What herbs can be used to wash your eyes?

Treatment of eyes with tea leaves

As you know, no matter what you clean, it always becomes better than it was.
This also applies to eye cleansing. There are many ways to do this. The simplest method of treating eyes in traditional medicine, which everyone knows about, is eye treatment with tea leaves. Soak a small piece of cotton wool in the tea leaves and wipe your eyes. This cleansing also improves vision. A decoction of chamomile purchased at the pharmacy can also help clear your eyes. Take two hundred grams of boiling water for 3 tablespoons of herbs. Brew it all, then let it sit for a while and pass it through the mesh. Also take a cotton swab and wipe your eyes. Cleaning should be done when your eyes are most sensitive, for example, at a certain time of the year.

Herbal preparations indicated for washing the eyes

— The undoubted leader among indications for washing the eyes is cornflower. To prepare a decoction from it, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers into 200 ml. boiling water and leave in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.

Before use, be sure to cool; this decoction can be stored for up to three days in a cool, dark place.

— Chamomile is the second most popular plant, which is steamed in a water bath, similar to cornflower, and used twice a day for morning and evening eye rinsing.

— A collection of string and sage will not only provide hygienic benefits, but will also relieve inflammation, irritation and help get rid of dry eyes, which almost every person faces in conditions of constant contact with computers, air conditioners and exhaust fumes on the street.

— An infusion of steep black tea and burdock will have an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect on the eyeballs, and will also relieve redness and minor swelling around the eyes.

— A decoction of plantain and clover is a real godsend for those who suffer from eye sensitivity, prone to various itches and irritations.

Rinse your eyes with seaweed

As you all know, as soon as the years begin to take their toll, eye problems appear.

Here's what you'll need. Buy algae called "fucus" at a regular pharmacy. And find a thermos, place about 3 tablespoons of this algae there and fill it with boiling water. Let sit for about overnight. After which you should buy regular square-shaped ice cube trays. As you understand, you should pour the entire resulting broth into molds and freeze.

At night, take out one cube and start rubbing it around your eyes. If the solution gets into your eyes, then it’s okay, but on the contrary, it’s even good. You'll see, the pain will go away. The course of such folk eye treatment is 1–2 weeks. You can also wipe it in the morning if your eyes hurt too much.

Herbs that restore vision

Here are some of the herbs that help restore vision:

Traditional medicine has a number of recipes aimed at general improvement and strengthening of the eyes, which in turn leads to improvement and restoration of vision.

Herbal teas for vision

 Mix calendula flowers, blue cornflower petals and eyebright herb in equal parts (by weight). 1-2 tsp. collection pour 250 ml. boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Strain. Use the resulting infusion for lotions (preferably before bedtime). Carry out the procedure every day or every other day. Treatment is long-term – up to 6 months.

 Mix flaxseed, blue cornflower petals, black elderberry flowers and eyebright herb in equal parts (by weight). 1-2 tsp. collection of herbs for vision, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a lid, insulate and leave for 8 hours. Strain. The infusion is used for lotions or a few drops are dropped into the eyes. It helps well with various inflammatory eye diseases, including scrofulous suppuration, and also improves vision. To restore vision, treatment is long and persistent – ​​several months.

 Collection of herbs for vision: birch leaves - 3 parts (by weight), rosehip petals - 2 parts, red clover heads - 2 parts, wild strawberry leaves - 1 part, St. John's wort herb - 0.5 parts. 1 tsp collection pour 50 ml. boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap and leave for 40 minutes. Strain and squeeze out the herbs. Use for compresses 2-3 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Eye treatment with clay from Hindu healers

There are many traditional medicines. Probably the most interesting of them are those where clay is used. If there is a little background, then these recipes came to us from ancient India. There, people discovered the beneficial effects of both water and earth on the body a long time ago. Somehow in Russia it became the most interesting. Clay, or rather a small part of it, must be placed on the forehead, back of the head and eyes at the same time.

How to make a clay compress. Place the prepared clay in a container, for example, a basin. The clay must be completely dried and crushed into small pieces. Then just fill it with water so that there is still 1 centimeter left on top. All this should be done at simple room temperature. A little time will pass, the clay will soften, and you will have to mix it with your own hands. Do not interfere with any other objects. If you find something unnecessary in it - for example, lumps that have not dissolved - then you should get rid of it.

Making flatbreads. You will need fabric, preferably linen. After you have found the fabric, you should spread it, for example, on a table. Look at the site of inflammation and remember what size it is. Then make a slightly larger cake and place it on the fabric. The thickness of the cake should be three centimeters. The clay should be thick and not spread across the fabric. After which, if you are making a compress on the eye, then first close it and put the clay on the eye. You can do this for three hours. Remember that a compress should never be applied to an open eye.

You will understand for yourself when to remove the clay. It will simply dry out and become a little lighter. After which you should try to remove everything at once, so that no pieces remain. After which you can rinse your eye with plain boiled warm water so that no particles remain.

Treatment of eyes with drops

The woman had a very unpleasant situation. She is many years old and has poor vision in one eye. But there is such a problem that the second one began to become inflamed. Well, what could she do but go to the doctor? I went and didn’t hear anything comforting. The doctor discovered a cyst in the second eye. And, as you know, what is done with a cyst? Of course they cut it out. But how can you agree to this if the other person doesn’t see well? What if the operation is not successful? She was very upset and began to think about what to do.

The woman looked through a bunch of books on traditional medicine. It is difficult to find a simple and effective folk method for treating eyes. From all the variety, she chose the most suitable recipes, there were three of them.

For the first 3 months, she instilled drops based on dandelion juice. But I didn’t see any visible results.

For the second 3 months she used drops based on earthworms. Unfortunately, again to no avail.

For the next 3 months I used drops based on boric acid.

And but everything was fruitless, the woman was already completely desperate. Then her children and grandchildren came to see her. She was distracted from herself greatly. Days passed. And then one day a woman got up in the morning, looked in the mirror - and there was a clean eye. She was completely cured and her vision began to improve. As the woman admitted, she did not fully understand what exactly helped her, maybe everything at once.

A remedy for squeamish people

I am already very many years old. And I can read normally even without glasses. And so it has been for a long time, after I tried such a wonderful folk remedy, which quickly restored my eyes.

All you need are shampoo caps. These are the ones that screw onto the end. It is desirable that the size of these cups is no more than three centimeters. After which you will still need your urine. Pour it into a glass. But remember and pay attention to this that the glass must be clean. To do this, you just need to pour boiling water over this glass. After you have collected urine into a glass, pour it into the lids and apply them to your eyes. Eyes must be open.

At the same time, after you have applied the caps, you need to do simple exercises. So to speak, eye gymnastics. Twist them clockwise, then counterclockwise. Then up - down, left - right. This must be done for fifteen minutes.

Urine will come out little by little. This is normal. That's why you need a glass of urine. From there you will add it again. Sixty days will pass and you should feel much better. Such procedures should be done twice a day. You just have to think for yourself and figure out what is better. You don't spend that much time a day to get such a wonderful result.

What herbs treat eyesight?

Traditional medicine successfully uses medicinal herbs for vision, both on their own and in the form of herbal teas for the treatment of various chronic eye diseases, including: astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, eyesight, glaucoma, cataracts, optic nerve atrophy, age-related visual impairment, hemeralopia (night blindness), etc. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the result can be achieved.


A cataract (leukoma) is a persistent clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye that occurs as a result of damage, inflammation or an ulcerative process. A thorn located opposite the pupil reduces vision, sometimes to the point of blindness. If the eyesore is not pronounced, then using herbs for the eyes helps restore vision.

Recipes  Tajik folk medicine recommends using red onions to resolve cataracts, as well as to restore vision. Finely chop the onion, squeeze out the juice using gauze and mix with boiled milk in a 1:1 ratio. Place 1-2 drops in each eye. Carry out the procedure 1-3 times a week.  Squeeze the juice from the flowering heads of red clover, strain through cheesecloth and mix with natural honey in a ratio of 2 parts juice and 1 part honey. Lubricate the eyelids with the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day or instill 3-5 drops.


Glaucoma is an eye disease, the main symptom of which is increased intraocular pressure. If left untreated, it can lead to complete blindness.

Recipes  1 tbsp. pour 250 ml of cumin fruits. water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat, add 1 tsp. blue cornflower flowers, cover with a lid, insulate and leave until cool. Strain through several layers of gauze. Instill 1-2 drops 1-2 times a day.  1 tsp. pour 250 ml of dill seeds. water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, insulate and leave until cool. Drink 1 tbsp. 4 times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks, then a break of 10 days and the course is repeated. During treatment with dill seeds, diuretics should be taken.


Cataract is clouding of the lens. It develops mainly in older people as a result of malnutrition of the eye tissues. Other causes of the disease include: long-term chronic eye diseases (retinal detachment, myopia, glaucoma, inflammation of the choroid, etc.), diabetes mellitus, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation, radiation, prolonged work at high temperatures, mechanical damage, etc. the cause of a sharp decrease in vision.

Morning dew will heal your eyes

All these unpleasant things happened on the scale of life not so long ago. A total of four years have passed. My eyes just started to hurt. Have you ever had sand thrown into your eyes? This was probably in childhood. So one elderly woman had the same feeling. All this was accompanied by copious amounts of tears. She did everything she could, even washing it with baby urine! But all this had only a temporary result. It became easier, but not for long.

You will never guess what kind of folk remedy cured her eyes, and in just one week. Such a saying as “Before the sun rises, the dew will eat away the eyes” contains great meaning. It's all in the dew itself. One morning, just before dawn, a woman went out into the yard. It looks very beautiful. And most importantly, there is a lot of dew on the leaves. All you need to do is just collect it in your hands and rinse your eyes with it. Rinse thoroughly and slowly. And you know, it became much easier. The woman decided to repeat everything again. Once you start doing this, you will get better and better every day. You only need one week.

Once this period is over, you will be completely cured. And as soon as your or your friends’ eyes start to hurt again, now you know what to advise them.

Herbal eye treatment

To cure eye disease, use this simple folk remedy. You will need one tablespoon of cumin and one teaspoon each of cornflower petals and plantain leaves. After which you should grind all these herbs very carefully. All this needs to be brewed in one glass of boiling water. Don't forget to strain. It is necessary to drip three drops approximately five times a day.

Source: Newspaper Healthy Lifestyle, all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer “Granny”

Standard gymnastics for vision correction, approved by ophthalmologists, includes 10 exercises that must be performed daily. The first is as follows: you need to move your gaze horizontally to the left and hold it for a few seconds. After this, turn your gaze to the right side in the same way.

Constantly increased eye pressure leads to the development of glaucoma, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity, and subsequently to blindness. Most often, the disease develops in older people, so such patients should be especially careful if pressing pain in the eyes occurs.

The discharge of pus in the eye area is a consequence of the development of infection in the conjunctival sac. Bacteria multiply quickly, and the body reacts through the formation of suppuration. In this case, you should consult an ophthalmologist. It determines the cause of the suppuration and methods of treatment.

Watery eyes are a common problem that most people don’t pay much attention to. After all, the production of tears is a process that occurs naturally in the body continuously. Their secretion is a function of the lacrimal glands. Subsequently, the tears are evenly distributed over the cornea of ​​the eye, after.

If itching occurs, you should consult an ophthalmologist, since such a symptom, together with redness, is a sign of many serious diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, corneal lesions, dendritic keratitis. If you get specialist advice.

Eye inflammation is a complex adaptive reaction of a compensatory nature in response to factors from both the external and internal environment. It can be localized both in the eye itself and in the periocular area. The severity of inflammation depends on the cause that caused it. The reaction of the eye to a stimulus.

Dry air from heating systems provokes accelerated evaporation of fluid from the surface of the eyeball, so this syndrome is more typical for residents of cold climate zones. Prolonged visual concentration on certain objects (monitor screen or other objects).

You should not ignore such a symptom as pain in the eyes, even if it causes minor discomfort. Using eye drops incorrectly can ultimately lead to serious vision problems. Therefore, if there is pain in the eyes, you should first consult an ophthalmologist. Depending on the reason.


Herbs for eye treatment

Let's consider proven folk remedies for the treatment of eye diseases based on natural herbs and plants:

  1. Thyme . Use an infusion (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water) to rinse your eyes for conjunctivitis and barley.
  2. Blue cornflower . Lotions made from infusion of flowers (2 teaspoons of flowers per 200 ml of boiling water) are used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  3. Drupe stony . For conjunctivitis, plant leaves are applied to the eyes.
  4. Plantain . Take 2 tablespoons of dry leaves, leave for 2 hours in 1.5 cups of boiling water, strain. Use as a rinse for inflammatory eye diseases.
  5. Honey _ Warm up pure honey by immersing a glass of honey in hot water, and use a pipette to drop 1 drop into your eyes when there is watery eyes. This product clears plaque from the eyes. For conjunctivitis, for the treatment of barley: boil 1/2 cup of milk and 0.5-1 teaspoons of honey, wet a napkin and apply to the eyes overnight, remove in the morning.
  6. Kolanchoe. Squeeze the juice of the colanchoe, mix in equal proportions with boiled water, wet a cotton swab and apply to the eyes 4-5 times a day for advanced inflammatory eye diseases.
  7. Tansy. For barley, 4-5 times a day you need to swallow 4-5 dried tansy flowers with water. The course of treatment is a week. This recipe helps to get rid of styes forever with frequent relapses of this disease.
  8. Calendula. Pour 15 dried flowers with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Use in the form of baths, lotions (a napkin moistened with infusion, put on the affected eye for 15-20 minutes) for purulent eyes. Do the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  9. Caraway. For constant lacrimation, which gets worse in the wind, use cumin drops, which are prepared as follows: boil 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water, then add 1 teaspoon of cornflower petals, 1 teaspoon of crushed eyebright herb, and the same amount to the hot, unstrained broth. crushed plantain leaves. Leave for 1 day, then filter through cotton wool. Instill 3 drops 3-4 times a day.
  10. Hemp. A decoction of hemp and dandelion seeds (1:1) is used to make eye lotions for blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
  11. Rose hip. A decoction of flowers is used to wash the eyes for conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
  12. Raspberries. A decoction of flowers is used to wash acne, erysipelas and blepharitis.
  13. Bird cherry. Tea made from flowers is used to wash the eyes during inflammatory processes.
  14. Hyssop. A decoction of the herb is used externally for inflammatory eye diseases.
  15. Eyebright and chamomile - 1 tablespoon each. Mix everything, pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Place the resulting slurry on a napkin and apply to stye or sore eyes.

It is useful to take eyebright orally to prevent visual impairment. It is this herb that forms the basis of the drug Flavigran-eyebright. The herb improves blood supply to the brain, improves immunity, reduces eye pressure and relieves swelling. It is used for various eye diseases, from simple fatigue, tension and fatigue during prolonged reading, working at a computer, dim lighting and the prevention of serious diseases of visual impairment: glaucoma and cataracts.

Eye treatment with folk remedies: diseases, treatment methods, folk recipes and doctors’ opinions

  • October 21, 2018
  • Ophthalmology
  • Gladkikh Asya

In this article we will look at eye treatment with folk remedies.

The eyes are the main reference point in a person's life. However, there are diseases of the organs of vision that cause a lot of discomfort. For a long time, folk remedies have been used to treat such pathologies. What are the types of eye diseases and how to treat them using traditional recipes?

Treatment of dry eyes with traditional methods

When your eyes hurt, folk remedies can come in very handy, as they are mostly accessible and effective. One way to get rid of dryness, relieve redness and fatigue is to take baths with a decoction of mint, chamomile, tea or parsley. You can rinse your eyes as follows: fill a glass with liquid, press it firmly to the eye and tilt your head back, and then blink several times, allowing the product to wash the mucous membrane.

Cornflower decoction

A product containing 2 tsp is suitable for rinsing. cornflower flowers, which must be poured with 250 ml of boiling water and left for an hour, and then strained. After cooling the infusion, wash your painful eyes with it. The folk remedy fights dryness and creates an additional antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Oak bark infusion

The healing properties of oak bark help with eye inflammation. Pour boiling water over some oak bark and place on low heat for 5 minutes. Leave to infuse for one hour and make baths with this product according to the method described above.

Cucumber gruel

Pour half a glass of boiling water over the same volume of dried and grated cucumber peel. After steeping and cooling, add a third of a teaspoon of baking soda to the product, mix and use to wash your eyes if they hurt due to dryness.

Dry eye

Let's look at the treatment of dry eyes with folk remedies.

The symptom of dry eye refers to the sensation of a foreign object in the eye. In this case, scleral hyperemia of varying severity appears on the eyeball. Patients note pain and burning in the eyes. The organs of vision become highly sensitive to light sources and are painful to look at.

There is increased fatigue. Vision is blurry, pain appears in the eyes. In dry eyes, the protective mechanism is excess tear production.

A preventive remedy for dry eyesight is normal mode while watching TV and working at the computer.

For dry eye syndrome, alternative treatment involves sufficient fluid intake and the use of various moisturizers. Applying cucumber slices to the eyes, instilling lavender oil and castor oil will help relieve dry eyes.

Treating dry eye with folk remedies can be very effective.

Milk and rose water are also gentle on the eyes. You need to dip a cotton swab in cold milk or cool rose water. Apply it to your eyelids and leave for fifteen minutes. Such compresses allow the eyes to rest and dryness decreases.

What else is used in eye treatment?

Traditional methods of treatment have been used since ancient times.

Aloe vera gel is often used and is one of the most effective folk remedies. Take either a viscous liquid or gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it to your eyelids. It should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the organs of vision.

If a person suffers from dry eye syndrome, you can use the advice of traditional medicine. But first, it is recommended to consult a doctor; do not forget about eye drops. Another cause of dry eyes is smoking, so you need to stop smoking.

Eye swelling is also treated with folk remedies. More on this later.

Causes of swelling

There may be the following reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • stress;
  • use of poor quality cosmetics;
  • anatomical and physiological features;
  • bad habits;
  • various diseases of the body.

To determine what exactly caused the swelling, you should contact a specialist; you may need an examination.

If you don’t have time to visit a doctor, and the problem doesn’t seem that serious, you can try to solve it on your own.

There are a lot of folk remedies for the eyes.

They can help combat swelling:

  • Many people know that brewing tea in the morning can work a miracle. People have experienced its effects more than once. If a person wakes up and sees unsightly swelling near the eyes, then there is no need to drink a morning cup of coffee or tea as soon as possible, since excess fluid can only increase tissue swelling. Instead, apply cotton pads, previously soaked in warm tea leaves, or a warm tea bag to your eyes for ten minutes. Swelling will be eliminated, the look will become younger and fresher.
  • Lotions with whey or milk also cope well with this pathology.
  • Egg white, whipped into a thick foam, is applied to the skin around the eyes. When it dries completely, you need to carefully wash it off. As a result, swelling will decrease.
  • You can steam oatmeal with boiling water. When they have cooled to a temperature comfortable for the skin, you need to take a small amount of porridge into flannel or gauze bags and apply it to your eyes. A remedy such as oatmeal perfectly combats various swelling, including allergic ones.
  • You can apply grated zucchini or cucumber paste or slices of vegetables to your eyes. After this, the swelling goes away, the skin tightens, and small wrinkles are evened out.

If there is constant swelling around the eyes, and the methods described above do not help to cope with them, then the disorder is deeper, and it will not be possible to eliminate it yourself with the help of cosmetic procedures. In this case, you need to contact specialists in the relevant field.

For inflammation of the eye, treatment with folk remedies can also be used.


Often people are familiar with the situation when a foreign object or dust gets into their eyes, resulting in discomfort and burning in the mucous membrane. Among other things, the eyes very often begin to tear a lot, become red and swollen in bright sun and strong wind. All these signs indicate the beginning of the process of inflammation in the mucous membrane. Naturally, if a foreign object gets into the eyes, it is advisable to consult a doctor, as this can cause an infection of the organs of vision. However, if the eyes react to unfavorable external factors, simple traditional medicine recipes will help to cope with this situation. Next we will talk about how to treat inflammation of the ocular mucosa using these methods.

One of the most effective means of traditional medicine in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the eyes are herbal decoctions, which are used in the form of lotions. Plantain seeds have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a solution for lotions, add one teaspoon of plantain seeds to two teaspoons of boiled warm water and shake thoroughly. Then add half a glass of boiling water to the seeds, infuse the mixture, strain and apply twice a day in the form of lotions. Chamomile lotions are one of the most effective folk remedies against inflammation. Brew a teaspoon of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave the solution for twenty minutes, strain. Chamomile lotions should be done three to four times a day. For severe eye swelling and inflammation, traditional medicine advises using raw grated potatoes. Potato pulp should be wrapped in two layers of gauze, applied to closed eyelids and kept there for twenty minutes. You need to repeat the procedure twice a day.

Healing herbs

There are herbs that have a truly miraculous effect on the eyes. These include:

  1. Eyebright. It is used as a phytotherapeutic agent for the treatment of various eye diseases. Infusions and decoctions of this herb help get rid of fog in the eyes, conjunctivitis and help improve vigilance. The easiest way to make a decoction is to pour boiling water over the eyebright and let it steep for several hours. For 0.5 liters of hot water you will need 4 tablespoons of herbs. Linen napkins are moistened with the decoction and eye lotions are made.
  2. Woodlice (medium chickweed). It grows almost everywhere and is used in the form of a decoction to eliminate clouding of the cornea. The preparation of the product is quite simple - crushed herb (1 spoon) is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 60-90 minutes. After cooling, the solution is filtered and dropped into the eyes. It is important to repeat the procedure at least 2 times a day (morning and evening). Course duration is 3-4 weeks.
  3. Duckweed. A marsh plant that can be collected from any pond or stagnant lake. Green, young plants are dried, ground into powder and mixed with honey 1:1. You will get a thick mass that needs to be divided and rolled into pills. The product should be taken in the initial stages of glaucoma, 1-2 pills per day.

Treatment of eye dystrophy with folk remedies

Considering the similarity of the signs of retinal dystrophy to other diseases, you should entrust the diagnosis only to a specialist. When diagnosing pathology early, you should never refuse prescribed medications, and folk remedies are used only as auxiliary methods. In addition, it is very important to find out from your doctor whether traditional recipes will harm you in a particular case.

For retinal dystrophy, the following methods are used:

  • Seaweed, cinnamon and honey are added to the diet.
  • Place five tablespoons of nettle leaves and a tablespoon of lily of the valley leaves in a glass of water. Infuse in a dark, dry room for nine hours. Then add half a teaspoon of soda. The finished tincture is used as a lotion in the morning and evening.
  • Over the course of a month, take 1-1.5 liters of decoction made from two tablespoons of dried rose hips, five tablespoons of pine needles, two tablespoons of onion peels. This mixture needs to be ground and filled with water (one liter). Boil over medium heat for 10-12 minutes. The finished decoction is strained and drunk after preparation for 24 hours. After all, it is not at all difficult to carry out such eye treatment. Traditional methods of treatment can be combined with medications.

Cataract of the eye

Cataract is a clouding of the eye lens that occurs gradually in almost every person after 50 years of age. As the clouding increases, vision deteriorates and the eye gradually becomes blind. Cataracts are caused by aging in 90% of cases.

There is only one therapeutic option - surgery to replace the lens.

Will treating cataracts with folk remedies be effective?

When a person has a different opinion, he can resort to the ten most effective recipes for this ailment, which are recommended by people:

  • Treatment of pathology with honey. Honey with water in various proportions, different treatment periods and varieties give positive results.
  • Dill seeds. It is proposed to boil them in canvas bags, and then, after cooling, apply them to the eyes before going to bed.
  • Herbal treatment. Pour boiling water over the leaves of coltsfoot, drop cap, burdock, leave in the dark and use as lotions.
  • Medicinal properties of potatoes. Patients are offered to take a decoction of potato eyes.
  • Aloe, mumiyo and eyebright. Various combinations of these elements in the form of lotions, infusions and decoctions after long treatment courses can achieve good results. What else is used in eye treatment with folk remedies?
  • Onion extract. Folk recipes claim that extracted onion peel extract can restore transparency to the lens.
  • Protein drops. Various recipes for making egg white mixed with other substances can be used in the complex treatment of the disease.
  • Blueberry. Folk recipes recommend treating cataracts with blueberry infusions.
  • Dandelion juice. Juice extracted from dandelion leaves can be used in the complex treatment of the disease.
  • Herbal infusions. Multi-component mixtures of medicinal herbs, buds, fruit seeds and flowers in the form of infusions are indispensable for long-term treatment of eye pathology.

Honey - amber healer

Honey gives excellent results when treating eyes with folk remedies. It is used in various forms, but the most popular recipes are:

  • Drops. They are prepared from honey and distilled water in proportions of 1:5. The resulting solution is dropped into the eyes 2-3 times a day. The product is used at the first signs of cataracts.
  • Infusion. An unusual and very effective recipe. You need to take a large green apple and make a hole in it. Put a spoonful of honey in it and leave the apple in a warm place. A clear juice forms in the recess, which must be drained, strained and dripped into the eyes three times a week. Cataract films disappear within 10-15 days.

Important! All of the above recipes can be used to treat eye diseases only if the diagnosis has already been made and there is no allergy to the components of the decoction or infusion. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

Treatment of the retina with folk remedies

The retina is the film of the inner layer of the eye, which contains cells that create visual perception by transmitting impulses to the brain. The condition of the retina can worsen or improve a person’s vision, and the quality of life directly depends on this.

Proper and balanced nutrition becomes a certain basis that does not allow the formation of various disorders in the retina. Thanks to diet (as decided by the doctor), the effect of healing infusions and decoctions is enhanced. Let's look at some of them.

  • First collection. A good effect can be obtained from a collection that includes crushed violet and St. John's wort herbs (one part each), knotweed herb (three parts), bearberry (two parts). You need to take a tablespoon of the mixture, then pour a glass of boiling water over it, wait half an hour and strain. It is recommended to take a third of a glass half an hour before meals; the decoction should be drunk no more than three times a day and no longer than ten days. Herbal eye treatment is very popular.
  • Pine infusion. Many people recommend starting treatment for retinal disorders with the use of pine needle infusion. You need to cut the pine needles (fresh and young) and chop them with scissors. Six tablespoons is enough. Then fill them with water (0.5 liters), boil for 15 minutes, and leave overnight. Divide the finished infusion into small portions and take it warmed up to five times a day.

Treatment of the retina with traditional methods

When diagnosed with macular degeneration, you can use traditional methods of treatment, for example, taking pine tincture. Finely trim the pine needles, collecting about 6 tablespoons. Boil them for 15 minutes in a liter of water and leave to steep overnight. Warm up before use and drink in small portions several times a day.

You can cure the retina if your eyes hurt, using a folk remedy made from whole oats. Soak 500 g of the ingredient for 4 hours, then drain the water and transfer the oats to another container to fill it with three liters of filtered water. Bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour, then separate the liquid and drink 4 glasses of it daily. Over time, you will notice an improvement.

In children

Children have weaker immunity compared to adults; in addition, they pay less attention to following simple hygiene rules, since they are very busy exploring the outside world. That is why they are much more likely to develop conjunctivitis. This eye disease requires parents to respond as quickly as possible. It is recommended that you take your child to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. However, if you need urgent help and there is no way to see a doctor, you can treat your eyes with folk remedies.

An effective and useful solution for washing the organs of vision can be prepared from simple pharmaceutical chamomile. Ten grams of dry raw materials should be poured with boiling water (a glass) and left for half an hour. The same scheme applies to making an effective clover rinse. For the recipe you only need the inflorescences of the plant.

What else is effective in treating children's eyes with folk remedies?

Tea brewing

Since childhood, everyone has known the method of washing sore eyes by brewing tea, and it is still relevant today. A very effective plant is marshmallow root, used as a lotion. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, then crushed, brew a tablespoon of raw materials with half a glass of boiled water. Lotions with rosehip decoction are effective in treating severe inflammation. For this solution you will need a tablespoon of its fruits and a glass of boiling water.

If you have aloe in the house, you can prepare drops from the juice of the plant. It is obtained from fleshy leaves, mixed half and half with cool boiled water or saline solution.

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