Useful properties and contraindications of the chicory plant, how to use

Wonderful plant - Tatar color

Chicory occupied a rather significant and honorable place in the lives of our ancestors. According to ancient beliefs, the Apostle Peter himself used the twigs of this plant to drive his flock of sheep, which is why one of the names of chicory is Petrov batog. According to another version, the same saint, the Apostle Peter, gave chicory to people as a guardian of the fields and wheat harvest.

When pests appeared on thin spikes of wheat that had not yet matured, it was Peter who tore off the stems of this plant and shook off the insects from the golden ears. The fact that this plant was well known even to our distant ancestors is evidenced by its multiple names:

  • Tatar color;
  • roadside grass;
  • blue flower;
  • Shcherbak;
  • bitterweed;
  • king-root;
  • Petrov batog.

Many, passing by chicory, do not pay attention to it, do not attach much importance to the plant, considering it a weed. However, for our ancestors, Petrov batog served as a talisman: on the way from the evil eye, damage and bad people.

He was tied to a cart or staff during a long journey or journey. Our ancestors believed that daily consumption of chicory flowers would make a person invisible. Mothers put chicory in brides' dowries and hoped that it could prolong youth and give beauty to the girls.

In Ancient Egypt, the juice of the plant was used as an antidote to the bites of deadly insects and scorpions. Even in the medical treatises of Avicena, the ancient healer of the East, recommendations are mentioned and various recipes are given for the use and preparation of chicory root for various ailments.

The benefits and harms of chicory roots directly depend on how correctly you will use this natural raw material, whether you will be able to prepare it correctly and use the wonderful gift of Mother Nature with proper understanding and gratitude.

Let's take a closer look at the properties and various ways to use this wonderful plant so that it brings only benefits to your health.

The benefits and harms of chicory for the body

The rhizome of the plant is useful; decoctions and infusions from ground shoots strengthen and tone the body. The plant reduces blood sugar, cholesterol, and causes a feeling of fullness. In case of liver pathologies, it removes toxins and helps its function. Thanks to its choleretic effect, it eliminates bile stagnation. The drink has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and calms the nerves.

Iron content helps prevent and treat anemia. Tannins act as an antiseptic for the oral cavity. Helps with colds, sore throats and improves vision.

This is interesting! In ancient Egypt, chicory juice acted as an antidote to the bites of dangerous insects, scorpions.

It is also useful for children, it strengthens the immune system and prevents colds. Recommended from three years of age.

Biological properties of chicory

The habitual habitat of king root growth is along roads, in open fields and forest edges. The homeland where this miracle plant came to us is the Mediterranean. Over time, the plant moved to North Africa, South and North America, Eurasia, and Australia.

Botanists classify chicory as belonging to the Asteraceae order; it reaches a height of up to 75 cm and has a dense, erect, rough stem. The inflorescences are bright blue, flowering begins in early summer and continues until autumn. Seeds are formed only in the second year of life of a young plant.

It is noteworthy that the number of seeds in one plant can reach up to 30 thousand! Only two types of plants have been isolated for cultivation. They are grown on an industrial scale for the production of medicines and the food industry. More than four more species remain wild.

Chicory is not picky about the quality of the soil, but a large amount of sun is important for it. It can reproduce either simply by seeds or by dividing the root system. For its best growth, it is necessary to add fertilizers to the soil. Petrov batog is resistant to drought and other weather disturbances.

Traditionally, two types are used for the preparation of medicines:

  • salad;
  • ordinary.

The root, of course, is more popular, since a healthy coffee drink is prepared from the chicory root, but the above-ground part of the plant is no less useful and in demand. The root is harvested in early spring, when the first leaves barely appear, or in late autumn, mainly after rain.

This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the most useful substances accumulate in the roots. The roots are dried outdoors under the sun or in a special dryer.

The upper parts of the plant are harvested during flowering, while completely cutting off the stem at a height of up to 40 cm. The plant materials are dried and stored in ventilated areas.

All its beneficial properties and positive effects on human health are manifested thanks to the unique chemical composition that nature itself endowed the miracle root with:

  • proteins;
  • levulosis (10-20%);
  • tannins;
  • fructose(10%);
  • inulin(20 -60%)
  • choline;
  • microelements;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • resins;
  • vitamins;
  • lactucin and lactucopicrin;
  • B vitamins;
  • pentosans;
  • triterpenes;
  • coumarin glycoside chicorein, which is found in cells.

Inulin, which is found in chicory in such quantities, namely up to 60 percent of the dry matter, is extremely useful for people suffering from diabetes.

The vitamin composition of this plant is simply unique:

  1. The leaves contain vitamin B4 or choline, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys, and brain.
  2. Carotene and ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid: all these substances help strengthen the immune system and restore nerve cells.
  3. People with neuropathies of various origins should pay special attention to this plant.
  4. Microelements, which are mandatory for the functioning of any body system, are also the basis of the chemical composition of chicory: potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese.
  5. Water-soluble coarse fiber removes metabolic products from the body, preventing them from poisoning cells. This promotes detoxification and improves the overall health of the body.
  6. Chicory helps the intestines work better due to the irritating effect of fiber and promotes the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, preventing it from accumulating and depositing on blood vessels.

The medicinal properties of chicory are widely used in folk medicine for various diseases, as additional methods, as part of treatment, and as preventive measures.

Pain reliever (for toothache)

Chicory will help reduce unbearable toothache. To make a painkiller at home, you will need ground dried rhizomes of this plant 1 tbsp. spoon. They need to be brewed in a ceramic or earthenware bowl with 200 ml of boiling water.

Leave under a tight lid for 30 minutes and then filter through two layers of gauze. Use a warm infusion to rinse the mouth.

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Medicinal properties of king root

Let's talk about the benefits of chicory for human health; this wonderful plant has a positive effect on almost all systems and organs.

  1. General effect of chicory on the body. Normalizes metabolism, removes toxins and excess fluid. Helps improve the quality of blood. Stimulates appetite, accelerates metabolism, and improves intestinal function. Cleanses the vessels of parenchymal organs. A decoction based on chicory tones the body, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.
  2. Hepatoprotective effect. Protects hepatocytes from the toxic effects of toxins and various poisons, including the effects of alcohol. In case of severe chronic hepatitis, as well as its transition to cirrhosis, chicory can slow down the pathological process.
  3. Effect on the nervous system. The beneficial effect on the peripheral nervous system, as well as on other nerve fibers, is carried out by the vitamin group. B vitamins protect nerve fibers from damage due to hypoxia or compression. A drink made from chicory is very useful; it improves mood and restores good spirits. We recommend replacing your regular morning coffee with a cup of brewed chicory, and you will get the same boost of vivacity and energy, but without the harmful effect on blood vessels.
  4. Regulation of the amount of glucose. Inulin, which is part of chicory, regulates the level of glucose in peripheral blood no worse than insulin, the hormone of internal secretion of the pancreas. This is useful not only for patients with diabetes, but also for people who cannot do without sugar, sweets and other confectionery delights, which contain many substances harmful to health, such as sweeteners.
  5. Losing excess weight. It is also worth mentioning the eternal desire of women, and recently men, to reduce their weight. The benefits of chicory for weight loss are quite noticeable, since B vitamins help convert fats, proteins and carbohydrates into energy.
  6. Effect on the skin. Minerals and vitamins have a good effect on the degree of skin regeneration. Regular consumption of chicory improves capillary blood circulation and accelerates the process of maturation of new skin cells and collagen fibers. Collagen and elastin make the skin elastic and dense, and also help retain moisture. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect relieves inflammation on the outer skin.
  7. Effect on hair. The same effect on the skin of the beneficial substances in chicory affects the hair. As you know, hair and nails are derivatives of the skin, so the beneficial effects are preserved. An aqueous solution of chicory is used as a rinse after washing hair.
  8. Benefits for intestinal microflora. Microorganisms that live in the intestines and perform many useful functions. An imbalance of beneficial bifidobacteria and pathogenic microorganisms promises a variety of problems with bowel movements. The same inulin mentioned above acts as a nutrient medium for microflora and protects the intestines.
  9. Effect on immunity. Immunity improves from a complex of vitamins and from the effect of inulin on metabolism. The chain here is as follows: if the metabolism is normal, then the absorption of all nutrients and vitamins strengthens the entire body as a whole, and this contributes to good immunity. In addition, hicoric acid directly affects the growth and differentiation of immune cells in the blood.
  10. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system. A drink made from chicory is often recommended as an alternative to natural coffee. What are the benefits of chicory drink? Its high content of potassium and magnesium helps reduce the number of heart contractions and reduce the load on the myocardium. Chicory dilates coronary vessels, promoting better nutrition of the heart, and normalizes the frequency and sequence of heart contractions. The property of lowering cholesterol levels and normalizing carbohydrate metabolism, in turn, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Such complex beneficial effects can help patients with coronary heart disease.

  11. Benefits for anemia. Iron, another useful trace element contained in chicory, allows us to say with confidence that decoctions and infusions from the king root can cure anemia. But this is true for anemia resulting from a lack of iron in the blood. It is important to remember that iron is poorly absorbed if taken along with foods rich in calcium, so do not combine consumption of chicory with milk.
  12. The benefits of chicory in the fight against parasites. Ingesting chicory helps cleanse the body of parasitic infestations. Undoubtedly, the effect will be better if you use not only chicory, but also other drugs aimed at combating parasites.

Beneficial features

The plant is divided into two main types: salad subspecies and ordinary. It is from the root of an ordinary species that the production of drinks is established; as for salad drinks, its leaves are replaced with side dishes or used as an ingredient in salads. Most often in drinks, chicory is used in soluble form, it can be either liquid syrup or dry powder. In any case, they have equivalent beneficial properties:

  • Strengthens the immune system. Due to the presence of a strong probiotic inulin in the root, the natural reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestines is stimulated, which are responsible for digestive functions and promote healthy microflora.
  • Antioxidant properties. Phenolic resins in chicory rid our cells of free radicals, thereby preventing cancer.
  • Choleretic property. Stimulates the secretion of bile and affects small stones in the gallbladder by dissolving. In case of detection of small gallstones, the use of chicory is recommended as an addition to the main therapy.
  • Preventive effect on the cardiovascular system. Strengthens the heart muscle, prevents atherosclerosis and hypertension. Phenols in the root have an antiarrhythmic effect.
  • Has a positive effect on excess weight. Inulin affects the hunger hormone, which reduces increased cravings for food. The use of weight loss powder is effective in the complex fight for weight loss.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties for the treatment of arthritis and myositis. Eliminates inflammatory processes in joints and muscles.
  • Effectively reduces blood sugar levels. Even with type 2 diabetes. All thanks to inulin, which is a polymer of fructose; it does not increase blood sugar, and therefore is completely safe for diabetics, as well as people who are overweight.
  • Chicory has sedative properties. When consumed before bed, you can feel a sedative effect, reduce anxiety and stress, relax and eliminate anxiety. All these factors improve hormonal levels and prevent early aging of the body.
  • Tonic effect. Chicory, just as good as coffee, gives you energy and quickly wakes you up in the morning, despite the fact that it does not contain caffeine. This tonic drink will drive away headaches, migraines and set you in a positive rhythm.
  • Improves bowel function and eliminates constipation. It has a mild laxative effect and naturally cleanses the intestines.
  • Antibacterial properties. Thanks to the tannins in the composition, it has an antiseptic effect that relieves inflammation in the oral cavity.

Who will be harmed by taking chicory, contraindications

Chicory does not cause any particular harm, except in rare cases of individual intolerance to the product. In any case, when you first get acquainted with an instant drink, start taking it with small doses. And remember, excessive use of the product can cause diarrhea, flatulence and digestive disorders. The drink is not advisable for consumption in case of bronchitis, asthma, hemorrhoids, or with acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder. Avoid taking it if you have a severe cough or have diseases of the nervous system. Since chicory has the property of dilating blood vessels, use with varicose veins is contraindicated.

The benefits and harms of soluble chicory have a fine line. Therefore, when talking about the beneficial properties of ascorbic acid, which is part of it, you need to remember that vitamin C can negatively affect some people prone to allergies. Taking even minimal doses of this product does not exclude the possibility of allergic reactions. Therefore, if you decide to introduce chicory into your diet, consult a specialist. In other cases, the beneficial properties of chicory have only positive qualities.

How much can you drink per day?

If you are a coffee fan and find it difficult to give up this drink right away, introduce chicory gradually, adding small doses to your coffee. Over time, you will get used to the taste and increase the dose of chicory, or maybe even switch to pure chicory powder. The main thing is not to overdo it, the optimal daily dose is no more than three cups, and it is advisable to drink it during the daytime. The drink is prepared very easily, two teaspoons are enough for one cup, add hot water, sugar, honey if desired. Drink neat or with milk.

Chicory soluble during pregnancy

Chicory will be especially useful for expectant mothers. Carrying a baby is not an easy period in a woman’s life, during which she spends a lot of energy, and sometimes emotions. It is chicory that can relieve emotional stress, recharge with energy, cleanse the blood, improve metabolic processes in the body and increase hemoglobin levels. A chicory drink will help a pregnant woman avoid constipation, symptoms of toxicosis, and overcome heartburn. Recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. The useful composition will help strengthen the body during the entire period of bearing the baby. But with all its positive qualities, before taking it, of course, consult your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.

What is useful for women

Drinking chicory drink helps the female body avoid some unpleasant moments, for example, you are not afraid of any fungal infections if this drink is present in your diet. You will forget about painful menstruation, and the fight against cellulite will become much easier, since folic acid, contained in chicory, makes the skin firm and elastic, and beta-carotene prevents the appearance of wrinkles. It relieves migraines, muscle pain, and removes harmful toxins and cholesterol from the body. Improves sleep, promotes health and good mood.

Benefits for children

Children are allowed to drink chicory drink from the age of two. Start taking with small doses and no more than two cups per day. The benefits for children are undoubtedly great; they help strengthen children’s immunity, improve appetite and digestion, and provide them with the necessary vitamin complex. When preparing such a drink for a child, milk or honey will soften the taste. Before introducing chicory into a child's diet, it is necessary to test for allergies. If negative reactions occur, you should immediately exclude it from the diet.

How to choose and where to buy

Until recently, chicory production was not so established and widespread. Previously, in order to obtain a soluble powder, it was necessary to collect the raw materials, dry them, cut them, thoroughly fry them and grind them. In general, a very labor-intensive process. But time passes, and fortunately now, we are not faced with the problem of where to purchase a healthy product; the variety of manufacturers gives us the right to choose an instant product with any additives. It can be purchased in almost any store, pharmacy or diet food department. To get the maximum benefit, you should choose a quality product, pay attention to:

  • The packaging must be sealed and not allow sunlight to pass through, and the expiration date must be in order.
  • Feel the packaging, the powder should be crumbly without lumps.
  • Study the composition carefully; it should not contain artificial flavors. The presence of additives such as stevia, ginseng, cinnamon, chamomile and other natural plant components is acceptable.
  • The color of the powder is chocolate in color, sometimes lighter, depending on the intensity of roasting of the roots.
  • It is better to store instant chicory powder in an airtight container to prevent moisture from entering. The maximum permissible storage time does not exceed 12 months.

When can chicory cause harm?

Even despite its rich beneficial properties, this plant can cause harm to the body, like any medicine, it should not be used without proper control, so it is important to know in what cases the use of chicory is contraindicated:

  1. Taking the infusion is contraindicated during exacerbations of duodenal and gastric ulcers.
  2. The infusion should not be taken simultaneously with antibiotics, as this can lead to impaired absorption of the drugs.
  3. Excessive consumption of chicory can cause a strong appetite, which can lead to obesity.
  4. Drinks and dishes containing chicory should not be consumed by children under three years of age, since their nervous system is not yet fully developed.
  5. You should avoid taking it if you are allergic to ascorbic acid.
  6. Excessive consumption of chicory can cause hypervitaminosis of vitamin C.
  7. Petrov batog dilates blood vessels, and this beneficial property can cause harm in case of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
  8. For bronchitis and bronchial asthma, chicory drinks can, in some cases, cause an exacerbation of these diseases.
  9. Chicory is contraindicated for certain types of gastritis and can cause harm.
  10. It has a diuretic effect, and if a person has low blood pressure, then in this case it will drop even more.
  11. Long-term consumption of chicory drink in large quantities can cause insomnia, arthritis, gout, exacerbation of gallbladder diseases, digestive disorders and the formation of kidney stones, since the plant contains oxalates.

During pregnancy and lactation

Chicory is not only allowed for consumption during pregnancy, but in some cases it is recommended. Not all expectant mothers can afford to give up coffee for a long time. But the popular drink negatively affects the development of the fetus, causing hypoxia. Chicory is a worthy substitute for caffeine. In addition, the plant has beneficial properties for pregnant women:

  1. Enriches the body with iron, which is so lacking at the stage of fetal formation, and prevents the development of anemia.
  2. It is a source of inulin, which regulates blood sugar levels.

Breastfeeding women are also not prohibited from consuming the product. But often during lactation, intolerance to chicory occurs. This phenomenon is explained by changes in hormonal levels. After childbirth, experts advise drinking the drink in a small dose (50 ml). If there are no negative reactions, you can gradually increase the volume.

When consuming chicory during lactation, it is important to monitor the baby’s reaction to the drink.

Benefits of the product during delicate periods of a woman’s life:

  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional background;
  • prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  • sleep restoration;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • prevention of the development of vitamin deficiency;
  • headache suppression.

Do not mix chicory with honey and milk. This combination can cause allergies in the baby.

Uses of chicory in folk medicine

Here is an incomplete list of diseases and conditions for which traditional healers recommend using Petrov batog; its use will help with:

  • hypertension - increased blood pressure;
  • flatulence - an imbalance of microorganisms in the intestinal cavity and increased gas formation;
  • gastritis - inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa and duodenum;
  • colitis and enteritis - nonspecific inflammatory processes in the small and large intestine;
  • cholecystitis - inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder, but without the formation of stones;
  • diabetes mellitus - impaired regulation of glucose levels due to pancreatopathy;
  • kidney diseases - chronic and acute inflammation in the kidneys;
  • anemia - or anemia of various origins;
  • scurvy is a process of acute lack of vitamin C;
  • insomnia, nervous disorders - increased nervous excitability and sleep disturbance due to stress;
  • Migraine is a pathology of blood vessels in the brain.

Chicory for digestive diseases

Long-term observations have shown that chicory is extremely beneficial for the liver and other organs of the digestive tract.

Gallbladder treatment

Take 15 grams of finely chopped chicory root and fill it with three glasses of water. Bring the solution to a boil over low heat and keep it there for at least 13 minutes.

Drink the cooled decoction for gallbladder diseases without the formation of stones. Drink three times a day, one third of a glass.

Treatment of liver inflammation

The crushed root and herb are poured with water and boiled for approximately 12 minutes, then left for about an hour. To improve the therapeutic effect, add honey and apple cider vinegar, but not more than three tablespoons each. Take 125 ml. with liver inflammation.

Infusion for liver cirrhosis

A good old recipe for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, which was used by our grandmothers. Take equal parts of chicory leaves, plantain root, corn silk, chamomile, rose hips, immortelle flowers, and St. John's wort.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour approximately 40 grams of the composition into a 500 ml saucepan. boiling water, cover, wrap and leave for 12 hours. Drink 30 minutes before meals, every three hours.

For diseases of the pancreas, it is useful to drink instant chicory drink every day.

Treatment of diarrhea

For diarrhea associated with a functional disorder, a simple recipe helps well: 20 grams of chicory powder pour into 300 ml. boiling water and take twenty minutes before meals. In addition, it helps increase appetite.

Chicory in cooking

Salad chicory (Endive) for cooking

Chicory baked in the oven

Salad chicory2 pcs.
Bacon4 stripes
Garlic3-4 cloves
Balsamic vinegar5 tbsp. l.
Sugar1 tsp.
Hard cheese50 g
Olive oil6 tbsp. l.
Thyme, salttaste

Cooking method::

  1. Cut the chicory in half.
  2. Wrap each piece in bacon.
  3. In a blender, grind the thyme sprigs, garlic, olive oil, sugar and balsamic vinegar (you get a dressing).
  4. Pour the dressing over the bacon-wrapped chicory slices, previously placed in a heat-resistant container;
  5. Leave for 25-30 minutes. into the oven (temperature 180°).
  6. 3-4 minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

Chicory is served hot or cooled. You can decorate it with chopped herbs.

Chicory salad with cheese and ham

Salad chicory6 pcs.
Hard cheese200 g
Ham200 g
Egg yolk2 pcs.
Mustard1 tbsp. l.
Balsamic vinegar1 tsp.
Olive oil100 ml
Salt, black peppertaste


  1. Cut the lettuce chicory into large cubes.
  2. Cut the ham and cheese into small cubes.
  3. In a mixer, beat the yolks with mustard, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, add olive oil in a thin stream at work, mix until a thick sauce is obtained.
  4. First put the endive in the dish, then the ham and cheese, pour the sauce over everything.

Chicory with cream

Instant chicory1 tsp.
Dry cream2 tsp.
Purified water75 ml
Cinnamon¼ tsp.
Sugar½ tsp.

Brewing process:

  1. Sprinkle chicory into the vturka.
  2. Add cream, sugar.
  3. Pour in water, stir.
  4. Place the Turk on the fire and bring to a boil.
  5. After the foam has risen, remove the container from the stove.
  6. Add cinnamon.
  7. Let the drink stand under the covered lid for 2-3 minutes.

Chicory for skin diseases

Chicory will be an invaluable remedy for skin diseases. The most dangerous and painful pathologies are distinguished: boils, carbuncles, hidradenitis, diathesis in young children, eczema and neurodermatitis.

We make a complex multi-component infusion:

  • 25 grams each of chicory and lungwort roots;
  • 50 grams each of thyme, burnet roots, gravilate roots;
  • 15 grams each of sage and calendula leaves, oak and rose hips.

All ingredients must be dried and crushed. Mix everything and brew with one liter of boiled water. Pour the broth into the bath.

It takes about 20 minutes to take such a bath. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the presence of allergies and any contraindications.

Bath for skin diseases

Pour five tablespoons of finely chopped chicory leaves and stems with water, brought to a boil and leave on fire for 10 minutes.

This remedy perfectly helps children get rid of itching during diathesis. You can simply wash the child and dry him with a soft cloth, or you can pour a glass of this solution into the bath and take a full bath.

Treatment of eczema

Take an equal amount of chicory root, wheatgrass, white mistletoe, black poplar buds, blue cyanosis roots, mother grass, rose hips, mint leaves, plantain, etc. You should get a total of 250 grams of this mixture, pour 4 liters of boiling water over the composition and leave for seven hours. Pour the resulting infusion into the bath. Water procedures should be taken according to general rules, no more than half an hour. To obtain an effect, the course must be at least 10 procedures. This recipe relieves eczema and neurodermatitis.

Chicory herb in cosmetology

The healing properties of chicory are widely used in cosmetology. Moreover, all parts of the plant are used, including the root.

Therapeutic baths for skin diseases

For acne, the consequences of an allergic reaction and other skin problems, it is recommended to use the following recipe.

Pour chopped chicory herb (10 tbsp) into a container. Pour a liter of boiling water over it. Keep the decoction covered for at least 40 minutes. After straining, the product is ready for use.

The treatment procedure is carried out in the bathroom. Pour the decoction into warm water. Take a bath for at least 20-25 minutes. It is important to maintain the liquid temperature within 38-40°. There is no need to rinse with clean water after the session. Treatment should be continued for 1-2 weeks daily until the desired result is obtained.

To strengthen hair

An infusion is prepared from roots and herbs. In a crushed state you will need 5 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials. Pour boiling water (1 liter) over the workpiece and keep it on the stove for 30 minutes after boiling. Then pour the liquid into a thermos along with the cake and leave for 8 hours. After straining, the product is ready for use.

The treatment procedure is carried out in the following order:

  • rub the infusion into the roots;
  • distribute the product along the entire length of the strands;
  • wrap your head in a towel and hold for 30-50 minutes.

No rinsing is required; you can simply squeeze out any remaining moisture from your hair. It is not recommended to use a hair dryer for drying.

Decoction for moisturizing the face


  • chop a handful of herbs;
  • put it in a bowl, pour boiling water (150 ml);
  • keep the tea leaves under the lid until it becomes slightly warm;
  • strain.

The procedure is carried out using a soft cloth that absorbs liquid well. Soak it in the broth and put it on your face. After 20 minutes, the napkin is removed. There is no need to rinse off the remaining composition from the skin.

Chicory for heart and vascular diseases

When heart disease occurs, it usually does not have enough strength to fully expel blood from the cavities, which leads to overfilling of the chambers and a decrease in blood supply to other organs.

Chronic heart disease occurs for many reasons, and increased cholesterol levels are one of them.

Improved heart function

A simple and very effective recipe, if taken regularly, will help cope with arrhythmia.

Mix one tablespoon of chicory root powder. You can take ready-made chicory powder from the store. Add the same amount of dried calendula flowers. Pour 100 grams of vodka into the resulting mixture. Place in a cool, dark place and leave for 25 days.

It is important to shake the solution once a day. At the end of the period, strain. Take 30 drops on a piece of sugar, under the tongue after meals.

Decoction for edema in heart failure

Here is another good recipe for relieving swelling in heart failure. Brew 30 grams of chicory with a small amount of boiling water and leave for 45 minutes. Take two tablespoons three times a day.

Treatment of tachycardia

With tachycardia or increased heart rate. Take thyme and chicory herbs and brew a spoonful of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water. Wrap the pan with the broth well and let stand for 35 minutes. Divide the resulting mixture four times and drink throughout the day.

Chicory infusion for blood pressure

Hypertonicity of arterial vessels with increased pressure, at which irreversible changes occur in the vessels and heart, use the following decoction. Pour 800 ml. cold water, a tablespoon of chopped Petrov's batog root, bring to a boil over very low heat and boil for five minutes. Then cover under a blanket and leave for 4 hours. You need to drink about a glass of infusion, add honey and lemon for taste.

Benefits for the thyroid gland

For arrhythmia

It is necessary to place 2 tbsp in a glass container. l. ground dried marigold inflorescences and crushed chicory roots. Add 200 ml of vodka. Under a sealed stopper, the container is kept cool for 20 days, choosing a dark place. The contents must be shaken daily.

The finished tincture is squeezed through a three-layer gauze napkin. To take, 20 drops are placed on a piece of sugar and dissolved. Perform three times a day after meals.

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Petrov batog for diabetes mellitus

The beneficial properties of chicory are irreplaceable for diabetes mellitus; the plant has active anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This stabilizes membrane structures and relieves inflammation, thereby reducing blood glucose levels. Folk recipes based on chicory can reduce the risk of developing complications of diabetes.

  • Recipe for diabetes No. 1

Pour 20 grams of a mixture of Tatar flowers and roots into more than 300 ml. boiling water and keep in a water bath for 35 minutes. Take half an hour before meals, a quarter glass at a time.

  • Recipe for diabetes No. 2

Take a heaped teaspoon of chicory roots, which must first be chopped, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Or, as an option, you can use the flowers of the plant, infused with 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink 50 ml infusion. during the day.

  • Recipe for diabetes No. 3

To effectively lower blood sugar levels, take one tablespoon each of: chicory root and bean leaf, wormwood and mantle, pour 600 ml of everything. water. Place the solution on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Drink 40 ml, preferably before meals.

Traditional medicine recipes

How to drink the drink

To maintain overall alertness, especially for people over 50 years of age, you need to know how much chicory you can drink per day. It is usually recommended to drink 200-400 ml. aromatic drink.

If desired, add a little milk, berry juice, sugar or honey. If the use of chicory is practiced in order to alleviate the condition of a number of diseases, then in such a situation it is necessary to follow certain rules.


At the stage of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the use of soluble powder from the rhizomes of the blue flower is prohibited. You can include a drink that is beneficial for the general condition of the body in your diet a month after the acute period of the disease.

Start drinking chicory for pancreatitis with 1/2 teaspoon, dissolving the powder in a glass of boiled water. Add a little sugar to taste.


Given the low glycemic index of chicory, which is approximately 15 units, it is recommended to use the product if you develop type 2 diabetes. But it is necessary to limit consumption. The daily norm is 200-400 ml.

Since the drink activates metabolic processes, chicory will be especially beneficial for diabetes and excess weight. Before use, you must consult your doctor to determine possible contraindications.


It is allowed to use chicory for gastritis that develops against the background of low acidity.

If this indicator is elevated, then an aromatic invigorating coffee substitute is prohibited. The product intensifies the production of gastric juice, which leads to an increase in the inflammatory process.


Include chicory in the diet for gout only after obtaining a doctor’s permission. They drink it to improve intestinal microflora and cleanse the body of harmful compounds. It is recommended to consume an average of 250 ml per day. hot invigorating drink.

For weight loss

Chicory is successfully used for weight loss, as the product reduces the feeling of hunger, activates intestinal activity, and promotes the removal of waste deposits.

Regular consumption of a high-quality drink intensifies the breakdown of fat layers. The body is replenished with the elements necessary for full functioning, which allows you to avoid feelings of fatigue even if your usual diet is reduced.

Given the absence of caffeine, you can consume chicory at night. This drink relieves stress, calms you down, and helps cope with insomnia.

Benefits for weight loss

The benefits of chicory for weight loss will be appreciated by every person who wants to lose extra pounds. The miracle root is perfect for these purposes, thanks to its natural composition. And again, inulin, which has been mentioned more than once, will help you.

This special substance helps the body break down fats into simple components. Regular consumption of chicory removes extra pounds. In addition to this, the body is cleansed of toxins and excess fluid, metabolism and the functioning of many organs are improved, this also helps to normalize weight and achieve a beautiful, slender figure.

Tatar color for weight loss

For a faster effect, use the following recipe:

  1. Grind dry chicory roots.
  2. Take one teaspoon of crushed raw materials and pour half a liter of water into this substance.
  3. Boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting broth and cool.
  5. Take 100 milliliters a quarter of an hour before meals, three times a day.

The cleansing course lasts one week.

Of course, in addition to eating chicory, those who want to lose weight will have to change their eating habits and limit themselves to eating unhealthy foods. Fatty, high-calorie foods should be completely excluded, and vegetables and fruits should make up the bulk of the diet.

Follow the water-salt regime, and drink plenty of clean water and other liquids. Play some kind of sport every day and be active and positive. And then there will certainly be a positive result.

Chicory for the bladder

How to take chicory plant for weight loss

According to traditional healers and nutritionists, chicory not only helps improve the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body, but also promotes weight loss.

At the same time, experts note that in order to achieve specific results, it is important to combine a chicory-based weight loss product with a special diet and physical exercise.

In a regular liter thermos, brew 2 tablespoons of ground chicory in boiling water. Take the resulting infusion in small sips, each time before meals, a third of a glass, and drink the remaining tea throughout the day. At the same time, it is important to follow this regime throughout the entire time you are on a diet.

Attention! Chicory should not be used for weight loss by pregnant women, as well as by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Soluble chicory - benefits of the drink and contraindications

In any grocery store you can buy Tatar-colored powder: soluble chicory, which many call a coffee substitute. Let's look in more detail at how the chicory drink is useful, and who can drink it, are there any contraindications?

This drink has a calming, positive effect on the nervous system and at the same time tones the body. Therefore, it can be drunk by people who want to get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day in the morning, and by people who suffer from insomnia (at night).

As mentioned above, you can buy ready-made natural powder in the store, or you can prepare it at home with your own hands. To do this, chicory roots need to be washed, peeled, dried and ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder will need to be lightly fried; it will look similar to regular instant coffee.

What are the benefits of the miracle root drink?

The drink made from chicory has a specific taste with subtle notes of bread. It has a positive effect on all internal organs in the human body, as it contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for humans.

Regular consumption of this drink will normalize the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, spleen, and heart. Since chicory does not contain a single gram of caffeine, it is possible and even beneficial to drink for people suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension).

The drink from Petrov batog is taken as an antipyretic for colds. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic and astringent properties.

How much Petrov Batoga drink can you drink per day?

The norm of soluble chicory recommended by nutritionists is 1-2 cups per day. This is the optimal norm and it is not advisable to exceed it, even though the drink is very healthy.

It's simple to explain - to replace 3 cups of coffee with a natural substitute, you only need 1-2 cups of soluble root powder.

Is instant chicory good for you?

Finding real chicory on the shelves is difficult. There are a lot of fakes now. To find a good quality instant drink, you need to pay attention to the packaging.

  • The product feels crumbly to the touch, without lumps, contains only natural chicory, without additives.
  • The amount of inulin is 30% and the product must comply with GOST.
  • It is advisable to choose production from France, Germany, Poland or the Yaroslavl region of Russia.

Manufacturers offer ground chicory. Experts say it contains the largest amount of vitamins and microelements. A quality product with a uniform brown color. It is prepared in the same way as instant, but it is left to infuse for longer.

Advice! Add a drop of iodine to the translucent chicory solution; if a purple tint appears, ground cereals have been added to the product.

The ideal option is the natural root of the plant. Dig it up when the above-ground part of the plant is dry, wash, cut and dry in the shade or in the oven at + 40 C. Fry in a dry frying pan until brown. Take a few pieces and grind in a coffee grinder. Store the rest in a dry container with a lid.


In addition to its beneficial properties, the plant has some contraindications that you must be aware of!

Both dried and instant chicory are not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis with severe cough;
  • gallstones;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • varicose veins, vascular diseases;
  • joint pain;
  • acute forms of neurosis;
  • haemorrhoids.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that chicory has obvious benefits during breastfeeding, but it is harmful for children, so its use is not recommended for children under three years of age.

How to brew: recipes and recommendations

To make the prepared drink especially tasty, aromatic and invigorating, you need to learn the little secrets and rules for brewing it.

If you purchased ready-made chicory powder, which is usually sold in bagged packaging, then in this case you just need to pour boiling water over the bag.

If you have chopped root, then you need to first grind it in a coffee grinder, and only then start preparing the drink.

How to brew ground chicory:

  1. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture into one glass of cold water.
  2. Place everything on low heat and bring to a boil.
  3. After the mixture boils, simmer for 2-3 minutes and then remove from the stove.
  4. When the drink has cooled, you need to strain it and add a little honey, sugar, cream or milk to your taste.

How to prepare a drink from the whole root:

  1. Finely chop the chicory roots and fry in a frying pan until dark.
  2. Grind the fried roots in a coffee grinder, and then prepare the drink as described above.
  3. Then dilute the liquid extract with warm boiled water (a teaspoon per glass of water). You can also add this extract to regular tea in the same proportions - a teaspoon per glass of tea.
  4. You can add honey or milk and cream to taste.

Preparation, drying, storage

Chicory is found on almost all continents. In Russia, the natural habitat of this plant is located in the Caucasus, Siberia, and European regions.

The rhizomes of this plant are dug in the autumn, when the above-ground part dries out and begins to die. This operation can be performed in early spring. I select a site in an environmentally friendly place.

The raw materials are shaken off and washed with cold water. Small shoots are cut off and the rhizomes are wiped with a paper towel, removing excess moisture. Cut into pieces 7-8 cm long. Thick fragments are further divided along the longitudinal line.

Scattered under a canopy. You can place the raw materials in the attic or balcony, provided there is sufficient ventilation. The process is accelerated if you use a dryer at 60 degrees. You can put it on a baking sheet in the oven at the same temperature, but the door should be opened slightly.

Keep dried roots in boxes, boxes, paper bags. They are placed in dry conditions, where they can be preserved for up to three years.

The roots can be processed into a powder known as decaffeinated coffee. After chopping, the pieces are dried at 100 degrees for 12 hours. Then they need to be fried until coffee brown in a dry frying pan. The cooled roots are crushed using a mortar or coffee grinder.

Chicory rhizome serves as a raw material for many folk recipes used to treat a number of diseases at home. In order to obtain a predicted positive result, the dosage is clarified with the attending physician.

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Medicinal properties of parsley root and its use in folk medicine

Chicory during breastfeeding

For women who are accustomed to drinking coffee, this is a good alternative to give it up during a crucial period of their lives. Nutritionists have found that chicory drink can be drunk while breastfeeding.

But there is no consensus on exactly how much you can drink; doctors’ opinions on this matter may differ: some say that you can drink one small cup, others that more will not harm the baby and mother.

However, it is worth considering that Tatar flower is a medicinal plant, and therefore should not be abused. Nursing mothers are advised to introduce it into their diet with caution, starting with a couple of sips, and monitor the baby’s condition and reaction.

At the slightest negative sign: allergies or malaise, stop taking it immediately. It should be noted that for some mothers, the drink can reduce lactation, although, in general, chicory has a tonic effect and strengthens the immune system weakened during pregnancy.

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