How to cure thrush at home in women

Thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis - every third woman in the world faces this problem. This disease is caused by the yeast fungi Candida.

Almost everyone has these mushrooms in their body. If there are few of them, it does not cause discomfort. But if their number exceeds the permissible norms, then symptoms of the disease are felt. Which ones exactly?

Symptoms, manifestations and causes of thrush in women

Thrush manifests itself quite clearly and actively:

  • severe itching, discomfort in the genital area;
  • white (sometimes yellowish) cheesy discharge, quite abundant;
  • burning during urination or during sexual intercourse
  • redness of the skin of the external genitalia

What causes thrush, you ask? reasons . Let's name the main ones:

  • Consequences of taking antibiotics
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives
  • Hormonal disorders, disruptions
  • Decreased immunity
  • Metabolic disease
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules
  • Wearing synthetic underwear
  • Consistent use of daily sanitary pads

There may be other reasons.

Of course, at the first manifestations of thrush you should consult a doctor. But in our time of constant busyness, until you get to the doctor, you can use traditional methods. They are available to everyone at home. In addition, and this is important, they can completely rid you of thrush (if everything is not very advanced), or at least alleviate the condition and relieve symptoms.

The first symptoms signaling thrush

This disease has characteristic, pronounced symptoms. You can suspect the presence of vaginal candidiasis based on certain signs:

  • Severe itching in the perineum, which is accompanied by a burning sensation after scratching.
  • The appearance of atypical discharge on underwear. They can be curdled, slimy or creamy, and their color is whitish, transparent or slightly yellow.
  • Swollen labia, excessive redness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Painful sensations when urinating.
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.

At the first symptoms of vaginal inflammation, the appearance of unusual discharge and odor from the vagina, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe tests to determine the causative agent of the disease and prescribe appropriate medications. Self-medication or delaying therapy can lead to an advanced stage of the disease.

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Treatment of thrush with folk remedies

You can cure thrush at home using douching, medicinal baths and tampons. All remedies are available to every woman and have a positive effect when used correctly.

An effective method of combating vaginal candidiasis is douching. It can be done at home using herbal decoctions or other solutions, which we will tell you about below. The main thing is to follow the methodology.

Read what ointments and tablets are effective against thrush here .

Is it possible to cure thrush without medication?

Treatment of thrush with folk remedies gives a good result only if it is combined with the use of medications that have an antifungal effect. With the help of simple recipes at home, the symptoms of the disease are quickly eliminated, but the fungus itself is not destroyed.

Experts are not against the use of traditional methods of treatment, but choosing them and using them in practice without the approval of the attending physician is strictly prohibited. With incorrectly selected therapy, chronic thrush may develop, which will be difficult to get rid of.

Treatment of candidiasis is impossible without the use of medications. Despite this, traditional medicine recipes will help eliminate itching and burning due to thrush and relieve the inflammatory process much faster.

How to douche correctly

  • Prepare a solution at a comfortable temperature.
  • First, perform genital hygiene - washing
  • Using a syringe or Esmarch mug, inject liquid into the vagina
  • It is important to inject the solution slowly. If you do this quickly under pressure, the solution may enter the uterus. This can provoke the development of inflammation.
  • Before each use, the syringe and tip must be sterilized. These devices must not be used by other people

We treat candidiasis with folk remedies

Treatment of thrush at home with folk remedies is possible after consultation with the doctor. In addition to modern medications that can help women quickly get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of thrush, traditional medicine recipes can also be successfully used.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

Healing herbs will help treat thrush in women at home. They can be used if there is no allergy. Herbal remedies that destroy fungal infections of the genital organs are taken orally in decoctions or infusions. Through the use of folk recipes, women have always gotten rid of the problem of lack of vitamins in the body and strengthened its defenses.

Decoctions are also applicable externally. They wash the external genitalia. Such products have antiseptic and healing properties. They relieve itching and pain, and save from inflammation.

Birch and currant leaves + violet and nettle

To relieve discomfort such as itching and burning in the intimate area, prepare the following remedy: take birch leaves, dry currant leaves, violet, and nettle with a string. All herbal ingredients are combined in equal parts. 4 tablespoons of the collection are brewed with a liter of boiling water in a thermos. The product is infused for 12 hours. Then filter. Take three times a day, ½ glass at a time. In addition to oral use, the product can be used for washing and lotions.

Flower picking

To relieve the irritated state of the vaginal mucosa, an infusion is made. The following components are taken in equal parts: chamomile inflorescences, calendula, yarrow, sage, juniper berries, birch and poplar buds, eucalyptus leaves. 4 teaspoons of the collection are brewed with boiling water (½ liter). The product is infused and filtered. Drink 60 milliliters three times a day on the eve of meals.

Collection of medicinal plants

To strengthen the immune system, you should drink an infusion of the following medicinal plants: hawthorn (2 parts), valerian root (1 part), nettle leaves (1 part) and rose hips (2 parts). 6 spoons of the collection are placed in a liter thermos and brewed with boiling water. Leave for at least 5-6 hours. The product is drunk three times a day, ½ cup.

For external use, products with anti-inflammatory properties are suitable. In addition to herbal decoctions, soda water will also help against thrush. They are used for washing, lotions, and douching.

Sage, yarrow and rosemary

The most effective composition for douching is: take 2 parts each of sage, yarrow and rosemary. Add 5 parts of crushed oak bark. 11 spoons of the collection are brewed with boiling water (3 liters). The product is simmered over low heat for half an hour. Then they cool and filter. Douche in the morning and evening hours. The broth should be warm.

Chamomile and calendula

Another effective remedy for douching and washing with vaginal candidiasis is the following folk recipe: mix chamomile inflorescences and calendula in equal parts. 4 tablespoons of the plant mixture are brewed with boiling water (1 liter). The product is simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave for several hours. Add 2 teaspoons of soda. The prepared decoction for douching is used warm.

Linden inflorescences and oak bark

Douching for thrush with a decoction of oak bark and linden flowers has proven effective. Take 3 parts of the first component and 2 lindens. 5 tablespoons of the composition are brewed with boiling water (1 liter). The product is infused, filtered and used warm.

Baking soda

The most popular folk remedy for thrush (vaginal candidiasis) for women is baking soda. Treatment of genital candidiasis using an alkaline environment is effective. It destroys fungal colonies that cause the disease.

External use of soda solution is harmless and affordable. It will not help get rid of thrush forever, but it will relieve unpleasant symptoms that complicate a woman’s life. To overcome the disease you will need drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.

For thrush, use a soda solution to wash, douche, and apply lotions to the intimate area.

Ladies should douche in compliance with the following rules:

  1. Prepare a solution by diluting 1 tablespoon of soda in 2 liters of boiled water.
  2. Douche twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  3. The product also needs to be washed off.
  4. Do not direct a strong stream into the vagina.
  5. After the manipulation, it is recommended to spend about half an hour in a calm state, preferably lying down.

Therapy is carried out until the manifestations of thrush disappear completely. It is not advisable to interrupt it.

You cannot resort to soda douching:

  • women bearing a child;
  • women who have recently given birth;
  • suffering from certain diseases affecting the genital organs, such as erosion.

Soda manipulation is recommended for recurrent thrush. They help to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and alleviate a woman’s condition.

Essential oils

The fight against thrush at home can be supplemented by the use of folk remedies using essential oils. Recipes with sea buckthorn oil have proven themselves to be the best. This product can cure many gynecological ailments. It is also effective for thrush. It is also used in its pure form.

Sea buckthorn oil treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. First, douching is done with a decoction of medicinal herbs to eliminate vaginal discharge.
  2. A hygienic tampon is impregnated with sea buckthorn oil.
  3. It is placed inside the vagina and left overnight.

It is forbidden to be treated with sea buckthorn oil if:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea (oral intake).
  • Allergies, individual intolerance to the product.
  • Incidence of pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, liver diseases and others. You should find out from your doctor whether it is acceptable to use this remedy for thrush.

To strengthen the immune system and prevent relapses of candidiasis, you can take sea buckthorn oil orally (no more than 3 teaspoons during the day).

Tampons soaked in a mixture of oils will help get rid of discomfort in the intimate area caused by thrush:

  • sea ​​buckthorn (5 parts);
  • tea tree (a few drops);
  • sage (1 part);
  • thyme (1 part).

Treatment is carried out as follows: an oil composition is prepared and a hygienic tampon is impregnated with it. It is inserted into the vagina and left there for several hours (no more than 3).


You can treat thrush at home with honey. Its solution is used to wipe the skin in the intimate area.

Dissolved honey is used against thrush: for 2 teaspoons there are 20 teaspoons of water. A cotton pad soaked in honey liquid is used to wipe the perineum.

The product should not be used by people in whom this beekeeping product provokes allergic reactions.

Laundry soap

You can treat thrush with folk remedies using natural soap. In folk recipes against candidiasis, two types of soap are used: tar and laundry.

Laundry soap contains sodium salts and fatty acids based on vegetable oils and animal fat. It is considered an excellent antibacterial agent. It is used by washing and douching in the vagina.

To prepare a soap solution you will need boiled water and a bar of laundry soap. After the procedure (after 60 minutes), the perineum is washed with clean water.

Soda solution for douching against thrush

One of the most effective remedies for thrush is regular baking soda.
Tested by personal experience. It perfectly normalizes the vaginal flora and relieves all unpleasant symptoms. To prepare the solution, take 1 teaspoon of soda and dilute it in a glass of warm boiled water. Or 4 teaspoons per 1 liter of water.

This solution can be used for douching or baths. How to douche correctly is described above. Douching is carried out 2 times a day.

For baths, you need to pour this solution into a basin and sit in it for 25 minutes.

Treatment is carried out for 3-5 days.

Symptoms of thrush

It should be noted that the disease in question has clear symptoms, thanks to which it is not difficult to identify candidiasis in the early stages of infection.

It is extremely rare that the disease is asymptomatic. In the vast majority of cases, already 1-2 days after the start of the growth of pathogenic microflora, a woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina. Following these unpleasant symptoms, the vaginal mucosa begins to redden and swell slightly, and touching the inflamed areas causes pain and discomfort to the woman.

However, the most characteristic symptom of thrush, for which the disease received such an eloquent name, is a cheesy whitish discharge with a characteristic sour odor. Such discharge intensifies with the onset of night. In addition, due to damage to the vaginal mucosa, a woman begins to experience discomfort during urination or intimacy.

Typically, the week before menstrual flow, the symptoms of thrush increase, but during menstruation, on the contrary, they subside or disappear altogether.

Chamomile decoction against thrush

A decoction of medicinal chamomile is also good for baths and douching. This plant has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Chamomile promotes rapid healing, disinfects and soothes mucous membranes very well.

To prepare the solution you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry chamomile pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. Then strain everything through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

The solution for douching and baths is ready. Treatment is carried out every evening for 7 days.

Similarly, an effective decoction for douching can be prepared from other herbs: calendula, sage, St. John's wort.

After baths or douching, medicated tampons can be used to enhance the effect. To make them you will need a bandage, cotton wool and medicine. Twist the cotton wool into a tight rope and wrap it in a bandage. Soak a tampon in a decoction of herbs, a specially prepared mixture (see below) and insert it into the vagina. It is preferable to carry out this procedure at night. In the morning, remove the tampon and carry out hygiene procedures.

Homemade tampons

Tampons are easy to use

Using tampons is one of the effective methods in the fight against candidiasis. Therapeutic components act directly on the area where the fungus is spreading and allow you to quickly reduce its activity. For convenience, you can take industrial tampons from the budget segment - without fragrances or impregnations.

Collection of herbs

Mix 10 g of linden, calendula and lavender flowers. 1 tbsp. Heat the collection to a boil in 1 glass of water, let cool. Dip the tampon into the broth and carefully insert it into the vagina, leave for 2 hours.


Soak a tampon in fresh kefir, carefully insert it into the vagina and leave for several hours.

Diet during treatment for thrush

During treatment for thrush, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of foods that provoke the growth of fungus, namely:

  • all sweets and sugar
  • sweet drinks
  • yeast baked goods
  • mayonnaise
  • dairy products, incl. and cheese
  • fat meat.

Eat more sea cabbage and sauerkraut. Spices you can use are cinnamon, cloves and garlic. They have an antibacterial effect and inhibit yeast fungi.

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Recipes for women

In the list of folk remedies for the treatment of thrush in women, douching with decoctions of medicinal herbs and soda is in first place. Before using the product you like, consult a gynecologist; the method may not be suitable for your case.


Candidiasis can be successfully treated with honey. A folk recipe for honey douching will help get rid of the disease in a couple of weeks. Mix a little honey and boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Douching is carried out after hygiene procedures 2 times a day. The main symptoms of candidiasis - itching, unpleasant odor and whitish discharge - will go away immediately.

Soda solution

Baking soda is a popular folk remedy for treating thrush in women. Dissolve 1 spoon of baking soda in a liter of water. Douche with the resulting solution in the mornings and evenings, alternating with washing with the same product. After the procedure, lie down for half an hour in a horizontal position.

Traditional recipes for thrush with soda cannot be used during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as during cervical erosion.


The safest folk remedies for thrush include treatment with kefir. The fermented milk product is used as food for thrush and as tampons for the vagina. First you need to wash yourself with chamomile decoction. Soak a tampon in kefir, insert it inside and lie there for 3 hours. After removing the tampon, you will have to wash again.


For the treatment of candidiasis using traditional methods, decoctions of juniper, yarrow, sage, calendula and chamomile are suitable. Herbal teas are sold ready-made in pharmacies. You can collect and dry herbs yourself.

Chamomile decoction is the cheapest and most effective folk method. Chamomile disinfects, relieves inflammation, and helps strengthen the immune system, which is important for candidiasis.

How to prepare the product:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of chamomile into a glass of boiling water;
  2. Cover with a lid, leave to infuse overnight, strain.

Chamomile decoction is good for daily washing. The product soothes the skin, relieves inflammation, and washes away candida discharge.

Sea ​​buckthorn

How to get rid of thrush using sea buckthorn oil:

  1. Prepare a decoction or infusion and douche;
  2. Soak a tampon in oil and insert overnight.

The product is contraindicated for gastrointestinal disorders and allergies to sea buckthorn.

Potassium permangantsovka

Everyone knows the effective folk remedy for washing with potassium permanganate. It is better to use glass containers to prepare the solution. The stock used to stir the solution should not be metal. First, boiled water is poured into the container, then potassium permanganate (2-3 crystals). Strain the resulting solution. You need to wash yourself for 10 days, 3 procedures per day.

Potassium permanganate crystals should not be touched with your hands to avoid getting burned.

Herbs in the treatment of thrush

What herbs can cure thrush? For thrush, you can use the herbs of sage, yarrow and juniper. To do this, you need to dry and grind them, then mix well. Add 10 grams of the resulting herbal mixture to one glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for approximately 20 minutes. This tincture is taken orally (half a glass after meals), as well as for douching (a couple of times a day).

Chamomile is not only a herb for maintaining and enhancing immunity, but also a remedy for the treatment of candidiasis. Chamomile flowers contain special substances that can boost immunity.

For the procedure, we will need a whole pack of chamomile, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Fill the entire contents with two liters of boiling water. The infusion sits for 10 hours. Add the prepared and pre-strained broth to a bath of warm water. We take a bath for 40 minutes, if the water cools down, then add some warm water. To get rid of thrush, you need to take such a bath several times a week, then for prevention, once will be enough.

Traditional medicine also uses jasmine, burdock, dead nettle and elecampane in treatment. Pour boiling water over one tablespoon of mixed herbs (one glass). Simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, then infuse for 40 minutes. Then strain and take ¼ cup three-4 times a day, you can also douche before bed.

These are all folk recipes from grandmothers that are harmless and effective.

How to get rid of thrush using soda?

Baking soda is an antiseptic product that every housewife has in her kitchen. To prepare a solution for treating thrush, you need to pour water into a small ladle, boil it (preferably for it to boil for a couple of minutes) and add one pinch of soda. It is also necessary to prepare a herbal decoction of calendula and yarrow. For one glass of boiling water (250 ml) one teaspoon of mixed herbs. This decoction is filtered through cheesecloth.

You need to douche first with a solution of soda, and then with a decoction of herbs (you can add potassium permanganate to the herbal decoction, it will give the best result). To completely get rid of discomfort and itching, it is advisable to do such procedures for three days, and to consolidate the result, it is recommended to douche for at least a week. Doctors recommend abstaining from intimacy. Very good for pregnant women.

Ways to get rid of candidiasis in women forever

What can you do to get rid of thrush at home without harming your own health? You can use not only modern medications prescribed by your doctor.

Special diet

A diet for thrush in combination with tablets and ointments will help significantly speed up healing and get rid of candidiasis, as well as prevent possible relapses. Proper nutrition improves intestinal function, so that the candida fungus will no longer be able to develop as intensively as before. An experienced nutritionist or gynecologist can help you create a suitable diet.

The following foods are allowed to be eaten:

  • Carrots, cucumbers, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, dill, parsley. Candida fungus does not tolerate these foods.
  • Sequence leaves, chamomile, black currant berries, oregano, alfalfa, plantain, clover, rowan berries (must be brewed like tea). Decoctions of these components are useful at any stage of the disease.
  • Carrot juice and seaweed. Their regular use creates unfavorable conditions for the development of thrush, which helps eliminate it faster.
  • Stewed and fresh vegetables, grains, legumes, fish, unsweetened fruits, poultry.
  • Lingonberries and lemons. These products can prevent the formation of fungi and also increase the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Seafood, natural yoghurt, eggs, boiled liver, pumpkin seeds, wholemeal bread, olive and linseed oil, sesame seeds. These products slow down the development of candida fungi.
  • Cinnamon, cloves, garlic and bay leaf (add these when cooking). Regular consumption of these spices helps reduce the number of thrush pathogens, which will help get rid of the disease faster.


If thrush occurs in a mild form, and the woman seeks help from a doctor in time, the use of local medications - suppositories, creams and tablets that need to be inserted into the vagina - will help get rid of the disease. When the disease appears, the following medications for thrush are almost always prescribed:

  • natamycin;
  • miconazole;
  • isoconazole;
  • clotrimazole.

Recipes for folk remedies

When the first signs of thrush appear, do not panic. Modern medications help get rid of the disease in a week; sometimes a one-time dose is enough to completely eliminate the disease. If you are not a fan of traditional treatment, you can quickly deal with thrush on your own, at home.

Soda solution

A common and most effective method to help quickly get rid of thrush at home is to use simple baking soda. In terms of its chemical composition, this substance is an alkali; when it interacts with the vaginal mucosa, it changes its Ph. Candida fungi can develop exclusively in an acidic environment, and soda can stop their active growth, which will soon help you completely get rid of thrush without the help of a doctor.

Treatment with soda solution is one of the safest home methods, so it can also be used when the disease appears in children. Here are some ways to combat candidiasis (thrush):

  • Wiping the affected areas with a gauze swab previously soaked in a soda solution.
  • Wash twice a day the foreskin and the head of the genital organ affected by candidiasis in men.
  • Washing the genitals of women with a soda solution or douching. The course of treatment lasts exactly a week.

In order to completely remove symptoms and get rid of candidiasis at home, it is important to properly prepare a soda solution. In a liter of liquid (you only need boiled water), dissolve soda (1 tablespoon), add iodine (1 teaspoon). This product has a disinfecting and antifungal effect, which quickly eliminates all signs of the disease.

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Douching with chamomile

Chamomile infusions have a healing effect - they relieve inflammation, spasms, cleanse the intestines and stomach, eliminate dysbacteriosis, and have a calming effect. To quickly and permanently get rid of thrush at home, you need to douche with chamomile in complex treatment with the use of medications. This medicinal herb will help only if treatment is started in a timely manner.

If you decide to save yourself from thrush at home with the help of chamomile, you need to use the following recipe:

  • Place dry chamomile (1 tbsp) in an enamel container and pour boiling water (1 tbsp).
  • Place the resulting mixture on the stove and let it boil.
  • Cool the broth and filter.
  • Pour into a syringe.

Treatment of thrush using chamomile douching, which is carried out in a supine position, helps to quickly get rid of the disease. You need to relax the muscles and insert the douche into the vagina. Pour the solution slowly without applying strong pressure (about 10 minutes). It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the evening, before going to bed. After douching, you need to lie down for a while.

Tar soap

You can permanently get rid of candidiasis on your own at home with the help of simple tar soap. Take it and grind it on a fine grater or cut it with a knife (you need soap shavings). Then pour boiling water over the raw materials and stir the mixture thoroughly - the solution should acquire a homogeneous, slightly runny consistency.

Use the resulting liquid for douching for thrush. After the procedure, you need to lie down for about 10 minutes, then douche several times using clean, warm boiled water. If you do not want to use this method to get rid of candidiasis, then doctors recommend washing your skin at least 2 times a day using tar soap.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy

Medicines can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and approved medicines are not so effective, since they are not absorbed into the blood and act superficially. Basically, the fungus affects the deep layers, so the treating gynecologist prescribes treatment for candidiasis with folk remedies. To achieve greater effect, you can alternate the traditional method of treating thrush during pregnancy with traditional medicine. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited, so discuss all your actions with your doctor.

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