How to cleanse the body of parasites at home using folk remedies


What are parasites? These are animals, plants or microorganisms that live at the expense of their owner. They feed on its cells or tissues, using vitamins and nutrients that should have been used to build the cells of the host’s body. Parasites also poison the body with substances that they release during their life processes.

In medicine, only multicellular and protozoan parasites are called human parasites, while viruses and bacteria are classified as pathogens. Let's look at what types of parasites there are in the human body, the symptoms of their presence and treatment with folk remedies.

Types of parasites in the human body and where they live

Both protozoan and multicellular parasites can be found in the human body or on its surface. If the parasite lives on the skin, then it is called an ectoparasite; this type includes lice, bedbugs, and the causative agent of scabies. Endoparasites are protozoa (giardia, amoebas), helminths (worms, worms) or insect larvae that can live in human organs and tissues.

Each parasite develops in a certain part of the human body, where the conditions for its life are most suitable. Some parasites, depending on the stage of development, migrate (move) throughout the body from one organ to another. Ectoparasites live on the skin, and endogenous ones can be found in the intestines, muscles, blood, heart, lungs, liver, and even in nerve tissues.

How parasites enter the body

A person can become infected with parasites in different ways. This is due to the development cycle of a particular type of parasite. Thus, there are several ways for the parasite to enter the host’s body.

  1. How do parasites get to humans?

    Through contaminated food and water. Moreover, in some cases it becomes contaminated during storage and preparation; flies and cockroaches also contribute to this. And sometimes food can be contaminated from the very beginning, for example, when using thermally poorly processed fish or meat from infected animals for cooking.

  2. Contact-household route is when parasites are transmitted from one person to another, through household items or pets.
  3. Transmissible route, when parasites are carried by blood-sucking insects.

Some parasite larvae, once on human skin, are able to gnaw through it on their own and enter the body. For example, the larva of the human skin gadfly, which causes dermatobiasis.

Recipes for folk remedies for removing parasites at home

Folk remedies for parasites in the body can be used without consultation with a treating specialist, but only if there are no contraindications and the correct preparation recipe is taken as a basis. A strong concentration of infusions and decoctions can lead to a burn to the gastric mucosa.


You can eat 1 clove of garlic per day for prevention. The spicy vegetable helps destroy parasites, viruses, and bacteria. It is allowed to be given to children if there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The following recipes are recommended to kill parasites:

Enema solutions:

  • To prepare, you need to mash the cloves from a medium head of garlic and leave in 1 liter of water. Before administering the enema, you need to strain the solution;
  • mild enema. You need to infuse 2-3 crushed cloves in 200 ml of milk. For children, 100 ml of solution is enough.

Enemas are recommended to be performed in the evening for 5-7 days.

For oral use:

  • tincture of garlic with cognac. In 0.5 liters of cognac you need to place 200 g of chopped garlic. Can be consumed after 3 weeks, 20 ml in the morning. The course is 60 days. This treatment can be carried out once every 24 months;
  • combine 15 drops of fresh garlic juice with 120 ml of milk. Drink 3 servings throughout the day. The course is no more than 7 days;
  • A decoction of garlic in milk. To prepare, take 3-4 cloves per 250 ml of milk. Cook for 2 minutes. The drink is consumed in the morning. During the day you can only eat mashed potatoes with water. Repeating the course is allowed no more than once a month.

If stomach pain occurs or your health deteriorates, the course of therapy is stopped.


Baking soda is used as an enema to eliminate parasites. The course is 5 days. On the first and last day, enemas are given with lemon juice and salt (prepared according to Semenova’s recipe). On day 3, a solution of soda (20 g) and water (800 ml) is used. For complete cleansing, 8 courses are necessary.

You can use baking soda orally. To prepare the solution, use 2-3 g of soda per 100 ml of water. To enhance the effect, you need to add 1 drop of iodine. The drink is consumed for up to 7 days.

Cognac and castor oil

Folk remedies for parasites are effective when used correctly. If the dosage is reduced, the parasites will not be destroyed; if the dosage is exceeded, poisoning is possible. Cognac and castor oil are used together to remove parasites from the body.

Cognac has disinfecting properties. Castor oil promotes rapid and complete cleansing of the intestines. For treatment, you need to alternately consume 50 ml of cognac and castor oil. The course should not exceed 3 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10-14 days.


To eliminate parasites with the help of wormwood, it can be consumed in 3 types:

  1. Drink made from dried leaves. To prepare, you need to steam 15 g of wormwood in 200 ml of water. The portion must be consumed during the day. Consume before the parasites leave.
  2. Powder, sold in pharmacies. To prepare it yourself, you need to grind all the components of the plant (even the root) to a powder. Take 5 g of the product 2 times a day before meals. The course is 30 days.
  3. Alcohol tincture. To prepare, you need to infuse 70 g of dried wormwood herb in 0.5 liters of alcohol. After 10 days, strain and consume 10 ml 2 times a day. The course is no more than 14 days.


Mixtures of bitter herbs (immortelle, yarrow, St. John's wort) and oak or buckthorn bark are most effective for killing parasites. The composition of the mixture is selected as desired, all ingredients are taken in equal quantities.

St. John's wort is included in recipes for effective folk remedies for parasites.

Herbs should be steamed like regular tea (infuse for 1-1.5 hours) and consumed fresh. Drink no more than 100 ml of drink per day. Duration of treatment is up to 10 days. If necessary, therapy is repeated after 3-5 days. Maximum number of courses 2 times a year.


Onion infusion helps get rid of viruses and parasites. To prepare, you need to steam a chopped onion in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours. The resulting drink is divided into 2 parts for morning and evening intake. Therapy consists of 2 courses of 7 days each with a break of 9-11 days.

pumpkin seeds

To destroy parasites, it is advisable to use fresh pumpkin seeds (fried for children). When cleaning them, you must ensure that the film remains on the seeds. It is this that contains harmful substances for parasites.

You need to eat 25-30 g of peeled seeds once a day. To quickly remove the destroyed parasites, it is necessary to use a laxative after 60 minutes. Duration of therapy is up to 3 days. The course can be repeated after 15-20 days.


Chopped walnut kernels should be mixed in equal proportions with honey. Consume 30 g of the mixture in the morning. Therapy can be extended up to 30 days. An infusion of wine with walnuts has a therapeutic effect. You need to infuse 30 g of peeled nuts in 200 ml of wine. The product is ready for use after 20 days. Drink up to 100 ml of infusion per day. Course 5 days.

Pine nuts

To destroy parasites, you need to eat 100-120 g of peeled nuts per day. The course of therapy is 60 days. During the treatment period, meat products should be kept to a minimum.

Cherry berries

Fresh cherries can destroy and remove parasites from the body. To do this, you need to eat 150-200 g of berries on an empty stomach for at least 7 days.


Folk remedies for parasites in the body (giardia) are often prepared using horseradish. Freshly squeezed horseradish juice is used in the treatment. You need to dilute 20 ml of juice in 150 ml of water. The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks. The need to repeat treatment is determined by a specialist.


Tansy treatment should be carried out with extreme caution, as the plant is considered poisonous. In case of an overdose of drugs, poisoning is possible. To prepare an infusion of tansy against parasites, you need to steam 40 g of tansy herb in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 8 hours.

Adults consume the finished infusion 100 ml in the morning for 10 days. Children can drink no more than 80 ml per drink (divided into 3-4 doses), for a course of 5 days. In case of overdose, perform gastric lavage and take activated charcoal.

Birch tar

Birch tar is also a toxic product and must be used strictly according to dosage. The drug is sold in pharmacies in finished form. The duration of the appointment is discussed with the therapist/pediatrician. The maximum amount of product per day is 1 drop.

Recommended methods of administration:

  • apply a drop to a piece of rye bread;
  • mix with 20 g of honey;
  • dissolve in 150 ml of milk.

The product allows you to get rid of most types of helminths.

Carrot and melon

To kill parasites, you can use melon or carrot juice. You need to drink 200 ml of the drink per day (divided into 3 doses). Consume before meals. Grated carrots without sugar (50-70 g) are also effective. You can consume crushed carrot seeds 2 g before meals. These products are harmless and contain many vitamins. The course of therapy is not organic.


Flax seed jelly helps cleanse the body of toxins and parasites. To prepare it, take 25 g of seeds and 120 ml of boiling water. Drink the jelly in 1 serving after it has cooled down. Therapy lasts 10 days. The course can be repeated after 12-14 days.


Folk remedies for parasites in the body are sometimes prepared on the basis of dried cloves, as it contains many useful substances, strengthens the immune system and cleanses of toxins and parasites. Long-term use may lead to the development of constipation.

To prepare the infusion, you need to steam 7 g of cloves in 200 ml of boiling water. Take 10-12 ml 3 times a day. It is recommended to prepare a fresh infusion for each dose. Additionally, eat more laxative foods. Or take laxatives during therapy. Course duration is 5-7 days.

Ginger root tincture

Ginger is used as an alcohol tincture to eliminate parasites. In 0.5 liters of vodka you need to infuse 0.5 kg of ginger (grated) for 2 weeks. Take 10 ml 3 times a day. The course is no more than 14 days.


Oral consumption of oils can be used to remove parasites from the body. They destroy adults and their larvae, and also facilitate their removal from the body. The duration of the course is selected individually.

Recommended oils:

  • pumpkin seed oil. You need to drink 30 ml of oil before meals 3 times a day;
  • flaxseed oil is used for prevention and finally treatment against parasites. You need to consume 20 ml of oil per day;
  • black cumin oil. For treatment you need to drink 20 ml per day in 2 doses;
  • sunflower oil is consumed 15 ml in the morning and evening before meals;
  • Sea buckthorn oil replenishes the body with vitamins, destroys parasites and promotes their removal. It is necessary to consume 10 ml 3 times a day.

Additionally, you can use oils in enemas (50 ml of oil per 1 liter of water).


Enemas are effective if the parasites are localized in the rectum.

To destroy them and subsequently remove them, the following recipes are used:

  1. Garlic solution. You need to steam peeled and cut into 2 pieces of garlic cloves in 200 ml of water. Before administration, the resulting infusion is diluted in 1 liter of water. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
  2. Onion and garlic solution. You need to chop the onion and 3 cloves of garlic. Place the pulp in 100 ml of water and leave for 30 minutes. Dilute the infusion in 1 liter of water. Course - 10 days.
  3. Wormwood solution. You need to leave 25 g of wormwood in 200 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. Dilute the resulting solution with 1 liter of water. Course – 7 days.

In order for the effectiveness of enemas to be higher, after administering the solutions, it is necessary to retain the liquid in the intestines for as long as possible.


Laxative drinks allow you to quickly remove parasites from the body, but also have a detrimental effect on them. Their use is recommended as part of a comprehensive medication regimen. Magnesia is considered the most popular laxative. To prepare the solution you need 1 g of magnesia per 1 kg of person.

The product must be combined with 200 ml of water and consumed per day. Course up to 10 days. The product is not addictive. After discontinuation, the stool quickly returns to normal. The dosage of castor oil is calculated using similar proportions. To prevent the product from causing vomiting, it is recommended to immediately drink lemon juice. You can eat 1 slice of lemon.

Symptoms of infection of the human body by parasites

Symptoms that occur during infection can be varied, they are often associated with the location of the parasite. Thus, ectoparasites cause damage to the skin. If the parasite lives in the lungs, the patient may experience coughing and shortness of breath. When parasites are detected in the intestines, there are digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and many others.

The general effect of parasites on the body is manifested by weakness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, which indicates intoxication. Allergic reactions often occur, which leads to dermatitis, skin rashes and even bronchial asthma. A decrease in the amount of vitamins and nutrients that the parasite consumes leads to decreased immunity and developmental delays in children.

Traditional methods of treatment are not always effective; in addition, drugs used in medical parasitology are often toxic to humans, and they must be used with caution, as prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, cleansing the body of parasites using folk remedies becomes of great importance in the fight against them.

How to get rid of parasites

You may not realize that these creatures are already living inside you. Therefore, before recommending how to get rid of them, cleanse or cure the body of parasites, you need to know how to recognize that you have them:

  • sudden change in weight;
  • all kinds of ailments;
  • lack of appetite;
  • recurrent migraines;
  • mechanical intestinal obstruction or diarrhea;
  • pain and itching in the anal area.

Nervousness and sleep disturbance may indicate that it is time to choose remedies to treat the human body and cleanse it of parasites

Signs can be different, it all depends on what kind of parasite is inside the body.

Some drugs. which will allow you to cleanse the body are sold only on the manufacturers’ official website. For example, this applies to the drug Anti Toxin and Bactefort . The given examples of remedies will help not only eliminate foreign creatures in a person, but also normalize the functioning of the affected organs.

Impact of parasites on the body

Parasites in the human body disrupt the functioning of organs, cause inflammatory processes in them, and destroy tissue. Often, in the course of their life, parasites produce substances that are toxic to humans, which leads to gradual poisoning of the body.

parasites in the intestines

Parasites in the intestines use beneficial substances supplied with food for their growth and development. Because of this, the human body begins to experience a shortage of them. This is especially dangerous for children, as their growth slows down and their physical and mental development is impaired.

Parasites adapt well, are able to live for years in the same organism, and their eggs and larvae have significant resistance to the environment. In the digestive organs, to protect themselves, parasites can secrete special substances that inactivate enzymes and disrupt the process of food digestion. Therefore, in a patient with parasites in the intestines, the symptoms often resemble diseases of the digestive system.

Why are helminths dangerous?

Helminths are worms, they can be small in size or reach a length of 7-10 meters. Sometimes the development cycle of helminths is such that a person becomes infected with them again. The first part of the cycle takes place in the intestines, and upon repeated infection, the eggs penetrate the muscles, lungs, liver, and kidneys.

types of parasites

The most common helminths found in humans are parasitic in the intestines, gall bladder, ducts and liver and cause:

  • ascariasis, the larvae migrate through the liver into the lungs and again enter the intestines, where the adult individual develops;
  • opisthorchiasis, most often affects the liver, can lead to cancer or cirrhosis;
  • cestodosis - infection with tapeworms, which occurs through the consumption of thermally poorly processed meat and fish;
  • Tapeworms live a long time and reach enormous sizes. The pork tapeworm is very dangerous, the eggs of which penetrate the blood vessels and can migrate to the muscles and brain;
  • schistosomiasis, it is caused by fluke parasites and flatworms;
  • toxocariasis, difficult to detect, can affect the eyes and nervous tissues, often causes allergic reactions;
  • Echinococcosis - Echinococcus parasitizes the liver and lungs.

There are also diseases that are less common. These are trichinosis, fascioliasis, enterobiasis, echinostomosis and others.

Identifying and treating parasites can be quite difficult, but people have tried to fight them since ancient times. Folk remedies have long been known and are successfully used against parasites in the human body.

Onion infusion against helminthiasis

The strength of this treatment method is the possibility of its single use. For treatment, you will need to take a medium onion; it should weigh approximately 100-120 g. After this, it must be thoroughly washed and finely chopped.

The strength of using onion infusion is the possibility of its single use

The onion mass is placed in a glass glass and 200 ml of water is poured in; it should be approximately 70-80 degrees. Infuse the mixture overnight, but for at least 8 hours. After this, all particles of onion pulp are filtered. You need to drink the tincture in full 30 minutes before breakfast. If the patient’s condition does not improve within 7 days, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Attention! You can use garlic in the same way. 2-3 cloves of garlic are also brewed overnight in the same amount of water. You only need to drink the concentrate once. Repeated treatment can be carried out no earlier than 7 days after the procedure.

Video - Folk remedies for cleansing the body of parasites

Treatment with folk remedies for specific types of parasites

There are several ways to treat parasites in the human body using folk remedies. Some are used against specific parasites, others help get rid of a whole group of parasitic infections, and some help cleanse organs and systems. Let's take a closer look at how to get rid of specific parasites in the body using folk remedies.

How to get rid of protozoan and protozoal parasites

The most common protozoan parasites are:

  • roundworm

    amoebas, lamblia, blastocysts, balantidia, leishmania and others parasitic in the intestines;

  • Trypanosomes, pathogens of malaria and babesia are found in the blood;
  • in the genitourinary system - Trichomonas, infection occurs through sexual contact;
  • in the heart, liver, brain and eyes - toxoplasma (infection most often occurs from cats, affects nerve tissue and causes early miscarriages), trypanosomes, Naegleria Fowler, acanthamoeba.

It has been noticed that parasites really do not like hot peppers and aromatic herbs, so if you cook food, seasoning it with onions, horseradish, garlic, and use cinnamon and cloves in baking, this can help in the fight against parasites.

  1. Cleansing with cranberry juice. Do enemas - 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice and a tablespoon of salt, twice a day. Helps with protozoal parasites and helminths.
  2. Cleansing enemas with garlic. To do this, 6–7 cloves of garlic are boiled in milk and this solution is used for a cleansing enema.

Treatment of giardiasis

To prevent and treat giardiasis of the liver, use sauerkraut brine (drink half a glass before meals), strawberries, and take dill and caraway seeds a teaspoon a day.

There are also recipes for decoctions and preparations for giardiasis.

  1. parasite giardiasis

    Collection of medicinal herbs. Mix 4 parts birch buds, 4 parts tansy, 2 parts each yarrow, horsetail, 1 part celandine. Brew a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water. You need to drink 1 glass 2 times before meals for 10 days.

  2. Tincture of lilac flowers. Dried flowers are poured with alcohol, left for 10 days, and drunk a teaspoon before each meal.
  3. Pumpkin seeds. They need to be crushed 300 g, add a little water and 100 g of honey, eat immediately and take a laxative.

Treatment of ascariasis

  1. Cognac and castor oil. Adults can use this recipe. Drink 50 grams of high-quality cognac, wash it down with sweet fruit juice and after 15 minutes drink 50 grams of castor oil. This needs to be done for 2–3 days.
  2. Infusion of dried mushrooms. You can use chanterelle and porcini mushroom. They need to be ground and poured with vodka for a day. Drink a teaspoon at night.
  3. Onion infusion. Chop the onion and pour boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Take half a glass a day, 3-4 days.

How to get rid of helminths

How to get rid of worm parasites in the body using folk remedies? There are several traditional medicine recipes that help do this.

  1. Horseradish and garlic tincture. Helps with tapeworms and roundworms. Horseradish and garlic are taken in equal quantities and filled with alcohol for 10 days. Drink a tablespoon per day.
  2. A decoction of avran leaves against roundworms and dwarf tapeworms. Pour half a teaspoon of herb with hot water and keep on low heat for 30 minutes. Drink a teaspoon every 20 minutes.
  3. Pomegranate bark. Helps against tapeworms. You need to brew it with boiling water and drink 1 teaspoon before meals.
  4. Coriander - the seeds need to be fried and ground. Take 1 gram of powder for 5 days.

How to get rid of ectoparasites

The most common ectoparasites are:

  • lice (head, pubic, body lice);
  • bed bugs;
  • scabies itching;
  • demodex (live in eyebrows and eyelashes).

Of course, these parasites are more often transmitted through things, and you can only get rid of them if you follow the rules of hygiene. But traditional medicine recommends kerosene, vinegar with salt, burdock decoction, and elecampane to kill lice. You can also use a mixture of mint with pomegranate or cranberry juice.

To treat scabies, use a mixture of lard, laundry soap and sulfur. You can also lubricate the skin with black powder with sour cream, or a mixture of garlic, onion and laundry soap.

Antiparasitic therapy in pregnant women

The use of medications by pregnant women is extremely undesirable, therefore, to get rid of helminthiasis, herbal remedies from traditional medicine are most often used.

To remove parasites from the body, use:

  • pumpkin seed oil or seeds;
  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • pomegranate peel;
  • Walnut.

Pumpkin seeds

On an empty stomach, take three tablespoons of peeled seeds along with a laxative.

The middle head of garlic is peeled and poured with boiled milk (1 l). Leave for 12 hours and then drink throughout the day (half a glass at a time).


Chopped unripe nuts (5 tbsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. The decoction is taken throughout the day with a laxative.

Cut a medium-sized onion and pour hot water (200 ml). The infusion is left overnight and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Pomegranate peel

The skins of 2-3 pomegranates are infused in 0.5 liters of cold water overnight. Then the infusion is boiled until half of the liquid has evaporated. Drink on an empty stomach in small sips. After an hour, laxatives are taken.

General cleansing of the entire body from parasites using traditional methods

How to get rid of parasites in the human body using folk remedies? There are three plants that cleanse the body and remove both protozoan parasites and helminths - these are the peel of green walnuts, wormwood and cloves.

  1. Cleaning from parasites with walnut peels. Take 15 nuts, remove the green peel, pour 500 g of vodka and set aside for a month. Take 1 drop in half a glass of water, increasing the dose by a drop every day for 5 days, then increase the dose to 2 teaspoons twice a day and then 2 teaspoons per day for a year.
  2. Cleansing with wormwood. Grind dry seeds. Start taking it with a pinch of powder per day, gradually increasing the dose to half a teaspoon by day 15. Then take half a teaspoon per day for a week, you can divide it into several doses, and then use the same dose once a week.
  3. Cleansing with cloves. Grind the seeds into powder. You should take the powder starting from 1.5 teaspoons, reducing the dose to one spoon over 10 days.

In the absence of these components, purification from parasites can be carried out with dried calamus, tansy seeds and calendula. Cleansing the body of parasites using folk remedies should be carried out with parallel cleansing of the intestines and liver.

How to cleanse the intestines

Cleansing the intestines of parasites is no less important. Simple folk methods of getting rid of parasites can help with this.

  1. Fermented milk diet. For 2 days you can drink kefir and eat black bread crackers.
  2. Fruit cleanse. Grind apricots, figs, prunes and raisins in equal proportions through a meat grinder and mix with honey (200 g). Take a tablespoon of the mixture at night.
  3. Cleaning sauerkraut with brine. For two weeks, drink half a glass of brine before meals.
  4. Aloe with lemon. Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe and olive oil with the juice of one lemon, take on an empty stomach.

Vegetable oils for parasites

Vegetable oils are the simplest remedies for parasites, as they do not require prior preparation. The most you need to do is mix it with other ingredients according to the recipe.

Only unrefined oils are used for cleaning. It’s good if they are directly pressed. It is also important to familiarize yourself with expiration dates; fresh products contain more valuable substances.

Castor oil (with cognac)

Mix 50 ml of cognac and 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. Drink at night 3-4 hours after a light dinner. It is advisable to carry out cleaning on a day off, as the product has a pronounced laxative effect.

Black cumin oil

Take 10 ml three times a day before meals. Repeat after 2 weeks. To improve taste, can be mixed with yogurt, juice or other low-sugar beverage.

Pumpkin oil

A method of cleaning and treatment without an enema. It is suitable for children and adults and helps cope with pinworms. It is necessary to make a tampon from cotton wool, soak it in oil, and close the anus at night. Repeat for 40 days.

Linseed oil

Take 1 tsp. oils 3-4 times a day before meals (about 20-30 minutes). The best effect can be achieved if you drink it with a decoction of St. John's wort.

Essential oils

They are added during antiparasitic cleansing with an enema with oils. Lemon or eucalyptus esters are usually used. Add 3-4 drops to base oil (sunflower, flax, pumpkin).

Coconut oil

Take 1 tsp. unrefined coconut oil 3 times a day before meals, gradually increasing the portion to 1 tbsp. l. Then take this amount for 7 days, you can wash it down with warm herbal tea or water.

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