Getting rid of worms using pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds for worms are a popular remedy in folk medicine. Unlike medicinal anthelmintics, they do not contain dangerous and toxic ingredients, so they can be used not only for adults, but also for children.

We'll tell you how to get rid of worms using pumpkin seeds in this article.

The effect of pumpkin seeds on worms

Pumpkin seeds can gently, and most importantly effectively, neutralize and remove worms from the body. The value of treatment with them lies in the fact that the worms are destroyed in the most gentle way for the body, without the use of serious chemicals and the risk of developing side effects. The beneficial effect of pumpkin seeds on the human body is contrasted with the negative effect of the same remedy on helminths.

How do pumpkin seeds act on worms? The active substance of the seeds is cucurbitin, which is a poison for parasitic individuals, when it enters the human body, it is absorbed into the blood and paralyzes the helminths, as a result of which they do not die, but are deprived of the ability to move, cling to the intestinal walls, reproduce and lead their usual way of life. Due to the fact that paralyzed worms are deprived of the opportunity to feed and remain in the organ, their death soon occurs and they are physiologically eliminated from the intestine.

That is, cucurbitin is a helminthic poison. This property of pumpkin seeds against parasites was noted by Chinese folk healers; it was from them that this method of treating helminthiasis came to us. By the way, in order for pumpkin seeds against parasites to have the maximum therapeutic effect, they must be eaten together with the peel - a specific shell that contains the most cucurbitin.

Use Cases

Not only will pumpkin seeds help in the fight against helminths, but they will also have a nutritional role. After all, this unique product contains a large amount of zinc, as well as omega-3 fatty acids vital for the human body.

Such high efficiency in the difficult fight against parasitic organisms is due to the presence of cucurbin in pumpkin seeds. This substance has a paralyzing effect on parasitic worms, and they are deprived of the opportunity to gain a foothold on the walls of the intestines and other organs of the digestive system, and therefore come out during bowel movements. Cleansing from parasites with pumpkin seeds occurs already in the first stages of intake.

The highest concentration of this substance is not found in the kernel or even in the shell. The most useful thing in the fight against parasites is the thin film that separates the kernel from the shell. It is for this reason that when cleaning pumpkin seeds from parasites, they should be consumed unpeeled.

To effectively combat parasites, pumpkin seeds can be used in several forms:

  1. Cheese. Ideal as an anthelmintic. Raw seeds are used;
  2. Dried. You can also eat the seeds in dry form. They should be dried naturally;
  3. Toasted. As a medicinal preparation, they can be used fried in olive oil; for taste, you can add a little salt;
  4. Baked. You can also bake the seeds in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes;
  5. In the form of a drink. You can make a wonderful tea drink from the seeds. To do this, boil 3 cups of water with two tablespoons of seeds. This tea should be allowed to steep for half an hour. To give the drink a special taste, you can add a little sugar or its substitute. Thus, cleaning will not only be healthy, but also tasty.

Indications for use

Pumpkin seeds are effective against worms at any age - for adults and children. In addition, treatment with this folk remedy is very accessible and practical for every person, so you can often use pumpkin seeds against parasites in the body and for their prevention.

So, the use of this remedy is suitable for every person under the following conditions:

  • Pets live in the house, so periodic and safe cleansing of the body from possible helminthic infestations is recommended for all family members - from young to old;
  • Treatment is required for a child, especially at an early age, and the use of potent antiparasitic medications is extremely undesirable;

  • there is a desire to regularly cleanse the digestive tract from possible infection by parasites for both therapeutic and preventive purposes;
  • There are suspicions about the existence of worms, but I don’t want to resort to taking medications.

We will consider the mechanism of influence of pumpkin seeds on the human body in the table.

ActionBenefits of seeds
CleansingThe amino acids and fiber contained in pumpkin seeds allow you to quickly cleanse the body of waste and toxins, waste products of helminths.
RecoverySince parasites feed on blood and other internal fluids and tissues of the human body, against the background of the disease, a person feels a loss of strength and irritability, and his immunity suffers. Pumpkin seed destroys and removes parasites from the body, eliminating these unpleasant symptoms. And the vitamins and minerals included in its composition (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron) restore a person’s well-being after illness.
Control of parasitesThe helminthic poison cucurbitin is found only in pumpkin seeds. Thanks to this, a pronounced anthelmintic effect is achieved.

Of course, compared to medications, treatment with pumpkin seeds will not cause harm. Therefore, the main indications for the use of seeds are:

  • diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder, stomach and liver, against which the use of anthelmintic medications is strictly prohibited;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • elderly people.

For all of these individuals, conservative treatment of helminthic infestations is extremely undesirable due to the toxic effects of the drugs.

How to take pumpkin seeds against parasites

  • Children under four years of age are given no more than 75g of pumpkin seed powder for parasites.
  • Children under ten years of age consume up to 150g of raw pumpkin seeds to remove parasites from the body
  • adults eat 300g or more per day

Important !!! - do not peel off the thin film under the dense peel. It is this substance that contains a substance that is harmful to worms. The kernels are dried and thoroughly crushed. They eat it with honey, and four hours later they drink a laxative. As a preventive measure, it is taken once every six months.

What parasites will pumpkin seeds help with?

Cucurbitin, which is enriched in pumpkin seeds, is capable of destroying the overwhelming number of parasites - ranging in size from a millimeter to a meter. Paralyzing and causing the death of helminths, cucurbitin is excreted from the human body along with the dead parasites.

So, what helminths is pumpkin seed effective against?

Type of helminthsTitles
Roundworms (nematodes)Pinworms, whipworms, trichinella and roundworms.
Tapeworms (cestodes)Broad tapeworm, bovine and pork tapeworm.
Flukes (trematodes)Liver fluke, Siberian fluke, Giardia.

Pumpkin seeds exhibit their healing effect against the listed parasites. If another pathogen is identified, pumpkin seeds will not have an antiparasitic effect on it.

How to eat pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds can act not only against worms, but also alleviate the clinical signs of the disease itself. Their use improves the condition of the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs, improves appetite, and saturates the weakened body with microelements. Pumpkin seeds for worms are consumed internally in crushed, raw or heat-treated form, the main thing is that they have the same shell that we talked about above, which contains the active substance - cucurbitin.

An adult needs to eat at least 300 g of seeds per day, children - from 70 g, depending on age. In addition, it is recommended to drink decoctions from this remedy and supplement them with enemas, in combination with which it will be much easier to get rid of helminths. It is also common to make an infusion or tea from the seeds.

Eating pumpkin seeds against helminthic infestations must be done on an empty stomach. To enhance the effectiveness of the product, you can combine it with additional products that also have antiparasitic properties, for example, garlic.

We will tell you further how to take pumpkin seeds for existing worms.

Recipes for pumpkin seeds for worms from traditional medicine

The question immediately arises, how exactly should you take pumpkin seeds so that they bring maximum benefit? Some recommend eating roasted pumpkin seeds for worms, but other doctors claim that after heat treatment, some of the beneficial properties of the seeds are lost. Ideally, it is best to consume pumpkin seeds fresh, slightly dried - this way they will retain the maximum amount of beneficial microelements.

There are many recipes that allow you to use pumpkin seeds to fight various worms, let's take a closer look at them.

Pumpkin seeds with honey

It is believed that pumpkin seeds for worms together with honey are the most effective folk remedy against helminths. Worms cannot tolerate such natural products that negatively affect them and leave the body.

To prepare the remedy you will need 300 grams of peeled pumpkin seeds, a little boiled water and a tablespoon of natural honey. The seeds must be crushed in advance, for example, in a coffee grinder or blender. After this, all that remains is to mix all the ingredients. It is recommended to take the resulting mixture in the morning, before breakfast.


We offer a choice of recipes that will allow you to refuse drug treatment and help you say goodbye to parasites.

Pumpkin seed and castor oil. An effective method against parasites. During the day, a person needs to eat at least 100 seeds, and it is important to chew them thoroughly. In the evening, just before bed, you need to drink a tablespoon of castor oil. \

The course of treatment is 3 days. Pumpkin seeds will neutralize and destroy worms, and castor oil will have a laxative effect and will remove them along with the stool. After a couple of weeks, it is recommended to repeat the course to avoid relapse of the disease with worm eggs remaining in the body.

If the recipe is used for a child under 12 years of age, the amount of seeds and castor oil should be reduced exactly by half.

Pumpkin seed and honey. Grind 300 g of seeds and mix with a tablespoon of honey. If the mixture turns out to be very thick, you can add a little boiled water to it.

Eat pumpkin seeds with honey in the morning on an empty stomach. After 3 hours, drink a laxative, you can replace it with an enema. Course 3 days.

If treatment is required for a teenager, the number of seeds should be 150 g, for a child under 6 years old - 70 g.

It is important to remember that honey and honey-based products can cause hypersensitivity in the body, so this recipe is not suitable for people prone to allergic reactions.

Pumpkin seed and garlic. Fry 200 g of seeds for a short time in a frying pan without oil and water, heat treatment should be superficial. After the seeds have cooled, grind them into a paste in a blender, along with a small peeled head of garlic.

Infuse the resulting mixture overnight. In the morning, after waking up, eat a tablespoon of the prepared mixture. It is not recommended to eat or drink within the next 3 hours with this recipe.

Pumpkin seed and milk. Whisk a glass of milk and a glass of seeds into a kind of cocktail using a blender and consume it in the morning instead of the first meal.

After an hour, you are allowed to drink some boiled water; after 3 hours, you can do an enema or drink a laxative.

Pumpkin seed and dill seeds. Mix dill and pumpkin seeds in equal proportions.

Pour a tablespoon of the prepared mixture into a liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour and strain. Drink as tea 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Pumpkin seed and soda. Fry the seeds without adding water or oil, then grind them using a meat grinder. For 200 g of chopped plant matter, add 200 g of honey and a teaspoon of baking soda.

Mix all ingredients and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Take the finished product in the morning on an empty stomach, one teaspoon at a time for a week.

Pumpkin seed with infusion of buckthorn and oak bark. Prepare an infusion of oak bark and buckthorn in advance. Mix the herbal ingredients in equal proportions, pour a teaspoon of the mixture with half a glass of boiling water. Leave the product for at least an hour. Eat 300 g of peeled pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach, washed down with the resulting decoction. After 2 hours, drink a solution of Epsom salts, and after another 30 minutes, do a cleansing enema.

Pumpkin seed decoction. Pour 500 g of peeled seeds into a liter of cold water, place the product in a water bath and simmer for 2 hours, do not allow it to boil. After the broth has cooled slightly, squeeze out the seeds, strain the product and drink it in small sips within an hour. After 2 hours, drink a saline laxative.

This recipe is considered very effective; everyone who has used it once claims that one dose of the decoction is enough to completely cleanse the intestines of parasites.

Each recipe based on pumpkin seeds is simple and easy to use. 7 days after the end of any chosen course of treatment, it is strongly recommended to conduct a test for helminths.

How to get rid of worms with pumpkin seeds

Do pumpkin seeds help against worms? Yes. With parasitic infestation, not only do helminths steal useful substances (vitamins, minerals) from the human body, but they also damage the structure of blood vessels and organ cavities.

Worms literally gnaw through tissue, so a person needs to consume foods that promote cell regeneration. Also, in the process of life, helminths secrete toxic substances that poison the human blood, which means that detoxification of the body is required.

Pumpkin seeds for worms are the most favorable option, since they contain many bioactive elements that promote rapid restoration and renewal of body tissues and increase immune defense.

In addition, traditional healers recommend recipes for worms with pumpkin seeds, in which food products that neutralize the poisons produced by parasites play an important role in the regeneration of the body. Let's look at traditional methods that are particularly effective.

Milk and pumpkin seeds

In this recipe, milk casein acts as an antidote to helminthic infestation and saturates the body with protein amino acids and vitamin A, which promote cell renewal and regeneration.

  • Mix 250 g (faceted glass) of raw pumpkin seed kernels with green shell, ground into powder, in a blender with the same amount of cow's milk (not boiled).
  • Eat on an empty stomach in the morning, after 40 - 60 minutes drink a glass of water.
  • After about another hour, you need to repeat, increasing the volume of water to the maximum you can drink at a time.
  • After a 2.5 - 3 hour period of time, take a laxative (castor oil can be used) to quickly remove paralyzed parasites.
  • For a child, the norm for taking a milkshake (milk and seeds in equal volume) is 1/3 cup for children under 5 years of age, 150 ml. – up to 12 years.

Pumpkin seeds with milk against worms have a gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, so the recipe is suitable for pregnant women, children, and elderly people with weakened intestinal functions.

Honey and pumpkin seed

Fresh bee honey contains more than 300 healing bioactive components that protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms and helminths and have unique properties of regenerating damaged human tissue.

Raw pumpkin seeds for worms mixed with honey activate the process of neutralizing poisons, cleansing from parasites, and replenish the beneficial substances stolen from the body by worms.

How should children take pumpkin seeds for worms in a honey composition?

  • In the evening, mix an equal amount of seed powder with a green shell and honey (40 g of each ingredient is one and a half tablespoons) until the consistency of jam is formed.
  • The child needs to eat the medicinal composition on an empty stomach, for an hour, and drink plenty of liquid.
  • An hour after the procedure, have breakfast with liquid porridge.
  • After a 3 hour break, take one of the laxatives.

For adults, it is more effective to immediately take a honey concentrate of 50 g of honey and 250 g of pumpkin seeds, ground into powder together with the green shell.

Aqueous anthelmintic tincture from pumpkin seed kernels

Of course, you can chew pumpkin seeds against worms in their natural form, but there is a danger of damage to tooth enamel and gum mucosa by solid fractions.

The use of an aqueous concentrate not only protects the tissue structure, but also promotes the rapid absorption of cucurbitin by the body, from the oral cavity to the intestines. How to prepare a healing infusion?

  • Dilute 60 g (2 tbsp) of powder from kernels and green shells with warm water in the morning until it becomes thick sour cream.
  • It is recommended to consume on an empty stomach, you can wash it down with milk or water.
  • After 2.5 hours, take castor oil to loosen stools, or a solution of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) made from 20 g of the product and half a glass of water.
  • For children, saline solution is prepared at the rate of 1 gram of the substance for each year of the child’s life.

All of the listed recipes for healers, which use pumpkin seeds with honey for worms, with milk, water, will work more effectively if you add a clove or two of garlic to the medicinal compositions (as the main means of killing parasites), as well as fresh pineapple, which helps destroy the protective membrane membranes helminth cells.

Treatment of worms using the method of Dr. Semenova

Antiparasitic therapy with pumpkin seeds according to the method of A. N. Semenova is carried out in three stages. Each stage of treatment lasts a certain period of time.

FirstIt is expected that protozoa, round and tape parasites will be eliminated from the body. Cleansing is carried out by taking wormwood infusion in the morning and evening. The daily dose of wormwood infusion does not exceed 100 ml. If you abuse this drug, there is a high probability of developing a side effect - a nervous disorder. Cleansing with wormwood is prohibited for pregnant women. The course of treatment is 3 days, after which a mandatory break of 5 days is required.
SecondThe smallest and individual large parasitic individuals remaining after the first stage of purification are removed. In the morning, on an empty stomach, chew and eat 300 g of pumpkin seeds; there is no need to drink the seeds with anything, since the liquid will dilute the concentration of cucurbitin and give the parasites a chance to survive. After a couple of hours you need to drink a solution of Epsom salts, and an hour later do a cleansing enema.

On the day of treatment, enemas should be repeated at intervals of 2.5 hours, that is, up to 8 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days, then a break for the same period is required. Nutrition during the therapeutic course should be as gentle as possible, without carbohydrate, fatty and fried foods. The author of the technique advises eating cereals, vegetables and fruits.

ThirdThe final stage, during which the liver is cleansed. The cleanser is prepared from natural olive oil and the juice of one lemon. Both of these products are strong choleretic substances, and in addition to this, they have the ability to remove possible remaining parasites from the body.

The method of A. N. Semenova is recommended by the author to be carried out 4 times in order to cleanse the body of parasites with a high degree of accuracy, which is important for people with a high degree of helminthic infestation. The use of this method is contraindicated in pregnant women, in children under 16 years of age, in persons with the presence of stones in the body (kidney stones, gall bladder) and ulcerative lesions of the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Recipes with pumpkin seeds against worms

There are a lot of antiparasitic folk remedies prepared on the basis of pumpkin seeds. Let's look at the most effective recipes:

  1. Recipe with castor oil

Divide 100 pumpkin seeds into 4 equal portions and consume them throughout the day in 4 doses. Every time after eating, you need to thoroughly chew and eat a portion of unrefined grains. After an hour, during which you cannot drink or eat, castor oil is drunk. 1 teaspoon is enough. For complete cleaning, the procedure is repeated 3-4 days in a row.

Pumpkin seeds with castor oil are an extremely effective remedy.

  1. Recipe with honey

Grind 300 g of peeled seeds in a blender or coffee grinder. For a teenager, 150 g is enough. The resulting product is diluted with chilled boiling water. The result should be a creamy consistency that mixes with honey. You need to take 1 teaspoon or tablespoon, depending on your taste preferences. The finished anti-worm medicine is eaten on an empty stomach. It should be consumed very slowly, over 1 hour.

After 3 hours, a salt-based laxative is drunk. Additionally, it is worth doing an enema. The procedure is carried out once. A week later it happens again.

Recipe using pumpkin seeds and honey

  1. Recipe with honey and soda

Roast pumpkin seeds and grind in a meat grinder. Mix 1 cup of crushed kernels with the same amount of honey, add 1 teaspoon of soda. The resulting mixture must be infused for 10 days in a glass container. When it is infused, take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach for 7-10 days. You can have breakfast only after 3 hours. During the procedure, it is advisable to do enemas every evening. This will help cleanse the body faster.

  1. Recipe with garlic

Fry 200 g of seeds with skins without adding oil, cool, grind in a coffee grinder and mix with garlic. It is enough to chop 5-6 cloves of garlic. Add 2 tablespoons of natural honey to the resulting mixture. It should be liquid.

The medicine is infused for 12 hours. It can be taken in the morning, 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach. After this, you cannot eat anything for at least 3 hours. This remedy will help get rid of helminths in 3-4 days.

Creamy soup with pumpkin seeds and garlic

  1. Recipe with milk

Grind 200 g of raw pumpkin seeds, previously peeled, and add milk. The result should be a thick paste. It should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, without eating or drinking anything else. Only after an hour you need to drink a glass of clean water. After another hour, drink as much water as your body requires. When another 2.5 hours have passed, you need to take a laxative, maybe castor oil, and after 30 minutes do a cleansing enema. This will help remove intestinal worms in one go. After 1–1.5 weeks, repeat the course.

  1. Recipe with cocoa

Mix 100 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, it is better to take last year's kernels, with 50 g of cocoa and grind everything in a mortar to a powder. Add enough water to this mixture to make a stiff dough. It is divided into 20 equal parts, each of which is formed into a flat cake.

More on the topic: Medicinal herbs to cleanse the body

The day before using this remedy you need to fast. During the day you are allowed to drink only water or green tea without sugar. The next morning you should start taking the prepared cakes. They are eaten 1 piece at an interval of 10 minutes. A few hours after taking the last lozenge, you need to do an enema.

Repeat the procedure in a month. For the purpose of prevention, this recipe can be used once every 6 months.

Pumpkin seeds can also be used with cocoa

  1. Recipe with dill

A decoction of dry pumpkin seeds and dill has an anthelmintic effect. They are mixed in equal proportions and poured with boiling water. For 1 tbsp. spoon of mixture 1 liter of water. The broth is infused for 5–10 minutes and filtered. The resulting product is diluted with boiling water and drunk as tea three times a day. Continue treatment for 7 days.

  1. Recipe with a decoction of oak bark and buckthorn

Eat 300 g of raw seeds, pre-peeled and crushed, washed down with a decoction of oak and buckthorn bark. To prepare it, mix 0.5 teaspoon each of buckthorn and oak bark, add 100 ml of water and leave. After 2 hours, take a saline laxative, and after another 30–40 minutes, do an enema.

  1. Pumpkin seed decoction

Grind 500 g of unpeeled seeds and pour 1 liter of water, you need to take cold liquid. Cook for 2 hours in a water bath, without bringing to a boil. Squeeze out the seeds and drink the resulting decoction for 1 hour. After 2 hours, take a saline laxative. With this recipe you can get rid of worms in one go. They will come out in 3-5 hours.

A decoction of pumpkin seeds will help you get rid of worms as quickly as possible.

  1. Recipe with a decoction of garlic and milk

Eat 100 peeled pumpkin seeds, an hour later drink a pre-prepared garlic-milk decoction. To prepare it, 0.5 heads of chopped garlic are poured with 1 glass of milk and boiled. The broth should cool down. Repeat the procedure a week later.

How to use for children

Since the seeds do not have a toxic effect on the human body, they can be taken without fear in childhood.

How much and how to take pumpkin seeds for children who have worms in their bodies directly depends on the age of the child. The general scheme for taking pumpkin seeds in childhood will be as follows:

  • children from 5 to 7 years old - maximum daily amount of seeds 150 g;
  • from 8 to 10 years - 200 g;
  • children from 11 to 12 years old - 250 g;
  • over 12 years old - 300 g or adult dosage.

To combat helminthiases, it is allowed to use the listed adult recipes, but it is recommended to slightly reduce the dosage of seed in them, taking into account the age characteristics of the child.

If the child is not yet 5 years old, for his treatment it is necessary to use not the pumpkin seeds themselves, but the “milk” that should be extracted from the seeds. To do this, pass a glass of peeled seeds (with the preserved green shell) through a meat grinder and brew with two glasses of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath over low heat for about 2 hours. Then turn off the fire, wrap the container with the future medicine and leave it to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture and let the collected liquid stand for another 30 minutes. During this time, oily spots will appear on the surface of the product, which must be collected and poured out with a spoon, and then the resulting milk should be offered to the child, which he should drink on an empty stomach. After 7 days, treatment with pumpkin milk is recommended to be repeated.

Is it possible to give pumpkin seeds to children?

It is possible, but possible allergies should be ruled out. The child must understand how to properly peel seeds. He should not eat the peel, which could cause choking. If a child eats a large amount of seeds, vomiting may occur due to excess cucurbitin, which is contained in the peel of the peeled seeds.

They can be given to children over 3 years old, in quantities not exceeding 50 g per day. Before use, the seeds must be calcined or dried. 5 minutes on high heat will be enough.

Treatment with pumpkin seeds during pregnancy

While carrying a baby, it is important to avoid any medications, including anthelmintics, which have a pronounced toxic effect. But it is necessary to treat helminthic infestations in any position, including during pregnancy. If such a need arises, you can use the following recipe.

Combine one glass of raw pumpkin seed with the same amount of fresh milk and blend into a cocktail with a blender. Drink the resulting thick liquid for breakfast. After two hours, take a teaspoon of castor oil to achieve a laxative effect. The result of the procedure will not take long to arrive.

This recipe helps not only to cope with helminth infections, but also to eliminate the problem of constipation, increase the visual acuity of the expectant mother, and improve her well-being during anemia. In the first trimester, pumpkin seeds can reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, and in the second half of pregnancy - swelling, which many pregnant women are prone to.

Pumpkin seeds for worms: how to take and how many times a day

Undoubtedly, if official medicine gives the green light to pumpkin seeds, then there is no need to doubt their benefits. But how to take them? The seeds should be consumed, depending on the recipe, from one to several times a day. It is important to follow the dosage.

For children

For a long time, they have been afraid to give seeds to children, believing that children do not know how to use them, and this can have serious consequences. However, from the age of 2-3 years, under the close supervision of the parents, the baby may well eat pumpkin seeds. At the same time, adults should teach how to peel them or do it for the child.

You should not roast the seeds. It is enough just to dry them well - this way the maximum benefit is retained in the kernels.

How many seeds can children have? This is an individual question and depends on the age of the child. You can calculate the average amount of seeds allowed for children using the formula: for every kilogram of baby’s weight – up to 4 grams of seeds. If you have an individual intolerance to the product, it is prohibited to give it to children!

After taking the seeds, it is necessary to take a laxative about a couple of hours later - this will quickly cleanse the child’s intestines of dead parasites and relieve intoxication resulting from the decomposition of worms. A good help in this matter is cleansing enemas, including those with pumpkin seed oil.

For adults

Many people love pumpkin seeds. This is a delicious treat, a great snack, and a wonderful antiparasitic agent. Even pregnant women can use them for preventive purposes. It has been established that a few seeds help get rid of nausea and heartburn, which greatly helps expectant mothers with toxicosis.

How many seeds can you have per day? A serving of 100-300 grams will be effective. Depending on the recipe for preparing the deworming product, this amount can vary significantly. Taking a laxative is a prerequisite for getting rid of parasites using pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are very high in calories, and those who control their weight should be aware of this.


It is almost impossible to find negative reviews regarding adverse reactions of pumpkin seeds. But efficiency is a controversial issue for many. However, it can occur with insufficient dosage of the product and with improper use of seeds.

By the way, read more on this topic: Tykveol: instructions for use, reviews from doctors

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the fact that pumpkin seeds are a completely plant product, if they are abused or used without the permission of the attending physician, they can harm the body.

Before being treated with pumpkin seeds, you need to remember that this remedy, in addition to antiparasitic properties, has a pronounced choleretic and laxative effect. This means that this product is strictly contraindicated for persons with chronic intestinal disorders such as diarrhea and the presence of foci of stone formation in the body.

Potassium, which is enriched in pumpkin seeds, increases urination, so kidney and urinary system diseases are also included in the list of contraindications.

Zinc, phosphorus and the B group of vitamins, which pumpkin seeds are also rich in, can cause the following side effects if the daily dosage is exceeded:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • diarrhea;
  • painful urination;
  • allergic reactions.

Reviews about the use of pumpkin seeds

NATALYA, 27 years old, Novosibirsk. For several years I struggled with a weeping rash on my wrists, thinking it was eczema. I didn’t go to the doctors due to lack of time. She was treated with advertised drugs, antihistamines, and ordered ointments from all over the world. The incident forced me to see a doctor, imagine my surprise that “eczema” is simply a manifestation of ascariasis. It was decided to treat the patient with pumpkin seeds, since many years of drug treatment had a negative impact on the liver. I used the recipe with milk. After 2 weeks, the test for helminths turned out to be negative, and there was no trace of the rash left.

EVGENIYA, 41 years old, Moscow. I didn’t expect that I would ever encounter helminths, but one day it happened. The whole family made new “friends” as a result of purchasing a cute puppy at the market. Drug treatment prescribed by a doctor for prevention had to be administered to all family members, not counting the dog. At that moment it turned out to be simply unaffordable to buy medications for seven people at the same time (three children, my parents, my husband and I), at the family council they decided to take advantage of my mother’s offer and treat with pumpkin seeds; they bought the medicine only for the animal. The method is accessible, and as it turned out later, no less effective, the reviews are only positive.

Do pumpkin seeds help against worms? They really do. Thanks to the active substance - cucurbitin, as well as the content of minerals and vitamins, pumpkin seeds can be used for the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis in the body. The composition of the seeds allows not only to expel unwanted guests from the body, but also to prevent their penetration in adults and children.

Pumpkin seeds for parasites: reviews ↑

Review #1

“My family and I live outside the city in a private house. Naturally, we have both pets and livestock. Previously, I regularly cleaned the intestines of children from worms using Pirantel. Both children tolerated the drug very poorly. The youngest began to have problems with bowel movements, he complained of abdominal pain and felt unwell. A neighbor advised me to stop taking chemical tablets and resort to traditional medicine. The whole family started eating a plate of roasted pumpkin seeds in the morning. Now we use them for the purpose of prevention.”

Review #2

“The child often began to complain of discomfort and itching in the anus. They took tests and scraped the eggworm, it showed the presence of helminths. At first we were going to buy special medications at the pharmacy, but our local pediatrician said that they could negatively affect the child’s immune system. She advised me to turn to traditional medicine, and only after that resort to the help of drugs if the traditional method does not help. I gave the child pumpkin seeds with honey every day. We continued this course of treatment for about ten days, and then took the scraping again. The analysis showed that there are no worms in the body anymore.”

Review #3

“My wife and I have several dogs at home. One of them was picked up on the street just a few months ago. And although we took all the necessary measures and gave the animal anti-worm tablets, we still managed to become infected. My wife and I are already advanced in age, so we didn’t want to poison ourselves with chemicals once again. My mother gave me pumpkin seeds for worms as a child, so we just bought raw seeds at the market, fried them at home and ate them on an empty stomach every morning. The problem got rid of after a few days. Now we periodically buy and roast seeds, and even eat them for pleasure.”

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