Couperosis on the face: effective treatment at home

Modern women, as well as representatives of the stronger sex, probably dream of smooth and pleasant-to-touch skin, “flavored” with a light, healthy glow. But does blush always indicate health? Those who have ever encountered such an unpleasant problem as rosacea are unlikely to answer this question in the affirmative. According to statistics, rosacea or, in other words, telangiectasia (a term that is used in most cases in general medical practice) is one of the most common reasons for visits to cosmetologists and dermatologists. What is rosacea, how dangerous to health can this skin defect become and how to get rid of it? We asked these and other questions to Nadezhda Zhurbina, a dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist at the Novoklinik network of Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology Centers .

What is rosacea and what are its signs and symptoms?

Cuperosis is a stable local expansion of individual small capillaries of the skin, accompanied by thickening and a pronounced decrease in the elastic qualities of the walls of blood vessels, as well as blood stagnation. This term is most often used in cosmetology. As for the general medical term “telangiectasia,” it was first introduced back in 1807 and is literally translated as “dilated tip of the vessel.” The expansion of skin capillaries in this pathology is observed 5 or more times - up to 100 microns, whereas normally the diameter of the vessels should not be higher than 20 microns. This skin defect can occur in patients of any gender and age, but is most often observed in people over 40 years of age.

Cuperosis has four stages, each of which has certain symptoms:

Stage 1 - erythema (irritation of the skin on the face). At this stage, a small number of capillaries become visible.

Stage 2 - dilated capillaries unite over time, forming a network. At the same time, they acquire a more intense color.

Stage 3 - the so-called congestive erythema. This stage is characterized by individual or multiple telangiectasias, and the network of united dilated capillaries is localized to a greater extent in the middle part of the face.

Stage 4 - capillaries are visible even more clearly, in addition, vessels located on the entire surface of the face are added to the pathological process. The result of a general spasm of the capillaries becomes visible areas of local whitening.

What is rosacea?

Diseases or defects of the skin develop for various reasons, sometimes due to malfunctions of a particular system or organ, sometimes due to improper care. People with very sensitive skin are at risk; for them, any, even minor, exposure can lead to vascular damage.

In fact, rosacea can be considered a disruption of the vascular system when a malfunction occurs in the blood circulation. In some cases, formations may be small, isolated and unnoticeable, but if the process is started, the lesion gradually becomes larger.

Those with sensitive skin experience symptoms of rosacea such as burning, itching, redness and tingling of the skin at the slightest change in air temperature, exposure to cosmetics or even touch. It all starts with the appearance of small red spots on the forehead or chin, which over time turn into larger purple lesions. This indicates telangiectasia or dilatation of small vessels.

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Many women do not know what rosacea is and how to prevent its occurrence. You can achieve good results, you just need to monitor your diet, lifestyle and use only proven and high-quality cosmetics.

On which parts of the body does rosacea most often occur?

“In most cases, rosacea is noted on the face, nose and neck, mainly in the cheekbones and on the wings of the nose,” says Nadezhda Zhurbina. — In general, this pathology does not affect a person’s health, but it significantly spoils the overall quality of life, since it is a very pronounced defect of a cosmetic nature. Moreover, in some cases, the capillary loops have such a distinct color that it is almost impossible to eliminate it through cosmetic correction.”

Cosmetic care: TOP 7 best products

According to reviews, treatment of rosacea at home must be combined with proper care. For cleansing and nutrition, film masks, thin ones with alcohol, menthol, aloe, and eucalyptus are not used.

Masks with cosmetic clay and exfoliation with scrubs are not recommended. Our priority is cosmetic products for sensitive skin.

  • Cream "Doctor Taffy" with natural ingredients.
  • Products from the Alcina line with horse extract, cental, ruscus.
  • Anti-rosacea cream "Sensibio AR Cream" from Bioderma.
  • Therapeutic French cosmetics “Apaisance Fluide Anti-Rougeurs”.
  • “Stop rosacea” series, including tonic, gel and cream.
  • "Vitaforce C Skin Complex" improves tissue regeneration and trophism.
  • Cream "Bark" with vitamin C, rutin.

A green tea tonic is used, and the face is often irrigated with micellar water.

Stimulates blood flow with a light stroking massage and exercises to strengthen the facial muscles.

Are there characteristic concomitant diseases with rosacea?

The food triggers associated with rosacea are similar to those present with rosacea.

“These are hot tea and coffee, strong alcohol, food products containing capsaicin (spices, hot peppers, etc.) and cinnamaldehyde (chocolates, tomatoes, citrus fruits and other products),” Nadezhda Zhurbina lists. “In addition, by studying the etiological factors and assessing the clinical manifestations of the disease, it is quite possible to conclude that this condition is similar to rosacea.”

Couperosis and rosacea actually have many common features: many experts even believe that rosacea represents the next stage in the development of rosacea. However, with rosacea, both small and large capillaries are affected, while with rosacea, only small ones are affected. At the same time, manifestations of rosacea - especially early ones - indicate a general predisposition of the patient to vasodilation. This increases the risk of certain “related” problems occurring in the future - from varicose veins to stroke: during the treatment of rosacea, the prevention of these diseases should also be given increased attention.

Nutrition rules

If you successfully get rid of the external manifestations of rosacea, it is recommended to adhere to certain nutritional rules; this will help normalize metabolic processes in the skin and strengthen the vascular walls, which will subsequently reduce the risk of reappearance of the vascular network.

Table: what foods are advisable and not advisable to consume for rosacea

Healthy foodsUnwanted Products
Green teaRed meat
Omega-3 fatty acids (seafood, fish oil, flaxseed oil)Semi-finished products
Olive oilAnimal fats
Protein (chicken, eggs, nuts, etc.)Sugar and sweets
Dairy and fermented milk productsCoffee
Fresh fruits and vegetablesAlcohol
Food is prepared by boiling, baking or steamingHigh carbohydrate foods (bread, pasta, buns, etc.)
Acidic foods (oranges, tomatoes, vinegar, etc.)
You should not eat fatty, spicy, fried, hot, or too salty foods.

In addition, to improve the condition of the skin and blood vessels, it is recommended to establish water balance in the body: drink at least two liters of water per day.


To combat rosacea, it is recommended to especially focus on taking three vitamins.

Table: vitamins for rosacea

VitaminPropertiesWhat products contain
C (ascorbic acid)
  • constricts blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • fights free radicals;
  • accelerates collagen production
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • green vegetables;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • kelp;
  • herbs mint, nettle, rose hips, raspberries, plantain, etc.
  • ensures the strength of vascular walls;
  • regulates redox processes in the body
  • green tea;
  • kelp;
  • wheat;
  • oats;
  • Brussels sprouts and cauliflower;
  • spinach;
  • nettle
  • reduces the fragility of blood vessels and also makes them elastic;
  • fights inflammation and free radicals
  • green tea;
  • leaf salad;
  • black currant;
  • grapefruits and lemons;
  • dog-rose fruit

Vitamin P is a group of bioflavonoids, including ascorutin, citrine, catechins, etc. These substances prevent the destruction of ascorbic acid in the body.

Photo gallery: products that help with rosacea

Vitamin C restores vascular tone and evens out skin color

Vitamin K strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces their permeability

Vitamin P, especially when combined with vitamin C, reduces capillary fragility

What treatment methods and remedies for rosacea exist and what are the features of their use?

As with the treatment of most other diseases, only by using all the best from rosacea, you can achieve the desired result. After all, the key therapy methods used during treatment complement each other and affect the body at different levels. And of course, the sooner treatment is started, the sooner it will achieve results, and if treatment is started in a timely manner, the effect will be more pronounced.

As trivial as it may seem, specialized nutrition is the basis for the complex treatment of rosacea. The diet is designed to minimize spicy and hot foods in the diet, and also not to get carried away with marinades, yeast products, chocolate, tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, etc.

Everyday skin care is a rule that should be followed by everyone who wants to get rid of rosacea as soon as possible and maintain the results for a long time.

“To remove rosacea, it is recommended to use specialized products that do not destroy the protective layer of the skin, and also do not contain abrasive substances or alcohol,” says our expert. “Quite often, creams for rosacea include ginkgo, collagen, green tea, grape seed oil, etc.”

In addition, it is not recommended to wipe your skin with a rough towel or apply scrubs and other abrasive products to it, and to clean your facial skin, it is best to seek the help of a cosmetologist who has experience working with skin prone to rosacea. He will select professional care products personally for you.

Before going outside, it is necessary to apply to the affected skin products that protect against wind and frost, as well as ultraviolet rays - depending on the weather and time of year. Men are recommended to switch to shaving with an electric razor.

Vitamin therapy is another important component of the complex treatment of skin rosacea. It includes both taking nutritional supplements and using special cosmetics with ingredients such as flavonoids (vitamin P), which increase skin elasticity, vitamins C and K, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and promote the formation of new collagen. However, the above methods only partially solve the problem. More advanced cases should be examined by a specialist; only he can prescribe you a full course of treatment for telangiectasia.

Ways to combat rosacea on the face

Many women, faced with manifestations of rosacea on their faces, do not pay too much attention to them, but only mask the problem. However, later this disease may progress, and then to eliminate the problem you will have to spend more time, effort and money than if treatment had started in a timely manner. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a dermatocosmetologist as soon as possible to find out the causes of rosacea, determine the severity and prescribe a treatment regimen. The duration of therapy depends on each specific case.

To achieve the best result in the fight against rosacea, consultation with a dermatocosmetologist is required.

Home treatment

Treatment of rosacea at home gives positive results. There are many recipes that will help improve microcirculation and relieve inflammation and redness.

Table: folk and pharmacy remedies in the fight against rosacea

MeansRecipeHow to useExposure timeFrequency of applicationWellEffect
Apple vinegar
  1. Brew a tablespoon of green tea with a small amount of boiling water and let cool.
  2. Mix the resulting decoction and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 6:1.
Apply lotions using cotton pads to problem areas10 minutesDailyNo restrictionsReduce redness
AloeExtract juice from leavesApplication to skinTwice a day10 daysReducing redness and inflammation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels
Chamomile2 tbsp. l. Brew dry chamomile (or 2 filter bags) with boiling water. Let the broth cool. Apply lotions using cotton pads to problem areas15 minutes2–3 times a weekNo restrictionsReduce redness and irritation
  1. Peel a small ginger root, chop it and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let the broth cool, then strain.
Apply lotions using cotton pads to problem areas1–2 minutesTwice a day1 monthRenewal of skin cells, reduction of beauty and strengthening of blood vessels
PotatoUse a whole potato slice or grate it and squeeze out the juice.Wipe problem areas2–3 minutesDaily1 monthReducing redness and whitening skin
Herbal collection No. 1
  1. Mix 1 tsp. dry herbs: calendula, yarrow, horsetail, horse chestnut and chamomile.
  2. Boil the herbal mixture with 1 glass of water for several minutes.
  3. Let the broth cool.
Apply lotions using cotton pads to problem areas5 minutesTwice a dayNo restrictionsStrengthening the walls of blood vessels, fighting inflammation, reducing redness
Herbal tea No. 2
  1. Mix 1 tsp. dry herbs: St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, lavender and cornflower and 1 tbsp. l. dry birch leaves.
  2. Boil the herbal mixture with 1 glass of water for several minutes.
  3. Let the broth cool.
Apply lotions using cotton pads to problem areas5 minutesTwice a dayNo restrictionsStrengthening the walls of blood vessels, restoring blood circulation, reducing redness
Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution)Using hydrogen peroxide in its pure formApply lotions using cotton pads to problem areas10–15 minutes2 times per week2 monthsAnti-inflammatory and whitening
TroxevasinUsing the drug Troxevasin in its pure formApplication to skinTwice a day1 monthStrengthening the walls of blood vessels and restoring blood circulation
Heparin ointmentUse of the drug Heparin ointment in its pure formApplication to skinTwice a day1 WeekStrengthening the walls of blood vessels, restoring blood circulation, and reducing inflammation and swelling

Ginger promotes the healing of microtraumas, increases skin elasticity and improves complexion

Table: masks against rosacea

MaskRecipeExposure timeFrequency of applicationWell
Fermented milk1 tbsp. l. mix low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp. cream. 20–25 minutes2 times per week1 month
EggBeat the egg white a little, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. olive oil. 20–25 minutes2 times per week3 weeks
BananaMash the banana, add 1 tsp. heavy cream and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. 20–25 minutes2 times per week1 month
AscorutinicIn 1 tbsp. l. cooled, strongly brewed green tea, add 5 crushed Ascorutin tablets and 1 tsp. white clay. 20 minutes2 times per week2 months
Clay1 tbsp. l. white clay dilute 1 tbsp. l. strong chamomile decoction. 15–20 minutes2 times per weekNo restrictions
AspirinGrind 2 aspirin tablets and add 1 tsp. kefir 10 minutes2 times per week3 weeks
YagodnayaGrind 1 tsp. fresh strawberries, raspberries and sea buckthorn. Add 1 tbsp to the berries. l. potato starch. 20 minutes1 time per week3 weeks

Homemade masks effectively fight rosacea and reduce the likelihood of side effects


Along with other home remedies, the use of oils, both basic and essential, is widespread. In addition to affecting the vascular pattern, oils help get rid of inflammation, nourish and moisturize the skin, which significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

Due to their high content of fatty acids, essential and base oils restore the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce redness on the skin.

Table: base oils against rosacea

OilEffect on the skin
Grape seedsStrengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing inflammation
SesameReduces inflammation and redness, improves complexion, protects against external environmental influences
WalnutToning blood vessels, restoring cellular respiration
Milk thistleReducing inflammation, protecting against external environmental influences
TamanuToning blood vessels and strengthening their walls, restoring blood circulation
Wheat germRestoring cellular respiration, strengthening vascular walls

Table: essential oils against rosacea

OilEffect on the skin
CypressStrengthening and toning blood vessels, reducing redness
rosemaryRestoring blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin, toning blood vessels
GeraniumsIncreasing the speed of epidermal regeneration, evening out complexion, whitening
NeroliReducing redness, restoring metabolic processes in the skin
Blue daisiesReduces inflammation and redness, soothing effect
RosesImprovement of complexion, constriction of blood vessels, restoration of blood circulation

If your skin is very sensitive or has vascular patterns, you should avoid using anise, clove, tea tree, cinnamon, peppermint and eucalyptus oils, as they are quite harsh.

There are many recipes for antivascular oil mixtures. Over time, having understood how your skin reacts to one or another component, you can create your own compositions. In this case, it is very important to maintain approximate proportions, since an excessive amount of essential oils in the mixture can have the opposite effect: the skin will become red and inflamed, and the blood vessels will stand out more. There are no restrictions on the length of the course when using oils, but visible improvements will be noticeable no earlier than after 3 weeks of using the anti-rosacea mixture. The oil composition is applied to a cleansed, damp face along massage lines at least once a day. The recipe is simple: you need to mix the essential and base oils indicated in the recipe and place the mixture in a dark glass bottle. Store at a temperature no higher than +25 degrees for no more than 12 months.

Table: recipes for oil mixtures against rosacea

Oil mixture No. 1Oil mixture No. 2Oil mixture No. 3Oil mixture No. 4Oil mixture No. 5
2 tbsp. l. Mix grape seed oil (or milk thistle) with 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. 6 tbsp. l. Mix wheat germ oil (grape seed) with 2 drops of cypress oil and 2 drops of geranium ether. In 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil add 1 drop each of blue chamomile and rose oil. Mix 2 tbsp. l. walnut and tamanu oils, add 3 drops each of cypress, geranium and rosemary esters. Mix 1 tsp. grape seed and walnut oils and add 3 drops of cypress essential oil.

To prevent oxidative processes from spoiling the oil mixture, it must be stored in a dark glass bottle.

Video: treatment of rosacea at home

Treatment of rosacea using alternative medicine and massage

It is not advisable to use unconventional methods on your own, because self-medication may not produce results or even cause harm. A good specialist will be able to effectively cope with the problem, since the treatment regimen is determined individually in each case.

Alternative medicine: hirudotherapy and snail therapy

Hirudotherapy and snail therapy are carried out in special centers engaged in alternative medicine. Leeches are used in medicine to restore blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This also helps in the treatment of rosacea. At the same time, hirudotherapy helps not only to get rid of the manifestations of the vascular pattern, but also to strengthen the walls of the capillaries, which prevents the reappearance of rosacea. During the treatment of this disease, in addition to using leeches directly on the affected areas, they are also sometimes placed in the liver area. To combat rosacea, it is recommended to carry out hirudotherapy at least once a year, ideally twice.

Hirudotherapy eliminates blood stagnation and improves local blood supply, however, it is recommended to carry out this procedure under the supervision of a doctor

As you know, snail mucin - snail mucus - is very beneficial for the skin. In the case of rosacea, snail therapy can improve regeneration and blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and relieve inflammation.

Moving across the face, snails secrete mucus, which improves blood microcirculation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels

Table: facial massage for rosacea

Type of massageShort descriptionAt what age can the procedure be performed?IndicationsContraindicationsWell
ClassicalKneading, vibration, patting and stroking movements that are performed along massage lines. This technique strengthens the walls of blood vessels and accelerates metabolic processes in the skin. Classic massage is performed using oil. 25 years
  • aging skin;
  • facial muscles have lost tone;
  • skin is dehydrated;
  • age-related wrinkles appeared on the face;
  • dry, sensitive, stressed skin;
  • rosacea
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • herpes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • skin injuries;
  • demodex
10–30 procedures
PlasticDuring the massage, active, patting and pressing movements are performed. This technique allows you to tighten the oval of the face and improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and skin regeneration. Plastic massage is performed on dry skin or talcum powder. 35 years
  • withered, thinned skin;
  • facial muscles have lost tone;
  • rosacea;
  • dark spots;
  • naturally thin skin;
  • puffy, edematous face
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • herpes;
  • skin injuries;
  • demodex
15–30 procedures
EuropeanLight pressure and stroking, without putting too much pressure on the skin. This technique helps relieve muscle stress, restore cellular respiration and improve blood circulation. European massage is performed using oil. 25 years
  • aging skin;
  • age-related changes;
  • dry, sensitive, stressed skin;
  • rosacea
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • herpes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • skin injuries;
  • demodex
10–30 procedures

In some cases, a facial massage performed by a competent specialist will help in the fight against rosacea.

Treatment by a dermatocosmetologist

Today, in order to quickly get rid of the manifestations of rosacea, it is recommended to visit a dermatocosmetologist. He will assess the extent of the disease and offer effective therapy, thanks to which you can get rid of the manifestations of the vascular pattern on the face.

Table: procedures for the treatment of rosacea on the face, carried out by a dermatocosmetologist

ProcedureShort descriptionAdvantagesFlawsContraindicationsWell
Laser treatmentUnder the influence of the laser, the vessels collapse. Typically, neodymium, alexandrite and diode types of laser are used.
  • Lack of rehabilitation period and any consequences.
  • There is no peeling of the skin, scars or scars after the procedure.
  • No pain (lasers are equipped with a cooling system that reduces pain, and local anesthesia is also used - a special cream or drug).
  • Does not damage adjacent skin areas.
  • Removal of rosacea from any part of the body.
  • Possibility to carry out the procedure at any time of the year.
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lupus erythematosus and other diffuse connective tissue diseases;
  • severe mental illness;
  • any acute conditions and fever;
  • skin diseases in the affected area;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • epilepsy;
  • tendency to form rough (keloid) scars after skin damage
Depends on each specific case. A small vascular pattern is removed in 1–2 procedures.
ElectrocoagulationA needle-shaped electrode is inserted into the affected vessel, and with the help of an electrical impulse the vessel is destroyed. First, large vessels are removed, and after a few days - small ones.
  • The procedure does not take much time.
  • No preparation is required for the procedure, and there is no need to take special care of your face after the procedure.
  • Few contraindications.
  • The presence of a large number of indications, which expands the capabilities of a cosmetologist.
  • Relative cheapness of the method.
  • Almost complete absence of side effects.
  • Short recovery period after the procedure.
  • It is not possible to remove all the vessels in one procedure if they are very small or located at a short distance from each other and there are a lot of them.
  • Price.
  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • intolerance to electrical procedures;
  • intolerance to drugs for local anesthesia (if the pain threshold is low);
  • blood clotting disorders
Depends on each specific case. Mostly at least two.
PhotorejuvenationA special light is applied to the skin. Thanks to this, active metabolic processes are launched in the skin, blood circulation is restored, vascular walls are strengthened and the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated.
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • skin color improves and its elasticity increases;
  • a tightening effect appears;
  • the skin becomes less tight and dry;
  • manifestations of acne are reduced and pigmentation disappears;
  • the production of your own collagen and cell regeneration are activated;
  • the skin looks velvety and acquires a healthy color
  • redness of the skin area;
  • discomfort;
  • swelling;
  • slight burning sensation;
  • peeling;
  • price
  • fresh tan;
  • naturally dark skin;
  • increased photosensitivity of the skin;
  • blood diseases, including hemophilia;
  • dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • taking antibiotics
Mostly 3–6 procedures
Ozone therapyUsing a microneedle, an ozone-oxygen cocktail is injected into the vessel. This helps restore blood flow and narrow the vessel, causing the vascular network to disappear. Ozone therapy is also used in the fight against wrinkles, age spots and swelling.
  • Prevention of aging of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  • Elimination of double chin, transverse neck wrinkles, giving elasticity to the décolleté area.
  • Facial skin tightening.
  • Elimination of swelling and bags under the eyes, dark circles around the eyes.
  • Treatment of acne, comedones, post-acne.
  • Treatment of rosacea, rosacea.
  • Elimination of fine wrinkles.
  • Elimination of hypersensitivity, dry, oily skin, enlarged pores.
  • Treatment of acquired skin pigmentation.
  • Pain during the introduction of gas under the skin and its distribution in the tissues.
  • Persistent pain at the injection site for 1–2 days after the procedure.
  • Swelling of the face at injection sites.
  • Bruises at the injection site if blood vessels were damaged.
  • Ozone therapy for the face for acne and other skin defects may be ineffective if there are serious internal causes.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer.
  • Price.
  • previous head injury;
  • convulsions, even if there was a single attack, epilepsy;
  • problems with the circulatory system;
  • the first days of menstruation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • acute period of heart attack or stroke;
  • allergy to medical ozone;
  • diabetes;
  • state of intoxication
6–15 procedures
MesotherapyIn each individual case, the doctor prescribes a cocktail of certain substances; vitamins, micro- and macroelements, collagen, elastin and others. This cocktail is injected into problem areas. Mesotherapy helps restore blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and accelerate tissue regeneration.
  • strengthening the vascular wall;
  • improvement of skin oxygenation processes;
  • getting rid of wrinkles;
  • rejuvenation of aging skin;
  • improvement of local blood circulation;
  • restoration of healthy skin color;
  • improvement of skin structure
  • pain during injection;
  • redness, swelling;
  • very rare allergic conditions, manifested by erythema, resolve spontaneously after a few minutes or hours;
  • bruises, hematomas;
  • price
  • Various types of inflammatory skin processes of infectious origin.
  • Chronic herpes.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Paroxysmal neurological diseases (epilepsy).
  • Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to certain drugs.
  • Taking certain medications and treating other diseases.
Depends on each specific case. Mostly 4–5 procedures.
BiorevitalizationSubcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid are performed. This starts metabolic processes in the skin, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.
  • painlessness;
  • high efficiency;
  • quick long-term results;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • fight against pigmentation;
  • rejuvenation
  • After biorevitalization, it is not recommended to apply makeup, do peeling, or visit bathhouses and solariums for 2–3 weeks.
  • Hyperemia or pallor of the skin, as well as the appearance of slight swelling.
  • At the injection site, traces remain in the form of small raised pimples, which disappear on the second day.
  • Price.
  • hypersensitivity or allergy to preparations with hyaluronic acid;
  • viral (herpes), fungal and bacterial skin infection;
  • the presence of a source of infection in the body;
  • pregnancy period (lactation);
  • history of autoimmune diseases
1–2 procedures
Microcurrent therapyUsing a device equipped with electrodes, microcurrents are applied to the skin.
  • Increasing skin tone, improving facial contours.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • Treatment of pigmentation.
  • Elimination of enlarged pores.
  • Elimination of increased skin sensitivity, tendency to redness, dehydration.
  • Safety.
  • Complex effect on tissue.
  • Improvement in skin condition visible and felt by the client after the procedure.
  • Good compatibility with other cosmetic procedures and various cosmetics.
  • the need to maintain the result by conducting repeated courses of procedures;
  • price
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • increased sensitivity to electric current;
  • piercing in the affected area;
  • acute infectious diseases with impaired general condition and fever;
  • the presence of metal ceramics and metal fillings;
  • herpetic rashes
8–12 procedures
PeelingsDelicate types of peeling are recommended for skin with rosacea:
  • lactic;
  • almond;
  • azelaic;
  • enzymatic.

They act quite gently, but are very effective: they help speed up regeneration, cleanse the skin of existing imperfections, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, and also moisturize the skin.

  • skin cleansing;
  • fast recovery period;
  • fight against skin imperfections: age spots, inflammation, etc.;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • improvement of microcirculation
Possible redness and peeling after the procedure
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • open wounds and damage at the peeling site
Depends on each specific case. Mostly 4–5 procedures.

Photo gallery: results of treatment of rosacea by a dermatocosmetologist

The laser beam, penetrating the vessel, glues it together, forming a clot, which prevents blood circulation

A needle-shaped electrode is inserted into the affected vessel, and under the influence of an electrical impulse it is destroyed

The photorejuvenation procedure has a comprehensive effect on the condition of the skin: eliminates age spots and dilated blood vessels, enhances collagen production and fights wrinkles

Ozone therapy helps restore blood flow and narrow the blood vessel, due to which the vascular network disappears

Mesotherapy helps restore blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and accelerate tissue regeneration

Biorevitalization starts metabolic processes in the skin, improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage

Using a device equipped with electrodes, microcurrents are applied to the skin. This procedure improves blood circulation and lymph flow. Milk, almond, azelaine and enzymatic peelings are quite gentle, but very effective

Video: treatment of rosacea with a doctor

It is worth understanding that today there are no procedures that would be able to permanently eliminate the manifestations of rosacea. In order for this disease to enter the stage of stable remission, after effective cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to eliminate factors that provoke the appearance of vascular patterns on the face and carry out careful skin care.

Contraindications for rosacea

For rosacea it is not recommended:

  • be exposed to sudden temperature changes (contrast washing and showering, using ice cubes, etc.);
  • visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium, beach;
  • neglect sun protection - daily use of cream with a high SPF factor;
  • use aggressive cosmetics (water-based clay masks, scrubs, alcohol-containing lotions, strong peelings, etc.);
  • to be nervous;
  • drink alcohol and smoke.

What basic cosmetic procedures are used to treat rosacea?

If telangiectasia is severe, an impressive arsenal of therapeutic and cosmetic procedures comes to the rescue, which are selected based on the patient’s individuality. These primarily include:

Electrocoagulation. This is cauterization of blood vessels using a hair electrode. In this way, it is possible to eliminate even quite obvious manifestations of the disease. However, in some cases, electrocoagulation leaves scars or pigment spots on the skin.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization. This method is based on microinjections of drugs that strengthen capillary walls and have a positive effect on blood microcirculation. This procedure can be performed for both treatment and prevention purposes.

Treatment of rosacea with laser. Laser therapy for rosacea is the cauterization of a pronounced vascular pattern using a laser beam. Thanks to its excellent results and almost complete absence of pain, laser is one of the most popular assistants in the treatment of telangiectasia.

Phototherapy. Treatment with light flashes is excellent for treating large-scale telangiectasias, and in addition, eliminates pigment spots, acne and other skin defects.

Therapeutic plastic massage. As opposed to traditional massage, which is harmful for telangiectasia, this procedure successfully copes with the manifestations of the disease, and in addition, is used for prevention.

The light will cure

If the vascular network has already formed, it will not be possible to get rid of it using home remedies, so you will have to resort to the help of a cosmetologist.

To eliminate rosacea, laser treatment or phototherapy is used. In both cases, the damaged vessel is exposed to light. Light energy reacts with the pigment in the vessels, is converted into heat and seals the damaged capillary.

Article on the topic

In facts and figures: laser therapy was recognized in the USSR in 1974. Laser and phototherapy do not lead to skin injuries, and their effect is noticeable immediately. The red mesh on the skin either disappears during the session, or the vessels change color and gradually become invisible over the course of a week. Immediately after the procedure, there may be slight redness of the skin and slight swelling, which will subside within one to two hours.

In most cases, it is possible to completely get rid of spider veins in one visit to a cosmetologist, but it happens that two or three procedures are required a week apart. The fact is that with a strong rush of blood to the face, blood flow can be restored even in a completely sealed vessel and the redness will again become noticeable. Then the capillary is clogged again.

Both laser and phototherapy enhance collagen production, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, which means they not only relieve rosacea, but also serve to prevent it. And at the same time they improve complexion, rejuvenate and slightly tighten the skin.

Is it possible to do peeling for rosacea?

Chemical peels for telangiectasia are a rather controversial cosmetic procedure, because any third-party effect on the affected skin should be gentle and superficial so as not to disrupt blood microcirculation. However, if peeling is chosen correctly, it can have a beneficial effect on the skin. The most popular for rosacea are glycolic peeling, peeling with lactic acid, as well as retinoic, almond, enzyme and a number of other peelings, and the drugs used during this procedure are characterized by a reduced concentration of active acids or enzymes.

Removal of rosacea with laser

Beauty salons can help in the treatment of skin defects. Laser removal of rosacea is a modern way to quickly and reliably get rid of the appearance of vascular nodes. This technique is completely safe. The only drawback is the lack of a therapeutic effect; you can only get rid of external manifestations, but you cannot cure the problem itself in this way.

After the manipulation, redness of the skin may remain, but the next day all irritation goes away and the skin becomes clean.

The procedure goes like this. The doctor aims the beam at the affected area, when heated, the vessel is sealed, and a scattering of stars disappears. The process is painless.

Some specialists may suggest peeling for rosacea, but remember that if you have sensitive skin, it is undesirable to injure it even more. Proper cleaning can be carried out in the salon, but this should only be done by a competent specialist and in the case of the primary manifestation of the disease.

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Are there preventive measures against rosacea and what are they?

An excellent preventative measure against rosacea is the above-mentioned diet (hot spices, hot foods, coffee and alcohol, etc. should be removed from the diet, and bad habits should be avoided). Preventive mesotherapy using vascular-strengthening drugs, taking vitamins C and P and herbal herbal remedies (horse chestnut, rose hips, etc.) are also appropriate.

Home skin care should be based on moisturizing and protecting it: essentially, a moisturizer will be the best cream for rosacea, and reviews from numerous patients who have experienced telangiectasia confirm this. At the same time, these products must be used indoors, and every time before going outside, you need to apply a protective cream.

Mesotherapy against rosacea

Tendency to vascular disorders is a chronic condition that requires constant support and prevention. As a single procedure, mesotherapy will be effective in the early stages of rosacea, but it is also recommended to be used in combination with other measures - hardware, cosmetic. The technique consists of injecting problem areas with specially selected meso-cocktails. The drugs are administered to a shallow depth according to a specific scheme. Thus, the active substances are delivered directly to the target - small subcutaneous vessels. Injection cocktails contain hyaluronic acid, amino acids, zinc, selenium, organic acids, rutin, vitamin C, plant extracts of butcher's broom, centella asiatica, horse chestnut, and ginkgo biloba. All these ingredients are designed to strengthen the capillary wall and reduce its permeability, improve tissue trophism and antioxidant protection, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. The dermis, on which the density and structure of the connective fibers of the skin depends, is also targeted. The normal, non-stretched condition of the skin has a positive effect on the strength of the vascular network. After a course of seven to ten procedures, damaged vessels with a diameter of up to 0.5 mm usually completely disappear, and larger ones decrease in size and become less noticeable. Mesotherapy allows, if not completely avoiding problems with the vascular pattern, then delaying its appearance for a long time.

Causes and symptoms of rosacea

In dermatology, it is believed that the development of rosacea is hereditary. It is transmitted predominantly through the female line; most often, those with light and sensitive skin suffer from the problem, since their capillaries are close to the surface of the epidermis. Couperosis can occur due to the following reasons:

  • chronic diseases of the circulatory system;
  • liver diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • increased sensitivity and thinness of the skin.

There are also provoking factors that increase the risk of developing pathology. These include: changes in hormonal levels, frequent exposure to wind and snow, abuse of salty and spicy foods, aggressive cosmetic procedures.

The external manifestations of rosacea change as the problem develops. Main stages of the disease and characteristic signs:

  1. Minor redness appears in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, lips and cheeks. They last from 10 minutes to 1-2 hours.
  2. A capillary network appears with every temperature and mechanical influence.
  3. Redness becomes longer lasting and pigmentation forms.
  4. The skin acquires a grayish tint and becomes sensitive to the effects. Inflammation develops and a rash appears on the cheeks and nose.
  5. The disease develops into rosacea with severe redness that does not go away, and papules, swelling and a bright red rash appear on the surface of the skin.

In the later stages, it is impossible to get rid of rosacea with cosmetics; the use of medications, hardware and physiotherapeutic procedures is required.

Home prevention of rosacea

In order to prevent the appearance of stars on the skin, you need to strengthen the blood vessels. Home remedies are quite suitable for this. Here are some recommendations to strengthen blood vessels and improve skin condition:

  1. One of the most accessible remedies at home is a contrast shower. Alternating hot and cold water helps train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It is better to do this procedure in the morning. Rapid alternation of hot and cold water has a good effect on the health of blood vessels.

  2. Food enriched with vitamins is beneficial. It is also necessary that the diet contains dishes containing microelements - copper, manganese, zinc.
  3. To prevent spider veins from appearing, you need to monitor your weight. Excess weight is a big burden on all organs.
  4. You need to limit salt. It retains fluid, which adversely affects the condition of the veins.

  5. Physical activity is both treatment and prevention of rosacea. It is necessary that the exercises are not tiring.

  6. It is necessary to combat constipation in every possible way.
  7. Avoiding stress is an important component in preventing spider veins.

So, overcoming spider veins at home, without the use of expensive medications, is quite normal. You can easily achieve healthy looking skin. A healthy lifestyle is the best companion for beautiful skin.


Types of the disease and how to recognize it

Spider veins appear on the surface of the cheeks, wings of the nose and in the chin area. On the forehead, a capillary network occurs in rare cases. The affected areas of the skin begin to change color from light pink to blue, depending on the severity of telangiectasia on the face. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Visually, several types of the disease are distinguished:

  • linear, or sinusoidal;
  • tree-like;
  • star-shaped;
  • spot-like.

Cuperosis develops gradually, so the dynamics of the disease are divided into 4 main stages. Each stage has characteristic symptoms.

Stage of disease developmentSigns of pathology
Stage 1The sensitivity of the skin of the cheeks, nose and lower jaw area begins to increase. The epithelium begins to turn red, and erythrosis develops. After the onset of rosacea on the facial skin, a person begins to complain of increased temperature, itching and colic. The duration of symptoms varies from 2 minutes to 2 hours. The pathology may spread to the neck.
Stage 2Redness stops disappearing and is constantly present on the skin. A network of capillaries and pigmentation gradually appear.
Stage 3Dermatosis develops. The skin begins to lose elasticity and becomes pale. An inflammatory process occurs in the affected areas, in rare cases accompanied by a pustular rash. This phenomenon is observed only 20-30 years after the onset of the disease.
Stage 4The skin begins to roughen and thicken, especially in the nose area.

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