Home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Causes of heartburn in pregnant women

Heartburn is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes in the lower esophageal region.

Doctors identify the following reasons that can trigger the development of this disease in expectant mothers:

  1. An increase in the size of the uterus leads to increased pressure on nearby organs.
  2. Increased acidity of gastric secretions.
  3. Intense production of progesterone, leading to weakening of the muscles of internal organs, including the sphincter, located between the esophagus and stomach.

Please note: In most cases, problems with heartburn go away on their own in the third trimester, which is due to prolapse of the abdomen and a decrease in the production of the hormone progesterone!

Despite the fact that, according to most doctors, heartburn during pregnancy does not require any special treatment, this ailment can cause the expectant mother a lot of discomfort and unpleasant sensations! In order to alleviate her condition without resorting to medication, the patient can use extremely safe and time-tested folk remedies!

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Unconventional methods for treating heartburn in pregnant women should be used if the expectant mother experiences the following unpleasant clinical symptoms:

  • Belching;

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • burning sensation in the larynx;
  • unpleasant bitter or sour taste in the mouth;
  • sensations of discomfort and heaviness in the abdominal area;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • stool disorders.

Important! The symptoms listed above may also appear in other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if any alarming symptoms occur, the expectant mother should seek professional advice from a qualified specialist!

Popular traditional medicine recipes

The use of any medications for a woman expecting the birth of a baby is highly discouraged. A pregnant woman can alleviate her general condition and eliminate the painful symptoms characteristic of heartburn with the help of safe folk remedies.

We present to your attention several of the most effective and popular recipes from the traditional medicine box:

  1. Add a few drops of fennel oil and a pinch of chopped almonds to a glass of heated milk. Mix the mixture thoroughly and drink in small sips.

  2. Carrots help eliminate burning sensation and discomfort in the esophagus. For medicinal purposes, you need to peel medium-sized carrots, chop them with a fine grater and eat them when unpleasant signs of heartburn appear.
  3. Kissel has a pronounced enveloping effect, and therefore has a calming effect on inflamed mucous membranes. When symptoms of heartburn appear, the expectant mother needs to drink a glass of jelly (about 200 milliliters). Fresh potato juice has a similar effect. Important ! To combat heartburn, use only homemade jelly made from natural ingredients. Store-bought products not only will not provide any healing effect, but can also harm the unborn baby, since they contain dyes, artificial flavors, taste enhancers and other chemical components.
  4. A teaspoon of sunflower oil, taken on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning), has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent new attacks of heartburn.
  5. Ginger root helps to stop an attack, which must be chewed carefully and slowly when the first signs characteristic of heartburn appear.
  6. To alleviate the condition, you can drink a glass of mineral water in one gulp (it is best to use Borjomi healing water for these purposes).
  7. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar essence should be diluted in half a glass of warm water, and then add 1 teaspoon of honey. It is recommended to take the medicine after meals, once a day.

Emergency traditional medicine

If the most gentle methods of combating heartburn at home do not have the desired effect, you can try more effective methods. It is not worth using them systematically during pregnancy, but during an acute attack they will come in handy for the expectant mother.

In case of acute manifestations, it is necessary to place a pinch of salt under the tongue. In the process of swallowing salted saliva, special enzyme substances are released that can neutralize hydrochloric acid, which helps eliminate heartburn.

Please note: pregnant women are contraindicated to consume large quantities of salt, so this method can only be used in exceptional cases!

Soda solution is an effective and strong remedy for heartburn; it helps to stop an attack in the shortest possible time. For such purposes, it is necessary to dilute 1 tsp. soda in warm water and drink the resulting solution. Use this product with extreme caution, since soda can cause swelling, as well as an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important ! Before using any, even the most harmless at first glance, folk recipes, the expectant mother is strongly recommended to consult with her doctor!

Potato therapy for heartburn

Potato starch is characterized by the presence of pronounced enveloping properties, and therefore potatoes have long been used as a means to combat heartburn. Making potato medicine is extremely simple. You need to peel a large potato, chop it on a coarse grater, and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. The drug should be taken 2 tablespoons, approximately half an hour before meals.

Please note: Only freshly squeezed potato juice has medicinal properties!

To achieve extremely favorable, stable results, traditional medicine recommends that expectant mothers undergo the following course of potato therapy:

  • For 10 days, start every morning with a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice, which you take half an hour before breakfast.
  • Take a break of 10 days, then repeat the treatment course.

The optimal duration of therapy against heartburn with potato juice while expecting a baby is about 2 months!

Juniper for heartburn

Juniper traditional medicine is considered an effective and popular remedy for combating heartburn. Inhaling juniper essential oil added to an aroma lamp will help stop an attack.

For chronic forms of the disease, purchase juniper seeds. Start your therapeutic course by chewing three seeds throughout the day. Increase the dosage by one seed every day. After a week, begin to reduce the number of juniper seeds, also by one seed per day. If necessary, the therapeutic course can be repeated.

Folk remedies

The fastest and easiest method for removing heartburn is to consume 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Due to this, a protective hymen is created that will not allow the mucous membrane to be irritated by acid. Additionally, the oil will heal wounds, if any.

Absolutely safe for heartburn during pregnancy at home is the use of calamus root, which helps reduce acidity. For one-time use, grate the root and add 1/3 tsp. add 250 ml of boiling water. Leave the product for 40 minutes, after filtering, drink before meals. The infusion should be taken 2-3 times a day.

Other equally effective recipes include:

  1. Decoction or juice from potatoes. Such remedies have been tested and are effective; any pregnant woman can use them, even those with gastrointestinal diseases. When using juice, the acidity decreases, it must be prepared fresh, add a little water and honey to 50 ml of juice, drink in the morning before breakfast. Heartburn can be completely eliminated within 1–2 weeks of treatment. The decoction can create a protective film on the mucous membrane and will not allow it to be exposed to acid.
  2. Fresh carrot juice or grated vegetable. A glass of juice will help you stop an attack of heartburn; if you can’t squeeze out the juice, you need to grate the carrots and add cream or 1 tbsp. sour cream. This improves the absorption of the product, enriches the body with vitamin A and relieves burning of the esophagus.
  3. Water. For heartburn at home, it is enough to drink about 300-400 ml of ordinary water to reduce acidity and get rid of the burning sensation. Alkaline water also helps.
  4. Nuts. This method of removing an attack is not only useful, but also pleasant. For treatment, use raw peanuts, walnuts or hazelnuts. It is enough to chop 15 nuts and take 1 tbsp. every day.
  5. Milk. Dairy products are good for the fetus and the pregnant woman, and a glass of heated milk can instantly relieve burning sensation in the chest.
  6. Peppermint. To prepare the drink, you can add the plant to tea or prepare your own infusion. You can use dried or fresh herbs, the main thing is that the mint is natural. If you drink mint tea before after a meal, heartburn will not appear at all. You can use 100-150 infusions in case of heartburn with pain.
  7. Kissel. A product based on fruits and berries made at home from natural raw materials can easily get rid of the burning sensation, but you need to drink jelly constantly.
  8. Flax infusion. For infusion, use the seeds, add 250 ml of boiling water to 1 handful and leave the product for 2 hours. After preparation, take before meals or during the next attack of heartburn. This medicine has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Dark chocolate , 20–40 grams of which can stop the release of acid after eating.

The described folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy can be used without fear for the condition of the fetus and mother. As for the use of herbs and preparations, it is better to discuss them with your doctor. Some drugs may only seem safe, but during pregnancy they cause worsening of the condition, allergies and other side effects.

Diet against heartburn for expectant mothers

In order for the fight against heartburn to be successful, pregnant women need to combine traditional methods with adherence to the following dietary principles:

  1. Limit the content of fatty, spicy, sour and fried foods in your daily diet as much as possible.
  2. Avoid eating sweets, confectionery and baked goods.
  3. Drink two glasses of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices daily.
  4. Follow a fractional nutrition plan: eat 5-6 times throughout the day, in small portions.
  5. Avoid late dinners. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  6. Refrain from drinking carbonated, tea, and coffee drinks.

Products against heartburn

Nutritionists identify a number of foods that prevent the formation of acids.

Expectant mothers suffering from heartburn should definitely include the following foods in their daily diet:

  • Greenery;

  • fresh green vegetables;
  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • nuts;
  • dried apricots;
  • cereals;
  • honey;
  • potato;
  • prunes;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • durum pasta.

But you will have to temporarily refrain from eating lamb, tomatoes, chocolate, hard cheese, onions, garlic, mustard, smoked meats and citrus fruits, as they can cause heartburn!

Please note: by adjusting your diet and adhering to the principles of dietary nutrition, you will not only get rid of heartburn, but also improve your overall health, which is extremely beneficial for your unborn baby!

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

There are several ways to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy. One of them is considered a healthy diet, so experts recommend adhering to its basic rules. Food must be taken at least 5-6 times a day, in small portions. A small amount of food allows the digestive organs to work as usual, which speeds up the process of breaking down foods and prevents the release of stomach contents into the esophagus.

The last meal is no later than 6-7 pm. Food is best consumed warm: cold or hot food can trigger cramps. Dietary nutrition during pregnancy involves proper heat treatment of foods. Women need to consume milk porridges, pureed soups, and pates.

Mashed products envelop the mucous membrane and neutralize the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.

Experts advise replacing animal fats with vegetable oils. They contain a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins that prevent the development of heartburn.

Approved products for heartburn include:

  • low-fat dairy products (kefir, milk);
  • vegetables and fruits (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, apricots, melons, bananas);
  • lean meat and fish (pollock, hake, chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, sesame).

During pregnancy, it is important to maintain a drinking regime. During the day you can drink weak tea, freshly squeezed juices, compotes and fruit drinks.

Healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a must. A woman planning a pregnancy needs to completely give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and junk food. A pregnant woman is recommended to take daily walks in the fresh air. After each meal, you cannot immediately take a horizontal position.


Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy are safe. Common recipes:

  1. Yarrow. Dry grass (20 g) is poured with boiled hot water (500 ml). The product is infused for 2 hours, decanted, cooled and taken 30 ml three times a day.
  2. Flax-seed. Flax seed (15 g) is poured with boiling water (250 ml). The product is infused for 10 hours in a thermos, drinking 30 ml before meals.
  3. St. John's wort. The finished collection (1 filter bag or 30 g) is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. The finished broth is decanted, cooled and taken 50 ml 3 times a day.

Heather and centaury help with heartburn.

It is not recommended to take soda.

Herbal recipes

If heartburn occurs, the expectant mother may well use the following recipes, which are based on medicinal herbs:

  1. Calamus root (a tablespoon) needs to be crushed and poured with boiling water. Leave to infuse for 7-10 minutes, then strain and drink a sip before each meal.

  2. Heather (a tablespoon) should be poured with a glass of boiling water and simmer for several minutes over low heat. Then you will need to strain the broth and drink 1 tbsp. spoon, three times throughout the day.
  3. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of wormwood into half a glass of water and leave to infuse in a warm place. After two days, the broth should be strained and drunk, divided into two doses.
  4. A couple of tablespoons of dried mint should be poured with boiling water and brewed like ordinary tea. Add a couple of currant and viburnum leaves. It is recommended to drink 3 glasses of this healing drink throughout the day.

Please note: medicinal herbs such as dill, St. John's wort, buckwheat and plantain provide a good therapeutic effect in the fight against heartburn. Decoctions of these plants can be drunk daily, instead of the usual tea!

Note that not all herbs recommended by traditional medicine for heartburn are equally safe for a woman expecting a baby, so it is advisable to coordinate the course of herbal medicine with your doctor!

Additional recommendations

In order for traditional medicinal methods of getting rid of heartburn to be as effective and efficient as possible during pregnancy, expectant mothers need to follow the following simple recommendations:

  1. Wear loose clothing to avoid pinching your abdominal area.
  2. Sleep on a raised pillow.
  3. Do not bend over or lie down immediately after eating to avoid possible food entering the esophagus.
  4. Avoid stressful situations and psycho-emotional shocks, as nervous disorders can cause heartburn.
  5. Avoid overeating and gaining excess weight.
  6. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
  7. Lead an active lifestyle, performing feasible physical activity every day.

Traditional methods of treating heartburn in pregnant women are based on the use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as adherence to the principles of a healthy diet. Maintaining an active lifestyle, normal sleep, giving up bad habits and rich food will help get rid of the symptoms characteristic of heartburn, improve the overall well-being of the expectant mother, and will also benefit her baby!

Sovinskaya Elena, nutritionist

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What else helps relieve heartburn during pregnancy?

Diet food

Dietary nutrition will help both the average person and the expectant mother to prevent heartburn. This does not mean that you will have to give up healthy and necessary foods or your favorite dishes.

You just need to limit, and ideally exclude, the following:

  • Fatty oily dishes.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Too spicy and salty, sour foods.

Moms - eat in small portions (it’s better to eat a little every 2-3 hours than to eat up to your belly 3 times a day). Even if you really want fried or salty food, don’t deny yourself, just don’t overdo it.

Vegetables, herbs, and dairy contain alkali and prevent the formation of acid. Dried fruits, especially prunes and dried apricots, have the same properties. You can eat any cereal. Don't forget to drink plain water. Without a sufficient amount of water, full metabolic processes in the body are impossible.

Foods that cause heartburn:

  • tomatoes;
  • citruses;
  • onion garlic;
  • mutton;
  • radish, radish;
  • coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • mustard and other hot seasonings.
  • vinegar.

It is nutritional adjustments that are the most correct, safe and reliable method of preventing gastric diseases.

Weight gain

Of course, ladies in “position” have just the right appetite! The exception is the period of toxicosis. But it passes, and the passion for food increases significantly. You want one thing or another, and you constantly have the urge to chew something.

Women, rest assured that the fetus has enough for the full development of what you consume as usual. Do not think that eating two servings instead of one will bring more benefits to your baby. Rather, it will only bring harm.

Excessive weight gain, which many “pregnant women” suffer from, provokes not only swelling, poor health, deterioration in the functioning of some organs, but also gastrointestinal diseases. The consequence of such disorders is heartburn. Try not to overeat. Remember: it’s better to have a variety of foods and a little bit of it than one thing and a lot of it. And after giving birth, it will be easier to lose weight when there is not so much excess.


Let's not forget that pregnancy is not a disease. No need to be lazy and lie on the sofa with your belly up. An inactive lifestyle provokes thousands of diseases. Of course, you can’t jump, run or lift weights here. But it is quite possible to sign up for fitness for pregnant women (with the approval of your doctor), walk more, and do light exercises.

Daily cleaning of the house, evening walks, shopping is an excellent prevention against blood stagnation and many other “bad things”. The more active you are during the day, the less likely you are to experience heartburn. The stomach digests food better and faster, and all metabolic processes improve. Which activity options are best is up to you to decide. But you definitely shouldn’t avoid light physical activity.

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