Cedar medicinal properties

Useful Features

Common throughout Siberia, cedar pine is valued for its variety of medicinal properties. The nuts contain carbohydrates, easily digestible high-quality oils, pentosans, vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body, and fiber. The nucleoli are rich in proteins and amino acids.

The benefits of cedar nut shells, which are rich in tannins, are known. The needles of this tree contain provitamin A, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, tannins, phytoncides, and terpenes. The main medicinal properties of pine nuts, which have a pleasant taste:

  • pressure regulation,
  • elimination of inflammatory foci,
  • removal of puffiness,
  • stimulating cell renewal,
  • prevention of cancer,
  • stimulation of brain and cardiovascular activity,
  • strengthening the nervous and reproductive systems,
  • lowering cholesterol levels,
  • improving the functions of the male reproductive system,
  • slowing down the aging process,
  • treatment of skin lesions,
  • improved vision,
  • activation of blood circulation.

The beneficial effects of decoctions from the shells of Siberian pine pine nuts:

  • hemorrhoid treatment,
  • normalization of hematopoietic processes,
  • stimulating digestion,
  • assistance in the treatment of joint diseases,
  • elimination of skin lesions,
  • stop bleeding
  • relief from impaired renal function and female reproductive system.

Pine nut decoction

The beneficial effects of Siberian pine nuts on the body allow them to be used effectively in folk treatment. Cooking options are selected in accordance with the development of certain pathologies.


To get rid of a debilitating cough, wash a glass of unpeeled pine nuts with warm water. Place in an enamel pan, pour in a liter of milk. The product is boiled over medium heat for 20 minutes. Strain the broth while warm. It is recommended to take a glass on an empty stomach in the morning and evening hours.

Hair depilation

You will need fresh resinous nuts - half a glass. You can add three additional cones. Place the raw materials in an old saucepan and, with low heat, cook them in 1.5 liters of water for a long time.

The end of boiling will be indicated by a dark tint of the liquid and the appearance of a resinous film on its surface. Pour it into a bottle with a tight stopper. Use the product to rub problem areas with unnecessary hairs every other day. After 20 procedures, a positive result is observed.

For children

The use of Siberian cedar nuts in various forms is not recommended for children under 4 years of age. Start with minimal doses, observing the condition of the skin. If there are no signs of allergy, they are guided by the following indicators:

  • for preschoolers the daily portion is 20 g,
  • at the age of 7 to 11 years it is increased to 40 g,
  • Children over 12 years old are allowed to consume 50 g of healthy product per day.

Ovarian cyst

Among folk recipes based on pine pine nuts, the most effective option is considered to be a glass of whole raw material, infused in a dark cabinet in 500 ml of vodka for two weeks with periodic shaking.

Reception is carried out at 1 tbsp. l. before breakfast, lunch, dinner (25-30 minutes). If desired, dissolve the product in a quarter glass of water. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Cedar oleoresin with cedar oil: application, methods, recipes

  • Cedar resin with cedar oil: external

The resin is used in ointments, rubs, and in the form of a balm with cedar oil to heal bruises, wounds, dislocations, to relieve irritations and inflammation of the skin, for cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of skin diseases. Resin and balm based on pine nut oil (turpentine balm) are very effective for massage, rubbing, compresses (through the pores of the skin it affects diseased organs and tissues). The product is excellent for helping athletes with training, injuries, and injuries.

  1. Rubbing and massage are usually done with 30% gum balm.
  2. Compresses (for arthritis, skin inflammation, radiculitis) – 20% balm (5-7 drops).
  3. Baths – 20% balm (10-20 drops) mixed with salt and dissolved in warm water. Bath time is half an hour.
  • Cedar oleoresin with cedar oil: internal use

Inhalations: add 5 drops of 20% balm to the inhaler. Or mix 1 drop of balm and 1 drop of lavender essential oil. Add the mixture to boiling water, breathe for 10 minutes and at the same time rub the chest with 3 drops of balm with cedar resin (for swelling and headaches that arise due to colds and nasal congestion).

Directions for use:

  • Take 10% balm daily on an ongoing basis, 1 teaspoon. per day - to strengthen the immune system;
  • Take 15-20% balm in courses of 1 teaspoon. per day half an hour before meals (15 days), then a break for 2 weeks.
  • Take 10% turpentine balm, starting with 2 drops per day, further increasing the dose (1 drop per day) to 1 teaspoon. Direction: under the tongue, 30 minutes before meals, with water or honey. Course of oral administration: 1-2 months.

Cedar oleoresin in cedar oil is taken orally or externally according to different regimens for various diseases.

For information

If chronic diseases are present, then taking products with cedar resin may cause discomfort.

In this case, the dose of the drug recommended in the prescription must be significantly reduced or completely stopped taking the product for a period of time from a week to a month. After such a break, the discomfort usually goes away.

There are products with resin content of 5, 10,15, 20, 30%. For internal use, balms with a low percentage of oleoresin are used (10 or less), and for external use - 15-30% and higher. Minimum (5%) - suitable for children; 10% - can be taken daily without interruption; 15% - courses to improve health; 20% - courses to strengthen the immune system; 30% - for external use (but in rare cases used for oral administration).

  • 10% is used for acute respiratory infections (you need to drop 3 drops into the nose), otitis (put a cotton swab soaked in balm in the ear overnight), sore throat (drop 5 drops onto the tonsils), periodontal disease (lubricate the gums), depression (add to tea 2-3 k.) and apply a thin layer to the wounds for speedy healing.
  • With 15% you can do a restorative massage.
  • Use 20% for eczema (lubricate the skin 2 times a day), arthritis (rub the joint with the product and wrap it with a warm cloth), arrhythmia (rub 10 drops into the area of ​​the heart muscle), bronchitis (rub the back and chest with a clean balm), prostatitis (do microenemas: ½ glass of water + 4 drops balm, course – 40 days).
  • It is 30% beneficial to do therapeutic massage.

Several more ways to treat various ailments using cedar oil with oleoresin

Stomatitis and other oral diseases, sore throats

Moisten a cotton swab with 5% balm and lubricate the affected areas; for sore throat, cedar resin can be dripped directly onto the sore tonsils (5 drops of 10% tincture) every 5 hours. Also, for sore throat, it is useful to rub 15-20% of the composition into the tonsil area or make 20-minute compresses with an oil solution.

Wound healing

Apply a thin layer of 10 or 20% composition (depending on the severity of the lesion) to the wound until complete recovery.


Rub 20% balm in the area of ​​the nose and/or instill 20% product into the nose (2-3 drops). You can add the product to tea (3-4 drops) and drink throughout the day. Even for colds, it is useful to breathe the smoke of cedar resin, which is slowly burned over coals. This procedure has an expectorant and disinfectant effect on the body and promotes faster expectoration of mucus.


Mix cedar resin in cedar oil with honey, apply to a clean cotton cloth and apply to the sore spot; do not bandage the wound. Exposure time is half an hour, after which rinse the burn area with water.

Ulcers, wounds

Apply a compress of gum balm for half an hour.

Eye diseases

Drop 1 drop of cedar oleoresin with cedar oil into your eyes in the evening before bed and the same amount in the morning, half an hour before getting up. This method of application perfectly nourishes and restores damaged eye cells. After the procedure, it is not recommended to take a vertical position for 15-30 minutes.

Varicose veins

Rub balm with cedar resin into problem areas 2 times a day. Course: 30-40 days. It is also useful to use cedar resin together with chestnut for this problem.

Normalization of pressure (both high and low)

Take a one-time 10% solution (3 drops). Then gradually increase the dose to 4-5 drops 3 times a day. Course: 30 days. In old age, after the course you need to take a break for 2 months, after which the course (2-3 weeks) is repeated.

Gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis)

At first, drink 5 drops. 10% of the composition 6 days in a row in the morning, 15 minutes before breakfast. If everything is fine, then you need to drink 10 drops 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening until 20.00). Course: 30 days. It is permissible to take up to 3 courses, remembering to take breaks between them.

Vascular (multiple sclerosis, dystonia)

Take 3 times a day. 10% balm, 5-7 drops. In the evening, wait 2 hours after taking and rub the balm (20%) into the limbs. Course: 2-3 months.

The cardiovascular system

You can rub 25% cedar resin balm into the area of ​​the heart muscle (10-15 drops). In addition, you need to take 5 drops of 5% of the composition orally every day. Course: 4-5 months.

Kidney and bladder stones

Drink gum balm (10%) 10 drops in the morning before meals. And before going to bed, rub the 20% composition, 5 drops each, into the lumbar area and lower abdomen.

Women's diseases (erosion, inflammation, thrush)

Place tampons soaked in 10% balm overnight.

How to make a compress?

First, you need to rub clean resin into the sore spot, then apply gauze soaked in 25% balm, cover with parchment and wrap with a warm scarf (shawl, scarf). Keep for at least 30 minutes. At the same time, you need to drink a 5% composition, 5 drops, 2 times a day.

How to prepare a soothing bath?

In addition to the calming effect, the bath will help make the skin young, elastic and beautiful. To do this, you need to add 10 drops of 25% oleoresin balsam to the water (37-38 °C), the bath time is no more than half an hour.

In cosmetology

  • For hair: rub 5% oleoresin balm with cedar oil into the root area of ​​the head daily to strengthen the roots, give hair shine and strength, and protect against hair loss.
  • For the skin: rub 5% composition into the skin of the face (in the morning or evening, before bed) to improve its color and get rid of fine wrinkles. You can prepare a face mask from 5% gum balm and honey (2 tablespoons), apply in a circular motion along the massage lines, hold for 5-7 minutes.
  • For acne: rub 25% of the composition into dry, clean facial skin. For boils, it is better to apply a compress of the same oil to the problem area.
  • For eczema: grease + 25% gum balm (1:1). Rub the mixture into problem areas for 3 weeks. At the same time, take 5% composition 10 drops orally. in a day.
  • For lips (softening, treatment of herpes): apply a cotton swab soaked in 25% cedar oil with resin.

Decoction of cedar shells

The shells remaining after peeling pine nuts are used at home. With proper preparation of decoctions, it is possible to effectively cure a number of pathologies.

Decoction of husks

To relieve bleeding gums, put the nut husks and shells, taking a glass of raw materials, into a saucepan. Boil for 20 minutes at low heat in 0.5 liters of water.

Leave under a cloth for 40 minutes and filter. Use 1 tbsp. l. healing liquid before meals. The treatment course until relief lasts on average three weeks.


It is recommended to take baths before bed with the addition of a decoction based on cedar nut shells. Procedures are performed to reduce pain and eliminate inflammation in cases of gout, arthritis, and rheumatism.

You will need 5 tbsp. l. raw materials. Transfer it to a bowl with 500 ml of boiling water. Place in a water bath and simmer the mixture for another 30 minutes. After filtering, pour into warm water prepared for the bath. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. Then you should go to bed.

From a cyst

Siberian cedar husk helps in the treatment of kidney or ovarian cysts. You will need half a glass of raw material, which is poured into an enamel pan with 500 ml of boiled water.

Cover the container with a lid and simmer at a very low boil for an hour. The cooled product is filtered out and placed on a sieve. Drink a third of a glass before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After a month's course, arrange a weekly interval and repeat the treatment. If pain occurs, then prepare and drink chamomile tea.

For chronic tonsillitis

The washed, dried cedar shells are rolled out with a rolling pin for grinding. Take a glass of raw materials and pour them into a saucepan. Pour in a liter of hot water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook the mixture for three hours.

Filter when cooled. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening before meals (25-35 minutes). It is allowed to store the product in the refrigerator for two days. It also helps treat allergic rhinitis and alleviates bronchial asthma.

Decoction of pine cones

It is easy to prepare healing remedies at home using whole cedar cones. Recipes are selected depending on the health problem being solved.

With milk

A home remedy that effectively relieves colds accompanied by cough is to place a medium-sized ripe pine cone in a saucepan with three glasses of high-quality natural milk. Boil over high heat until the milk turns brown. Take a tablespoon of the decoction warm after straining every four hours.

From a stroke

To make a healing elixir that helps restore cerebral circulation, you will need two green cedar cones. Boil them for 10 minutes in 200 ml of water, setting the heating temperature to medium.

Leave to cool and strain the broth through a sieve. It is recommended to consume 50 ml after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Against cough

A mature cedar pine cone is placed in a pan with boiling water - 500 ml. Reduce heat and cook it for 20 minutes. After removing the dishes from the heat, cover with a thick linen napkin and leave for five hours. Take the aromatic decoction four times a day before meals (35-40 minutes), half a glass.

For hair removal

Siberian cedar pine helps remove unwanted hairs from the skin. Place three ripened resin-covered cones in an old pan. Pour in water so that it covers the raw material completely.

Place in a water bath and cook until a dark decoction with a resinous aroma appears. This step usually takes 30 minutes. After cooling, moisten problem areas of the skin generously with the resulting product.

It is advisable to carry out procedures every two hours for three days. As a result, the hairs become brittle and are easily removed.

Composition of pine cones

For treatment, it is good to use both mature and green specimens.

Did you know? Siberian cedar wood does not rot and has a pleasant smell that repels insects. There are no wormholes in it, and moths do not fly into the chest from it.

Cedar cones contain many essential elements for humans:

  1. Amino acids . Arginine is especially valued, as it participates in oxidative processes in the body and is required for the normal functioning of various human systems.
  2. Lots of minerals . These are iron, nickel, molybdenum, carotene, manganese, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, zinc, silicon and some rare trace elements.
  3. An extensive vitamin complex includes vitamins E, P, A, C, P, D, group B.
  4. Essential oils, resins.
  5. Flavonoids.

What's in young buds?

Young unripe cedar cones contain the largest amount of vitamins, essential oils and phytoncides. Jam and “honey” are made from them. These sweets are good to consume during cold and flu season. Alcohol tinctures on them completely retain such useful elements.

Learn how to distinguish cedar from pine.

Decoction of cedar needles

Traditional medicine also uses cedar pine needles for medicinal purposes. Decoctions based on this raw material have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Decoction of pine needles for sinusitis

Grind fresh cedar needles - 100 g, place them in a heat-resistant bowl. 100g. Add the same volume of sugar and pour in half a glass of water. Mix the composition.

Place in a preheated oven at low heat and leave for two hours. After cooling, strain. It is recommended to consume a tablespoon of aromatic syrup half an hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Treatment is continued until recovery occurs.

From scurvy

Washed young cedar needles are ground in a mortar, adding a tablespoon of water. Transfer to an enamel bowl and pour in water, maintaining the ratio of 1:10. Add a little citric acid and sugar to taste.

After boiling, it is necessary to set the heat to minimum and cook the product for 20 minutes. Then it is left covered to infuse for another half hour. After filtering, drink 200 ml immediately once a day.

For hair

Bring 250 ml of water to a boil. Add a tablespoon of cedar needles. Cook for five minutes. Then wrap the dishes in a warm scarf and leave for four hours. Rinse washed hair with the filtered liquid, performing a light massage of the scalp.

With regular use, dandruff is eliminated, hair growth is activated, and the pleasant natural shine and silkiness of curls returns.


Pine needles were used as medicinal raw materials several thousand years BC. Clay tablets of the Sumerians, found during archaeological excavations of the ancient Sumerian kingdom, confirm that 5 thousand years BC, extracts and decoctions of pine needles were used in the form of compresses and poultices.

  • Infusions and decoctions of pine needles are drunk as a diuretic.
  • Russian folk medicine uses cedar needles in the form of decoctions and infusions for bronchial asthma as an anti-asthmatic agent. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures of cedar needles are drunk for respiratory diseases, both cold and infectious: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. Decoctions and infusions of pine needles have an expectorant effect, help in the discharge of sputum and cleanse the respiratory tract.
  • A decoction of cedar needles is an excellent remedy for gargling with sore throats, the mouth with stomatitis, and the nasal passages with a runny nose.
  • Rinsing your mouth with pine needle infusion strengthens your gums and teeth. A decoction and infusion of cedar needles are recommended for inhalation and herbal applications (compresses).
  • In the form of a drink with the addition of honey, pine decoction is given to children with rickets.
  • The pine drink is also useful for scrofula. It is good to bathe scrofulous and rickets children in pine baths.
  • Drinking pine decoctions and infusions is beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Cedar needles help cleanse blood vessels, increase their elasticity, improve blood composition, and cleanse it of harmful substances.
  • A decoction of pine needles was once taken as a hemostatic agent for excessive bleeding in women.
  • Tincture of cedar needles with alcohol or vodka is an effective wound healing agent. To prepare the tincture, 100 g of crushed pine needles are poured with 200 ml of alcohol and infused in a dark place for 7 days.
  • Wounds and abscesses are washed with a pine decoction of cedar paws. In the form of lotions, it is used for pustular skin lesions.
  • Alcohol tincture of cedar needles is used to rub joints for rheumatism, gout, and arthritis.
  • Drinks made from cedar needles are useful for recovering people who have suffered serious illnesses or surgeries.
  • An infusion or decoction of cedar needles is drunk for some poisoning, for example, smoke, alcohol, exhaust gases.
  • For headaches and migraines, apply a towel soaked in a strong decoction or infusion of pine needles to the forehead and temples; take the infusion orally.
  • With the constant use of cedar needles infusion, the body's defenses increase, the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems are strengthened. In general, there is an improvement in well-being and healing of the body.
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