Treatment and diet for erosive gastritis

Erosive gastritis is today considered one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is caused by poor nutrition (given the quality of goods in stores, this is not surprising), constant consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, smoking and, of course, chronic stress.

Only a doctor should determine how to cure this condition, but there are many folk methods that can improve your well-being and complement basic treatment at home.

Symptoms of the disease

When the first symptoms of erosive gastritis are detected, treatment should begin as soon as possible - in this case their effectiveness will be most pronounced.

The main sign of the appearance of this pathology is heaviness in the stomach, which occurs after each consumption of food and does not go away for a long time. This is facilitated by frequent heartburn after eating, nausea (and in the acute stage, vomiting), as well as abdominal pain, which can become acute and require going to the hospital. Often, the chronic form of erosive gastritis can even provoke the appearance of anemia.

Complex treatment

If erosive gastritis is detected, treatment and diet, folk remedies and medications should be harmoniously combined. So, even the best medications will not help with this disease if a person does not change his diet. The same applies to folk recipes, which also in this case will not have any effect. Food should not be hot, portions should be small, meals should be frequent. Anything fatty, spicy, salty and pickled, fried, smoked, chocolate and baked goods is prohibited. You also need to give up alcoholic, carbonated drinks, coffee, black tea and be sure to quit smoking.

Interestingly, doctors themselves often recommend symptomatic alternative treatment, prescribing drug therapy. This is because these recipes include foods and herbs with anti-inflammatory and restorative properties that can bring stomach acidity back to normal. If gastroduodenitis (i.e., a condition of inflammation of the pyloric stomach and duodenum) is still in a superficial form, therapy with folk remedies can even cure it completely, but in other cases it will simply significantly alleviate the condition of the sick person, which is also very important.

Natural Medicines

In the treatment of gastritis complicated by erosive lesions, the objectives of alternative medicine are:

  • relief of symptoms;
  • relief of inflammation of the stomach lining;
  • healing of damage;
  • restoration of the mucosal epithelium.

To achieve these goals, the most effective and proven methods are used.

Herbal medicine

Effective treatment of gastric erosion with folk remedies is impossible without herbal medicine. A special selection of herbs with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, restorative properties can significantly alleviate symptoms and speed up the healing process.

Complex herbal tea


  • plantain (leaves);
  • yarrow;
  • flax seeds;
  • St. John's wort;
  • peppermint;
  • sage;
  • horsetail.

Method of preparation and rules of administration:

  1. Mix all ingredients in equal parts.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 3 hours.
  3. Drink the infusion 10 minutes before meals.

Herbal tea - effective help for gastritis


The plant has pronounced wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can quickly cure gastritis and get rid of erosions.


  • dried leaves (15 g);
  • boiling water (250 ml).

Preparation and reception:

  1. Plantain leaves are brewed with boiling water and left for 1 hour.
  2. The infusion is consumed before meals, 1/3 cup.

Rhubarb root

Rhubarb root can effectively treat inflammation and erosive lesions of the stomach with low acidity, because it has an anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to stimulate the production of gastric juice.

You need to take the rhizome of the plant, chop it and dry it. Rhubarb is harvested in the fall (October, November), dried in the open for 4 days, after which the root is cooked in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50°C.

It is necessary to consume 0.1 g of dry root with a small amount of water.


For the effective treatment of inflamed and eroded gastric mucosa, flax seed is actively used. The huge amount of useful substances contained in the product allows the seeds to be used as an analgesic, wound-healing, disinfectant, and regenerating agent.

One of the most popular remedies for stomach erosion is flax seed.

Flaxseed effectively heals damage, relieves inflammation, and restores the epithelium. The product is actively used not only as a natural medicine, but also in therapeutic nutrition (a specially developed diet for erosive gastritis).

The course of admission is 2 months.

Ingredients for seed decoction:

  • flax seeds (10 g);
  • water (1 l).

Preparation method and dosage regimen:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Pour freshly boiled water over flaxseeds.
  3. Close the container with the liquid with a lid and place overnight in a warm, dark place.
  4. In the morning, strain the infusion.
  5. Take ½ cup 15 minutes before meals.

Note! Any products based on flax grains are effective for erosive lesions of the stomach, regardless of the level of acidity (high, low or normal).

Bee products

Honey and propolis have pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic characteristics. The products contain an extensive complex of vitamins and minerals.

It is recommended to consume 1 tbsp daily. spoon of honey on an empty stomach.

Another beekeeping product, propolis, has proven its effectiveness.

Ingredients for preparing the product:

  • propolis tincture (10%);
  • warm water (50ml).

The strongest natural antibiotic is honey

  1. Dilute 15 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water.
  2. Take three times a day (no earlier than 1.5 hours before each meal).


A common healing method for getting rid of erosive lesions of the stomach is the use of wheat sprouts. Sprouted wheat contains a lot of active substances that have beneficial effects.

The product will be of particular benefit to women - taking it will not only help get rid of erosion of the gastric mucosa, but also rejuvenate the female body, lose weight without special diets, and improve the condition of the skin and hair.

It’s easy to get sprouts at home, for this you need to take:

  • 2/3 cup wheat grains;
  • 100 ml of purified unboiled water;
  • sunflower oil (1 tbsp.).

Stages of germination and administration of the product:

  1. Rinse the grains with running water to remove debris and unusable seeds.
  2. Place wheat raw materials in a flat container and fill with water. Soaking lasts 8 hours.
  3. After the designated time, drain the water and rinse the seeds.
  4. Place the washed raw materials back into the container and cover the top with soaked gauze folded in several layers.
  5. Sprouts should appear in 9-10 hours.
  6. Grind the sprouted seeds in a blender, mix with 1 tbsp. l. unrefined sunflower oil.
  7. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

Taking wheat germ helps in the treatment of stomach erosion

Note! Sprouts up to 1 mm in length have medicinal properties. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Vegetable oils

A positive result will be achieved by consuming oils of plant origin: sea buckthorn, flaxseed.

It is recommended to consume 1 tsp of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach. You can drink it with warm water or tea.

For erosive gastritis, you need to take 1 tbsp of sea buckthorn oil. l. no earlier than 1 hour before eating.

Oils soothe and protect inflamed gastric walls and heal erosions. The treatment course is 3 months.

Home methods

Seriously considering the treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies, the most effective time-tested recipes are considered to be the following:

  • decoctions and infusions;
  • alcohol tincture of propolis;
  • vegetable juices;
  • treatment with aloe and honey.

Decoctions and infusions

Erosive or antral gastritis responds well to treatment under the influence of oats. To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to take “Extra” class oatmeal , pour one large spoon of it into a liter of water and boil for half an hour over low heat . After this, the broth should be allowed to cool, then strain it and drink a mug in the morning on an empty stomach .

You can also drink this decoction as a second breakfast and late dinner, or take it 10 minutes before the main meal. The course of such treatment: at least a week.

Flax can also help cure gastritis . Flax reduces inflammation and allows you to quickly restore the mucous layer of the stomach, so this recipe should definitely be in the arsenal of any person with gastrointestinal problems. To prepare a flax infusion, you need to pour a large spoonful of its seeds into a mug of warm water and leave it in a warm place overnight. Drink 30 minutes before breakfast and repeat this until complete healing occurs. By the way, you can drink a spoonful of flaxseed oil in the morning.

Erosive gastroduodenitis can also be treated with herbal decoctions. Here are their options:

  1. With a reduced level of acidity . 4 parts of dry herb wormwood along with 1 part of dry yarrow. One large spoon of the prepared mixture should be poured with a cup of boiling water and boiled for 3 minutes. After an hour, strain and take 80 ml an hour before meals for about a month and a half.
  2. With increased acidity levels . Dry herbs chamomile, St. John's wort, peppermint and yarrow in equal parts. The method of preparation is as indicated above, but the resulting decoction must be mixed with a small spoon of honey and drunk 100 ml. The time and duration of use are also identical - before meals and for at least a month.

Healing spices for erosive gastritis

Patients who have already consulted with a gastroenterologist know that before treating erosive gastritis with folk remedies, it is necessary to go on a strict diet. In particular, salt, pepper and most seasonings are prohibited. But traditional healers have compiled a list of spices that will not only add flavor to dietary dishes, but also help in the fight against disease.

Treatment with folk remedies for the diagnosis of erosive gastritis is quite effective - reviews indicate the effectiveness of the following spices:

  • Fennel ( fennel seeds ).

Fennel relieves inflammation, facilitates digestion, reduces flatulence, and also reduces acidity levels. You can add fennel to salads and soups, or pour a teaspoon of crushed seeds into a glass of boiling water and use it as a decoction (no more than two spoons after breakfast, lunch and dinner).

  • Cardamom.

The spice is usually sold in the form of dried fruits. Since the plant belongs to the ginger family, it should be used with extreme caution, and only if gastritis is accompanied by heartburn. You can add 2-3 cardamom fruits to tea or vegetable soups.

  • Liquorice root.

Licorice root, known as licorice, is commonly used as a sweetener in cooking. The healing extract helps relieve stomach inflammation and even heal erosions. It is most convenient to use licorice in the form of ready-made syrup.

You can also generously season salads, soups and fish dishes with herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect, such as basil, parsley, dill. Treatment of erosive gastritis with similar folk remedies will be more effective if you make decoctions. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of dried leaves of the above plants with a glass of boiling water. Drink a tablespoon of concentrated liquid 30 minutes before each meal.

Propolis tincture

If erosion in the stomach begins to manifest itself as severe pain, propolis tincture helps well at home. It is freely sold in pharmacies and is an alcohol solution that must be diluted in water before use.

To treat gastritis, you need to mix 20 drops of the tincture with a mug of clean boiled water and drink the resulting medicine every five hours. Direct pain relief occurs almost immediately, but a lasting effect is consolidated after 3 weeks of constant use of propolis tincture.

Vegetable juices

This means only freshly squeezed juices made from neutral vegetables (in terms of acidity). They cannot harm the stomach in any way and only provide benefits:

  • Cabbage juice . To prepare it, you need to select the juiciest leaves from the head of cabbage and squeeze 70-80 ml of juice out of them, which should be consumed orally 2-3 times a day.
  • Potato juice . Only the freshest tubers, without roots or green areas, are suitable for this juice. A large spoon is enough an hour before meals every morning.
  • Pumpkin juice . In addition to solving stomach problems, this juice also helps the intestines. This juice can be consumed as a regular drink if desired.
  • Celery-carrot juice . For one serving of this juice you need to take 0.4 kg of carrots and 100 g. celery stalk, and drink half a glass of it before lunch and dinner.

Classification of forms of erosive gastritis

  • Primary erosions (have no connection with previously identified pathology) and secondary (the result of progression, existing disease).
  • Malignant (appears in the presence of an oncological process) and benign (can be single or multiple).
  • Immature (young formations) and mature (have areas of tissue necrosis).

Based on the type and shape of formations on the mucous membrane, the following types are distinguished:

  • superficial (small, flat in shape and with a distinct edge);
  • full (raised above the surface of the mucosa);
  • polypoid (can have a diameter of up to one and a half centimeters, do not heal for a long time and constantly worsen).

Treatment with aloe and honey

Traditionally, honey is considered a product that helps with various diseases and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. For erosive gastroduodenitis, the combination of honey and aloe is highly effective - the healing of the irritated mucosa is accelerated and all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease fade away.

To prepare a healing remedy, you must first prepare the aloe leaves by putting them in the freezer for 24 hours. Leaves from a plant that is already 4 years old are suitable; younger ones have less beneficial properties.

The prepared aloe needs to be crushed, squeezed out the juice (a few leaves are enough) and mixed with 300 grams. honey The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator and taken a large spoon every morning before meals. The course of this therapy is approximately 21 days.

Traditional methods of treatment - oils

Treatment with folk remedies is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease, when damage to the walls of the stomach has not yet covered a large area.

Important information: What is hyperplastic gastritis

Healers have long used vegetable oils, herbal decoctions, and beekeeping products as folk remedies:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil has proven itself well. In addition to its rich vitamin composition, it has enveloping properties that have a beneficial effect on the walls of the stomach. It protects the organ from irritation when food enters. In addition, the oil eliminates small erosions and prevents the formation of new ones. When treating erosive lesions, you need to consume sea buckthorn oil strictly on an empty stomach, 1 hour before each meal for 1 month, take a break of 2 weeks and repeat if necessary. It is mandatory to take the oil in the morning before breakfast. It can be mixed with milk - dissolve 1 tsp. in 1 glass of warmed milk. This product has less effect than pure oil.
  2. If you start treating gastritis with folk remedies, you can also use cold-pressed flaxseed oil. In addition to being enveloping, it has the property of restoring immunity. The oil itself has a bitter taste and a specific smell, so it can be washed down with water. Take 1 tsp of oil. before breakfast and at night. Treatment can be long - up to several months.
  3. Treatment with oils usually gives good results. The most effective of them, besides sea buckthorn and flaxseed, are pumpkin, cedar, and olive oil. In addition to direct consumption, they can be used to dress salads. Oils have a laxative effect; in addition, they are very high in calories - this should be taken into account by those who are watching their figure. For cholecystitis and pancreatitis, it is better to abandon this method of treatment.

Other recipes for the treatment of erosive gastritis

Traditional medicine offers many more recipes for the treatment of erosive gastritis, each of which has a rational grain. Therefore, it is also worth taking a closer look at them:

  • Sprouted wheat . Two-thirds of a mug of wheat grains should be filled with water and left in this form for a day. When the grains sprout, drain the water and grind them together with the sprouts in a blender or grind in a meat grinder. Add a spoonful of butter and eat.
  • Baked onions with milk . A peeled medium-sized onion should be baked until golden brown in the oven (it should become soft). Grind the prepared onion in a blender or meat grinder and pour in milk so that the mixture can be drunk. It is recommended to drink this milk on an empty stomach in small sips every day.
  • Raw quail eggs . This product reduces stomach acidity and improves digestion. You can drink 2 quail eggs every morning on an empty stomach, or mix them with porridge or vegetable puree if this process causes difficulties.

When starting to treat erosive gastritis at home, you must remember that in principle it cannot be quick and results will appear only with long-term complex therapy (i.e. drug therapy, etc.). However, the prognosis for such a disease is still favorable - if it is not neglected.

Treatment with cereals and herbs

Some folk recipes:

  1. Sprouted wheat. This is a rich source of vitamins and microelements; the product will help cure small ulcers on the walls of the stomach. Prepare the medicine at home. Wheat grains are poured with a small amount of water so that it slightly covers them, covered with gauze and placed in the light. The grains should germinate in 1-2 days. They are ground together with the liquid in a blender or through a meat grinder, and a little unrefined vegetable oil is added. Use the product in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals, 2-3 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is unlimited.
  2. Oatmeal jelly is often called a panacea for the treatment of stomach diseases. It heals the organ thanks to its mucous structure, enveloping the walls, relieving heartburn and relieving pain. Instead of jelly, you can prepare oatmeal broth - add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. oat grains or 2 tbsp. l. Hercules flakes, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Cool, filter and drink 1 glass before and after breakfast, 1 before lunch and 1 before dinner.
  3. How to treat erosive gastritis with potato juice? This is the most popular and accessible method at home. The starchy substances contained in potatoes have a beneficial effect on the stomach. In addition, the vegetable contains microelements such as potassium, phosphorus, iron and various vitamins. This remedy is especially good to use for heartburn and pain in the epigastric region. It is then that the manifestation of the therapeutic effect is especially noticeable. To prepare, the tubers are thoroughly washed and squeezed together with the peel. Take 1 glass in the morning, on an empty stomach, after taking it you need to lie down for 0.5 hours. Treatment can be long - several weeks or even months. Greater benefits can be obtained from potato treatment from July to February. At the beginning of spring, almost all useful substances from the tubers disappear.
  4. The treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies often includes various herbs and herbal preparations. The therapeutic effect can be achieved only after several weeks of using the drugs. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to immediately assess what healing effect a particular herb has.
  5. Freshly squeezed aloe juice has proven itself well. It has bactericidal and regenerating properties, therefore it is useful for treating erosion of the mucous membranes. To prepare the product, many healers recommend keeping cut aloe leaves in the refrigerator for several days to activate the biologically active substances. Drink the squeezed juice 2 tbsp. l. 0.5 hour before each meal. The product is not washed down, despite the unpleasant taste. Treatment is long-term - at least 1.5 months.
  6. A decoction of chamomile in milk is a long-proven remedy. For 1 glass of milk you will need 5 tsp. dried flowers. The mixture is brought to a boil and allowed to stand for 1 hour. Strain and drink the entire volume immediately in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is as necessary.

Important information: Is it possible to eat lemon and drink water with lemon if you have gastritis?

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