Nettle decoction for hair: the best recipes for rinses and masks

Medicinal properties of the plant

Nettle is a herbaceous plant whose stems and leaves are covered with stinging hairs. Widely distributed in temperate climates of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Stinging nettle and stinging nettle have become widespread in Russia.

This plant is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. This variety is beneficial for restoring the structure of the hair and scalp.

Nettle decoctions that help strengthen hair strength

Hair decoctions, where the main ingredient is nettle, can be used almost constantly. They help get rid of dandruff without much expense, make our curls soft and manageable, and strengthen the follicles.

The herbal decoction can be used both in its natural pure form and in combination with some other healing ingredients:

  • You will need a tablespoon of crushed dried nettle leaves and an equal amount of ground burdock root.

    The dry mixture is poured with boiling water in the amount of a glass, boiled for another half hour, left for about two hours and filtered. The prepared broth is carefully rubbed into the scalp; it is advisable to do this one or two days later in the evening before falling asleep; after this, it is advisable not to wash your hair for 24 hours.

  • One hundred grams of dried or fresh stinging nettle leaves are poured with a liter of warm water, and half a liter of 0.9% table vinegar is added. This composition should be kept on low heat for about 30 minutes. After filtering through a sieve, the decoction is ready for use. To stop hair loss, pour two or three glasses of nettle-vinegar infusion into a bowl of warm water and wash your hair with this solution; do not use other detergents.
  • One hundred grams of nettle leaves are poured with half a liter of water and half a liter of 6% apple cider vinegar. The entire mixture is heated on the stove for half an hour, infused for at least two hours, and after straining it can be used to wash your hair. You need to use this recipe every day and then in less than a month your hair will delight you with its thickness, elasticity and strength.
  • In equal proportions (about three spoons each), you need to mix nettle leaves and coltsfoot grass.

    This amount of herbal collection is poured into a liter of boiling water and infused in a closed saucepan for about one hour. After straining, the healing infusion is used as a hair and scalp wash. It is recommended to carry out the procedure three times in 10 days and this must be done for at least one month. Infusion with coltsfoot effectively copes with dandruff.

Effect of vitamins and microelements

  1. Vitamin A - heals the scalp, stabilizes the functioning of follicles (hair follicles) and sebaceous glands.
  2. Vitamin C - activates the flow of oxygen-rich blood.
  3. Vitamin K - promotes pigmentation, providing shine and shine to the strands.
  4. Organic acids improve metabolic processes in follicles.
  5. Tannins - soothe scalp irritation, thicken hair scales, providing elasticity.
  6. Flavonoids - improve the functioning of hair follicles.

Using nettle-based products, improvement occurs from the first procedures. In case of hair loss and damage to the structure of the hair, and for diseases of the scalp, periodic treatment procedures should be carried out for 1-2 months.

This course will not only improve the health of the scalp, but also consolidate the favorable result.

Health effect

Uses of nettle:

  • reduces hair loss;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • promotes hair growth;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • heals skin wounds;
  • relieves itching and skin damage;
  • improves structure;
  • reduces fat content;
  • gives strands shine and manageability

Nettle is a source of useful, nutritional components that can regenerate (restore) the structure of any hair. Therefore, many women have this product in their home cosmetics.

Beneficial properties of nettle for hair

Young nettle leaves are the most useful, as they contain a huge amount of useful substances for strengthening hair.

So what are these beneficial substances:

  1. Hair becomes shiny due to the content of nettle hairs, substances such as acetylcholine, histamine and the very popular formic acid. All these substances are poisonous, but when they warm up, all the caustic substances cease their effect.
  2. The hair comes back to life and all small wounds heal very quickly, because nettle contains vitamin A.
  3. The well-known vitamin C helps make hair smooth, strong and elastic. Vitamin C promotes hair growth by improving and normalizing blood circulation.
  4. Vibrant hair color, natural shine and radiance come from vitamin K.
  5. Carotene is an assistant in moisturizing dry hair - it is a natural component that helps normalize the functioning of the salt glands.
  6. To combat seborrhea and skin itching, the tannins contained in nettle help. They help smooth the hair, make it soft and elastic.
  7. Organic and flavonoids activate hair growth and prevent hair loss.

After the first use of nettle, you will notice the result. Nettle decoction is considered the most effective and efficient for the restoration and health of your hair.

How to use nettle

At home, fresh and dry herbs can be used in different dosage forms.

This allows you to choose the most convenient method of preparing and storing the product.

Forms of use:

  • mask (porridge made from crushed fresh or dry herbs with a small amount of water and other ingredients, or based on decoction, infusion, juice);
  • juice (squeezed from chopped fresh herbs);
  • decoction (the grass is poured with hot water, simmered over low heat);
  • infusion (boiling water is added to dry or fresh material and infused for 0.5 hours);
  • tincture (the plant is poured with a 40% alcohol solution (vodka), infused for several days).

Having made a nettle remedy, you can choose the optimal method of application to the hair and scalp, choose techniques with or without subsequent rinsing with water.

How to use:

  1. The mask is applied to the scalp, root zone or all hair with light massage movements. Often requires rinsing with water.
  2. Juice, concentrated decoction, infusion, tincture is rubbed into the skin and root part with or without a dispenser. Additionally massaging the head. It is not always necessary to rinse with water
  3. An aqueous solution (decoction, infusion) is sprayed onto the hair using a spray bottle. Distribute evenly along the entire length. After 30 minutes, you can rinse or let dry.
  4. Rinse with weak water solutions after shampooing. Do not rinse, let the strands dry.
  5. Ingestion of decoctions, infusions, tinctures. It is recommended to use it in complex therapy so that the restorative effect is also inside the body.

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How to prepare a nettle solution for rinsing hair

Nettle retains its properties for a long time, so both fresh and dry nettle are suitable for the solution.

The only condition is the collection period - May and June. At a later time, nettle wastes its beneficial substances and becomes less effective.

Important to remember! Dried nettle can be stored for 2 years. Therefore, when purchasing herbs at a pharmacy, you should pay attention to the collection period and check the expiration date.

To apply the solution to the curls, it is recommended to use a spray bottle or a cotton swab (lotion).

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Instructions for preparing nettle infusion for hair

The infusion is made without cooking, but requires a long soak. To prepare it, you need to pour 60 g of dried nettle with boiled water (500 ml). Leave the resulting solution for 7 hours (overnight).

If desired, you can add honey (5 ml) to boiling water. It nourishes curls, gives them healthy shine and elasticity.

Pure nettle infusion (without adding other herbs and oils) is used to stimulate the growth and strengthening of curls. For the procedure to be effective, it should be repeated every other day.

How to prepare a decoction of fresh nettles

If it is May outside the window, then it is enough to pick a handful of nettle leaves. You will need more summer plants. It is best to collect the top succulent leaves. Both seeds and inflorescences are suitable for decoction. Only damaged and diseased leaves should be avoided.

Nettle has been very beneficial for hair since ancient times. Partly thanks to its properties, our grandmothers wore silky, elastic braids

Nettle decoction for hair (rinse against hair loss) is prepared according to the following instructions:

  • rinse freshly picked nettles well, shake and dry;
  • Place the prepared plants in a saucepan and add cold water (500 ml);
  • place the pan on the stove and heat for 15 minutes;
  • turn off the heat and drain the broth.

Without missing a single day, rinse washed hair with the cooled broth for 10 days.

Instructions for preparing a decoction of nettle leaves and roots

Nettle can be used completely for hair (rinse against hair loss): leaves and roots are excellent for decoction.

Typically, ground or chopped roots are mixed with the leaves.

How to prepare the decoction:

  1. add water (200 ml) to the ground rhizomes and leaves (60 g);
  2. bring to a boil over low heat;
  3. without turning up the heat, cook for half an hour;
  4. Turn off the heat, let cool and strain.

The decoction is used for rinsing or rubbing into the scalp (do not rinse).

Nettle and vinegar decoction: recipe

Vinegar is an effective remedy for fighting dandruff. Combining a nettle decoction with a bite will help you quickly achieve visible results: your hair will become elastic, soft and silky.

Nettle infusion from fresh or dry herbs is mixed with 9% or apple cider vinegar. The proportions are as follows:

  • nettle – 100 g;
  • vinegar (9%) – 500 ml per 1 liter of water;
  • apple cider vinegar (6%) – 500 ml per 500 ml of water.

First, the crushed nettle is filled with water. Then vinegar is added, and the container with the future broth is placed on the stove. The solution must be boiled for 30 minutes and drained.

The strands are washed with a diluted decoction without using shampoo every day for 4 weeks.

Methods for the manufacture and use of medicines

Each medicinal composition is created in several stages. This allows you to preserve the nutritional properties of nettle as much as possible. The products can consist of one nettle or have several ingredients.


  1. Glass or ceramic dishes are used to mix the ingredients.
  2. All ingredients must be fresh, preferably homemade.
  3. Mix the components until smooth.
  4. After application, wrap your head in polyethylene and a towel.
  5. If the masks do not contain oils, you can wash them off with plain water. Some recipes do not require rinsing.

Mask for oily hair. In a blender, grind 30-35 g of fresh nettle to a paste, add 20 g of chopped sea salt. Rub into the root part of the hair, distribute throughout the strands. Wash off after half an hour.

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Nettle juice

  1. Soak young shoots in water for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove insects and diseased leaves.
  3. Shake off the water and dry the leaves.
  4. Pass the nettles through a juicer. Or grind the leaves in a blender and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  5. Store for 2-4 days in the refrigerator.

To strengthen hair. Nourishing nettle juice mask. Rub the juice squeezed from fresh leaves, massaging into the root part of the hair. You don't have to wash it off.


  1. Steam 100 grams of herbal mixture with 1 liter of hot water.
  2. Heat over low heat for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Cool the broth.
  4. Strain the resulting mixture and pour into a glass container with a lid.
  5. Store in the refrigerator for 2-4 days.

For silky and shiny hair. Vinegar-nettle mask. Pour one apple cider vinegar into three parts of nettle decoction. Massaging, rub into hair and scalp. Rinse after half an hour.


Option 1:

  1. The collection is poured with boiling water.
  2. Place in a water bath and simmer for 15 minutes. Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Cool.
  4. Strain and add water.

Option 2:

  1. The collection is poured into a thermos.
  2. Pour boiling water over.
  3. Leave for an hour.
  4. Strain.

In the treatment of seborrhea and baldness. Mask with horsetail. In a thermos, prepare an infusion of 30 g of horsetail roots, 30 g of dry nettle leaves and 200 ml of hot water. After 6 hours, strain. We do not rinse the mask.

Effective means

If the hair has become dull, split and growing out of control, it will need emergency help. A mask containing nettle will accelerate hair growth, revitalize hair, returning and enhancing all its vital functions.

To achieve 100% results from the mask, it is important to adhere to the basic rules for its preparation. The improvement becomes noticeable after the first use of the product.

Rules for preparing a mask

  • do not use metal or plastic utensils;
  • purchase raw materials of the best quality;
  • mix the ingredients until smooth;
  • Apply to the scalp and the entire length of the hair;
  • put on a plastic cap and wrap it with a scarf or towel.


Egg mask for growth and shine:

  • Beat 2 homemade eggs with 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of nettle decoction with 1 tablespoon of cognac;

If your hair is very dry, you can add 1 tablespoon of olive oil; if your hair is very oily, you can add 2 tablespoons of blue clay.

Mix everything and apply to scalp and hair. Do before bed, 2 times every 7 days. After washing your hair, you can rinse with nettle infusion.

Herbal mask for hair growth and gray prevention:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of chamomile with 1 tablespoon of nettle (crushed).
  2. Add 50 grams of warm water and let it absorb.
  3. Add 1 yolk from a homemade egg.
  4. Gently distribute over the entire length.
  5. Rinse off with water after 45 minutes.

Attention! This mask should be done at least 2 times a week. In just a couple of weeks, your hair will gain vitality and begin to grow rapidly.

Vitamin mask against hair loss:

  • 1 tbsp. nettle juice;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B1.

Mix the yolk with the vitamin, stir in the juice and honey. Mix. Use the mask immediately. Wash off after half an hour with warm water. After the second use of this mask, your hair will become elastic and strong.

Against hair loss and to enhance hair growth , the following decoction will give an amazing effect:

  • 2 tablespoons chopped burdock root;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped nettle;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Pour boiling water over burdock and nettle and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Cover and leave for 20 minutes. Strain and rinse your hair after washing. Can be used every other day.

How to rinse

  1. Prepare a solution in the proportion of 1 part concentrated herbal solution and 4 parts warm, boiled water.
  2. Rinse for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove excess water from hair. Wrap in a towel, but do not wipe.
  4. Do not use a hair dryer, but let the curls dry on their own.

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For brittle and coarse hair. Rinse with a decoction of coltsfoot and nettle. Pour 60 g of dried herbs into 1 liter of boiling water and prepare a decoction. Dilute the cooled broth with 1.5 liters of warm water. Rinse for 5-10 minutes. Let your hair dry.

Against baldness. Herbal composition with nettle, calamus and black tea. Brew 0.2 liters of black tea and add 20 g of finely ground calamus roots and nettle leaves. After 4-5 hours, strain. You don't have to wash off the mask.

For hair loss. Herbal decoction of nettle and burdock roots. Add 50 grams of herbs to 1 liter of hot water. Make a rinse from the prepared broth.


Classic nettle decoction (ratio of leaves and water 1:10 or 2:10) is useful.

But to enhance its healing properties and prevent unwanted effects, various additional components are used.

They are necessary to help each person individually.

What recipes exist for preparing nettle decoction for hair, and what are the indications for their use?

  1. For girls with blond hair. Mix dry roots and leaves in equal proportions. Add one tablespoon of honey or lemon juice to the resulting broth. This will protect your strands from unexpected color changes.
  2. For shine, softness and silkiness. Add a tablespoon of apple or grape cider vinegar to the finished broth.
  3. For dry hair and dandruff. At the beginning of preparation, add 50-60 g of dry coltsfoot to the nettle.
  4. To strengthen the roots and prevent hair loss and dandruff. The first option is to add one glass of sea buckthorn juice. The second option is to add burdock root, heather, hop cones and chamomile in equal proportions (20-30 g). Prepare the resulting mixture according to the standard recipe.
  5. For oily roots and split ends. You will need celandine and calendula in equal quantities. Add a few drops of motherwort tincture to the prepared decoction.
  6. Against baldness and age-related gray hair. You need 2-3 bags of crushed calamus root, which can be found in the pharmacy. You can use crushed horsetail shoots.
  7. For oily and combination hair. You will need rosemary seeds, green tea and a few tablespoons of burdock oil. Rinse your hair after rinsing.
  8. To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the head. You can add one to 2 teaspoons of peppermint.

A huge variety of cooking options will allow you to choose what suits you. If you are confused by the abundance of proposed methods, use a classic decoction or seek advice from a doctor you trust.

Medicinal mixtures

A more complete restorative effect can be achieved by adding other ingredients to nettle.

To strengthen the roots and nourish the hair - honey-nettle mask. Add 40 g of honey to 50 grams of nettle juice and stir well. Wash off after 25 minutes.

To reduce oily hair - nettle-sea buckthorn mixture. Add 0.1 liter of juice squeezed from ripe sea buckthorn berries to 0.2 liters of nettle broth. It is not necessary to wash off the mask.

To protect and restore the scalp - olive-nettle mixture with oak bark. Add one part olive oil to two parts nettle decoction and two parts oak decoction. Wash off the mask after an hour.

To nourish hair of any type - a vitamin mask with egg yolk. Pour one fresh yolk, 1 ampoule of vitamin B6 and 1 ampoule of vitamin B1 into 150 ml of nettle decoction. Rinse after 50 minutes.

For damaged strands - rosemary mixture with burdock oil. Mix 20 g of rosemary seeds, fresh nettle gruel and burdock oil, add 200 ml of water. It is advisable to lubricate the hair roots with the composition daily. After 30 minutes of the procedure, rinse your hair.

To protect and restore the scalp - olive-nettle mixture with oak bark. Add one part olive oil to two parts nettle decoction and two parts oak decoction. Wash off the mask after an hour.

To lighten hair - hair lightening mask. Prepare an infusion of 20 g of chamomile flowers and 20 g of nettle. Leave for 1 hour. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Brief overview of pharmacy forms

Cosmetology produces a variety of nettle-based hair care products. But many, wanting to enhance the restorative effect of hair and scalp, prepare the compositions themselves.

For these purposes, the material can not only be prepared, but also purchased at the pharmacy. The pharmaceutical industry presents dry preparations and various extracts.

MedicineRelease formCharacteristic
Dry nettleCrushed dry raw materials (leaf, stem, seed)Used in herbal medicine, in the manufacture of hair strengthening compositions.
Nettle briquettesPressed, crushed leafUsed for masks, for rinsing, and for oral administration.
Dry nettle leavesFilter packagesFor tea, 0.5 - 2 glasses per day
Alcoholic extract of nettle70% ethyl alcohol on leavesCosmetic product for strengthening and stimulating hair growth. For oral administration.
Leaf extract (alcohol-free)Liquid, concentrated compositionUsed for medicinal purposes in the form of masks and oral administration
Nettle oilLiquid oil extractRubbing into the skin softens and tones, reducing hair loss and split ends.

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Concentrated pharmaceutical forms (extracts) are attractive due to their ease of use and long shelf life.

Precautionary measures

Any medicine has not only positive qualities, but can lead to unpleasant sensations or even cause harm. Therefore, for complex treatment (for external use and oral administration) there are some contraindications.

It is not recommended to use for vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis), hypertension. Also, it should not be used for uterine bleeding and in the first third of pregnancy.

When used externally, you need to be aware of some precautions that can lead to an unpleasant effect.

  1. When rinsing, nettle products dry out hair, so for dry hair you should use masks and rub into the root zone of the head.
  2. Bleached, damaged hair may take on a slightly greenish tint when rinsed. To do this, add lemon juice to the solutions, or use only masks.
  3. When preparing home remedies, do not use products that cause allergic reactions.

A large selection of ingredients allows you to find the appropriate composition and method of application.

Nettle in masks for hair loss

A concentrated decoction, as well as simply dry or fresh parts of nettle, are the basis of many masks that help stop hair loss, make it thicker, softer and stronger.

Nettle masks are an excellent remedy for dry and oily dandruff, irritation and frequent itching of the scalp.

Recipe 1.

For this mask you need to stock up on fresh leaves of the plant. One hundred grams of leaves are crushed in a blender and mixed with two to three tablespoons of sea salt.

Stir the resulting mass until it turns into a homogeneous mixture; its consistency should be similar to sour cream.

The mask is rubbed over the entire scalp, polyethylene is put on top and wrapped in a towel, after 30 minutes the hair is washed with shampoo and dried without using a hair dryer.

This recipe is very effective and stops even the most severe hair loss, but it is only suitable for those with hair with high oil content.

Do not use the mask if there are cuts or irritation on the head.

The course of treatment is one and a half months with the condition of using a mask once every three days.

Recipe 2.

A tablespoon of fresh young nettle leaves and an equal amount of calendula flowers are placed in a glass container and poured with a glass of warm olive oil.

The oil mixture should simmer for another 20 minutes in a water bath, after which it is infused in a dark, cool place for two to three weeks.

The prepared emulsion is filtered and used as a preparation for rubbing into the scalp; the procedure is carried out before each hair wash.

A rinse with fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar with nettle will help get rid of residual oil.

An oily herbal mask is used if there is severe loss of dry and brittle hair.

Recipe 3.

A small handful of fresh nettle leaves should be chopped and mixed with one egg yolk.

The resulting mixture is applied to the strands and rubbed into the scalp, the mask is kept under an insulating cap for 20 minutes, it is washed off only with warm water and shampoo.

The recipe is used for hair loss and dullness.

Recipe 4.

Fresh nettle leaves need to be chopped. To prepare the mask, you will need three tablespoons of crushed mass and two tablespoons of chopped mint leaves.

The entire green mixture is poured into a glass of low-fat kefir and, after mixing, applied to the hair and rubbed into its roots.

You can keep the mask on for up to one hour; it is washed off well with shampoo. This recipe not only strengthens the follicles, but also moisturizes the hair, increases its strength, increases blood flow, and the mint leaves give a cooling sensation.

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