Instructions for use of hawthorn tincture

Is it possible to take hawthorn tincture?

The reputation of the pharmaceutical drug is rather ambiguous. Since the product contains ethyl alcohol, if used carelessly, it can seriously harm the body. An overdose is very dangerous, as it leads to poisoning and the development of serious consequences.

But if you follow the instructions for using hawthorn alcohol tincture, the product has a beneficial effect on the body. The valuable substances in the composition improve health and help relieve symptoms of many diseases.

Chemical composition of the tincture

The medicine is made from two components - hawthorn fruit extract and ethyl alcohol. The pharmaceutical preparation contains most of the chemical elements found in the fresh berries of the plant. Namely:

  • organic acids and essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • flavonoids;
  • choline and trimethylamine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • subgroup B vitamins;
  • acetylcholine;
  • sorbitol;
  • magnesium and vitamin K;
  • tanning components.

Hawthorn in alcohol should not be drunk unless indicated; it is harmful to the heart.
Ursolic acid in the composition deserves special mention. It has a pronounced cardiac stimulating, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effect and is largely responsible for the medicinal value of the drug.

What does hawthorn tincture help with and how is it useful?

When used carefully, the benefits of hawthorn tincture for the human body are undeniable. In particular, the drug:

  • tones and has a general strengthening effect;
  • has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and normalizes hormone production;
  • helps cope with vitamin deficiency;
  • has a choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • normalizes liver function and protects it from toxic effects;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and pulse;
  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • reduces bad cholesterol and prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens the nervous system or improves concentration;
  • has a calming and relaxing effect;
  • protects the organs of vision from diseases;
  • has antitumor properties and can serve as cancer prevention;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • speeds up metabolism.

The health benefits of hawthorn tincture include lowering blood glucose levels. The product has a good effect on any inflammatory processes in the body.

Does hawthorn tincture help with headaches?

Headache attacks usually occur against the background of vasospasm caused by increased blood pressure. Hawthorn relieves negative symptoms and quickly normalizes blood flow. You can take the medicine to relieve a specific migraine attack and to improve the condition of blood vessels in general; in the latter case, you should take the drug in a course.

The benefits of hawthorn tincture for men

For men, the drug is useful in that it helps with erectile dysfunction caused by emotional stress. The alcohol improves blood flow, including in the pelvic organs, this also has a positive effect on potency.

The benefits and harms of hawthorn tincture for men affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Representatives of the stronger sex are predisposed to early heart attacks and strokes; alcohol-based medicine helps reduce the risk of developing dangerous conditions.

Hawthorn tincture helps men better cope with stress

The benefits of hawthorn tincture for women

Women are recommended to use this pharmaceutical drug for heavy periods and symptoms of menopause. Hawthorn improves physical well-being and normalizes emotional state, reduces pain. The calming properties of the medicine are beneficial, it evens out mood and eliminates insomnia.

But during pregnancy, using the drug is strictly prohibited. It contains ethyl alcohol, which can have a negative effect on the fetus even if minimal dosages are observed. During the period of bearing a child, it is better to give preference to water decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. The same applies to breastfeeding - the product is contraindicated for use as it can harm the baby’s health.

Can it be given to children?

Despite all the beneficial properties, the drug is prohibited for children's use. You can drink it for medicinal purposes only after reaching adulthood. For adolescents over 15 years of age, it is permissible to use external methods of applying hawthorn tincture, making lotions, compresses and rubbing.

Hawthorn for the heart - hawthorn tinctures and decoctions

Heart disease manifests itself in different ways. This cannot always be determined by painful sensations in the chest. Problems with the heart and blood vessels may be indicated by fainting, increased fatigue, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, and swelling. Most often, red hawthorn is prescribed for angina pectoris, ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, and the risk of heart attack, as it has a direct effect on blood vessels.

Tea with hawthorn berries to lower blood pressure

Take regular tea that you drink every day, add 1 tsp to it. hawthorn fruit, 1 tsp. rose hips, 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile leaves, as well as 1 tbsp. l. peppermint, finely chopped valerian root, lemon balm leaves. Tea lowers blood pressure, eliminates arrhythmia, gives a calming effect and makes you sleepy, so it is better to drink it at night or in the evening.

Tincture of hawthorn fruit for arrhythmia and hypertension

Take 1 tbsp. l. fruits, chop, pour boiling water and wait for half an hour. Drink twice a day, half a glass, morning and evening. This tincture is useful for arrhythmia and hypertension, as it makes the heart rate slower and stronger.

Hawthorn tincture for angina pectoris

Chronic pain is relieved with nitroglycerin and is called angina. To prevent and prevent heart disease, it is recommended to use decoction and infusion of hawthorn. Teas and infusions from this plant relieve swelling and spasms. Useful acids and vitamins dilate coronary vessels, which relieves pain in the heart.

Hawthorn tincture for cardiac ischemia

To prevent cardiac ischemia, an infusion of flowers and fruits helps, which is made as follows: 1 tbsp. l. flowers and 1 tbsp. l. Hawthorn fruits are placed in a sealed container and poured with boiling water for an hour. This infusion can lower cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. To make the infusion taste less bitter, you can add rose hips. Drink a third of the contents of a cup (230 ml) before meals for two weeks. Then take a two-week break and repeat again.

Tincture of hawthorn and motherwort for the prevention of myocardial infarction

To prevent myocardial infarction, an infusion of motherwort flowers with hawthorn berries helps. You need to take a tablespoon of each ingredient and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Let stand for an hour, then strain. The infusion is taken 1/3 cup, an hour before meals.

Tincture of hawthorn, motherwort and valerian

If you add valerian to the previous infusion, you will get an excellent sedative. Take either 60 minutes before meals or 120 minutes after.

Hawthorn for treating high blood pressure

Hawthorn normalizes heart rate and reduces blood pressure. Chlorogenic and oleanolic acid calm the heart and tone blood vessels, which prevents hypertension.

  • Drink hawthorn infusion a couple of times a day an hour before meals, or 20 drops with water 4 times a day. The course of admission is 7 days. The infusion tones the blood vessels in the human body, which allows you to reduce blood pressure to normal within a few hours.
  • A decoction of hawthorn and motherwort calms the nervous system and normalizes blood pressure. Quercetin and vitexin, which are contained in the plant, expand the lumens of the capillaries, which reduces agitation. To do this, the hawthorn fruits are crushed, and a teaspoon of ground berries is mixed with a tablespoon of motherwort leaves. The resulting mixture should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and left to steep in a closed container. Take a spoon half an hour before meals.

Hawthorn for treating low blood pressure

Flowers and fruits have the ability not only to lower blood pressure. Thanks to acids, macroelements, and microelements, they normalize it, which means they have health benefits for hypotension.

  • A decoction of hawthorn flowers and fruits. Take 1 tablespoon of flowers and berries and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour. If the pressure drops during the hot season, it is better to let the broth cool, as hypotension may become worse due to an increase in temperature. Take 1 tablespoon one hour before meals.

Hawthorn for the treatment of atherosclerosis

Useful properties and contraindications of hawthorn for atherosclerosis: the use of decoctions reduces the risk of disease and damage to the coronary vessels.

  • The medicinal qualities of this plant help with atherosclerosis. Prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. leaves, steamed with boiling water for 15 minutes. Take half an hour before meals several times a day. This decoction lowers cholesterol in the blood due to the action of vitexin.
  • You can brew the berries in a thermos and drink a third of a glass before meals. Leave in a thermos for 2 hours. The harm from cholesterol becomes less, as it is eliminated faster.
  • The following decoction is also effective against atherosclerosis. The berries of the plant should be crushed and cooked over low heat for half an hour. The decoction is made in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of chopped berries to 2 glasses of water. Take 1 spoon at night. Accelerates vascular flow and prevents cholesterol deposition.

Hawthorn tincture for varicose veins

Benefits of hawthorn for varicose veins: flavonoids and chlorogenic acid help expand the lumens of blood vessels. This prevents them from clogging and harm from blood stagnation.

  • Infusion of hawthorn and oregano. The ratio should be 3:4. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 12 hours and drink half a glass an hour before meals.
  • You can add chamomile leaves and peppermint to the previous infusion. Take 1 tablespoon of herbs and brew in boiling water. Drink half a glass an hour before meals.

Such infusions can reduce the risk of blood clots and blood thickening in the veins.

How does hawthorn tincture affect blood pressure? Does it increase or decrease it?

Valuable substances present in the drug stimulate blood circulation and improve vascular patency. The drug has a pronounced hypotensive effect and lowers blood pressure. Taking it according to the instructions is useful for hypertension.

Homemade hawthorn tincture has similar properties to pharmaceutical preparations

Attention! If your blood pressure is low, you should approach the use of the drug with great caution, as side effects may develop.

How to make and prepare hawthorn tincture at home

You can not only purchase a useful drug at the pharmacy, but also prepare it yourself. To do this, you will only need the main ingredients - hawthorn fruits, an alcohol base and additional components if their use is required by a specific algorithm.

A simple recipe for hawthorn tincture with alcohol

The classic tincture is made from just two components. According to the recipe, you need:

  • lightly crush a glass of fresh hawthorn fruits in a bowl until the juice releases;
  • transfer the berries to a glass container and pour 250 ml of 70% alcohol;
  • Close the container tightly and place in a warm, dark place;
  • leave for 20 days.

During this period, the container must be periodically removed and shaken. The finished product is passed through folded gauze and then stored in the refrigerator.

Hawthorn best imparts its valuable properties in medical alcohol 70%

How to make tincture from hawthorn, peony

In the treatment of vascular and heart ailments, a compound remedy consisting of several pharmaceutical tinctures has a good effect. The recipe suggests the following scheme:

  • hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and peony are mixed in 100 ml of alcohol;
  • add 25 ml of mint tincture;
  • pour the components into a glass vessel and close the lid tightly;
  • leave in a dark place for two weeks, periodically removing and shaking the container.

After the expiration date, take 30 ml of the medicine, diluting it with a glass of drinking water, three times a day. You can take this drug for a month, after which you need to take a break for at least a week.

A tincture of several herbs in alcohol has a pronounced calming effect.

Recipe for hawthorn tincture with moonshine

You can prepare a useful medicine using moonshine with a strength of at least 50 degrees. According to the recipe you need:

  • mix two cups of fresh hawthorn berries with 1/2 small spoon of cinnamon powder;
  • pour ingredients 1 liter of moonshine;
  • leave to infuse for 20 days, the alcohol should acquire a red tint and the berries should become almost colorless;
  • drain the liquid through cheesecloth and squeeze out the hawthorn fruits;
  • pass the tincture through a layer of sterile cotton wool.

Next you need to steam two large spoons of flower honey and combine it with two small spoons of vanillin. The sweet mixture is added to the tincture and stirred, after which the product is kept covered for another week and again filtered through cotton wool. The finished product has not only pronounced beneficial properties, but also a very pleasant berry-honey taste and smell.

High-quality moonshine for tincture is not inferior in strength and properties to medical alcohol

How to prepare hawthorn tincture with vodka

Another simple recipe for making hawthorn berry tincture suggests using ordinary high-quality vodka as a base. The prescription drug is made as follows:

  • five large spoons of dried hawthorn berries are poured into an enamel pan;
  • pour 200 ml of vodka;
  • cover with a lid and place on low heat;
  • heat to approximately 50 °C and remove from the stove.

When the liquid has cooled a little, you will need to pass it through cheesecloth to filter, and then additionally squeeze out the juice from the fruits themselves.

Hawthorn in vodka is less strong than the pharmaceutical preparation in alcohol

Hawthorn tincture with cranberry

A product containing cranberries and hawthorn has strong anti-cold and anti-inflammatory properties. The cooking recipe looks like this:

  • the fruits of two plants are taken in equal proportions, 200 g each;
  • using a masher, mash the cranberries in a deep container to a pulp;
  • transfer the mass into a glass vessel and add dry hawthorn berries to it;
  • pour the ingredients with 500 ml of vodka or alcohol;
  • put it in a dark place for ten days, remembering to regularly remove the container and shake it properly.

The finished bright red tincture is passed through tightly folded gauze to filter out the sediment, and then a small spoon of natural honey is added to it.

Cranberry and hawthorn in alcohol are useful not only for blood vessels, but also for the immune system

Important! You can use sugar as a sweetener, but in this case the product will be less healthy.

Hawthorn tincture with rose hips

To reduce blood pressure, for heart disorders and to strengthen the immune system, a tincture of the fruits of two medicinal plants is often used. The recipe looks like this:

  • two large spoons of dry hawthorn berries are poured into a glass jar;
  • add a large spoonful of dried rose hips;
  • pour the components with 500 ml of vodka or moonshine;
  • Close the container tightly and put it in a dark place at room temperature for a month.

We recommend reading: Rosehip infusion: benefits and harms, how to prepare

Every week the jar is removed and shaken thoroughly. After time, the tincture is filtered through cheesecloth, and then 100 ml of simple sugar syrup is added to it. The closed product is kept in the dark for another five days, after which it is used for treatment.

Tincture of rosehip and hawthorn has a sour taste and pleasant aroma.

Rules for use to increase potency: tinctures, decoctions, teas

Any products based on hawthorn are only auxiliary in influencing a man’s sexual activity. In case of serious organic damage to the reproductive system, they will be ineffective. Either injections to increase potency or medications can help here.

You can prepare decoctions, infusions, teas and any other medicinal forms from hawthorn.

Popular recipes:

  • Alcohol tincture. To create it you will need 1 glass of fresh red berries, pour 150-250 ml of vodka or 70% ethyl alcohol. The fruits must first be ground until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Next, the finished mixture must be infused for 3 weeks in a dark place. At the end of the period, you need to take 10 drops of liquid diluted in 20 ml of water twice a day after meals.
  • Tincture of inflorescences. A similar recipe for preparing hawthorn to increase potency involves using the flowers of the plant. For 200 ml of alcohol-containing liquid you need 4-5 tbsp. spoons of raw materials. Further processing is similar to the previous preparation method.

Thanks to the safety of hawthorn, it can be consumed for an almost unlimited period. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage.

How to drink hawthorn tincture

To prevent hawthorn tincture from causing harm for high blood pressure, it must be consumed in accordance with strict rules. The norms of use depend on the specific disease for which the medicine is used.

How to take hawthorn tincture with alcohol correctly

There are several general rules for the safe use of alcohol:

  1. The use of the drug is started gradually, with a slow increase in dosage.
  2. Hawthorn in alcohol is taken on an empty stomach shortly before meals, about half an hour.
  3. Treatment is continued for at least a month, and depending on the pathology, the course of use may be longer.
  4. When treating cardiovascular diseases, the drug is diluted in a large spoon of drinking water before use.

Attention! Hawthorn tincture can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Before using it, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible negative effects.

How many drops of hawthorn tincture can an adult take?

The initial dosage of the medicine should be no more than 20 drops three times a day. If long-term treatment is planned, then the volume can be gradually increased to 30 drops, and the frequency of administration - up to four times a day.

How to take tincture of hawthorn, peony, motherwort, valerian

A mixed remedy of several medicinal tinctures is taken mainly before bedtime. The drug has a pronounced calming effect, helps to distract from anxious thoughts. The dosage should be a small spoon; it is advisable to dilute the medicine with 30 ml of warm, clean water.

Hawthorn tincture should not be drunk before driving or responsible activities.

How to take hawthorn tincture for high or low blood pressure

The main indication for hawthorn tincture is high blood pressure due to hypertension. In this case, you need to take the drug according to the standard algorithm. A homemade or store-bought pharmaceutical preparation is taken three times a day on an empty stomach, 20 drops, diluting it with a large spoon of clean water, and over time the dosage is increased to 30 drops.

For hypotension, hawthorn is usually not used; it is more likely to cause harm. For medicinal purposes, doctors recommend using berry-based water products that can raise blood pressure.

How to take hawthorn tincture for bradycardia

For bradycardia, or slow heart rate, alcohol-based medicine is rarely used; it can lead to worsening negative symptoms and weakening of cardiac activity. But in some cases the drug must be used for other indications, and then it becomes necessary to select safe dosages.

Hawthorn tincture should be used in minimal quantities for a slow heart rate. Usually take no more than 10-12 drops three times a day, diluting with cold water, and the treatment is continued for 10-14 days. Throughout the entire period, you should carefully monitor your well-being so that if alarming symptoms appear, you should stop using the drug.

How to drink hawthorn tincture for cardiac arrhythmia

For arrhythmia, hawthorn in alcohol can bring both benefit and harm. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use 15 drops of the drug as a single dosage, the standard dosage frequency is three times a day. If no side effects are observed, the volumes can be gradually increased to the usual 30 drops.

Hawthorn tincture: benefits and harm for men

Nervous tension, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unbalanced diet lead to problems in the sexual sphere. Hawthorn has general strengthening properties, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation.

Healing decoctions and infusions can also help in the fight against the initial stage of erectile dysfunction.

In homeopathy, hawthorn is used for potency as an independent remedy or as a complement to drug therapy.

Useful properties of the plant for men

The biologically active substances contained in flowers and fruits have a complex effect on the body, normalizing the functioning of its systems:

  • quercitrin and quercetin strengthen and cleanse the walls of blood vessels, stimulate blood flow, act as antioxidants, and eliminate free radicals;
  • hyperoside improves oxygen supply to organs;
  • pectin removes toxins;
  • Vitexin accelerates metabolic processes and has a positive effect on heart function;
  • natural organic acids fight inflammation, prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues, and increase tone;
  • vitamins, macro- and microelements increase the level of immune defense and compensate for mineral deficiency.

The plant is traditionally used to treat hypertension and heart disease, but hawthorn is also useful for male strength.

Mechanism of influence on erection

The fruits and flowers of the bush, although not a specialized means for restoring potency, have a beneficial effect on men's health. This also has a positive effect on the quality of sexual life.

Preparations with hawthorn eliminate congestion in the pelvic area, relieve stress and symptoms of chronic fatigue.

When disorders in the sexual sphere are caused by overwork, nervous exhaustion, plant-based products normalize the emotional background, restore confidence and calm, thereby restoring sexual desire. Improving blood supply strengthens and prolongs erection.

Collection and preparation

The fruits of the bush are harvested in October-November. If the first frost has passed, the tart, astringent tint of the berries disappears. The raw material is suitable for freezing; in this form it retains its medicinal properties for 6–12 months. For drying at home, use an oven; the temperature in it should not exceed 60 degrees.

The fruits are distributed in a thin, even layer on baking sheets and mixed regularly, preventing burning. After drying, the berries are placed in bags made of thick fabric, in tin or glass containers with a lid. It is important to avoid frequent contact with air.

Flowers are harvested in May-June, laid out on paper in well-ventilated, sheltered from the sun places.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction with hawthorn

Taking medicinal products made from the fruits and flowers of the bush helps solve problems such as short-term erections, sexual impotence caused by psychosomatic reasons. The positive effect of hawthorn preparations on potency is due to its sedative, anti-stress, and blood microcirculation-restoring properties.

If erection is impaired due to organic damage to the central nervous system, hawthorn decoctions and tinctures will not give the expected effect. However, as part of complex therapy, they will strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure, and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Taking medications with hawthorn extract is alternated with breaks.


A tablespoon of crushed flowers is steamed with 200 ml of boiling water and left in a water bath for 15 minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature and filter. Drink 50 ml three times a day.


Two tablespoons of crushed berries and flowers are poured with 200 ml of alcohol, left for 14 days in a dark place, shaking regularly.

Filter, take 25 drops diluted in water, 3 times a day after meals.

Hawthorn tincture for potency helps restore strength, normalize the nervous system, and stimulate blood supply to the pelvic organs. The course of treatment is one month.

For preparation you will need half a kilogram of fruit. The berries are thoroughly washed and finely chopped. Add 100 ml of water, heat to 40 degrees, and squeeze out the resulting mixture. Take, diluting with liquid at the rate of 1 to 1, according to Art. spoon three times a day. It is useful to eat fresh berries, but not more than 150 g per day. According to reviews, a mixture of honey and fruits has a beneficial effect on overall tone and erection.

It is not recommended to drink infusions on an empty stomach, as this can cause nausea, vomiting, and vasospasm.

After 30 days of treatment, a two-week break is taken, then treatment is continued. The effect of herbal medicine is observed after 3–5 months.

Pharmaceutical preparations with hawthorn

If you don’t have time or opportunity to prepare plant materials, ready-made products with extracts from the fruits and flowers of shrubs are available for sale:

  • alcohol tincture 70 percent;
  • filter bags and brewing mixture;
  • lozenges based on dry extract;
  • hawthorn syrup (contraindicated in diabetes mellitus);
  • elixir “Kedrovit”, which contains birch buds, pine nuts, honey;
  • drops "Cardiovalen" and tablet form "Fitorelax" with the addition of valerian root.


External use of hawthorn tincture

The beneficial properties and contraindications of hawthorn tincture appear not only when used internally, but also when used externally. A strong product can be used to rub muscles with sprains and injuries.

Hawthorn tincture has a warming effect when applied externally

The tincture is also used for joint ailments. If you apply it as a compress to the sore spot and leave it for half an hour, the alcohol preparation will help relieve inflammation and local swelling. The product can be used to treat wounds and cuts for disinfection, and can be used to spot-lubricate pimples.

Beneficial features

Hawthorn began to be used in medicine back in the 16th century. Originally, it was used for diarrhea and dysentery as it is an excellent astringent.

During the 19th century, hawthorn flowers and leaves were used as a blood purifier; only in the 20th century did the plant begin to be used for diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Hawthorn tincture has:

  • sedatives
  • antispasmodic,
  • cardiotonic properties.

Today, doctors prescribe hawthorn tincture for the following diseases:

  • cardiac ischemia,
  • sleep disorders,
  • nervous fatigue,
  • heart failure,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • cardioneurosis and many others.

The main beneficial properties include the following:

1. Thanks to its cardiotonic effect, hawthorn tincture enhances myocardial contractions, normalizes heart rate , and lowers blood pressure.

2. Has a beneficial effect on blood circulation flowing in the vessels of the brain and heart.

3. Hawthorn tincture lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

4. Hawthorn calms the nervous system , it is included in the composition of sedative herbal preparations for the adult nervous system (written here), reduces human arousal, and has an anti-stress effect on the body.

What do you know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of thyme? For what diseases does traditional medicine recommend taking infusions and decoctions based on it, read the current article.

How to do a pedicure at home: instructions for beginners are published here.

On the page: it is written about rosemary, its medicinal properties and contraindications, photos are posted.

5. The drug prevents the aging process , since hawthorn reduces the number of free radicals.

6. Tincture of the plant eliminates spasms in blood vessels .

7. Hawthorn strengthens the body’s immune system, has a tonic effect, the tincture is prescribed in the postoperative period.

8. Hawthorn tincture is prescribed for problems with the thyroid gland ; it improves the activity of this organ.

9. The drug improves memory ; it is recommended for elderly people to take it.

10. Hawthorn tincture alleviates the condition of women during menopause.

Contraindications and side effects from hawthorn tincture

The use of hawthorn tincture for medicinal purposes is not permitted for everyone. It should not be used if:

  • allergies to plant fruits or alcohol;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage;
  • severe diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • chronic hypotension;
  • pancreatitis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia with low blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

When using the tincture, it is important to follow the dosage and instructions for use. Excessive use of the drug leads to alcohol intoxication, speech impairment and confusion.

A dangerous consequence of a drug overdose, a decrease in blood pressure and pulse to lethal values

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