Aralia Manchurian - sister of ginseng

Aralia Manchurian, popularly called the “devil tree” or “thorn tree”, is a medicinal plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family. Aralia has long been used in oriental medicine for various types of disorders, overwork, depression, and stress. In medicine, the bark and roots of aralia, as well as leaves and juicy berries are most often used. The article will discuss how Aralia is used in medicine, its medicinal properties and contraindications, how Aralia tincture is prepared and how to take it. You will also learn how to prepare a healthy decoction and infusion. Feedback on application.

Description of Aralia and photo

This is a small tree, most often no higher than 5 meters, with an even trunk on which thorns grow. Typically, the flowers of this plant are tiny in size and yellow-white in color, and are formed in mid-summer or closer to August. But the fruits of this shrub are blue-black in color with a pronounced taste.

The most famous habitat is the Far East, traditionally the northeastern regions of the “Celestial Empire” (China), and some areas of Japan. But it won’t be difficult to grow it in your garden or even at home for medicinal or decorative purposes.

Medicinal properties of Aralia Manchurian

Aralia is used in herbal medicine as an immune stimulant after illnesses, for various pathologies of the circulatory system, for problems with the thyroid gland, pathologies of the nervous system such as fatigue or depression, as well as for problems with the genitourinary system and even skin pathologies.

The roots are used in medicine precisely because they contain triterpene saponins. But besides this, the roots also contain starch, aralin, various essential oils, mineral salts, vitamins B and C and carbohydrates. The leaves and branches also contain essential oils, as well as carbohydrates, and various organic acids and flavonoids.

When taking this plant in humans, the following occurs:

  1. Reduced blood pressure.
  2. Improved digestion.
  3. Normalization of sleep.
  4. Acceleration of metabolism.

To get rid of the following diseases, preparations based on this plant are used:

  • Stress
  • Diabetes
  • Asthenic condition
  • Prostatitis
  • Fatigue
  • Impotence
  • Rheumatism
  • Pneumonia

Beneficial features

In the photo, this plant somewhat resembles a palm tree. Large leaves concentrated at the top of the plant create a cap effect, like a palm tree. The plant is weakly branched. The trunk of the plant is covered with thorns. Therefore, people also call Aralia a thorn tree.

The roots of the plant are used in medicine. The roots are fibrous, covered with white skin, brown inside. They are cut into pieces of different lengths, then dried in dryers at a temperature of 30 degrees.

  • essential oils;
  • resins;
  • aralosides A, B, C;
  • vitamins C and B;
  • alkaloids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acid;
  • tannins;
  • aralin.

Aralosides increase immunity, the body's protective functions against various infections and the effects of unfavorable environmental factors, increase the body's resistance to stress, and tone up the work of the heart muscle.

Other components of the plant support the body and increase resistance to severe intoxication with fluorine, nitrates, and chlorophos. Alternative medicine

The use of aralia in alternative treatment began quite recently. After numerous studies, it was discovered that aralia has a powerful tonic and regulating agent for the central nervous system.

The healing properties of Manchurian aralia are equal to the healing properties of ginseng. Preparations based on root extract are indicated for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • impotence;
  • post-flu asthenia;
  • fatigue, both mental and physical;
  • disorders in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • schizophrenia.

Regular use of tincture based on aralia roots has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. The drug increases appetite.

A tincture from the roots of the plant normalizes sleep, improves overall well-being, gives strength and increases a person’s performance. The most important thing is that the therapeutic effect is achieved within a short period of use.

Honey from Manchurian Aralia is especially popular among people. It has not only healing, but also excellent taste. As consumer reviews show, this product for men is a real panacea in the treatment of impotence. In addition, this product is also useful for women. It strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with beneficial properties and energy.

Alcohol tincture

This homemade medicine can be used for schizophrenia, atherosclerosis, nervous system disorders and during periods of mental or physical fatigue.

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped roots with 150 ml of alcohol of 70% concentration. Close tightly with a nylon lid and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Strain the finished medicine and take 40 drops orally three times a day. Application period is a month.

For patients with high blood pressure, it is recommended to reduce the dose to 15 drops per day and use it twice - morning and evening for twenty days.

For enuresis and disorders of the cardiac system, it is recommended to take 20 drops three times a day. The same dosage is indicated for intoxication with harmful substances.

During menopause in women, the medicine is used with a drink - tea or water (20 drops twice a day).

As a strengthening agent, it is recommended to drink 40 drops of tincture twice a day.

It is recommended to store the medicine in the refrigerator. Shelf life - no more than three days.

Aralia Manchurian or Aralia high is a medicinal plant of the Aralia genus, belonging to the Araliaceae family, which is a shrub or a small tree up to 5 m high. In nature, it is found in forests in the Far East, Japan, Korea and China. However, you can easily grow it yourself at your summer cottage or in the garden for decorative or medicinal purposes. The plant can not only become a wonderful decoration of the area, but also be used as a hedge. Remedies from the roots and other parts of Aralia have long been used in Eastern folk medicine for neurological disorders, fatigue, hypotension and other diseases. Popularly, due to the characteristics of the trunk and branches covered with sharp prickly thorns, the plant was called thorn tree, devil's club or devil's tree.

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Infusion of leaves and flowers

Pharmacy tincture

Not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine, Aralia is used for medicinal purposes. Most often, pharmacies sell an alcohol tincture of the roots of this plant. Saparal tablets are sold from finely chopped and compressed roots of Aralia Manchurian, which are prescribed for depression, overwork, stress and much more.

Often, track and field athletes or heavyweights use drugs based on Aralia in sports precisely because of its stimulating effect. They take it in the first half of the day, always before starting a workout. Thanks to them, athletes can increase their physical and adaptive capabilities, which are so necessary for building muscle mass. That is why this medicinal plant is so popular in bodybuilding during the period of carbohydrate loading.

You can purchase this tincture in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. It is usually produced in bottles of 25 or 50 ml. orange or dark glass. The cost of this tincture is quite adequate, about 60 rubles. Of course, you should not expect an instant effect.


Manchurian Aralia (Aralia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim) is a tree of the Araliaceae family up to 6 m high, with a straight trunk lined with numerous large thorns. The root system is superficial, radial, horizontal to a depth of 10-25 cm from the soil surface. At a distance of 2-3 (less often 5) m from the trunk, the roots bend sharply downwards and reach a depth of 50-60 cm, forming numerous small branches. Grows in northeast China and Korea. But there is especially a lot of it, as well as other medicinal plants used by TCM, in the cedar-broad-leaved forests of the southern part of the Russian Far East. There, the local population adopted knowledge about Aralia from indigenous small nations at the end of the 19th century. In other regions, Aralia is found in open ground in arboretums and fruit and berry nurseries.

A very close species is the high aralia (Aralia elata). It has wider leaves and a loose inflorescence with a large number of umbrellas, but this is of little significance. Aralia racemosa, heart-shaped Aralia cordata and some other species are also used for medicinal purposes.

Aralia is a fast growing tree. The biological reserve in Russia is estimated at approximately 11 thousand tons of air-dried roots. The roots are harvested in the fall, starting in September. The collected raw materials are dried in dryers at a temperature of about 60 ° C or in well-ventilated areas.

Folk recipes

Before using the following recipes, make sure that there are no allergic reactions to your body. Remember that the raw materials for infusions must be fresh and properly prepared.

Water infusion of Aralia

What you will need:

  1. leaves or inflorescences - 20 g.
  2. drinking water - 200 gr.

How to prepare: the raw material must be poured with 200 g of boiling water and left in a water bath for 15 minutes. Next, the resulting medicine needs to be cooled.

How to take: drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day.

But if preparing the tincture yourself is problematic, then it can always be purchased in pharmacies in ready-made form. The tincture is famous for the following pharmacological properties:

  • Diuretic
  • Painkiller
  • Antitoxic
  • General strengthening
  • Tonic
  • Adaptogenic
  • Antiseptic
  • Hypoglycemic

The infusion is recommended to be taken for mental and physical fatigue, depression, decreased libido, to reduce drowsiness, for toothaches, and also to activate the heart. It is recommended to take the infusion for those who have suffered serious illnesses such as pneumonia, flu or meningitis.

Alcohol tincture of Aralia

From the following video you will learn about the medicinal properties of aralia tincture and its use:

Making a tincture at home is not at all difficult.

What you will need:

  1. Aralia roots - 20 gr.
  2. Medical alcohol or moonshine - 200 gr.

How to cook: 20 gr. roots and pour 70% alcohol into ½ cup, then leave for two weeks in a warm room, sometimes you need to shake. To understand that the tincture is ready, you can see its amber color and unusual taste and smell.

How to use:

  • In case of poisoning with various toxic substances (such as chlorine or nitrates), drink the tincture in the first half of the day, no more than three times, 15-20 drops each.
  • If you feel unwell, take the tincture for a month in the morning and at lunchtime, adding it to tea and taking 15-20 drops.
  • Pathologies of the heart
  • For physical and mental fatigue, twice a day, with cold water, 30-40 drops.
  • For various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, drink in the first half of the day, only twice a day, 30-40 drops.

You can purchase this tincture in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. It is usually produced in bottles of 25 or 50 ml. orange or dark glass. The cost of this tincture is quite adequate, about 60 rubles. Of course, you should not expect an instant effect.

Decoction of Aralia bark or roots

What you will need:

  1. Roots or bark -15-20 gr. 20 gr.
  2. Boiled water - 200 gr.

How to prepare: finely chopped roots or bark 15-20 g. and pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a water bath, cover with a lid, then cool for about 10 minutes and filter through a sieve and add boiled water to the initial volume.

How to take: for diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, colds or flu three times a day, 1-2 tbsp. spoons, before meals, the course lasts 2-3 weeks. Also, if you have a toothache, you can use this decoction as a warm rinse.

Decoctions and infusions of leaves, bark, roots, and flowers of Aralia are used not only for medicine, but also for cosmetic purposes. They can be used to make tonic compresses and refreshing lotions, and they can also be added to various masks and creams for the body and skin.

Toning and refreshing herbal collection based on aralia

We wrote about how herbal mixtures are prepared in a separate article, but here we will tell you briefly.

What you will need:

  1. blood red hawthorn fruits - 3 tbsp. spoons
  2. chopped aralia roots - 2 tbsp. spoons
  3. crushed Leuzea rhizomes - 2 tbsp. spoons
  4. rose hips - 2 tbsp. spoons
  5. string grass - 2 tbsp. spoons
  6. chokeberry fruits - 2 tbsp. spoons
  7. calendula flowers - 2 tbsp. spoons
  8. plantain leaves - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to prepare: grind all ingredients and mix. We take the 3rd collection table and fill it with 500 ml. boiling water We leave all this in a thermos overnight, after which we filter.

How to take: It is recommended to drink this collection for hypotension 3 times a day, 150 ml. or just to tone up 100 ml.

Beneficial features

The pharmacological properties of Manchurian aralia are determined by its rich chemical composition, due to which drugs based on it have a certain effect on the body:

  • Starch (helps reduce cholesterol levels, accelerate metabolic processes, normalize blood pressure, improve digestion, protect the gastrointestinal mucosa);
  • Essential oils (have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, antispasmodic, diuretic, sedative effects);
  • Phytosterols (steroid components of plants) (serve as a substrate for the formation of steroid hormones, vitamin D, bile acids; are able to change the consistency of cell membranes, regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands, stabilize the state of the nervous system, produce hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory effects);
  • Flavonoids (strengthen capillaries, eliminate spasms, ensure growth and nutrition of the heart muscle, stimulate the antitoxic activity of the liver, lower blood pressure, have a choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic effect);
  • Resins (have wound-healing, antibacterial and laxative properties);
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (is a powerful natural antioxidant, helps regulate blood clotting, lipid concentration, saccharide metabolism; participates in the production of interferon, in the synthesis of collagen, bone tissue, steroid hormones, in the activation of the immune system, increases the antiviral response and reduces activity allergens);
  • Tannins (have antimicrobial, vasopressive, astringent and anti-inflammatory effects);
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) (reduces the severity of depression and other mental pathologies, stimulates brain activity, improving learning ability);
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) (participates in the processes of normalizing vision, restoring mucous membranes, producing energy from saccharides and fats, relieves stress and nervous tension, protects nerve cells from destruction, is effective in maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis);
  • Microelements: magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, molybdenum, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, nickel, aluminum, selenium, tungsten, strontium (play an important role in the life of the body);
  • Aralosides A, B and C (triterpene saponins, derivatives of olealonic acid; Aralia Manchurian is the main natural source of aralosides) (increase physical activity, excitability, eliminate the inhibitory effect of aminazine, improve the functioning of the heart muscle).

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Due to its properties, Aralia Manchurian has a significant effect on the central nervous system (more effective than eleutherococcus and ginseng), while it does not significantly affect blood pressure, stimulates respiratory activity and helps increase the strength of heart contractions.

The use of the medicinal properties of the plant is necessary to obtain the following effects:

  • General tonic;
  • Stimulating;
  • Hypertensive;
  • General strengthening;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Exciting;
  • Hypoglycemic.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take 40 g of roots and pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol into them. The medicine is infused for two weeks, after which it is filtered and the roots are squeezed out. The finished tincture has a specific smell and amber color. Take it 35-40 drops 3 times a day for a month. If you are prone to high blood pressure, the dosage should be reduced to 10 drops and taken 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 weeks.


  • Insomnia
  • Tendency to allergies
  • Epilepsy
  • Cardiac dysfunction
  • Increased nervous excitability
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Mental Nervous Diseases

Long-term use of Aralia is also not recommended, since instead of improving the condition, you can “earn” its deterioration. Before taking this medicinal plant, you should consult a specialist, especially if you are pregnant or nursing a child.

What side effects can be expected with an overdose:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Activity will increase
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Euphoria
  • Respiratory failure
  • Increased nervous excitability

Important! If you experience these signs, you should immediately stop taking Aralia and consult a specialist.

Preparation of Aralia

Usually, people harvest the roots, bark and leaves of aralia for medicinal purposes. The roots and bark of this plant are most often harvested in the fall, preferably in September before the onset of frost or in the spring before the first leaves appear. Of course, it is best to start harvesting in sunny and dry weather. It is best that the plant is not very young, 5-15 years old.

Also, when digging up the roots, it is advisable to leave some of the branches for the regeneration of Aralia thickets. In order to prepare the medicinal apparatus, roots with a diameter of 1-3 cm are used; roots larger or smaller in size are most often not prepared. The roots need to be washed well after soiling and dried in dry weather or in ventilated areas. You can store prepared Aralia for no more than two years.

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Reviews about the application

Doctors are increasingly trying to use this medicinal plant in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. So far only Manchurian Aralia is used in medicine, but a couple more species are used in folk medicine. There are about 30 species of this plant.

Probably every third person tried and used it as a medication and was satisfied with the result. Yes, patients do notice significant improvements in a short period of time, but you should not expect immediate results. Also, many people like Aralia tincture because it does not have any negative effects on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, since it is of plant origin. People are happy that this particular drug helped them cope with skin problems, removing the rash, as well as moisturizing it and at the same time protecting it from the sun without clogging pores and even such problems as blood pressure. It is worth noting that in general, the healing properties of Aralia were discovered when searching for a ginseng substitute, but in the end, tincture from Aralia is much more effective than tincture from ginseng.

Of course, not all people give positive reviews about this drug. This mainly occurs due to the incompatibility of their body and the drug, so it is worth consulting with a specialist before use. It was because of intolerance to some substances contained in the medicine that they experienced side effects. Also, some people respond negatively because they want to see results in a short period of time, but this is not a “miracle remedy.”

You will also be able to share your experience of using “Aralia tincture” with others. At the end of this article there is a special field where you can leave your comment. By leaving your comment, you will help others become more familiar with this drug using your example.

Chemical composition

This plant has a simply unique and beneficial composition, which even the well-known ginseng cannot compare with.

Composition of Manchurian Aralia.

SubstanceWhat does it contain?Properties of matterWhat diseases does it help with?
1StarchRootsImproves digestion, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressureGastritis, ulcer, neurosis, burns, dermatitis
2Essential oilsRoots, leaves, branchesAntiseptic, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, expectorantBronchitis, kidney and liver diseases
3Phytosterols (plant steroids)RootsCatalyze the formation of important substances in the body, such as bile acid, vitamin D and steroid hormonesRickets, cholecystitis, hormonal imbalances
4FlavonoidsRoots, leaves, branchesCholeretic, antitoxic, strengthening, regulatingHeart failure, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, liver failure
5ResinsRootsWound healing, laxative, antibacterialConstipation, inflammatory processes of the skin and body
6TanninsAntibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringentDiarrhea, inflammatory processes in the body
7Vitamin CRootsAntiviral, immunostimulating, antiallergicDiabetes mellitus, arthritis, metabolic disorders, allergies
8Vitamins B1,RootsStimulates brain activity, improves memory, resists depressionDepression, attention disorders, psoriasis, eczema, paralysis, neuritis
9Vitamin B2RootsNeuroprotective, immunomodulating, reproductivePoor vision, stress, sagging skin, gastrointestinal diseases
10Trace elements (15 minerals)RootsParticipation in all vital processes of the bodyVitamin deficiencies, lack of essential minerals and trace elements
11SaponinsRoots, leaves, inflorescencesPhysical endurance and activity, improved moodDepression, fatigue, weakness of the heart muscle

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Of course, such a composition can also be indicated in the pharmaceutical form of Manchurian aralia tincture, where all its minerals, vitamins and a whole host of additional substances and their properties are described in detail.

In general, despite the commercial names of such tinctures based on Manchurian Aralia, their composition is quite simple: crushed plant root infused with 70% ethyl alcohol.

What to remember

The most important thing is to consult with a qualified doctor in order to avoid an unpleasant experience with this drug.
Thanks to its effect on the nervous system, Aralia tincture reduces physical and psychological fatigue of the body, gives strength and even increases motivation, helps to be more focused and, most importantly, improves your mood. Aralia Manchurian in general is a natural and natural remedy that began to be used in medicine quite recently, but it effectively copes with many ailments.

It is also important to know the contraindications and how this substance can help you in order to more effectively fight illnesses.
Author of the article Victoria Fesyura : “I study traditional medicine and home cosmetology, put it into practice and share this information with readers.
I wish you all good health." Article read by: 4,213

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