Cloudberry: beneficial properties and contraindications

  1. What is useful for men
  2. For women During pregnancy
  3. When breastfeeding
  • For children
  • Vitamins
  • Calorie content
  • When losing weight
  • Medicinal properties
      For a cold
  • For diabetes
  • For pancreatitis
  • Possible contraindications
  • Storage
  • Conclusion
  • Northern orange, arctic raspberry or swamp amber. These are not all the names of cloudberries. It grows in northern forests and resembles garden raspberries. The diameter reaches 1.5-1.7 cm. The color is yellow-orange with red splashes. Sweet taste, with a slight sourness, reminiscent of pear and raspberry. The aroma is honey-floral, pronounced, and is preserved in the frozen product.

    Why is it useful?

    Cloudberries are rich in vitamins and minerals

    The usefulness is explained by the rich composition of vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption improves immunity and improves health. Main beneficial properties for the human body:

    • improves vision, prevents the development of blindness. Much of the credit goes to carotenoids;
    • raises hemoglobin levels, helps cope with anemia;
    • cleanses blood vessels, increases elasticity. Recommended for use to prevent atherosclerosis;
    • improves blood chemical parameters thanks to vitamins and minerals;
    • prevents inflammatory processes;
    • increases tone, endurance, gives strength;
    • has a diuretic effect. Drinks based on this berry are used to eliminate edema, stimulating kidney function;
    • prevents diarrhea, improves stool;
    • improves internal metabolic processes;
    • has antipyretic properties.

    Properly frozen cloudberries retain up to 90% of their beneficial properties. This is one of the best ways to harvest for future use. During heat treatment, part of the valuable composition is destroyed.

    On a note! It’s not just berries that have valuable properties. The leaves, sepals, rhizomes, and flowers of the plant have long been used in folk medicine.

    Cloudberry leaves: beneficial properties and contraindications

    To improve health, it is very important to consume vitamins and microelements contained in plant foods.
    It is especially important to stock up on nutrients for the winter in the summer, when they are available in their natural form, in vegetables, fruits and berries.

    A real storehouse of vitamins and microelements is the royal berry - cloudberry, endowed with medicinal properties and an attractive appearance.

    We will talk about this product, as well as its effect on the human body, in our article, weighing the beneficial properties and possible harm.

    Product Description

    Cloudberries resemble raspberries in appearance, because they are from the same pink family, but have an amber-orange hue. The plant is low, like grass. For this reason, it was often called swamp amber. Tourists call it the orange of the north or the raspberry of the Arctic. For a long time, kings loved to eat cloudberries, which is why they call them the royal berry. It was eaten fresh, soaked, and stored in sugar.

    Cloudberry collection

    This plant is widespread in the swampy areas of the tundra and arctic latitudes. Despite this, she is afraid of frost, rain and wind. The berry blooms in May and ripens in July.

    Cloudberries are harvested for only 2 weeks in mid-summer. Considering the fact that the northern berries quickly deteriorate when overripe, knowledgeable people begin picking in advance, while the reddish berries are not yet fully ripe.


    If the berry needs to be preserved, for this purpose it is worth collecting it with the stalks.

    Berry composition

    All the beneficial properties of cloudberries are inherent in it because it is rich in various components, for example, minerals and pectins. It contains many minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, silicon, cobalt, tannins and pectin, as well as organic acids.

    The northern sour berry contains more ascorbic acid than lemons, and more carotene than carrots. It also contains vitamins A, B, E, PP.

    Cloudberry has beneficial properties and contraindications, but knowing them, you can not be afraid to eat it and use it for medicinal purposes.

    • Strengthens the immune system and ensures the body's resistance to infections.
    • If you do not separate the stalks from the berries and preserve them, you will get an excellent diuretic drug. In addition, the product will help with blood clotting and inflammation.
    • It is the best remedy against scurvy.
    • Juice from the berry, diluted with water, is given to children to improve appetite.
    • To improve the well-being and performance of weakened people, it is useful with honey or sugar.
    • Vitamin E contained in the berry helps improve blood circulation, as well as restore vision and alleviate the condition after burns.
    • Contains potassium, which is necessary for heart disease.
    • Juices and fruit drinks made from this product quench your thirst.
    • Prevents cancer.
    • Helps fight excess weight.
    • Useful for hypertension.
    • Helps heal wounds and kills bacteria.
    • Improves metabolism.
    • The oil squeezed from the seeds of the berry is the basis of shampoos, creams, and preserves the youth and beauty of the skin, hair, and nails.
    • The effect of cloudberries during pregnancy is important, because the vitamins A and E contained in it are responsible for the development of the fetus.
    • Helps prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes.

    The royal berry also has medicinal properties for kidney diseases, cystitis, and edema. To do this, you need to collect and dry its leaves and roots. You can buy ready-made dry preparations at the pharmacy.


    Not all of the properties of cloudberries are beneficial to the human body. If you are completely healthy, you can eat whatever you want. The situation is completely different for people with certain diseases.

    Let's consider cases when eating the royal berry is not recommended:

    1. Allergic reaction to the product.
    2. Stomach disease, increased amount of acid in the stomach.
    3. Ulcerative diseases.
    4. For inflammation of the large and small intestines.
    5. You cannot use anti-hypertension pills at the same time as berries.
    6. Kidney diseases.

    It is worth noting that for children under 2 years of age and people suffering from stomach diseases, it is better to limit themselves in the use of this product. It doesn’t hurt to consult a doctor before tasting so as not to harm your own health.

    Royal berry for ENT diseases

    Let's look at how cloudberries help with coughs. It can kill harmful microorganisms, relieve inflammation, and acts as a diaphoretic. Vitamin C contained in the berry helps treat coughs, colds in children, flu, fever, and sore throat.

    Dried cloudberry sepals help get rid of blues and depression. At the same time 1 hour. l. sepals, dried in advance, are simply added to the teapot. Sepals are also useful in expectorating sputum, helping with severe coughs, whooping cough, and bronchitis. For this, 1 tsp. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, and then continue to steep for 3 hours.

    Cloudberry leaves are a wonderful remedy for coughs, hemoptysis, and bronchitis. Here is a very simple but effective recipe. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves, throw into boiling water and leave in the dark for 4 hours. When it is ready, you need to strain it and take 3 sips after meals.

    Let's now look at how to brew leaves and roots. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves and roots and throw into boiling water. Then you need to cook it all for 5 minutes. After removing from the heat, you need to put a towel on the cup and place a saucer on top. Let the broth sit for 2 hours. Using cheesecloth, separate the herb from the cooled medicinal drink. You need to drink the decoction 4 times a day, 3 sips.

    Cloudberry jam is very useful for ENT diseases.

    To prepare it, first boil 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes to obtain syrup, add 1 kg of washed berries, boil for an hour, wipe, and then put it on the fire again for a few minutes.

    Royal berry compote is also useful for throat diseases. It is very easy to prepare, but in winter it will delight all family members. We wash the berries, fill them with syrup for 3 hours, then boil the syrup for 10 minutes and fill the sterilized jars with berries.

    Berry jelly will not only appeal to children, but will also help relieve sore throats. To do this, put the mashed cloudberries on the fire for 6 minutes, separate the broth, add sugar in a ratio of 2:1, 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, boil for 30 minutes, and then pour into jars.

    Naturally, the best option is to use fresh product. You can also prepare jam, juices, mousses, because even in processed form, cloudberries retain a lot of useful substances needed by our body.

    We wish you and your loved ones good health and good spirits. Stock up on vitamins for your health!

    In the Arctic, tundra, forest-tundra, in the forests of Western, Central, and Eastern Siberia, in Kamchatka and on Sakhalin Island, cloudberries grow in peat bogs, along with cranberries, lingonberries, and blueberries. In the old days, local residents called it the king berry and used it to save themselves from scurvy and other diseases.

    And this is understandable, because in these places there are very few products containing vitamin C. Well, with the help of cloudberries, local residents made up for its deficiency

    Let's find out why cloudberries are so valued; we'll find out the beneficial properties and contraindications of the berry. We will also prepare healing remedies based on it.

    What are the benefits of this northern berry?

    Cloudberries are harvested in mid-summer, July, when the berries acquire a bright reddish-yellow color. The collection period lasts very short - from 10 days to 2 weeks. After this time, it can no longer be collected. The cloudberry becomes very soft, it is difficult to handle and flows through your fingers.

    This northern berry is extremely useful and serves as a source of vitamin C. But in addition to the berry itself, sepals (calyxes) and cloudberry leaves are also used in the treatment of vitamin deficiencies and other ailments.

    It should be noted that cloudberries contain a large number of microelements that promote hematopoiesis. This series includes: potassium, calcium, valuable microelements - magnesium and phosphorus. As well as iron, aluminum, silicon.

    In addition to minerals, berries are rich in vitamins: C, B1, B3, PP, A. There are also useful proteins, natural sugars, pectins, and acids. Cloudberries are rich in fiber, contain carotenoids, tannins, phytoncides, leukocyanins, leukoanthocyanins, etc.

    Due to its biological composition, the plant is used in treatment, restoration of a weakened body, and increases immunity.

    It should be noted that cloudberry berries have a rejuvenating, restorative effect on the skin, hair, and nails. Due to its rich vitamin composition, components based on it are included in many lines of medicinal cosmetics.

    Use in folk medicine

    As we have already said, an infusion of leaves is used for diarrhea, and is also taken orally as an anti-inflammatory, healing agent for internal bleeding.

    An infusion of calyxes and leaves is taken for urolithiasis and vitamin deficiency. The infusion will help cure even a very severe cold. It is useful to take to restore metabolism.

    An infusion of berries along with leaves is taken for gastritis if gastric juice has low acidity.

    The roots of the plant are used as a diuretic in the presence of kidney stones. A decoction is prepared and taken to treat vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders. Treat colds and malaria.

    Freshly squeezed berry juice is used to treat scabies. To do this, moisten gauze with juice and then apply lotions to the affected skin. The local Khanty and Nenets people have been using the leaves for centuries to treat festering wounds. To do this, the leaves are lubricated with the fat of sea fish and then applied to the wound. Change dressings 2-3 times a day. The pus quickly disappears and the damage heals.

    Infusion from cloudberry cups

    The infusion is prepared very simply: Place 1 tbsp in a mug. l. dried cups, add one and a half glasses of boiling water. Now cover with a thick cloth and leave until it cools. Then strain, drink half a glass 3-6 times a day.

    Infusion of leaves

    Vitamin tea made from cloudberry leaves and wild strawberries

    To strengthen the body's defenses, maintain health, as well as for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, prepare the following tea: mix the same amount of dried berry leaves, chop, mix with tea leaves, and then brew the tea as you usually do. You can prepare a healing drink without brewing at all, just from the leaves alone.

    Products prepared from cloudberry cannot be used internally during acute periods of gastric ulcer, as well as gastritis with high acidity. The berry is contraindicated in case of inflammatory processes of the duodenum, as well as in case of allergic reactions to ascorbic acid and to the berry itself.

    For everyone else, cloudberries are not only possible, but should be consumed. Include fresh or dried berries in your diet, prepare jam, compotes, and jellies. Use infusions and teas from the leaves. But remember that everything is good in moderation. And even if you have no contraindications to its use, half a glass of berries per day is quite enough.

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    For women


    Female berry. This is what Arctic raspberries are called in Norway. Cosmetic companies actively use extracts and extracts to make face creams. Cloudberries inhibit the formation of wrinkles, improve skin tone, moisturize, and help fight rashes. You don't have to buy cosmetics for this. At home, it is very easy to prepare all kinds of masks, cloudberry ice from juice, water infusion.

    Ingestion also benefits the female body - it normalizes the cycle, reduces the pain of menstruation, and helps to recover from heavy blood loss.

    During pregnancy

    Cloudberry tea

    Cloudberries can be consumed during pregnancy. It will help a woman maintain her immunity and fight colds without taking medications. This is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

    Other useful properties:

    • prevents anemia;
    • improves digestion;
    • relieves nausea, reduces the manifestation of toxicosis;
    • improves appetite;
    • lowers blood pressure.

    On a note! The berry accelerates cell regeneration and improves skin tone. Regular use and external use will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

    When breastfeeding

    Cloudberries are rich in various substances

    It is advisable to refrain from using it for the first 3 months of lactation. The product is rich in various substances that can cause an allergic reaction in an infant. Then it is gradually introduced into the diet of a nursing woman, starting with small portions. It is important to monitor the baby's reaction and behavior.

    Infusions of leaves, rhizomes, and sepals are allowed to be consumed earlier. They have anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial properties and rarely cause allergies.

    Cloudberries in cosmetology

    Due to its beneficial properties, cloudberry is actively used in cosmetology. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this northern berry for facial and body skin care. Cloudberry juice is included in shampoos, soaps, and creams. Cleansing gels and other cosmetics are enriched with the extract of this berry.

    In addition to cloudberry juice, the oil obtained from its seeds is no less actively used. Among the products of various cosmetic companies you can find entire lines of care products, which are based on the same cloudberry.

    Cosmetics with cloudberry are especially useful for dry, aging, irritated skin. Vitamins A and E contained in berries provide this type of skin with the missing nutrients, effectively eliminate irritation, and perfectly moisturize.

    The fatty acids contained in cloudberry fruits help restore the protective barrier of the facial skin, smooth out small age-related and expression wrinkles.

    Hand creams with cloudberry extract gently lighten the epidermis, making it firmer and more elastic.

    Cloudberry shampoos do an excellent job of cleansing the hair and scalp. With regular use of these products, your hair will shine with beauty and health.

    Currently reading: Raspberries: beneficial properties and recipes for use

    By the way, it is not at all necessary to use only products from cosmetic companies. You can make your own creams and masks with cloudberries, which will work no worse than store-bought ones.

    For children

    You can make compotes and fruit drinks from cloudberries

    It is not recommended to give to children during the first two years of life due to their immature digestive system. Also, a high concentration of ascorbic acid can provoke an allergic reaction. But you can prepare compotes and fruit drinks with the addition of a small amount of berries. Don't forget to monitor the reaction.

    Benefits for children:

    • strengthens weakened immunity;
    • promotes healthy growth and development;
    • helps with colds.

    Children are given a decoction of the leaves, which has an antiparasitic effect. It is believed that the drink helps expel worms and get rid of Giardia. There are a lot of recipes in folk medicine. To avoid harm, we recommend that you consult your doctor first.

    Cloudberry leaves and root: medicinal properties

    The pharmacological effect of cloudberry leaf and root is comparable to the effect on the body of all kinds of blackberry extracts . This made it possible to use the bush to combat many acute and chronic pathologies. Including to prolong the remission of diseases during traditional medical therapy.

    • This is achieved thanks to the following medicinal properties:
    • general strengthening;
    • anti-cold (diaphoretic and diuretic);
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antipyretic;
    • knitting;
    • antibacterial;
    • restorative (including wound healing);
    • homeostatic;
    • antispasmodic.

    Did you know? During the times of Ancient Rus', cloudberries were called the “royal berry.” This was due to the fact that dishes based on it were an obligatory element of any major feast of the king and his retinue.

    • In addition, with periodic use of cloudberry extracts, you can quite successfully:
    • optimize the functioning of the digestive system;
    • normalize the functioning of the visual organs;
    • improve the condition of the external integument;
    • help the body protect against premature aging.


    Fresh cloudberries

    Northern berries are rich in pectins, tannins, and organic acids. A number of vitamins are present. It is most valued for its high concentration of ascorbic acid. The mineral composition cannot be called poor either. Of the microelements, it contains mainly only iron - 0.7 mg per 100 g, but there are many macroelements.

    Vitamins Content per 100 g Macronutrients Content per 100 g
    A 150 mcg Magnesium 30 mg
    C 29 mg Sulfur 25 mg
    B1 0.06 mg Phosphorus 29 mg
    B2 0.07 mg Sodium 1.1 mg
    E 1.5 mg Calcium 16 mg
    PP 0.5 mg Potassium 180 mg

    Important! The concentration of nutrients directly depends on the degree of ripeness, juiciness, and place of growth.

    When losing weight

    Desserts with cloudberries

    There is no diet based on cloudberries. Consuming it as a main product can be harmful. But this is an excellent addition to a proper, healthy diet. Daily inclusion in the diet really helps to quickly get your figure in order and accelerates the loss of hated kilograms.

    Slimming properties:

    • improves metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism;
    • removes excess water;
    • increases strength and endurance during training;
    • promotes muscle recovery.

    Let's remember the low energy value. The product will be a healthy snack, dessert, and will replace candy, baked goods, and unhealthy sweets. You can include it in porridge, add it to cottage cheese, make low-calorie desserts and drinks. It goes well with other berries and fruits, and is often an ingredient in fruit salad, smoothies, jelly, and sauce. When using sugar substitutes, you will get dietary jam. The main thing is not to boil it.

    Medicinal properties and use for diseases


    Cloudberry has various healing properties - anti-inflammatory, wound healing, expectorant, diuretic. It has long been used as a hemostatic and astringent. Berries and leaves were used to treat malaria, giardiasis, vitamin deficiency, colds, and gastrointestinal disorders. Let's look at the most current use cases.

    For a cold

    Cloudberries are recommended for colds

    The high concentration of ascorbic acid and expectorant properties allow cloudberries to be used to treat colds. There are a huge number of tea recipes. Only when poured with boiling water, most of the valuable substances are destroyed. It is better to prepare raw fruit drinks. We offer a simple recipe for a healthy drink.


    • 2 tbsp. l. cloudberries;
    • 300 ml water;
    • 1 tsp. honey

    Cooking instructions:

    1. Boil water, cool to 70 degrees.
    2. Mash the cloudberries with a pestle. Fill with hot water. Cover and leave for 15 minutes.
    3. Add honey, stir.

    It is recommended to consume raw fruit juice up to 5 times a day between meals. If necessary, reheat until warm. You can pour it in a thermos and leave it overnight. We don’t throw away the grounds, we eat them.

    Important! Honey can cause an allergic reaction. If you are intolerant, you cannot add it.

    For diabetes

    Cloudberries can be consumed for diabetes

    Cloudberries can be consumed for diabetes, including type 2. It is also often used to prevent illness when blood glucose levels are high. It is important to know when to stop. Only fresh, dried, frozen berries without added sugar are allowed. It is important to control the condition and monitor your well-being.

    For pancreatitis

    Diseases of the pancreas require adherence to a therapeutic diet. With pancreatitis, acidic foods are excluded from the diet. Therefore, cloudberries are prohibited when it comes to berries. You can use drinks from leaves, flowers, decoctions and infusions of rhizomes. We recommend that you consult your doctor first.

    Cloudberries in cooking

    Cloudberry berries are actively used in cooking. We invite you to make a healing liqueur or a sweet dessert from them.


    A thick syrup is prepared from water (300 gram cup) and granulated sugar (1 kilogram). Cloudberries (1 kilogram) are peeled, washed in cold water and placed in a basin with syrup for 6-8 hours (preferably overnight). In the morning, put the jam on low heat, gradually bring to a boil and cook until tender. Like any jam made from soft berries, you cannot stir it - just shake it occasionally. In this case, the berries will not lose their shape and the jam will turn out not only tasty, but also very beautiful.


    Washed ripe cloudberries (1 kilogram) are ground with a pestle, a glass of cold water is added, put on fire and, bringing to a boil, boil for 3-5 minutes.

    The slightly cooled mass is thrown into a colander, the cake is thrown away, and 1 kilogram of granulated sugar and 1 packet of instant gelatin are poured into the broth, with continuous stirring, bring to a boil again, boil over very low heat for about half an hour, then packaged in sterile 250-gram jars and hermetically sealed.


    Cloudberries can be used to prepare a very tasty vitamin drink for the winter. Well-washed and dried berries are poured into sterilized 0.5-liter jars, a faceted pile of granulated sugar is added and kept for about 4 hours. Then boiling water is added to each jar up to the hanger, covered with a tin lid and sent for sterilization for 15-20 minutes. Sterilized jars of compote are carefully sealed, turned upside down, insulated with a woolen blanket and kept until completely cooled, after which they are sent to the basement for storage.


    Cloudberries are also suitable for making alcoholic drinks - for example, these ones.

    Sweet liqueur made with cloudberries

    3 kilograms of ripe cloudberries are thoroughly kneaded and the juice is separated. 20-25 grams of mint leaves are added to the resulting cake and poured with 1.5 liters of high quality vodka.

    Syrup is made from water and granulated sugar. Add squeezed juice and sugar syrup in small portions to the container with the liqueur, periodically tasting the drink. When it feels like the liqueur has become sweet enough, it is sent to a cool, completely dark place for infusion for 15-20 days.

    The finished drink is carefully filtered, poured into glass bottles and stored in a cellar or cold pantry.

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    Instant liqueur

    • Dissolve half a glass of granulated sugar in a glass of hot boiled water.
    • Add a liter bottle of quality vodka and a glass of freshly squeezed cloudberry juice.
    • Leave for three days, then filter the finished drink, bottle it and seal tightly.

    Any drink or food to which cloudberries are added acquires a lot of useful qualities. Don’t neglect this unique opportunity to enrich your diet and improve your health at the same time!

    Possible contraindications


    Any product can trigger an allergic reaction. No one has canceled individual intolerance. If discomfort, rash, or abdominal pain occurs, you should stop using it.

    Main contraindications:

    • hypotension;
    • varicose veins, thrombosis;
    • gastrointestinal diseases during exacerbation;
    • chronic constipation;
    • pancreatitis.

    Important! If you are allergic to raspberries, a similar reaction to cloudberries is possible. In this case, it is important to familiarize yourself with small doses while monitoring the condition.


    Cloudberries in their own juice

    The shelf life of fresh berries depends on the degree of ripeness. Ripe, soft cloudberries will not last more than 12 hours. Dense, strong specimens can be stored for up to a week. Immediately after collection and purchase, you need to sort.

    Storage rules:

    • temperature +1-4 degrees, refrigerator is ideal;
    • do not wet it, store it in a dirty, dry state;
    • thin layer, it is important not to press;
    • put a napkin on the bottom, it will absorb juices and moisture;
    • We check every day and remove spoiled copies.

    It is advisable to use it immediately for food. Every day the amount of valuable substances is reduced, the composition becomes poorer. If there are too many cloudberries, we recommend processing them. Freeze whole, in the form of puree, syrup. For tea and compote we dry it. You can make raw jam with sugar and honey.

    Collection and storage

    Cloudy weather occurs from July to August. If you don't pick it at a certain time, you won't be able to bring it home because it will soon turn into mush.

    The cloud collects with the peas, which will prolong their freshness. It is better to pick such unripe fruits when they are still reddish. These berries will ripen in a few days. This delicacy can be stored in the refrigerator for only 3-4 days .

    Overgrown clouds begin to oxidize within hours of harvest. To avoid this, you can immediately immerse the raw materials in sugar syrup.

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