Using tincture of dead bees on vodka
Dead bees - what is it? Bees bring great benefits to humans. But these live
Viburnum berries under the snow
The benefits of viburnum fruit drink and methods of preparation
A little botany Red or common viburnum is a perennial shrub up to 4 meters high.
We quickly treat onycholysis at home
Thickening of the nails, changes in shade, deformation and separation of the plate from the nail bed indicate a serious
Benefits of bear fat with honey
Today on we will talk about the medicinal properties of bear fat and contraindications for it
How to clean blood vessels at home from blood clots, plaques, and cholesterol. Folk and medicinal remedies
Preparations for cleaning the blood vessels of the body
To whom is vascular cleaning indicated? A person needs vascular cleaning if: his
Red rowan tree
What benefits does mountain ash bring?
Red rowan, the benefits and harms of which have now been fully studied by scientists
Signs of sinusitis in adults, causes, types, complications
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. It almost always appears due to repeated deep
Selenium in the treatment of various diseases
What is selenium and why is it needed? The benefits of selenium include powerful support.
how to make kombucha
Mushroom tea (Kombucha): benefits and harms, how to grow medusomycetes
How nice it is to quench your thirst in the summer heat with cool tea kvass prepared at home!
Fresh sea buckthorn berries
Sea buckthorn beneficial properties and contraindications for men and women
Composition Sea buckthorn is quite high in calories - 82 kilocalories per 100 g. The product contains 1.2% protein
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