Bay leaf: medicinal properties and uses

Benefits and medicinal properties

Today bay leaves are used:

  • In cooking, the leaves of the plant have a pronounced aroma and slightly bitter taste, which is especially appreciated when cooking. They are added to soups, stews, main dishes, sauces, marinades, and used in preservation.
  • In classical and folk medicine, they have a unique natural composition. Its medicinal properties are universal and help with various ailments. It has antimicrobial and antifungal, urinary, immunostimulating properties, and reduces pressure in blood vessels. Extracts and oils are used as the basis for the production of a number of medicines and are also used by traditional healers.
  • In the chemical industry, bay petals are used in the technological cycle for the production of camphor and cineole.

What are the benefits of bay leaf?

The chemical composition of the leaf is rich in biologically active substances - phytosterol, linalool, essential oil, tannins, a whole bunch of acids, vitamins, macro and microelements. Therefore, it is used in pharmaceuticals, and its medicinal properties are multifaceted.

Which bay leaf is used for treatment?

For medical purposes, only high-quality leaves are used. They are identified by their rich green color and strong aroma. Be sure to rinse the leaves with cold water before using. Bay leaves should not be stored for more than a year, because their aroma decreases and begins to taste bitter.

Features of laurel tree

Leaf composition

Bay leaves contain special chemicals. It's like a chemical laboratory. And most importantly, they all contribute to human health and good tone. The structure of a small leaf contains useful organic compounds:

  • Formic and acetic acids are natural antibiotics and preservatives that can prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes;
  • Butanoic acid (butyric acid) is an energetic activator of metabolic processes. Plays the role of a protector of the colon, preventing the occurrence of pathological processes in it;
  • Caproic acid (hexanoic acid) - can stop bleeding and has a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Dodecanoic acid (lauric) - maintains the balance of healthy cholesterol and has excellent antiviral properties;
  • Phytosterol - suppresses the deposition of bad cholesterol;
  • Linalool is an aromatic system with a mild sedative effect on the human nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • Camphor - has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes pain, stimulates blood circulation and has an antimicrobial effect. Tightens blood vessels, expectorates, increases blood pressure;
  • Tannins - have a pronounced astringent effect, stop bleeding, resist microbes and infections;
  • The palette of vitamins A, B-1,6,2,9, C and PP makes bay leaf a valuable source of biological components. It is rich in micro- and macroelements. Contains calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, lead, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iron.

How long can it be stored?

The spice is available in every store in dried form. It can also be grown and stored indoors or grown outdoors. It is recommended to collect leaves from mid-November to mid-February.

Healthy leaves are dark green, free from spots or damage, and have a strong aroma.

After collection, they are dried naturally (takes 5 to 10 days) or artificially. The drying temperature is a maximum of 40°. Dry leaves should only be stored in glass containers with a lid, away from light and heat. This is the only way the leaf will retain all its beneficial qualities, taste, and aroma.

If stored correctly, it is good for 1 year.

Types of bay leaves

Laurel (Laurus) is a genus of evergreen tree or shrub. Today, of this relict species remaining from the Terziera flora, only two species have survived, growing in the Mediterranean. In nature, they live 300 - 400 years.

Noble laurel (Laurus nobilis) is a small tree with smooth branches and oblong shiny leaves. Grows along the Mediterranean coast - Italy, Turkey, France, Greece, Spain, Albania, Portugal, Montenegro. It is grown for its essential oil and for the canning and food industries as an aromatic seasoning.

Azores laurel (Laurus azorica), or Canary laurel, grows in the Canary, Azores and Madeira Islands. Leaves are plucked from trees that have reached 4 years of age, when they are most fragrant. Between November and February they accumulate the greatest amount of essential oil. Then they are dried, during which the bitterness disappears without loss of aroma. To prevent them from frizz, they are placed under a press for a certain period.

The greener the dried leaves, the higher quality they are. They shouldn't be dark brown. When properly prepared, the leaves are whole, quite elastic, without a gray coating, with a persistent aroma and burning taste.

Due to the popularity of the bay leaf, three other leaf spices have been given a similar name without being botanically or culinary related to the plant.


  • Californian (Umbellularia californica) is an evergreen tree from the laurel family. Its leaves are similar but narrower and when crushed they release a strong aroma. Prolonged inhalation causes headaches. Used in cooking, but has a much sharper taste and more intense aroma;
  • Indian (Cinnamomum Tamala) is an evergreen that lives on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. Widely used in Indian cuisine, but its flavor is reminiscent of cinnamon or currants. It is not a bay leaf at all, and has no similarity even in aroma;
  • Indonesian Tropical Wood (Eugenia polyantha Wight) - Mainly used fresh in the cuisines of Indonesia, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java and Bali. It has its own specificity - a slightly sour but weak aroma.

Bay leaf treatment

Bay leaf is not only a spice, but also a medicine. It awakens the appetite and helps digestion. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Best known for treating arthritis and gout. Laurel ointment is produced from it, which is used for paralysis, rheumatism and spasms. And decoctions strengthen the body as a whole.

How to make tea and decoction

Bay leaves are processed in various ways, depending on their purpose.

  • Concentrated decoction - about 30 pieces are required to prepare it. It is advisable to fill the thermos with hot distilled or filtered water and leave until the morning. The medicine prepared in this way is taken to thoroughly cleanse the body;
  • Weak decoction - for food poisoning, high blood sugar or acute respiratory diseases, decoctions are taken in lower concentrations as a stimulant. They prepare completely differently. Boil 2 glasses of water and add one or two large spoons of chopped bay leaves. Cook over low heat for sixteen minutes. Then filter;
  • Tea – This form is preferred in weight loss programs. Pairs well with cinnamon and ginger. Cook as usual for 5 to 15 minutes. Goes well with other ingredients and even with real tea.

Bay leaf contains a large dose of essential oil. This causes irritation to the kidneys. Therefore, it is boiled in an open container without a lid.

  • Alcohol tincture is preferable for the treatment of joints, skin and acne, as well as alcoholism. Proportions may vary depending on the goal. The standard recipe is 1:4 volume of the dish. Bay petals are crushed by hand or cut with scissors and placed on the bottom of a glass jar so that they occupy 1/5 of its volume. Fully top up with good vodka at 40 degrees and screw the lid on tightly. The jar is placed in a cabinet at room temperature and kept for 1 week. After straining, it is bottled and stored in the refrigerator. This tincture usually does not spoil at room temperature, but it does not like light;
  • Oil (ointment) is a form for external use in the treatment of joints, back pain and other diseases. 3 small spoons of saturated leaves are immersed in 0.2 liters of olive oil and kept for 15 days in a warm place. The oil is rubbed into sore areas before bed so that it works throughout the night;
  • Bay leaves are added to cognac or alcohol to flavor the drink. There are recipes for “converting” vodka into cognac at home, or for producing homemade cognac from alcohol, which largely depends on the aromatic properties of green leaves.

For face

Boiled laurel leaves have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, which makes them successfully used in home cosmetology to solve common cosmetic problems.

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For acne

A decoction of this raw material is often used to get rid of acne. To prepare homemade lotion, take 10 laurel leaves and place them in a saucepan with two glasses of water. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the liquid is reduced by one third.

After filtering, the liquid is used to wipe areas with severe acne in the morning and evening hours. You can apply lotions for 5 minutes.

What diseases does bay leaf treat?

Laurel leaves are said to cure 101 diseases, and exaggeration is minimal. Here we list the main pathologies.

For joint pain - rheumatism, paralysis, bedsores

Bay leaf has a multicomponent effect on joints and in the treatment of pathologies in the musculoskeletal system. With the help of procedures, blood vessels dilate, and the joints are supplied with a sufficient amount of blood.

With the accumulation of more salts, thorns and salt growths form, the joints lose elasticity, mobility and flexibility. This is why arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, and gout develop. Periodic cleansing with bay leaves:

  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Flushes away salts;
  • Reduces inflammation and swelling;
  • Cleanses the blood.

Bay leaf oil (ointment) helps with this type of disease.

Pour 30g of saturated bay leaves into 200ml of flaxseed/sunflower/olive oil and keep warm for 10 days.

For arthritis and gonarthrosis

Arthritis and joint pain heal well with a decoction of bay leaves. Helps cleanse joints and remove salts and waste from them.

Suitable recipe: 5 g of leaves, put in an enamel pan, add 300 ml of water and cook over moderate heat. Duration is only 5 minutes. Then wrap the pan well with a blanket or pour it into a thermos. Warm should be kept for approximately 3-5 hours. Then, the leaves are removed, and the drink is periodically taken in small sips until the evening.

Within 3 days, make a new decoction and drink, then repeat the procedure after a week's break. This represents one course of treatment. In the 1st year, the course is repeated every 4 months, and thereafter - once a year.

On bay leaf therapy days, vegetarian food and no alcohol are suitable. It is possible that the pain will worsen while drinking the decoction, but this is only a healing crisis.

For the treatment of gout

Gout is the deposition of large amounts of uric acid in the joints. Bay leaf therapy is carried out in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 - Cleansing. It is performed using a decoction of 5 g of dried leaves per 0.3 liters of water. Cook for 4 minutes uncovered and keep warm for 3 hours. Take 3 sips per hour.

This stage lasts 3 days, followed by a rest period of 21 days. Patients claim that after such a procedure, the joints become more mobile and do not creak.

For kidney diseases, the cleansing stage can be shortened by 1 day. But the main condition is not to eat during cleansing and at the same time drink a large amount of liquid.

  • Stage 2 - restoration of cartilage tissue. Gout damages the cartilage tissue. Restored with eggshells. Take the shell of 1 egg, grated into powder, daily. The recovery stage lasts 1 month.
  • Stage 3 - treatment with bay leaf ointment. This is an excellent preventative and pain reliever. The ointment is prepared from 1 part bay leaf and 2 parts melted cow butter. Heat in a water bath for thirty minutes. The oil is cooled and ready to be rubbed into gouty joints. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night.

When treating pathologies in the musculoskeletal system, taking bay decoction has some features:

  • It is taken in sips over several hours, rather than in doses of two or three per day like standard herbal extracts;
  • Bay decoction is drunk in short courses, which are repeated after a break. The optimal duration of therapy is 2-3 days, and the optimal duration of rest is a week;
  • Bay decoction, even if it is made with tea, do not drink a whole glass at once. With such a large amount, there is a risk of causing hemorrhage;
  • Before the course, it is recommended to cleanse the gallbladder and colon to avoid allergic reactions from taking bay decoction. This is especially true for conducting a course of cleaning joints from salts and other deposits. An enema is recommended before every 2 or 3-day procedure, or at least before each course;
  • During therapy, vegetable and fruit nutrition is provided. Meat is completely excluded.

Spasmodic pain

Place 5 g of crushed leaves in a thermos and add 0.3 liters of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, filter and drink in small sips for 12 hours. This recipe is used for a maximum of 2 days.

Throat cancer

1 glass of ground bay leaves is infused in half a liter of vodka for two weeks - placed in a warm and dark place. The tincture is shaken periodically and, finally, large particles are removed.

The dose is 1 tablespoon, which can be taken up to 3 times within 1 day before meals.

To cleanse the body - detoxification

Use the above recipe with 30 bay leaves. The decoction is drunk in small sips for three days. Along with this, the consumption of meat stops and the consumption of plant foods increases. Drinking alcohol is not recommended.

The course is conducted again after a week, and then after six months.

For allergies

1 bag of bay leaf from the store is poured with 500 ml of water in an enamel bowl. Boil intensively for 150 - 180 seconds and then brew (a thermos makes the task easier). Large pieces are removed from the broth. The dose is 1 teaspoon for adults, 10 drops for older children and 2-3 drops for younger children twice a day. An increase in dose is not required since the drug is quite strong.

The same tincture is applied to the skin at the site of the allergic rash, also for several days, but only once. Allergic manifestations disappear within the specified period of treatment - 3 days.

Bay leaf is a very good way to treat allergies in children.

As a sedative - for neuroses, insomnia, stress

Bay tree is a plant of balance and relaxation. This almost “spiritual” effectiveness is achieved by improving blood circulation, improving digestive function and facilitating liver function. The leaves promote the organic balance of the body. And when everything inside is working well, it has a calming effect on the mind.

When we worry, the brain prepares to face familiar or unfamiliar dangers. The warning mechanism affects the heart, speeding up the heart rate and causing us to tense our muscles unnecessarily. This is why people complain of chest tightness when they are nervous or anxious. One way to counteract this mechanism is to use bay leaves in aromatherapy.

Bay leaf reduces anxiety and relieves stress. This is an effective sedative. The essential oils in it reduce the level of cortisol in the blood and, therefore, restore mental balance. The stress hormone responds well to natural treatments like these.

How to use

Option 1: decoction of bay leaf with cinnamon.

1 liter of water, 2 cinnamon sticks and 5 bay leaves - boil for ten minutes and brew for half an hour. Store in a glass container. Drink in small sips before meals.

Option 2: burning bay leaves.

Requires 3 sheets and a container for safe ignition. Find a quiet place if you can - lie down or just rest. Light the leaves and inhale the smoke that rises as they burn. The aroma has a relaxing effect. Lie down for a few minutes.

When burned, the leaves release certain aromatic substances that effectively cope with fatigue, charge with energy and strength.

For immunity

Bay petals are used in a specific way to protect against viral infections. A few drops of oil are dripped into a special ceramic pendant that is worn on the chest. For the same purpose, you can keep several dried leaves in your pocket.

As a concomitant measure, make a decoction of bay leaves, which is drunk several times a year to improve overall protection.

Recipe: take 15 dry leaves, dip them in 1.5 cups of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Let it brew for 3-4 hours. Drink one large spoon throughout the day.

Sometimes a decoction of bay leaves leads to constipation in people predisposed to such processes. Therefore, along with an effective immune-boosting agent, consume foods rich in cellulose.

For flu and colds

An oil extract of the biologically active ingredients of bay leaves is easily obtained at home. 30 g of crushed leaves (fresh or dried) are placed in 0.2 liters of olive oil or sunflower oil, and infused for a week in a closed cabinet.

Oil extract is taken 1 tablespoon twice within 24 hours after meals. The course lasts from 8 to 10 days. It relieves colds, flu and inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, and at the same time calms the nervous system.

Bay leaf for cough

Bay leaves release volatile plant antibiotics. They can even fight tuberculosis. They help with inflammation in all areas from the mouth and throat. For sore throat, it is recommended to use not decoctions, but essential oil, which has a more pronounced and targeted effect on a specific area.

Bay oil (also extracted from the fruit) has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is effective when used for home inhalation and rubbing into the chest area. Such simple but quite effective procedures relieve cough within a few days.

Beneficial features

A decoction of bay leaves has powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, therefore it is used in folk medicine as a natural antiseptic.

What does bay leaf decoction help with:

  1. Infectious diseases of the oral cavity and mucous tissues (gingivitis, stomatitis, bleeding gums).
  2. Increased nervous excitability, irritability, sleep disturbances.
  3. Frequent colds due to decreased immunity.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys, heart and urinary system, accompanied by swelling.
  5. Rheumatism and other joint diseases caused by the accumulation of excess salt deposits.
  6. Bronchitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the respiratory system - has an expectorant effect on dry coughs.
  7. Decreased appetite, intestinal disorders, digestive disorders.
  8. Sudden changes in blood pressure.
  9. Increased blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus.
  10. Menstrual irregularities.
  11. Allergic skin rashes.
  12. Excess body weight.
  13. Dermatological diseases - fungal infections, scaly lichen.
  14. Increased sweating.
  15. Runny nose, including allergic ones.

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In the treatment of dental diseases, bay decoction is used for rinsing the mouth. Adding the product to a warm bath helps improve the healing of wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions, improve sleep, calm the nervous system and reduce the negative effects of stress.

Bay decoction helps in getting rid of swelling and losing weight. The herbal remedy has a mild diuretic effect, removing excess fluid from the body. The aromatic leaves contain essential oils and butyric acid - this combination speeds up metabolism, removing toxins and toxic substances. As a result, the breakdown of fat cells is accelerated, and weight is normalized.

A decoction of laurel leaves can be used as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus. The product has a mild hypoglycemic effect and improves carbohydrate metabolism. The decoction should be taken three times a day, ½ cup.

Bay leaf decoction in gynecology

A decoction of bay leaf for menstruation helps speed up menstruation if it does not occur due to increased physical activity, stress or past illnesses.

The product can also be used if it is necessary to induce natural menstruation a little earlier than expected - for example, before going on vacation or an important event. In such cases, take the decoction one glass at a time, drinking the product in one gulp.

A decoction of bay leaf for miscarriage is one of the most popular means for terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Plant materials are saturated with active essential acids, which cause spontaneous abortion.

There are several ways to prepare a decoction for abortion. For example, you can pour a glass of boiling water over a pack of bay leaves and simmer over low heat for 12-15 minutes. The product must be filtered, the liquid must be drunk, and the leaves should be wrapped in a small piece of gauze and inserted into the vagina as a tampon and left overnight. Spontaneous abortion occurs over the next 2-3 days.

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Bay decoction in cosmetology

A decoction of bay leaves, saturated with beneficial vitamins and minerals, is used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared product and wipe your face. This helps to quickly get rid of purulent rashes, acne, enlarged pores and blackheads.

Regular use of bay decoction as a toner makes facial skin uniform and matte, helping to solve the problem of unpleasant oily shine. The skin becomes clear, inflammation is noticeably reduced.

A decoction of bay leaf for hair is an effective remedy for combating dullness, brittleness and split ends. It strengthens the ends, heals the scalp and eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair follicles and accelerates the growth of strands. Bay decoction can be used to rinse hair, as an ingredient in various masks or compresses.

Traditional medicine recommends using a decoction of bay leaves to care for the feet. This product improves skin condition, softens, soothes, and accelerates the healing of microtraumas. It eliminates unpleasant odor and excessive sweating of the feet.

For breathing problems

Aromatherapy: bay leaf oil

They are a good antiseptic that purifies the air in the room. People with respiratory problems will feel relief if they put a few drops of essential oil in a saucer or on a napkin and leave it in the room where they live most of the time.


Another useful form is bay leaf compresses. Soak a few leaves in warm water and apply to the patient's chest or back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. This procedure warms the airways well and helps stop even the strongest cough.

Compresses are applied only at night and in the absence of elevated temperature.


Grind a few leaves literally into powder. You can also add pieces of juniper needles. Ingredients measured in teaspoons:

  • Bay leaf - 6;
  • Juniper - 1;
  • Ghee - 12.

Everything is mixed as best as possible and left in a cool place. Oil is applied to the patient's chest or back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The ointment has an excellent effect on the bronchi and has a beneficial effect on pneumonia.

Bay leaf for weight loss

The leaves of this noble tree help not only to treat severe pathologies, but also to form a beautiful figure. Although overweight is also a type of pathology. The decoction regulates digestion, balances the order of processes in the body, removes excess fluids along with its well-known detoxifying effect. All this together helps you lose weight.

But the most powerful weapon of the leaves is their diuretic property.

  • Recipe: Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan and add one small handful of cinnamon powder and 5 bay leaves. Let it brew for fifteen minutes and cover with a lid until the broth has cooled. Drink 1 glass per day for 3 days.

Do not drink alcohol during the course. The result is guaranteed only with an integrated approach to the fight against excess weight (proper nutrition and physical activity).

Bay leaf, green tea and cinnamon

A tea made from 3 leaves, a spoon (or bag) of green tea and 1 stick of aromatic and delicious cinnamon - a unique combination of three ingredients known for their debilitating effects. Boil the ingredients in 0.8 liters of water and drink several times throughout the day.


Bay leaf is also suitable as a dietary supplement. In this case, the spice is used in smaller quantities, but for a longer time. As the regime works, the leaves can be placed in soups and main courses, and can also be used as a decoction. Use the above recipe or the following: 5 large bay leaves in 0.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes. Then the solution is poured into a thermos, where it waits to cool completely.

Drink 1 tablespoon of the prepared liquid before meals throughout the day.

Recipes for using bay decoction

A decoction of bay leaves can be used for both internal and external use. To prepare it, you need to pour 15-16 dried leaves into a small saucepan and add a glass of water. Place over low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 6-8 minutes, then pour into a thermos. The product should be left for 4-5 hours, then filtered through gauze.

Methods for preparing and using the decoction:

  1. To speed up menstruation, add 10 g of dried and crushed bay leaves to 500 ml of water, place on low heat and simmer for about 55-60 minutes. The finished product should be strained and the glass should be drunk in one gulp. Increasing the dosage is strictly prohibited, as this may cause severe uterine bleeding.
  2. To treat joint diseases - 13-15 leaves need to be poured with 300 ml of boiling water, placed on low heat and boiled for another 6-7 minutes. Strain and take the prepared product in small sips throughout the day. The decoction should be taken for 3 days, then take a break for a week and continue treatment.
  3. To normalize metabolism and lose weight, pour 6 dried laurel leaves into 600 ml of hot water, put on low heat and boil for 4-6 minutes. The finished product should be filtered through cheesecloth and taken 1 tablespoon three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.
  4. If you have an allergy, add 360 ml of water to 16-18 leaves, simmer for 4-6 minutes and leave in a thermos for at least 6 hours. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  5. For hair care - 23-25 ​​sheets should be filled with 1 liter of hot water, boiled for 35-40 minutes, then left in a thermos or covered for 3-4 hours. The strained broth is used to rinse hair for a month.

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A medicinal product for external application helps get rid of purulent and acne rashes, accelerate the healing of wounds, abrasions and various injuries. To prepare it, add 70 ml of water to 15 bay leaves, simmer over low heat for 5-6 minutes, cover and leave to steep for 25-35 minutes. Use to wipe the skin.

Against diabetes and high blood sugar

In the presence of diabetes, the leaves are used to balance blood sugar, at the first signs of the disease and as an adjuvant, along with traditional medicine. They are also suitable for the prevention of pathology, as well as for impaired glucose tolerance. Several recipes:

  1. Recipe: 10 leaves pour 0.6 liters of boiling water and brew for 3 hours, wrap in a blanket. The decoction is taken 1 time within 24 hours - 100 ml. At the same time, blood sugar levels are controlled. It is possible that while drinking bay decoction it is necessary to reduce the dose of medications to lower blood sugar levels.
  2. Recipe: Place 15 petals in a small saucepan + 1.5 cups cool water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour into a thermos for 4 hours. The decoction is taken in 50 ml portions (it is stronger than recipe number 1). Take three days and take a break for 2 weeks
  3. Recipe: Use a decoction of bay leaves and cinnamon, the recipe for which we wrote in the chapter on weight loss. It also has excellent anti-diabetic properties.

Treatment recipes

Based on bay leaves, folk medicine uses a decoction for various diseases. Having selected recipes, observe the proportions of raw materials and correctly take medicinal products.

Against cough

Having an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, bay leaf allows you to quickly clear mucus from the bronchi.

To prepare an expectorant, grind 5 laurel leaves. Place in a saucepan with two glasses of cool water. Bring to a boil and cook for three minutes. Add 1/2 tsp. baking soda and remove the dishes from the heat.

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It is recommended to take the strained broth warmed every 8 hours. The course lasts a week. Then you should maintain a seven-day interval and repeat the treatment.

For a runny nose

For a prolonged runny nose, it is recommended to perform inhalations, for which a decoction based on bay leaves is prepared. A standard pack of seasoning is placed in an enamel pan. Fill with water so that the raw materials are completely covered. Boil for 10 minutes and then remove the dishes.

Cool slightly and, covered with a blanket, inhale the healing vapors for 15 minutes. Immediately after the session, a warm woolen scarf is put on your head and you lie down in bed for 20 minutes.

Diabetes treatment

At the early stage of development of type I diabetes, it is recommended to take 10 g of laurel leaves. They are placed in a saucepan with two liters of water. After boiling, reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes.

The liquid is carefully poured into a glass vessel and kept under a tight lid in a cool place for 14 days. Then the infused liquid is filtered. It is recommended to drink 100 ml 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach.

If type II diabetes develops, then 15 laurel leaves are placed in an enamel bowl for the decoction. Pour in cold water - three glasses. Place the dishes on the stove and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Then the mixture poured into a thermos is left for 4 hours.

It is recommended to drink the strained product in small portions throughout the day. The course lasts 3 weeks, then there is a break for 14 days, after which treatment is continued.

For joints

Decoctions of bay leaves are effectively used when problems with joints occur. They help reduce inflammation, dissolve salts, cleanse blood vessels, and also help activate metabolic processes.

When salts are deposited

For the most effective home remedy for eliminating salt deposits, pour 300 ml of water into an enamel saucepan. Bring it to a boil and add 5 g of bay leaves. Boil for 5 minutes, and then leave under a double napkin for 4 hours.

The filtered liquid is consumed every hour, a tablespoon. The last appointment is at 18:00. This treatment is continued for three days. Then follows a two-week interval and repetition of the course.

For foot fungus

In a small ladle, bring a glass of water to a boil. Place 30 medium sized bay leaves. Let them boil for two minutes, and then remove the dishes and wrap them in a warm scarf for three hours.

Add the prepared broth to a bowl with three liters of water warmed to 40 degrees, and lower your feet for 10 minutes.

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After nightly sessions, the development of fungal infection is quickly suppressed, sweating is reduced, and itching is eliminated.

For flu, colds

Bay leaves are broken into small fragments. Place in an enamel saucepan, into which 400 ml of water is poured. It is recommended to simmer the mixture for 10 minutes over medium heat.

Leave under a warm cloth until cool. In strained form, take 100 ml 20-25 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner. This remedy also serves to prevent the development of infections and effectively strengthens the immune system.

For hypertension

In an enamel bowl, boil 3 medium-sized laurel leaves for 10 minutes at low heat in 200 ml of water, which should be slightly chopped.

Leave the broth to infuse until a slightly pinkish tint appears. Drink 100 ml of the product in the morning and evening.

During menstruation (if delayed)

The principle by which bay leaf works is to start the menstrual cycle by provoking uterine contractions. This method is only suitable when the cycle is delayed for 10 days due to stress, overwork, excessive physical activity and mild colds. Also to speed up the cycle by 2-3 days due to travel or vacation.

  • Recipe: 4 g of leaves per 0.2 liter of water. Heat over low heat and cook for 6 minutes. Drink it all at once and in one go. This is done only once and is not repeated because it carries a health risk.

The material is being supplemented.

Recipes for products based on bay leaves

Many healing potions have survived to this day, some of which are questioned by doctors. The review contains the safest and most effective ones, used internally and for external use.

The spice has great healing potential; before starting treatment with bay leaves, you should consult with your doctor; the components of the spice are incomparable with some medications.


  • 10 medium-sized leaves are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, brought to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes;
  • pour into a thermos and leave for 4 hours;
  • strain the broth and store in a glass container.

To prepare bay decoction with cinnamon for 1 liter of filtered water you will need 2 cinnamon sticks, 5 bay leaves:

  • the mixture is brought to a boil, then simmered over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • leave to infuse for half an hour.


Due to its high concentration, an aqueous infusion of bay leaves is prepared primarily for external use - lotions, baths, compresses:

  • 5 g of leaves are placed in a thermos (usually 1/4 of a standard package);
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • keep the infusion for 4 hours.


To make vodka tincture you need 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves pour 500 ml of vodka. Infuse for a week in a warm place. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight glass container.

When using ethyl alcohol, crushed bay leaves (3 tablespoons) are placed in a glass container, poured with a glass of boiling water, and left until cool. Then add 200 ml of undiluted alcohol.


Bay ointment is used only externally. To prepare the ointment, dry leaves are ground into powder and mixed with ghee until a viscous mass is formed. On average, they take twice as much oil as spice powder.

  • To treat children, 1 part of the oil is replaced with candied honey.
  • For the treatment of adults, juniper is added (based on 6 parts of leaves to 1 part of berries).
  • To treat joints, add cloves - 1 part to 5 parts bay leaves.

Infusion oil

For production, you can use any vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, corn, flaxseed.

Place 30 g of crushed (broken by hand) laurel leaves into a sterilized glass container that closes tightly and add 200 ml of oil heated in a water bath. Leave for 2 days.

Tea with bay leaf

Pour boiling water over the thermos, brew 3 bay leaves and 1 teaspoon of black or green leaf tea in a glass of boiling water.

Leave for 2–4 hours, the composition should darken slightly. If desired, you can add honey or syrup.

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