Propolis for cough, sore throat and tonsillitis

Cough propolis for children

– this is the best way to get rid of a cough, recognized both by modern medicine and used for centuries in folk medicine.

Many experts recommend using propolis for coughs, which will be especially useful for children. Nowadays, many parents more often use natural medicines and preparations, since, firstly, they do not have many side effects and do not ultimately lead to a decrease in the level of the child’s immune system, and secondly, the dominance of advertising of low-quality and expensive imported medicines drugs that do not give any positive results (many drugs are produced on the placebo principle - 99.9% of the composition is fructose, glucose, sucrose and 0.1% active drugs).

Another problem is pediatricians (fortunately for us there are not many of them, but they exist), who prescribe antibiotics or medications for children, which can further aggravate the situation, and on the one hand, they eliminate the current illness, but subsequently provoke a lot of other problems . But there are also specialists who, contrary to the above recommendations, prescribe traditional medicine to children.


A doctor (pediatrician) is a high-level specialist. Neglecting his recommendations and self-medicating in difficult situations can lead to extremely negative consequences. We must remember - before giving your child antibiotics and potent drugs, make sure the diagnosis is correct.

Treatment with propolis for children


Before you start using propolis for cough in children, you need to check the body's reaction. To do this, spread a small amount of tincture or ointment based on bee glue on your wrist; if signs of an allergic reaction (itching, redness, etc.) appear within 15 minutes, use is not recommended.

Recommended use during illness

Children aged 3 to 7 years - take 5 drops (per teaspoon of boiled water) 15 - 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. The course of taking propolis for cough for children is 10 days (even if there is no cough, it usually goes away on the 3rd day).

Children aged 7 years and older, 5 drops + 1 drop for each year (8 years - 6 drops, 9 years -7 drops, etc.). It is better to take the tincture with warm tea or boiled milk with the addition of one level teaspoon of natural flower honey.

Prevention and strengthening of the immune system

To prevent viral, allergic and chronic diseases of various origins during spring and autumn epidemics, doctors recommend taking the tincture once a day before dinner.

Children aged 3 to 7 years – take 5 drops 15 – 20 minutes before meals, 1 time per day. Course 10 days, every six months.

Children aged 7 years and older, 5 drops + 1 drop for each year (8 years - 6 drops, 9 years -7 drops, etc.) once a day before meals, it is better to dilute the tincture with warm or boiled tea milk with the addition of one teaspoon (without a slide) of natural flower honey.

Composition and value of propolis tincture for cough

Propolis is a substance with a sticky consistency that bees produce to clog their homes. It contains wax, their saliva and nectar of various plants. Due to its adhesive structure, the beekeeping product strengthens the foundation of the bee's home, reducing its vibration.

In medicine, the useful substance is valued for its bactericidal properties. It prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Bee glue is considered a powerful antioxidant, which allows it to be used to remove toxins and waste from the body. In combination with medicinal plants, it is effective in the fight against otitis media, tonsillitis and allergic reactions. Due to its antipyretic properties, bee glue is often used for colds.

The composition of the healing substance is represented by the following elements:

  • organic acids;
  • provitamin A;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • flavonoids;
  • iron;
  • benzoic acid;
  • manganese.

Due to its unique composition, propolis is considered a powerful natural antibiotic. It accelerates regenerative processes in the body and metabolism. By replenishing vitamin and mineral reserves, the substance strengthens the immune system, making the body less susceptible to viral and infectious diseases. The antioxidant effect allows the beekeeping product to be used for the prevention of toxic poisoning. Sometimes it is even used in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system. Propolis relieves inflammation and eliminates pain, helps preserve reproductive function.

Attention! Propolis is a strong allergen, so it should be used with extreme caution.

How to make propolis tincture for coughs for children at home

In our opinion, the best propolis tincture for children for cough and restoration of immunity is the tincture with butter. To prepare it you will need:


  • propolis – 20 grams
  • butter 82% – 180 grams
  • two pans (for a water bath)

Place the butter in a water bath. When the butter has completely dissolved, add the crushed bee product. Simmer over low heat for 1-8 hours, stirring constantly (the longer, the higher the effectiveness of the final product). Afterwards, let it sit for a day. Remove the upper fraction and you can use it; all unnecessary impurities will settle to the bottom. Oil tincture can be stored for a long time.

Propolis tincture for cough - detailed instructions for preparing tinctures and instructions for use for all ages
Propolis tincture>>>

Treatment of cough in children with propolis tincture with chamomile and honey

To make a tincture with chamomile and honey for coughs for children:

  • crushed bee glue 10 grams
  • chamomile 20 grams
  • prepared water 200 ml (glass)
  • two pans (preferably enameled)
  • thermos
  • dark glass bottle with a tight-fitting cap (cork)
  • honey

The water needs to be boiled. Then chamomile is added to hot water and cooled at room temperature. Place the solution in a water bath at a temperature of 50-55 degrees and add the crushed bee product. At this thermal regime, the solution is kept for 60 minutes, while it is constantly stirred. Then pour into a thermos and leave for 48 hours, shaking regularly.

Water propolis for coughs for children
We make 10 recipes for water tincture at home and consider ready-made preparations. How to properly prepare water and bee glue, other important information - a large overview

Propolis water

When the solution is infused, it is necessary to clean it of impurities and chamomile residues. This can be done using gauze. The infusion is ready for use. This solution can be stored for 10 days, preferably in the refrigerator. Before taking, the infusion is strengthened with one teaspoon of honey.

Methods of application

There are a large number of treatment options, each of which is highly effective when used regularly and correctly.


A quick recovery is guaranteed by gargling with tincture for sore throat, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. The product is prepared from warm water and tincture, mixing them in a 1:2 ratio. The procedure lasts at least 2 minutes and involves strongly throwing your head back. Repeat at least 5 times during the day. Duration of use - until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Rubbing and compresses

A very effective way to treat cough with propolis and relieve inflammation involves rubbing the surface of the neck, chest and upper back. The procedure is more effective if the liquid is pre-warmed in the palms.

It is important not to apply the product to the area of ​​the thyroid gland and heart!

An alcohol tincture is suitable for a warming compress, which is heated a little and then applied to a small piece of cotton fabric. It is applied to the upper part of the neck, wrapped in a warm woolen scarf and left for 30-50 minutes.


The structure of bee glue is such that it can be chewed. In the process, beneficial components are released from the substance into the oral cavity, and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are also manifested. The effect of such manipulations is also high.

To carry out the process you will need 5 g of the product and 10 minutes of free time. Repeat at least 3-4 times a day. To increase the taste, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the main ingredient.

Remember that swallowing the viscous mass while chewing is strictly prohibited. The body reacts poorly to its presence in the intestines and does not digest some components.


Using a nebulizer, you can instantly deliver particles of the substance directly to the bronchi. You will need 1 ml of tincture and 20 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The procedure requires 3 ml of the mixture, which is placed in the device. Inhale the steam through the mouth, sitting upright with the head down. Finish after the liquid runs out.

Preparations based on propolis for children

Propolis oil TM Apigrin

It is recommended as one of the best treatments with propolis for strengthening and restoring immunity in children.

Propolis oil TM Apigrin can be bought at federal health resorts: 100 ml (60 grams) package - from 260 to 2,300 rubles.

Propolis oil TM Apigrin
“Propolis oil” - full review on our portal: instructions for use, reviews and much other useful information...

Propolis oil

Of all the existing medicines, our portal and many of our fellow doctors prefer this particular drug. Here are just a few reasons:

  • one of the few herbal medicines that is recommended and used by doctors for the treatment and prevention of various diseases
  • own quality control and production of initial products
  • affordable price, the closest analogues are 3 times more expensive
  • certified
  • Suitable for both pregnant women and women while breastfeeding, as well as children.


  • Purified propolis
  • Ghee butter (natural)

The patented technology for manufacturing the drug makes it possible to use up to 100% of all the medicinal properties of propolis, which greatly distinguishes this drug from other representatives in this segment. The concentration of propolis in the preparation is at least 10%!!!


  • for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs (ARVI, influenza, sore throat, acute and chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.)
  • in endocrinology (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands)
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, myocarditis, cardiac dystrophy, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis)
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystocholangitis, cholelithiasis)
  • for allergic conditions – to reduce the body’s hyperreactivity
  • to relieve intoxication
  • for gynecological diseases - in the form of douches, baths and tampons
  • with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, rhinitis
  • for ear inflammation, hearing loss
  • for wounds, burns, skin diseases.

A.P.V. Tentorium for children

HP Tentorium can be purchased at the Tentorium network of representatives: 15 ml packaging - from 235 to 280 rubles.

Hey Pee Wee is an aqueous infusion with Artepilin-S in shung, silver-ionized distilled water.

APW Tentorium
Full review of the drug: instructions for use, reviews and much other useful information...

APW Tentorium

Use of propolis for coughs in children and adults – Video


Alcohol-containing infusion is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. Nursing mothers should limit the dosage and duration of the treatment course. Propolis in any form can harm people with gallbladder dysfunction.

As a strong allergen, fucus (lat.) can cause a negative reaction in men and women with an organism sensitive to this component. Other contraindications:

  • all types of asthma;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • dermatitis.

It is worth taking bonds in small portions, gradually increasing the amount. Overdose is dangerous to health. Possible side effects include constipation and diarrhea, rashes on the oral mucosa, lethargy and weakness, dizziness, nausea.

To avoid a negative reaction, it is important to adhere to the correct recipe for preparing the extract. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

How to avoid colds for children

To prevent colds in children, it is necessary to keep the child’s immune system in good shape. To do this, you need to drink a course of tincture twice a year to restore and maintain immunity.

What is immunity

The simplest protective mechanisms aimed at recognizing and neutralizing pathogens exist even in prokaryotes: for example, a number of bacteria have enzyme systems that prevent the bacteria from being infected by a virus. Single-celled eukaryotic organisms use toxic peptides to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering their cells.

An immune response occurs when a given organism encounters a wide variety of antigenically foreign material, including viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that have immunogenic properties; molecules (primarily proteins, as well as polysaccharides and even some simple substances, if the latter form complexes with carrier proteins - haptens, transplants or mutationally altered body cells. As V. G. Galaktionov notes, “immunity is a way of protecting the body from all antigenically foreign substances of both exogenous and endogenous nature; the biological meaning of such protection is to ensure the genetic integrity of individuals of the species during their individual lives."

The purpose of this protection is to ensure genetic integrity throughout life, so that immunity acts as a factor in the stability of ontogenesis.

Signs of the immune system

The ability to distinguish “one’s own” from “someone else’s”

  1. memory formation after initial contact with foreign antigenic material
  2. clonal organization of immunocompetent cells, in which an individual cell clone is capable, as a rule, of responding to only one of many antigenic determinants.

General characteristics of the immune system

There are central and peripheral organs of the immune system. The central organs include the red bone marrow and thymus, and the peripheral organs include the spleen, lymph nodes, as well as locally associated lymphoid tissue: bronchus-associated (BALT), skin-associated (KALT), intestinal-associated (CILT, Peyer's patches).

Red bone marrow is the central organ of hematopoiesis and immunogenesis. Contains a self-sustaining population of stem cells. Red bone marrow is found in the spongy cells of flat bones and in the epiphyses of long bones. Here, differentiation of B lymphocytes from their precursors occurs. Also contains T-lymphocytes.

The thymus is the central organ of the immune system. It differentiates T-lymphocytes from precursors coming from the red bone marrow.

Lymph nodes are peripheral organs of the immune system. They are located along the lymphatic vessels. Each node contains a cortex and medulla. The cortex has B-dependent zones and T-dependent zones. In the brain there are only T-dependent zones.

The spleen is a parenchymal zonal organ. It is the largest organ of the immune system; in addition, it performs a depository function in relation to the blood. The spleen is covered by a capsule of dense connective tissue that contains smooth muscle cells that allow it to contract when necessary. The parenchyma is represented by two functionally different zones: white and red pulp. White pulp makes up 20% and is represented by lymphoid tissue. There are B-dependent and T-dependent zones. And there are also macrophages here. Red pulp makes up 80%. It performs the following functions:

Deposition of mature blood elements. Monitoring the condition and destruction of old and damaged red blood cells and platelets. Phagocytosis of foreign particles. Ensuring the maturation of lymphoid cells and the transformation of monocytes into macrophages.

Reviews on the use of propolis for cough in children

Reviews of propolis for cough in children are very positive. This is especially true for reviews of oil tincture. We hope that our reader will help others decide on the type of tincture by describing their experience in reviews of treatment with this unique beekeeping product.

15 methods of treating and preventing diseases: a large review... Treatment with propolis

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