
  • Vodka;
  • Viburnum berries.

The berries are rubbed through a sieve, mixed with vodka and honey and left in a dark place for a month.

Cooking with alcohol

The recipe for tincture with alcohol is exactly the same as for vodka. But when using it, it is worth diluting the medicine by half with water so as not to get a burn to the oral cavity.

Since concentration is high, instead of solving problems, it will only harm you.

Moonshine recipe

To prepare, take the following ingredients:

  • 2 handfuls of viburnum berries;
  • 20 pine nuts;
  • 1 pinch of anise seeds;
  • 0.7-0.75 ml moonshine 40-45%;
  • 1 tbsp. Sugar syrup.

To prevent the tincture from being too bitter, use slightly frozen berries, which remove the bitterness better.

  1. Rinse the berries under running water, dry and transfer to a jar.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients except the sugar syrup and cover tightly.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks, but stir daily.
  4. Then, when the liquid is infused, squeeze it out and add sugar syrup to the liquid.
  5. The resulting drink should steep for another month, then it can be bottled.

Classic recipe for viburnum tincture with vodka

This is the simplest tincture recipe; it is the basic option; other drinks with additional ingredients are prepared on its basis. Viburnum berries have such a strong aroma that they completely eliminate the pungent smell of moonshine and especially vodka. Therefore, the viburnum drink is easy to drink and the high degree is not felt.

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  • Viburnum – 500 gr;
  • Vodka, moonshine – 500 ml.

How to do:

  1. Separate the fruits from the bunches, rinse in warm water, and dry on a towel.
  2. Place in a suitable container and add alcohol.
  3. Leave for 15-20 days.
  4. Filter the infusion.

Attention! The longer the infusion is kept, the stronger its aroma and bitterness of the drink. Long-term infusion increases the beneficial properties and saturates the taste.

About beneficial properties

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits that this tincture brings to our body, having a beneficial effect on its various systems.
Beneficial properties of viburnum tincture with vodka:

  1. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Treats diabetics.
  3. Used for complex treatment of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Used for viral and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  5. Treats gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. Tones the muscles of the uterus.
  7. Reduces discharge during menstruation.
  8. Soothes inflamed skin.
  9. Helps remove excess fluid.
  10. Relieves cough.
  11. Stimulates bile production.

Viburnum juice, which has many recipes, has the same properties.

Viburnum berry, beneficial properties: traditional medicine recipes

The medicinal properties of viburnum fruits have long been known. Fresh berries are a natural mild laxative, and viburnum tea made from dried fruits will help cope with dysbiosis. Viburnum is also a well-known healer of high blood pressure:

♦ To combat coronary heart disease and arrhythmia, you need to take three glasses of fruits and crush them. Place the mixture in a three-liter jar, pour two liters of boiling water and close with a plastic lid. The infusion should be left for six hours, then strain and add a half-liter jar of good honey to the broth. You need to take a third of a glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month, after which take a ten-day break

♦ Polyps in the stomach. You need to eat a bunch of plant berries every day. We dissolve each berry for fifteen minutes. Take until complete recovery.

♦ Prevention of hypertensive crisis. You need to take a glass of fruits and pour a liter of hot water over them. Boil for ten minutes and strain, adding three tablespoons of honey to the mixture. Drink half a glass three times a day.

♦ For cardiovascular diseases. You need to take one tablespoon each of viburnum, hawthorn and rose hips. Pour the mixture into a glass of water and boil for five minutes, then leave for an hour. Strain and drink in the morning every other day. It is better to apply ten days before winter and spring, during the same period.

♦ With inflammation of the eyelids. We take the berries of the plant and apply it to the eyelids in the morning and evening. After this, you need to wash off the remains of the plant with potato juice. Soon the inflammation will disappear.

Areas of application of the product

An infusion prepared with vodka is used in medicine.
It is rarely used to treat diseases, but taken together it has a beneficial effect on the body. Viburnum acts as a means of enriching with vitamins, because it contains:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, K, P;
  • Iron;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Manganese;
  • Zinc;
  • Amino acids.

The tincture has found its use in the treatment of:

  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Sclerosis;
  • To stop internal bleeding;
  • Cough;
  • Spasms;
  • Depression.

In addition to medicine, this tincture is actively used in cosmetology, in the treatment of such skin problems:

  • Acne;
  • Acne;
  • Irritations.

Trichologists use it in the treatment of alopecia. It is recommended to rub the tincture into the scalp to activate the hair follicles, then rinse.

Tincture of viburnum berries with vodka is definitely a useful product that you can take on your own. It can be easily prepared at home and can be used to prevent various diseases.

But, if you are in a risk group, then before you start using it you should consult your doctor to eliminate risks.

Medicinal properties of viburnum for hypertension

Viburnum juice is often used in the treatment of many diseases that can relate to all organs and systems of our body: the digestive, nervous and reproductive systems, brain, heart, lungs, blood vessels, skin.
Thanks to the substances that are included in its composition, it helps:

  • lower blood pressure,
  • normalize pulse,
  • have a diuretic and choleretic effect,
  • relieve vasospasm,
  • improve heart function.

It also has a preventive and therapeutic effect on atherosclerosis, and also reduces cholesterol levels. It is also considered a miracle cure for preventing the development of cancer cells, as well as for allergies.

In ancient times, the juice of this plant was used:

  • For fever - viburnum tea with honey.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - berries with juice.
  • Colitis, cough, ulcers and hemorrhoids - the juice of the berries and themselves.
  • For hypertension, skin diseases, low acidity of gastric juice, drink viburnum juice.
  • To treat acne, to restore and increase immunity, to treat boils - drink juice from viburnum leaves with honey.
  • If you have a skin rash or allergies, take a bath with brewed viburnum branches.

The properties of viburnum for hypertension lie in some of its abilities to influence our body:

  • To relieve cardiac edema, use a decoction of berries, as well as juice. This is all explained by the diuretic properties of this plant.
  • For neuroses, hysteria, and sleep disorders, viburnum has proven itself as an anticonvulsant and sedative.
  • Antioxidants, which have an anti-atherosclerotic effect, will help cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
  • Vitamin P is needed to increase the elasticity and density of blood vessels.

Folk herbalists often said that this plant can rightfully be called a relaxant, which has almost no contraindications. But its miraculous influence has been noted more than once.

Among folk remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension, viburnum occupies one of the first places. It is very often used in the treatment of hypertensive crisis. Also, the use of the berries of this plant will help with neuroses, as well as vascular spasms. The fruits can be eaten raw, adding honey or sugar. But for heart problems, it is recommended to eat berries, along with the cores.

By taking the infusion, you can improve the health of the body as a whole and calm it down. The beneficial properties of viburnum for hypertension are that it can quickly reduce blood pressure, relieve vasospasm and cleanse them. The beneficial properties of viburnum and recipes for hypertension are a panacea for solving problems with blood pressure and other diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

When to pick viburnum berries

Viburnum is a berry that is useful in any form. It retains the optimal amount of nutrients, both fresh, frozen and dried. It ripens in late August – early September. The peculiar astringent taste of viburnum gives off a bitter taste. After the onset of light frosts, the berry becomes especially juicy and not so bitter in September.

Viburnum slightly resembles the smell of valerian with an admixture of apple aroma. The unique taste makes the berry memorable, but not pleasant for everyone. There are many people who do not take valerian. Valeric acid contained in viburnum allows it to be used as a sedative.

Healing composition of viburnum:

  • Valeric acid;
  • Caffeic acid;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Pectin;
  • Essential oils;
  • Viburnin.

Optimal preservation of all the listed medicinal components of viburnum can be obtained if it is collected immediately after the first frost. This is approximately the month of October, but in the northern regions it is possible in September. It is the berries that have the healing power, but the plant bark and flowers. Decoctions, infusions, and ointments are prepared from the raw materials of the plant; they are ground with honey and infused with vodka or alcohol.

The optimal time to collect plant bark is spring. During the period of sap flow, it is especially rich in medicinal properties. After cutting, the bark segments should be dried in a well-ventilated and dry room, away from sunlight. This will take about 10 days. It should be stored in glass or wooden containers, away from moisture.

Flowers are collected in May - June, in dry and windless weather. You can prepare decoctions from them immediately, or you can dry them for later. The berries are picked directly from the inflorescences. They are frozen, dried or prepared as healing remedies after collection. Viburnum is dried at a temperature no higher than 50 degrees, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial substances.

Refreshing tincture of viburnum with moonshine and quince


  • Vodka or moonshine – 700 ml;
  • Quince – 250 gr;
  • Viburnum – 250 gr;
  • Honey – 150 gr.

How to do:

  1. Cut the quince into four parts, remove the seeds. Cut into smaller pieces.
  2. Crush the viburnum with a rolling pin in a jar.
  3. Add quince, pour in alcohol.
  4. Leave on a bright windowsill for two weeks.
  5. Stir honey into the infusion and leave for another 7 days.
  6. Filter the infusion and bottle it.

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Using tincture in home cosmetology for face and body

The benefits of viburnum tincture in cosmetology:

  1. Whitens freckles and age spots.
  2. As a lotion, it nourishes and moisturizes all layers of the epidermis.
  3. Recommended by specialists for problematic and oily skin. The beneficial components of the tincture activate the sebaceous glands.
  4. Vitamin C, which is part of the product, helps maintain youthful skin. Regular use makes the skin elastic and firm.
  5. Viburnum vodka tincture has tonic properties.
  6. It evens out the skin well and restores complexion.

From viburnum tincture you can make ice, which is effective in the fight against aging skin. Toning procedures should be carried out daily in the morning before applying makeup. It is recommended to mix a small amount of the product with natural honey. A natural mask will relieve acne and acne.

The mask, prepared on the basis of fermented milk products and tincture, reduces pigmentation after just a few uses. To achieve an effective result, you need to use this product 2 times a week for 3 months.

Before using the tincture for cosmetic purposes at home, you need to test its reaction on the skin. A possible allergic reaction can cause serious problems. People with sensitive skin should use viburnum tincture with great caution and only in small portions.


It is necessary to select the most effective varieties of folk recipes for the production and use of viburnum-based tinctures with the help of a doctor. This will allow you to avoid negative consequences and get a fairly quickly predicted favorable result.

  • For heart

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Viburnum tincture with vodka has a positive effect on cardiovascular activity. This is due to the drug’s ability to dilate blood vessels and normalize heart rhythms. You need to take a teaspoon of the remedy every eight hours.

  • From pressure

In order to reduce blood pressure, you can make a special cognac tincture at home. After picking, viburnum berries are sorted, then washed and removed, scattering them on a napkin. Measure out a kilogram of raw materials and grind them using a blender or meat grinder.

Combine with a similar amount of honey while vigorously kneading with a wooden spoon. Transfer the mixture into a glass jar and pour in 1/2 liter of high-quality cognac. Keep the sealed container in a dark cupboard for two weeks, remembering to shake it every two days.

During breakfast, lunch, dinner, cognac elixir 2 tsp. slowly dissolve in the mouth. After three weeks of treatment, a seven-day break is maintained. Then, according to indications, therapy is continued.

  • For a cold

Viburnum effectively acts against the development of colds. With timely initiation of treatment according to proven recipes, it is possible to quickly relieve severe symptoms.

  • Against cough

Honey-viburnum tincture will help eliminate a debilitating cough. To make it, a glass of washed viburnum berries is ground with 250 ml of liquid high-quality honey. Leave in a glass jar for a day.

Then pour in 400 ml of vodka, mix thoroughly and keep under the lid for another 7 days in a cool place without light. 2 tbsp. l. Use the remedy before breakfast and dinner.

  • For insomnia

In order to strengthen the nervous system, improve the quality of sleep, and eliminate debilitating insomnia that reduces performance, a viburnum tincture with added sugar is prepared.

Washed and dried ripe viburnum fruits - 1 kg are crushed in a meat grinder. You can use a blender. Place the aromatic paste in an enamel bowl. Pour in 500 g of sugar and vigorously knead the mixture, gradually adding 300 ml of cooled boiling water.

Cover the dishes with a towel and leave them warm for 24 hours. Then add 1/2 liter of vodka, mix again and transfer the workpiece into a glass jar under an airtight lid. Keep cool, excluding light, for two weeks. Drink 30 ml of healing liquid filtered through a three-layer gauze flap before bed.

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Possible side effects when used

Viburnum tincture is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure and chronic kidney disease. It can cause complications due to increased acidity of gastric juice, leukemia and thrombophlebitis.

Viburnum tincture has emetic and laxative properties. If you have diarrhea or food poisoning, it can make the problem worse. It is better for people with diseases of the digestive system to consult their doctor before using the tincture. Chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver, esophagus, stomach and pancreas will cause loose and frequent stools. Taking viburnum will further relax the digestive tract and lead to the formation of spasms.

The high content of beta-carotene, which gives it a rich red color, can trigger an allergic reaction. This is especially true for people who are allergic to strawberries, citrus fruits or other foods. There is no need to give viburnum, even for medicinal purposes, to children under 3 years of age.

Viburnum with honey, beneficial properties and contraindications

Fresh viburnum berries are very useful, but a mixture of viburnum and honey has even better healing capabilities. It is used to treat colds, hypertension, and as a multivitamin tonic. The beneficial properties of viburnum with honey have been tested by more than one generation of people. It is an expectorant and immunostimulant that also improves immunity and strengthens the heart.

♦ The heart is soothed by a 1:1 mixture of crushed berries of the plant and honey. You need to take a tablespoon three times a day.

♦ Recipe for viburnum with honey for blood pressure. It is necessary to take the berries of the plant and rinse them with hot water, and then pass them through a meat grinder. Add honey to the resulting mixture in proportions of one to one and mix thoroughly. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and taken a tablespoon twice a day.

♦ For heart pain, you need to take five hundred grams of viburnum fruits and the same amount of hawthorn fruits. We also add a kilogram of honey and thirty grams of grated propolis to the mixture. Stir well and add two or three apples, which need to be finely chopped. It is better to take the Antonovka variety. Drink one tablespoon three times a day. In this recipe, contraindications, namely hypertension, may prevent you from using the beneficial properties of viburnum with honey, since both viburnum and hawthorn lower blood pressure.

The healing mixture will also help with such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids.

  • Hemorrhoidal cones can be cured by applying a paste of the berries of the plant with honey to them. It is better to do the procedure at night.

Also, viburnum with honey will help get rid of tinnitus and headaches.

  • To do this, you can put small linen bags filled with a mixture of berries and honey in your ears. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.

It’s good to mix not only berries, but also strained viburnum juice with honey.

  • Arthrosis. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink one tablespoon of plant juice with honey, which needs to be diluted in a glass of water. A mixture of juice and honey can be prepared in the fall by passing the berries of the plant through a sieve and mixing the resulting liquid in half with honey.
  • For hemorrhagic vasculitis, you need to mix equal amounts of viburnum berry juice, carrot juice and honey. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

A complex recipe for a mixture for the treatment of toxic goiter

  • Diffuse toxic goiter. You need to take half a liter of viburnum juice, three hundred and fifty grams of lemon pulp, two hundred milliliters of medical alcohol, two hundred and fifty grams of aloe and one hundred and fifty grams of honey. The aloe plant should be no more than five years old and should not be watered five days before cutting. After cutting, the leaves must be refrigerated for seven days. Next, you need to cut the lemons and remove the seeds from them, and pass the pulp itself through a meat grinder. Everything needs to be mixed in a separate container. Infuse the mixture in a dark bottle in a cool and dark room for a week. Every day the mixture should be shaken, and after the expiration date, take one tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is carried out until all the tincture is finished and, if necessary, it is repeated again.

You can cook viburnum in honey. This method involves the following: viburnum bunches are dipped in heated honey and then dried in the oven. Such preparations can be stored all winter.

Despite its beneficial properties, viburnum with honey is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis and those who are allergic to bee products.

Possible harm and contraindications

The tincture can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The drug is prescribed for gastritis with low acidity, because Viburnum enhances gastric secretion. The drink lowers blood pressure, so its use is contraindicated in case of hypotension. Main contraindications:

  1. Chronic kidney diseases.
  2. Increased acidity.
  3. Tendency to thrombosis.
  4. Blood clotting disorder.
  5. Gout.

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Viburnum promotes contraction of the uterine muscles; the tincture can provoke premature birth in pregnant women. The product should not be used by children and people with alcohol addiction.

Moonshine based on viburnum

Moonshine prepared from viburnum has a mild taste and pleasant aroma. As with the tincture, the berries are picked in the fall after frost to make them sweet.

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A special feature of the plant is the presence of wild yeast on the surface of the peel, which, in combination with raisin starter, allows sugar to be processed into alcohol. To reduce the duration of the process, you can use baker's yeast (or alcohol).

Stages of preparing moonshine on viburnum:

  1. First, the mash is prepared. The fruits are carefully sorted and separated from the umbrellas. Berries (10 kg) are kneaded in a container, after which 4 kg of granulated sugar is poured in and warm purified water (20 l) is poured in. The wort is stirred. Yeast is prepared separately (dry - 100 g, pressed - 400 g), after activation it is added to the wort. The container is closed with a lid with a shutter and placed in a dark place at room temperature. For fermentation and ripening of the mash, it takes from 7 to 12 days, when using raisin starter - from 20 to 40 days.
  2. The mash is being distilled. To obtain a high-quality product, it is recommended to first distill the drink to obtain raw alcohol without separation into fractions at maximum temperature. The residual jet strength should be 15 or 20°. Then distill the raw material by crushing. The selection of components is carried out until the strength reaches 45-50° in the main stream. Tailings are selected at will and can be used to increase the strength of new batches of mash.
  3. After 2 stages of distillation, water is added to the distillate to obtain a strength of 40 or 45°. The moonshine sits for 3 or 4 days in a cool place.

The finished drink is stored in a glass container.

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