Biology In medicine, the apothecary leech (Hirudo medicinalis officinalis) and the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis medicinalis) are used.
female discharge - norm and pathology
Gray vaginal discharge
Discharge in women - norm and pathology Natural female discharge is observed in all women.
Decreased progesterone levels
Hormone progesterone treatment with folk remedies
Reasons for the decrease in progesterone concentration in the body A decrease in progesterone levels can occur under the influence of the following
Healthy lifestyle for normal blood pressure
How to normalize blood pressure at home. Treatment of hypertension and hypotension - tablets and folk remedies
Normal blood pressure (BP) is considered to be between 90/60 and 120/80 mmHg. Art.
sunflower leaves
Sunflower leaves: description and medicinal properties
Features of the plant Sunflower came to our lands from Peru and Mexico. This is a heat-loving plant. He
Celandine for treating skin at home
Bath with celandine Place 50 g of crushed celandine (3 tablespoons) in an enamel pan
How to use ginger for weight loss?
This plant has a bizarre root shape and emits an unforgettable aroma. In addition, it is used
Choosing effective herbs to increase potency
The male reproductive system is very sensitive to various kinds of external influences and diseases, which leads to
How to strengthen the heart muscle at home?
© Author: Sazykina Oksana Yuryevna, cardiologist, especially for SosudInfo.ru (about the authors) Incidence of cardiovascular pathology
Dimorphant honey medicinal properties
The little hard worker bee has no idea how grateful humanity is to her for the opportunity to use
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