Strawberries - beneficial properties and contraindications

Beneficial and medicinal properties of strawberry leaves

The benefit of strawberry leaves lies in their rich chemical composition. In addition to vitamins and microelements, the leaves include:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids.

Thanks to such components, strawberry leaves have a diuretic, wound-healing, hematopoietic, antispasmodic and strengthening effect on the human body.

Wild strawberry leaves help cope with a number of diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal colic;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • cholecystitis.

In addition, the leaves of this plant improve digestion, blood composition, increase hemoglobin, lower blood pressure, and protect against infections.

Strawberry leaves have a diuretic, wound-healing, hematopoietic, antispasmodic and strengthening effect on the human body

In folk medicine, the beneficial properties of strawberry leaves are obvious . Decoctions and teas are indicated for type 2 diabetes. Substances contained in the leaves block the absorption of glucose and are low in calories.

Decoctions and infusions from raw materials are very useful for the female body . The antiviral properties of the leaves provide reliable protection during the epidemic.

Decoctions from the leaves increase the tone of the uterus and its ability to contract, which is important after operations. During menopause, decoctions and tinctures from this plant help cope with tachycardia, improve sleep and reduce irritability.

Don't forget about the benefits of strawberry leaf for men's health . Zinc, which is part of the leaves, is able to normalize the production of testosterone, the male hormone, which prolongs youth and virility.

Decoctions have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system, improving sperm quality and prolonging sexual intercourse.

Do not forget that uncontrolled use of medicinal decoctions and infusions causes harm to the body. Be sure to consult your doctor about the advisability of using strawberry leaves!

Strawberry leaves. Treatment with folk remedies:

Who is contraindicated for treatment with strawberry leaves?

Although traditional medicine seems harmless, it must be handled no less carefully than traditional medicine. You should not rely too much on tinctures and decoctions of strawberry leaves, as this can provoke an allergic reaction. As a rule, it manifests itself as dizziness, nausea and itching of the skin.

Before starting therapy, it is advisable to find out how strawberry leaves differ. Medicinal properties and contraindications should be the object of your close attention. It’s even better to first visit a qualified doctor at a medical institution to get competent specialist advice on this issue. Some medications in combination with substances contained in strawberry leaves can cause side effects. If you experience unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately stop using the product. In most cases, this helps eliminate side effects and allergic reactions.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

In addition to all the medicinal qualities, the raw material has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account.

Avoid using decoctions and teas made from raw materials in the following cases:

  • have chronic liver diseases;
  • there were problems with gastric secretion;
  • individual intolerance;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive tract.

In addition, you should not brew raw materials for children under three years of age and nursing mothers . In the first three months of lactation, you should refrain from drinking strawberry tea.

During pregnancy, you can take raw materials only on the recommendation of a doctor, if there are no contraindications. The leaves cause uterine tone , which provokes premature birth and miscarriages.

The use of strawberry leaves is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, children under 3 years of age and in case of individual intolerance

Application in cosmetology

Wild strawberry leaves are actively used for skin and hair care. Washing with infusions and decoctions:

  • help cope with pimples and blackheads;
  • improve skin color and make freckles less noticeable;
  • have a tightening effect when the first wrinkles appear.

Women can add powder from wild strawberry leaves to homemade face masks - fermented milk and egg ones.

Chopped strawberry leaves can be mixed with ready-made creams

Important! For men, using a decoction of the leaves is useful for early baldness; the hair is rinsed after each hygiene procedure.

Another area of ​​use for wild strawberries is medicinal baths for excessive sweating of the feet. In this case, 300 g of leaves are brewed in 3 liters of water and the feet are steamed in the hot liquid for 15 minutes shortly before bedtime.

How to use wild strawberry leaves to treat diseases

In alternative medicine, there are many recipes for decoctions, teas and tinctures made from strawberry leaves. They can be prepared from dried or fresh raw materials. They use decoctions according to indications, and prepare their own infusion for each disease.


General strengthening infusion for vitamin deficiency : pour two full tablespoons of strawberry grass into a half-liter glass container and pour hot water up to the hangers. Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Strain the finished infusion through cheesecloth and drink 1/2 glass three times a day before meals.

This infusion is also used as a mouth rinse for stomatitis.

Infusion for hypertension : grind dry raw materials and take one spoon. Pour boiling water over the leaves, about 1 tbsp. Cover and leave for four hours, then strain the infusion through cheesecloth.

Drink 1 tbsp. l. up to four times a day. The intervals between doses should be the same.

In addition, this infusion can be used as a lotion for hemorrhoids.

Treatment of anemia . Dry or fresh strawberry leaves are used as raw materials. Pour 2 tbsp into a half-liter jar. l crushed leaves and fill half with boiling water.

Cover with a lid and leave the mixture to steep for 60 minutes. Strain the finished infusion and drink 1/2 cup twice a day.

Infusions of strawberry leaves are used for vitamin deficiency, hypertension, anemia and other diseases

For painful menstruation . This infusion helps women reduce pain during menstruation, reduces the amount of blood discharge and improves well-being.

It is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of herbs and 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 8 hours; it is good to prepare the infusion in the evening, then it can be consumed in the morning. Take 1⁄2 cup every day, first until the end of menstruation.

For heart failure . An infusion is prepared using high-quality vodka. Place half a tablespoon of raw materials in a half-liter glass container and fill half with vodka.

Infuse the mixture in a dark place for one week. Take the tincture as a remedy, 30 drops three times a day.

In addition, this tincture can be used for anemia, vitamin C deficiency and as a general tonic during colds.


Anyone can make tea from strawberry leaves ; the benefits of such a drink are enormous. It not only strengthens the immune system, but also copes with headaches and menstrual pain, eliminates swelling and normalizes kidney function.

Strawberry tea recipe : to prepare tea, take 1 part of the dry raw material and pour 1/2 liter of boiling water over it. Infuse the tea for 10-15 minutes, after which the drink is ready to drink.

You can drink 5 cups of tea a day. If desired, you can add regular tea leaves or other medicinal herbs to the tea.

Tea made from strawberry leaves strengthens the immune system, copes with headaches and menstrual pain, eliminates swelling and normalizes kidney function.


Decoctions from the strawberry herb are taken as prescribed medicines . They cope with a number of diseases and have a general strengthening and tonic effect.

For bronchitis and severe cough : 2 tbsp. l. Finely chop the leaves and pour a cup of boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Cool the broth, strain and bring with boiled water to the original volume. Heat the decoction and drink a spoonful three times a day.

For insomnia and asthma : pour 30 grams of leaves into a saucepan and add a cup of water, boil for 20 minutes. Cool the mixture and drink several times a day.

For anemia and overwork : put 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in a bowl and pour a cup of boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Remove the dishes from the heat and leave the infusion for two hours. Drink 1 tbsp of prepared decoction. spoon three times a day.

The decoction helps with arrhythmia and rapid heartbeat, ischemia, urolithiasis, diseases of the spleen, bladder and atherosclerosis.

Strawberry decoctions have a general strengthening and tonic effect and are taken for insomnia, cough, and fatigue.

Preparation of medicinal products

Using strawberry raw materials, you can prepare healthy drinks that have healing properties.

Dried fermented strawberry leaves are used. Take 1 tsp. raw materials, brew with a glass of boiling water. Leave for five minutes under a napkin. Drink 2-3 glasses of pleasant tea per day.

The drink is beneficial for liver pathologies, indigestion, and vitamin deficiency. With systematic use, cardiac activity is normalized, swelling disappears, sleep improves, and the immune system is strengthened.


Grind the dried strawberry leaves, of which you will need 20 g. Place them in an earthenware bowl and pour in 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse under a warm hood for two hours. Reception is carried out after filtering 1 tbsp. l. every 6 hours.

The remedy is indicated for urinary incontinence and diseases of the genitourinary organs. The infusion is good for increasing performance, eliminating anxiety, and chronic fatigue. Accelerates recovery from anemia, the development of bronchitis, and diseases of the spleen. Improves intestinal activity, normalizes blood pressure.


You can use different recipes depending on the predicted result.

  • Bring 250 ml of water to a boil, add dry strawberry leaves - 2 tbsp. l. Place the dishes in a water bath and heat for 5 minutes. Place on the table and cover with a towel. Strain the broth after 3 hours. Use 1 tbsp three times a day. l.

With regular use, vascular walls are strengthened and cholesterol concentrations are reduced.

  • Bring 400 ml of water to a boil. Add strawberry leaf, measuring 2 tbsp. l. After boiling for five minutes, remove the dishes from the stove and leave covered until cool. Take 1 tbsp of filtered decoction before meals. l.

It helps well in the treatment of anemia, kidneys, spleen pathologies, ischemia. Recommended to relieve fatigue and arrhythmia. It has a tonic, calming, and pronounced general strengthening effect.


Pour crushed dried strawberry leaves into a dark glass bottle - 2 tsp. Fill them with vodka, measuring 500 ml. Place the closed vessel in a closet for a week. After filtration, take 50 drops three times a day.

The result is increased immunity, improved cardiac activity, and prevention of influenza.

Benefits and use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, dugout leaves have also found their use.

They are boiled in milk, filtered and consumed internally. This vitamin drink helps remove freckles, age spots and reduce acne.

Decoction for freckles for external use : brew dry wild strawberry leaves (20 g) with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, then strain.

At night, apply compresses from the decoction to problem areas. Keep for 20 minutes.

For baldness . A decoction of dry leaves, taken orally 1 tablespoon three times a day, helps well.

It is prepared as follows: pour two full spoons of raw materials into a glass container and pour a glass of boiling water (250 ml), leave for 2 hours. Strain the mixture and take as directed.

Against sweaty feet : brew 200-300 grams of strawberry grass in 2-3 liters of water. Boil and cool until warm. Before going to bed, take a foot bath for 15 minutes.

Strawberry leaves are used in cosmetology as tonics, for freckles and acne, and for baldness.

Face tonic . This lotion tones the skin well, gives it a fresh look, and is suitable for any skin type.

Three tablespoons of plant material are poured into a glass of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for half an hour. Wipe your face with the strained infusion twice a day.

In addition, the lotion helps get rid of acne and skin inflammation. It can be frozen in the freezer, and, as needed, rub the cubes on the skin of the face and neck.

Mask for dry skin : one tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice from strawberry leaves is mixed with vegetable or castor oil. Oatmeal is added to the mixture. Apply the mask to a cleansed face for 20 minutes.

Anti-acne ointment : a paste is made from fresh strawberry leaves and mixed with castor oil in a ratio of 1:4. Apply directly to the problem area.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that strawberry plant materials can be considered a unique remedy that has many advantages and is actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Strawberry is a famous perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. It grows on the edges of forests, clearings, on the slopes of mountains and hills, but some species, for example, Garden strawberries, which are also called strawberries, are grown in garden plots. The plant has a characteristic appearance: low-set trifoliate leaves, creeping shoots, short rhizome. The flowers are white, collected in corymbose inflorescences. The fruit is a false red berry on which achenes are located. The flowering period occurs in May-June, fruit ripening in June-July. The leaves are harvested in early spring, the roots in late autumn. Berries, leaves and stems are collected in summer. The root retains its properties for a year, and the berries and leaves for two years.

Strawberries are used for food, but in addition they have a huge bouquet of medicinal properties. Nature has given man an amazing gift by allowing him to consume this berry, because strawberries are useful because all of their parts are used (rhizome, leaves, flowers, berries).

Use in folk medicine

Strawberries help cope with many painful conditions. Home medicine offers several popular recipes using wild berry leaves.

For hypertension

Wild strawberries have a gentle effect on blood pressure and gently lower it with regular use. The medicine is prepared as follows:

  • pour hot water over a large spoonful of crushed leaves;
  • cover the container with a saucer or towel;
  • leave for two hours to infuse.

The finished drink is filtered through cheesecloth and taken 15 ml every six hours.

If you have a tendency to bleed

Strawberries help with frequent nosebleeds. In such cases, it is useful to use an alcohol tincture on a wild berry leaf, and do it like this:

  • grind the raw materials in the amount of a large spoon;
  • pour a liter of vodka into a dark glass vessel;
  • Close tightly and leave in the dark for a week.

The strained product is drunk 20 drops twice a day for 9-10 days, and then take a break.

For dermatitis and eczema

Lotions made from a decoction on a wild strawberry leaf help to cope with skin diseases and mechanical damage to the epidermis. To prepare the medicine you need:

  • pour three glasses of boiling water over three large spoons of crushed raw materials;
  • Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for another five minutes;
  • leave the prepared broth for about an hour and strain through cheesecloth.

Soak a towel or napkin in a warm solution and apply to the affected areas for 30 minutes. You can repeat the procedure up to five times a day.

For anemia

Wild berry leaves help cope with anemia and deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. For treatment you need to prepare a simple infusion:

  • pour boiling water halfway over two large spoons of finely chopped leaves;
  • close the container with a lid and leave for an hour;
  • strain the finished product.

For anemia, strawberry leaf helps replenish iron deficiency

Drink strawberry drink twice a day, 150 ml. For cooking, you can use not only dry, but also fresh green leaves.

For painful periods

Leaves of the wild forest berry help reduce pain during menstrual periods and reduce the amount of blood loss. An infusion helps best. They do it like this:

  • pour a large spoon of raw material into 500 ml of hot, but not boiling water;
  • leave under the lid for eight hours; it is most convenient to brew the product in the evening so that it is ready in the morning.

The infused drink is filtered and 150 ml is drunk daily. You need to continue using it until your period ends.

For insomnia

For sleep disorders, wild strawberry decoction helps a lot. According to the recipe, you need:

  • pour 30 g of dried leaves into the pan;
  • pour 250 ml of water;
  • boil for 20 minutes.

The finished product is cooled and drunk three times a day.

Strawberry decoction on the leaves is very calming and therefore regulates sleep.

For bronchitis

Wild strawberry leaves are beneficial for severe coughs. To remove sputum, prepare the following remedy:

  • two large spoons of leaves are finely chopped with a sharp knife;
  • pour a glass of hot water into a saucepan;
  • bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes.

The finished drink needs to be cooled slightly, and then filtered to remove sediment and topped up with clean water to the original volume. When warm, the product is taken three times a day in the volume of a large spoon.

For colds

The vitamins and minerals contained in wild strawberries help to quickly reduce high fever and cope with cold symptoms. The remedy is prepared as follows:

  • a large spoon of raw material is poured with 250 ml of water at a temperature of about 80 ° C;
  • cover the glass with gauze or a flat saucer;
  • leave for two hours, and then strain to remove the sediment.

Vitamin C in strawberry leaf has an antipyretic effect

You need to drink 1/2 cup in the morning and evening, and continue to use the strawberry infusion until recovery.

For hemorrhoids

An infusion of wild strawberry leaves can be used not only in the classical way, but also for therapeutic enemas for hemorrhoids. Prepare the product as follows:

  • a large spoonful of dried leaves is steamed with 250 ml of boiling water;
  • keep the product for 30 minutes, and then cool to a warm state.

The medicine is poured into a special syringe and therapeutic enemas are administered once a day in the evenings. You need to continue the procedures until the condition improves.

For arrhythmia

In the presence of chronic myocardial diseases, it is useful to use the following infusion:

  • 120 g of dried leaves are poured into a thermos;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • close the container and leave for 1.5 hours to infuse.

You need to take the prepared drink three times a day, 1/2 cup after meals.

Strawberry leaves increase the strength of blood vessels and protect against heart defects

Important! An infusion of the leaves of a forest plant will not only support the functioning of the heart, but also strengthen the nervous system, this will also help cope with attacks of arrhythmia.

Useful properties of strawberries

The plant contains: ascorbic, salicylic, folic, malic acids, tannins, vitamin B, flavonoids (cyanidin glycoside, quercetin, kaempferol, pelargonidin galactoside and their derivatives), pectic, nitrogenous, aromatic substances, alkaloids, sugar, carotene. The plant is also rich in salts of iron, manganese, cobalt, calcium and phosphorus.

Wild strawberries have medicinal properties, but cultivated varieties can also be beneficially consumed.

Strawberries exhibit the following properties:

  • Diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic effects;
  • Anthelmintic and antimicrobial action;
  • They increase the tone of smooth muscles, in particular the uterus, and also slow down the rhythm and increase the amplitude of heart contractions, which reduces blood pressure;
  • They have wound-healing, sedative, antiseptic, deodorizing and calming properties;
  • Improves metabolism, intestinal secretory function, restores salt balance. Tannins determine the use of strawberries for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Strawberry-based cosmetics will get rid of freckles and acne, make the skin cleaner and more elastic;
  • Due to its low calorie content, it is used in the treatment of diabetes;
  • It is an excellent source of vitamins, improves blood circulation and sleep.

To preserve the properties of strawberries, they are dried in a shaded place on wooden surfaces. Such berries are stored for two years in glass containers, and they can also be frozen. Dried leaves retain their properties for up to a year; it is recommended to store them in cloth bags and stir occasionally.

Useful properties and chemical composition

Before talking about the beneficial properties, it is necessary to note what causes them. Strawberry leaves are a unique storehouse of nutrients. The chemical composition of strawberry leaves is as follows:

  • Apple acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • quinic acid;
  • essential oil;
  • tannin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins (mostly vitamin C);
  • minerals;
  • flavonoids.

Strawberry leaves have many properties. Let's name the most important, proven ones.

  • strengthening the immune system, since strawberry leaves, like the berries themselves, contain an incredible amount of a wide variety of vitamins;
  • anti-inflammatory effect (both for colds and inflammatory processes in the intestines, etc.);
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • diuretic effect, removal of excess fluid from the body, assistance in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • sedative effect (calming);
  • hematopoietic action.

Thanks to such beneficial properties, strawberry leaves are used for a wide variety of diseases as an aid in their treatment, elimination of symptoms, and also as a means of prevention.

Application of strawberries

  1. Strawberries are used for colds and asthma. Strawberry decoctions are used to gargle, which helps in the treatment of sore throats, pharyngitis, laryngitis, as well as to get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  2. Used as a diuretic for cholelithiasis and kidney stones, salt imbalance, diseases of the spleen and bladder. Strawberries will help deal with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, and improve appetite.
  3. Strawberries are used to improve the cardiovascular system, to dilate blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and for atherosclerosis and anemia.
  4. For general strengthening of the body, increasing muscle tone, improving sleep, and for vitamin deficiency, strawberries are used. Has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.
  5. Strawberries are used in the treatment of gout, inflammatory processes, compresses are used for radiculitis, to treat skin diseases.
  6. Strawberries will also help with such ailments as: jaundice, loss of strength, hemorrhoids, rickets, uterine bleeding.

Properties of strawberry leaves

Leaf infusion

1 tbsp. l., 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times before meals as a tonic. Contains a large amount of ascorbic acid.

You may also be interested: Red elderberry - description, use in folk medicine

Decoction of leaves

1 tbsp. leaves, 250 ml of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 2 hours. Express, drink 1/3 cup three times for kidney disease, uterine bleeding, gargle for sore throat. (250ml 3 times a day before meals for a month)

  1. included in vitamin and diuretic preparations for the treatment of prostate adenoma, acute prostatitis, male infertility;
  2. a popular folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds, inflammation of the bronchial tract;
  3. treats profuse night sweats;
  4. An infusion of leaves has been found to lower blood pressure;
  5. initial stage of hypertension;
  6. Gargle with infusion for sore throat to eliminate bad breath. When drinking an infusion of strawberry leaves, a patient with laryngeal cancer felt better on the 10th day.
  7. Fresh or steamed strawberry leaves are recommended to be applied to purulent, long-healing wounds and ulcers. This cleanses them of pus and speeds up healing;
  8. compresses from the leaves relieve rheumatic and toothache;
  9. This infusion is also used for bad breath, stomatitis, and throat diseases.
  10. periodontal disease;
  11. pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, urolithiasis, gout;
  12. lichen planus.

Strawberry-based recipes

  • For metabolic disorders, diabetes, kidney, liver, and bladder diseases, a decoction of leaves and berries is used. To do this, pour two or three tablespoons of dry leaves or four tablespoons of berries with two glasses of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 40 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  • A paste is made from strawberries and fresh leaves, which is used as compresses for inflammatory processes, eczema, and hemorrhoids. A decoction of the roots is used in the same way.
  • For anemia, it is good to eat a lot of fresh berries; a decoction is also prepared: 20 grams of dry raw materials are poured into a glass of water and boiled for ten minutes, left for two hours, filtered and consumed three times a day, one spoonful at a time.
  • Healthy strawberry jam. It is made like this: fresh berries are sorted, washed and covered in layers of sugar. Leave for eight to ten hours, then cook until tender. It is necessary to alternate heating with cooling, first heat the berries to a boil, then remove from heat for 15-20 minutes. This is repeated several times. To prevent the jam from becoming sugary, add citric acid shortly before it is ready. The cooled jam is closed in a glass container. One kilogram of strawberries contains 1.2-1.5 kilograms of sugar and 1-2 grams of citric acid.
  • Fermented wild strawberry leaves are used in tea. To prepare them, the leaves are laid out in a thin layer in the shade and dried until they become limp. Then they are twisted by hand until the juice appears. The rolled leaves are placed in a box, covered with a damp cloth and kept for 6-10 hours at a temperature of 26 degrees. After this, the leaves are dried at a temperature of 100 degrees for forty minutes. To prevent leaf tea from losing its properties as the volatile substances disappear, it is better to steam it in a hot porcelain teapot, wrapped in a cloth, to retain heat.

The small wild berry is found in the forest every summer. In addition to the fruits, the medicinal properties of the leaves are also known. Strawberries are recommended for almost everyone, but are especially useful for pregnant women and diabetics.

Crushed fruits are an excellent face mask. Leaf tea cleanses the blood and intestines. But this is not all the beneficial properties of wild strawberries.


The places where strawberries (Fragaria vesca) grow are not limited to forests. It is found in sunny pastures, along forest roads, and meadows. Its relative is a similar tasty berry - strawberry (Fragaria viridis).

This forest natural delicacy blooms and bears fruit from May to September. The plant prefers dense, slightly moist soil and brighter places.

This is a perennial plant with a branched root from which leaves grow. Flower stems grow from the leaves, ending in a green inflorescence. The flowers have 5 petals and are white. The fruit is a red berry, reaching a length of up to 2 cm, easily separated from the calyx.

Collection and drying

Ripe berries, leaves, roots are collected. Fruit picking is best done in the morning or early evening. They are best consumed fresh, but can be prepared in the form of compotes, marmalades, syrups, frozen, or dried.

Leaves with a petiole or even a flower are carefully collected during flowering, without damaging the whole plant. Dry them in a thin layer in a ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight or in an artificial dryer at temperatures up to 50°C.

Properly dried raw materials will remain green. The leaves have a bitter taste and no odor. After collection, the roots are washed well and dried in the same way as the leaves. To store leaves and roots, place them in closed jars, protected from moisture and light.

It's not just vitamins

In folk medicine, red berries are valued for their content of many important vitamins. Strawberries contain vitamin C in maximum concentration, a powerful antioxidant and immune stimulant. The vitamin C content in fruits is comparable to citrus fruits.

Noteworthy is the presence of folic acid and β-carotene, the basis for the synthesis of vitamin A, another antioxidant that protects vision, ensures healthy skin color, and promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes. To a lesser extent, the natural delicacy includes some B vitamins and vitamin E.

Among the microelements, the gift of nature contains manganese, an element necessary for hematopoiesis, healthy tissue, nutrition of the brain and nerves, for the beauty and health of skin and hair, stimulation and support of sexual activity.

Strawberries also contain fluorine, phosphorus, and calcium. Another beneficial mineral is potassium, which helps remove water from the body, prevents excess water retention in the body (edema), and stimulates detoxification.

Potassium regulates blood pressure, and increased intake is recommended to reduce hypertension.

However, the largest representative of the vitamin series in the fruit is vitamin C. 100 g of wild berries per day covers up to 125% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C for an adult. Nutritional value (100 g):

  • kJ – 124;
  • kcal – 32;
  • proteins – 0.7 g;
  • carbohydrates – 7.5 g;
  • fats – 0.3 g;
  • fiber – 2 g;
  • calcium – 16 mg;
  • glycemic index – 70.

Vitamins and minerals (100 g):

  • vitamin C – 79 mg;
  • vitamin E – 0.3 mg;
  • vitamin B6 – 0.1 mg;
  • potassium – 150 mg;
  • magnesium – 14 mg;
  • sodium – 1 mg;
  • iron – 0.4 mg;
  • phosphorus – 25 mg;
  • manganese – 0.39 mg;
  • copper – 0.05 mg.

Diseases and disorders for which the plant will help

What are the health benefits of wild strawberries? Why is she so valuable? The main healing properties of the berry are represented by the following effects:

  1. Improving short-term memory (antioxidants).
  2. Dilation of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.
  3. Reducing the manifestations of rheumatism, gout, arthritis, atherosclerosis.
  4. Elimination of digestive disorders, flatulence, degradation of harmful substances in the intestines, elimination of diarrhea.
  5. Regulation of bile formation.
  6. Diuretic action.
  7. Limiting the formation of kidney, gallstones, and urinary stones.
  8. Disinfection of wounds, abrasions, treatment of eczema, hemorrhoids (compresses).
  9. Treatment of migraine and headaches of other etiologies.
  10. Treatment of gynecological diseases.
  11. Strengthening the muscles of the cervix.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of strawberries in home cosmetics:

  1. A face mask prevents the formation of wrinkles and strengthens the skin.
  2. Leaf rinses eliminate bad breath.
  3. A decoction of herbs and roots (1:1) improves hair quality.
  4. All parts of the plant are effective for weight loss.

Preparation of medicines

You can use the benefits of nature's red gift in several forms. Let's look at a few recipes for preparing medicinal products.

Tea for regular drinking

This tea is suitable for supporters of a healthy lifestyle who prefer everything natural. Add 1 tsp. dried herbs in 250 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes of infusion, strain. The drink can be sweetened with honey and lemon.

Healing decoction

3 tbsp. fresh or 2 tbsp. dried herbs, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, heat for 20 minutes in a water bath. Drink the decoction throughout the day.

Blood purification mixture

Mix equal parts of the following herbs:

  • leaves of strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry;
  • strawberry root (or 1 more part of leaves).

1 tsp pour 250 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 15 minutes. You can add dried berries. Drink before bed.

Decoction for compresses and rinses

To treat inflamed wounds and bleeding hemorrhoids, prepare a decoction. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 2 tbsp. greens, cook for 10 minutes, drain.

  1. For compresses, soak a clean cloth in warm liquid, apply to the affected area, and secure with a bandage.
  2. For rinsing, pour the broth into a bowl and rinse the lesion.

Tea made from fermented leaves
Leave wild strawberry leaves to wither in the shade for 1 day. The next day, wet a towel, place the greens on it, and roll the towel up like a roll. Place in a warm place for 2 days to ferment.

Unwrap, chop, dry again in the shade. Use as you would regular black tea – add 1 tsp. raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes under the lid.

Essential oil

Strawberry essential oil is a product that you are unlikely to be able to prepare yourself. Therefore, it is recommended to buy it ready-made. The product is used mainly in cosmetology. Has the following qualities:

  1. Rejuvenation.
  2. Lightening.
  3. Hydration.
  4. Healing.
  5. Strengthening.
  6. Elimination of inflammation.

Wild strawberry essential oil is added to many cosmetic products. In addition to external influences, wild strawberry essential oil has a beneficial effect on the state of mind - calms and relaxes.

Benefits for women

For women, a positive effect on the urinary system and female genital organs plays an important role. The fruits and leaves have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, therefore they are used to treat urinary tract diseases. At the same time, the natural medicine strengthens the muscles of the cervix, making it suitable for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Infusion for the treatment of urinary tract and gynecological diseases

1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over chopped roots or leaves. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Drink as needed until the disease (inflammation) is completely cured.

This infusion is also suitable for external use, such as a soothing bath or wound treatment.

Benefits for men

The anti-inflammatory effect of this natural gift is also important for men. This action suggests therapeutic effects on inflammatory prostate diseases. In addition, we are talking about a good aphrodisiac (for both sexes).

You can use any of the above mentioned remedies. A tincture is suitable as a “sexual activator”.

Strawberry tincture

You need:

  • equal parts sugar and berries;
  • vodka or alcohol (40%).

Sort the fruits, rinse, dry, and grind with sugar. Place in a glass jar (bottle), fill with vodka or alcohol. Leave to infuse for 1 week. Then strain and pour into clean bottles. Store in the refrigerator.

Benefits for pregnant and lactating women

What are the benefits of wild berries for pregnant women? Can I use it while breastfeeding?

The benefit is to provide the body with important substances necessary both during pregnancy and lactation. However, keep in mind that it is advisable for women expecting a child to consume only fruits; greens, due to the activation of the uterine muscles, can be harmful (cause premature birth and even miscarriage!). During breastfeeding, you can use all parts, but with caution - start with small quantities (doses), following the baby's reaction.

Benefits for children

Due to its positive health effects, wild strawberries are also recommended for children. But, pay attention , only berries! They can be included in the diet from 2 years of age (previously not recommended, because we are talking about an allergen).

Red fruits, ground with sugar, are an effective and tasty cure for colds. It should be taken 1-2 tsp. 3 times a day.

Detoxification of the body

Strawberries contain potassium, which flushes toxins from the body. The next assistant with internal cleansing is tannins, which bind toxic substances, especially heavy metals and remove them. Tannins also support the treatment of infections and counteract some viruses and bacteria.

To cleanse the body for 3 days, we eat only wild strawberries (about 2 kg per day) and drink clean water. This course will cleanse not only the intestines, but also the liver and blood vessels.

Strengthening the immune system

Strawberry tea is an excellent disinfectant that helps strengthen the body. The drink is suitable for daily consumption as an alternative to black tea. The beneficial liquid dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

Strawberry root is a remedy against edema and jaundice.

Fresh berries are recommended against sclerosis, high blood pressure, kidney stones, gout, and rheumatism. Many medicinal properties are preserved in the form of jam and juice. By the way, fresh juice is used as a natural lotion to cleanse the skin.

Tea for strengthening the body

Mix in equal parts:

  • strawberry, raspberry leaves;
  • St. John's wort;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm;
  • oregano;
  • horsetail;
  • common agrimony;
  • common mullein flowers.

1 tsp pour 250 ml of boiling water over the mixture, strain after 15 minutes. A cup of herbal drink, sweetened with honey if desired, will strengthen the body's defenses.

Stimulating foods during illness

Wild strawberries are a good food to speed up the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases: they add essential fluid (containing up to 90% water), provide vitamins and minerals to boost immunity, help fight the origin of infection, inflammation (sinuses, bronchi, etc.) . General detoxification makes it easier to fight the disease.

Weight loss

The healthy berry has a positive effect on weight loss. These effects ensure the removal of excess fluid from the body and improve the functioning of the body. In addition, it contains a minimum of calories.

Eat a bowl of nature's red bounty (when in season) daily to improve your metabolism and speed up weight loss.

Stomach problems and anemia

Tea of ​​leaves and roots improves metabolism, helps with hemorrhoids, asthma, problems with the stomach, gall bladder, intestines (especially intestinal catarrh associated with diarrhea).

The drink also has a positive effect on people with anemia (due to the large amount of iron it contains) and with severe nervous tension.

Tea for the treatment of intestinal disorders and diarrhea

2 tsp pour 1/4 liter of boiling water over the leaves and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 3 glasses a day.

For wound healing and oral health

The anti-inflammatory effect of strawberry greens is used in the treatment of inflamed wounds and for the oral cavity. It also freshens breath.

Liquid for rinsing and washing wounds

2 tbsp. pour 250 ml of boiling water over the greens, cook for 10 minutes, cool. After straining, use to wash wounds and rinse your mouth.

For skin beauty

The active substances of the fruits maintain healthy skin and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Universal mask

Mix boiled potatoes and strawberries, dilute with milk. Adjust the amount of components so that the mass is well applied to the face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.

Who should avoid using it?

Unfortunately, there are people who are forced to give up natural delicacies due to an allergic reaction - eating red fruits is contraindicated for them.

Pregnancy is a period when, in addition to the medicinal properties of wild strawberries, it is important to take into account contraindications. For women expecting a baby, only fruits are recommended; green tea causes unwanted activity of the uterine muscles at this time.

Nursing mothers should also be careful - wild berries contain potential allergens that pass into breast milk. May cause unpredictable reactions in the child. Therefore, you should start consuming it with a minimum amount of 1 berry per day, gradually increasing it if the baby is not allergic.

The same rule applies to young children - they need to be checked for allergies; Give your baby a small piece of wild berry and watch his body’s reaction. Do not give natural treats to children under 2 years old!

A very interesting and educational video.

Strawberries, compared to the more familiar strawberries for many, have an incredible aroma. The forest dweller loves to hide in distant clearings, forcing a person to suffer quite a bit in order to collect a few handfuls. The ancient Romans and Greeks wrote about fragrant berries.

Strawberries can also be called a home healer, since all parts of the plant have beneficial properties. Traditional healers use not only berries, but also leaves, flowers, and even roots. To harvest strawberries, you can dry the berries, in which case they retain almost all the beneficial substances; this should be done in the shade.

Useful properties and contraindications of strawberries

Fleshy berries are known not only for their aroma and sweetness, but also for their vitamin and mineral composition. Strawberries boast the presence of vitamins B, C and E, and they also contain zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, etc.

Although you can make various jams, preserves and compotes from the berries, fresh strawberries have the maximum benefit. It helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and improves appetite. Doctors recommend eating healthy berries if you have gastritis, colitis and anemia. Strawberries also help lower blood cholesterol and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is recommended to pamper yourself with berries more often, especially for older people. Strawberries strengthen and tones the body; they are useful for insomnia and vitamin deficiency. Crushed berries can be used as compresses for radiculitis and various rashes.

If you manage to get into the forest and find wild strawberries, remember the beneficial properties of the leaves of the plant. Collect leaves in the fall; they should be clean, without spots or dry ends. Based on them, you can prepare strawberry tea, which can be used as a general tonic. Considering the content of ascorbic acid, the drink will help with colds and inflammatory processes.

We talked about the beneficial properties of strawberries, all that remains is to understand the contraindications. It is not recommended to consume wild berries for people with high acidity and if there is an individual intolerance to the product. Some people experience an allergic reaction. The berries can cause harm to people with renal and hepatic colitis.

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