Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds and Their Nutritional Value

Since ancient times, such a plant as sesame has come to us. Its beneficial properties and contraindications were known to our ancestors, who have preserved this knowledge to this day. Sesame has a second name - sesame and is an annual plant. The seeds used for food are found in capsule-like fruits. Their color can range from black to snow-white. They taste tender with a characteristic crunch.

The beneficial properties of sesame have found their application in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology. Of particular importance is the oil from these seeds, which is mainly used for medicinal and preventive purposes. In our country, the seeds are often used to make topping for baked goods, however, sesame has found wider use abroad. Why it has gained such popularity, whether there is any harm from it, and how to use sesame with maximum benefit, you will learn further.

Composition and benefits of sesame

As a rule, the seeds of all plants have a fairly high nutritional value and contain more than 50% fat, and sesame is no exception. Its calorie content per 100 grams is 580 kcal . The percentage of oil content in seeds reaches 55.

In order to extract all the benefits of sesame, it is better to consume it in a heated or soaked state. This will make the seeds easier to chew, and the product will be better absorbed. The value of the seeds is their oil composition, which contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol esters.

Sesame contains many beneficial substances:

  1. Sesame contains a powerful antioxidant called sesamin. It can relieve many disorders of all organs and systems and prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  2. And beta-sitosterol helps reduce bad cholesterol in human blood.
  3. Phytin restores mineral balance in the body.
  4. Thiamine improves the functioning of the nervous system and normalizes metabolism.
  5. Phytosterol reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and removes cholesterol, helping to fight obesity.

The composition of sesame is filled with carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and calcium. It contains many useful vitamins A, E, B, C, PP mineral compounds: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, dietary fiber and lecithin.

Few people know how much calcium is in sesame. But it contains a larger amount of this microelement than the famous cottage cheese, cheese or milk, which were previously considered its irreplaceable source. Therefore, the seeds are healing for joints and bones and prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. With their regular use, the body becomes stronger and muscle mass increases more intensively.

Sesame is able to stimulate human growth, thanks to a special substance - riboflavin. In addition, it strengthens hair and nails and improves the appearance of the skin. It has a positive effect on the composition of human blood. Sesame is extremely beneficial for the digestive system. It is of great benefit in conjunction with medications in the treatment of asthma, liver and gallbladder diseases, hypertension, and kidney inflammation.

Features of using sesame

Sesame has a beneficial effect on health. However, you need to know that it comes in black and white.

Important! Black sesame has a richer aroma. The product contains much more iron than white sesame. It is useful for lethargy and anemia.

Black sesame has a more bitter taste. In contrast, white sesame has a pronounced nutty taste. It goes well with baked goods. Black sesame is used to make a variety of salads.

Both white and black sesame should be eaten with the husk. It contains about 80% of nutrients and minerals. Sesame husks are rich in fiber, which is good for digestion.

Information about the healing properties of the product is presented in the table below.

PeculiaritiesBlack sesameWhite sesame
Medicinal propertiesMore pronounced compared to white. Black sesame contains a large amount of carbohydrates. White sesame is rich in fat and protein.
Availability of vitaminsBlack sesame seeds contain B vitamins and vitamin A.Sesame saturates the body with vitamin E and ascorbic acid.
Amount of proteinBlack sesame contains approximately 19% protein.White sesame contains 21% protein.
Fat percentageBlack sesame has a lower fat content: approximately 47%.White sesame contains more fat - approximately 52%.
Beneficial effect on the bodyBlack sesame contains significantly more antioxidants than white sesame.White sesame is rich in phytosterols: they are intended to normalize cholesterol levels in the body.
Healing propertiesSesame seeds contain microelements that alleviate the symptoms of various diseases.They contain sesaminol and sesamolin, which are antioxidants.
Main contraindicationsIndividual intolerance to the product, a tendency to blood clots.Individual sensitivity to product components, excess weight.

Important! Sesame oil should be consumed correctly. If taken on an empty stomach, nausea and discomfort in the abdominal area often occur.

Beneficial properties of sesame for women's health

The benefits of sesame for women are manifested in the content of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens . It is especially recommended for ladies over 45 years old. But for girls, this product will have a healing effect: it improves the reproductive system, strengthens hair, skin and nails.

When carrying a baby, it is able to rejuvenate the placenta, which ages with the development of the fetus. In order to understand whether sesame is ok for breastfeeding, you need to know that it is a dietary product. Even despite its calorie content, it does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds, but is able to restore strength and immunity after pregnancy.

Don’t forget about the high calcium content in sesame, which is important both for the development of the newborn’s skeletal system and for the mother’s appearance. It should be introduced into the diet little by little, monitoring the child’s reaction. When breastfeeding, sesame should be eaten one teaspoon per day.

It also has the following valuable qualities:

  1. Rejuvenates the body when used internally or externally (mixtures based on it, oil).
  2. Contains lime, which is in short supply in the human body.
  3. Dulls the feeling of hunger.

Sesame seed in folk medicine

  • For stomach upsets, take 200 ml of chilled boiled water and add 1 tbsp. a boat of liquid honey. Next, grind the seeds and add 1 teaspoon to the prepared mixture. This solution should be consumed several times a day in small portions;
  • For mastitis in women during breastfeeding, a compress will help solve this problem. First, you need to fry the seeds over low heat, and then grind them to powder, mix with vegetable oil, then wrap this mixture in gauze and apply it to your chest;
  • For rejuvenation, a remedy from 1 tbsp will help. spoons of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of ginger (ground), 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar. You need to consume this mixture once a day, 1 teaspoon;
  • The seeds of the plant are used to cleanse and heal the body. Before meals, you need to consume about 15–20 grams of sesame powder in powder form and wash it down with water three times a day;
  • For hemorrhoids you will need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame powder, then pour 500 ml of boiling water over it and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then you need to cover the contents and leave until completely cooled. The decoction is used for external use on inflamed areas;
  • For pain in the lumbar area or arms and legs due to inflammation of the nerve tissue, a sesame-based remedy will help. First, the seeds are fried in a frying pan, then finely chopped. Take one tablespoon of sesame and honey once a day. For a better effect, you can drink the mixture with warm water and ginger juice.

Benefits of sesame seed oil

Not only sesame seeds are used very actively. The beneficial properties and contraindications of the oil obtained from it are better known to nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors. In medicine, it is used to make ointments, plasters, and various emulsions due to its ability to increase blood clotting. Often used as a laxative, especially for hemorrhagic diathesis.

In the cosmetics industry, sesame oil is indispensable for massages, softening and moisturizing the skin. In its pure form, it can even remove makeup and be applied to hair and skin. It is often added to anti-aging creams, largely due to its antioxidant properties.

Contraindications and harm of sesame to the body

Before using, be sure to read about the contraindications of sesame, otherwise it will do more harm than good. Due to the fact that it has the characteristic of increasing blood clotting, it is not recommended for people suffering from thrombosis, increased blood clotting, or thrombus formation. It should not be used for urolithiasis or kidney disease.

As with any product, it is worth remembering how to take sesame. The optimal amount per day should not exceed three teaspoons, so as not to provoke negative consequences. Pregnant women should use it especially with caution and not exceed the recommended dose, as hypocalcemia may develop in the fetus or a miscarriage may occur.

How to eat sesame

Despite possible contraindications, sesame can be used in different ways. In cooking, to give it a brighter taste, it is heated in a frying pan or sesame oil is used, which can be used to fry meat or vegetables. It is much healthier than sunflower and removes toxins from the body. When used for medicinal purposes, it is better to soak or slightly warm the sesame seeds. You can grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and soak them in water, and then take them as prescribed by your doctor.

Traditionally, the seeds are sprinkled on buns, desserts, cookies and other baked goods. It is useful to add it to various vegetable salads. In oriental cuisine, they are used to prepare a delicious paste with a nutty flavor. A dry seasoning based on seeds and salt is used when cooking rice.

As you know, sesame seeds can cover the daily requirement of calcium, but few know how to take the seeds if there is a lack of calcium. One hundred grams of the product will help compensate for the lack of this microelement, but for prevention you should use two to three teaspoons.


Sesame can be used:

In cooking

To add piquancy to the dish, it is added to baked goods, desserts, smoothies, cocktails, drinks, rice, and cereals. In Asian countries - Vietnam, Thailand, Korea - sesame sauce is popular, which is used for dressing salads, and which tourists can bring to Russia.

In the East, a paste called tahini is popular. It has a pleasant nutty taste. A tasty and oriental delicacy like tahini halva is ground sesame seeds.

Sesame is also used:

  • In traditional and alternative medicine for the treatment of burns, skin diseases, fungus;
  • As a dietary supplement for the treatment of certain diseases;
  • Sesame oil is used in cosmetology as a component of hair masks and for massage.

In folk medicine

Sesame neutralizes the effects of harmful toxins and stimulates the elimination of toxins. To do this, it is enough to consume 20 g of powder once a day before meals. You can grind the seeds, add a little honey, mix with water and drink.

Sesame helps cope with eye diseases and minor irritation. To do this, before going to bed, you need to instill 1 drop of filtered sesame oil.

When treating bronchitis, in addition to prescribed therapy, you can take 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil per day.

Sesame is recommended for injuries, cuts, and insect bites. To do this, mix flaxseed and sesame oil and lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the resulting mixture.

In cosmetology

Sesame oil can rejuvenate the body and has a tightening effect.

Rejuvenating mask

To prepare it, you need to boil 100 g of white rice without salt, mix it with 1 tsp. sesame oil and grated pear. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes.

Moisturizing mask

In equal proportions, take banana, mashed to a puree, and sesame oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for half an hour.

Sesame oil is used in the preparation of shampoos, balms, and creams.

Sesame for weight loss

Sesame speeds up metabolism and burns fat.

Metabolism is the exchange of substances and energy in living organisms.

Source Wikipedia

100 g of seeds contain 8 g of fiber. Plant fiber swells in the stomach, gives a feeling of fullness, and a person does not feel hungry.

  • The main reasons for overeating are usually stressful situations. And the antioxidant properties of sesame prevent the appearance of irritability and nervousness;
  • If the cause of excess weight is a hormonal imbalance, then sesame normalizes hormonal levels and the excess weight begins to disappear;
  • With sesame, any diet is easier to tolerate;
  • It helps remove toxins, fluids, waste from the body - everything that affects weight;
  • The process of fat accumulation slows down, but the breakdown of fats accelerates, thanks to the sesamin contained in sesame;
  • The intestines are cleansed due to the laxative effect of sesame.

In order not to gain excess weight and get the desired result when losing weight, you need to follow simple rules:

  • The results will be more noticeable if you consume black sesame;
  • You should eat no more than 2 tbsp per day. l. sesame;
  • To speed up the process of weight loss, a light diet and exercise are recommended;
  • During the diet, you must adhere to the correct drinking regime. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day;
  • The weight loss course should last no more than a month. The same should be the break between courses.

How to select and store sesame seeds

It is best to buy sesame seeds by weight or in a transparent bag to evaluate their appearance. They must certainly be dry and crumbly, and not taste bitter. It is better to purchase an unrefined product, it has much more benefits, and it can be stored longer.

Store unhulled seeds in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed container, but peeled ones will have to be placed in the refrigerator. They are stored from three months to a year. However, sesame seed oil has a much longer shelf life and can last for years even in hot climates.

Sesame is a fairly valuable food product. The amount of calcium it contains is many times greater than that of dairy products and is a source of valuable vitamins and other substances. It has few contraindications and can sometimes be harmful to the body, but will be an excellent addition to a proper diet.

Watch the sesame milk recipe video:

What makes sesame seeds unique: replenishing the body with calcium

  • Sesame seeds are incredibly rich in vitamins and other microelements that are important for the normal functioning of any person.
  • It is worth paying special attention to calcium, which is contained in sesame in sufficient quantities.
  • Sesame can safely be called a “champion” among other seeds in terms of calcium content
  • It is for this reason that it is recommended to be consumed, but in limited quantities, by women in pregnancy.
  • It is extremely useful to use sesame for adolescents whose bone and skeletal systems are experiencing their strengthening and growth, as well as for older people in order to avoid brittle bones and inflammatory processes in the joints
  • In addition to the fact that sesame can strengthen bones, it also helps remove various and harmful metabolic products from the body.
  • Calcium contained in sesame improves the secretion of hormones in the human body.

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