Black cohosh (English: Black cohosh, Latin: Actaéa racemósa) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Ranunculaceae family. It grows mainly in the east of the North American continent (Canada, USA). The medicinal properties of the plant were first discovered by the Indians, Eskimos and other indigenous peoples of the United States even before colonization by Europeans. Only at the beginning of the 18th century black cohosh described by scientists - the English professor of botany Leonard Plucknet introduced it in his work “Phytography”. The plant is also called branched cohosh (lat. Cimicifúga racemosa).
Now black cohosh is actively used in medicine. The main field of application is gynecology. The plant eliminates menstrual pain, unpleasant symptoms of menopause and other disorders of the female reproductive system. black cohosh properties does not end there . Want to know more? All useful information is in the article below!
Black cohosh: plant
black cohosh plant has a number of features, so in appearance it is easily distinguished from other species. Its height can reach 2 m, the leaves of burgundy-red color begin to grow from the root, and at the top there are snow-white brushes. Black cohosh can be found in Massachusetts, Alabama, Georgia, etc. Now the distribution area has expanded. From the American continent, black cohosh was brought to Pakistan, China and Nepal, where the climate is similar.
Interesting! Why did the plant get this name? It has a bittersweet aroma that repels insect pests. The smell is also unpleasant for people, but this does not prevent the use of black cohosh for landscaping the area. This is facilitated by its peculiarity - unpretentiousness to the soil and rapid rooting in new planting sites.
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Black cohosh: root
The root is the most valuable part of black cohosh . It is quite voluminous and meaty. It is the underground organ that contains most of the useful substances, which is why it is used to make dietary supplements and medicines. The root is harvested in late summer or early autumn. The process consists of the following stages: washing, peeling the stems, cutting into pieces. Then the prepared pieces are dried in the sun. They are used raw in folk medicine or processed by pharmaceutical companies.
It's worth noting that many herbal supplements are made from roots as the most nutritious parts of the plant. For example, licorice root or burdock root.
Collection and preparation
The stems and leaves of black cohosh are collected during the flowering period of the perennial from early to mid-summer. Most often they are used fresh to obtain juice, but you can prepare raw materials for the winter. To do this, the plant is laid out in a warm and well-ventilated place on a flat surface and left until the moisture evaporates.
Black cohosh roots are dug out of the soil in September and October, washed to remove contaminants and dried in the sun for 1-2 days. After this, the raw materials must also be transferred to a warm but shaded place and dried completely. Black cohosh should be stored in linen bags or paper bags in a dark closet with a low level of humidity.
Black cohosh root retains beneficial properties for up to two years, and leaves and stems for up to a year.
Black cohosh: composition
The composition of black cohosh includes the following substances:
- chemical elements: selenium, magnesium, calcium, iron;
- vitamins: , , and (ascorbic acid);
- phytoestrogens;
- tannins;
- organic compounds: coumarins, saponins, carotene, including phenolic compounds (tannin);
- acids: salicylic, ferulic, etc.;
- resins: racemosin, tsimitsifugin;
- gum (mucus released when the outer shell of a plant is damaged);
- alkaloids;
- carbohydrates (starch, sucrose);
- essential oil.
Each of the components gives black cohosh special properties.
For example, acids strengthen the immune system, alkaloids improve blood circulation, and phytoestrogens have a positive effect on the reproductive system.
Black cohosh: medicinal properties and benefits
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The medicinal properties of black cohosh were discovered gradually. Since ancient times, it was used to treat rheumatism, malaria, various inflammations and was given during childbirth for complications. Then it turned out that its benefits are much broader than expected.
Black cohosh affects the body as follows:
- stimulates the production of estrogen;
- lowers blood pressure;
- has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties;
- calms the nervous system;
- improves microcirculation and blood composition;
- increases the body's defenses;
- has a gentle diuretic effect.
In addition, the plant is characterized by ganglion-blocking properties. This means that black cohosh inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses in the nerve ganglia. As a result, blood pressure decreases and blood flow increases in peripheral vessels. Medicines with similar properties are used in exceptional cases when it is necessary to sharply reduce blood pressure. These include hypertensive crisis.
Useful properties and uses of black cohosh
Useful properties of black cohosh
The beneficial properties of the herb are constantly being studied, although it has long been famous for its healing effects on the human body. Even the North American Indians knew that many diseases were treated with black cohosh. The herb contains saponins, flavnoids, and alkaloids. Astringent properties are due to the presence of tannins.
Phenolcarboxylic acids - salicylic, hesperetinic and isoferulic - strengthen the immune system and increase the body's protective functions.
The grass contains resins and sterols. The essential oil gives the plant a strong, unpleasant odor. Vitamin C transforms aromatic amino acids, participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and the formation of the extracellular component of connective tissue (collagen). The antimutagenic and diuretic properties of the plant help eliminate tumors and edema.
Use of black cohosh
In China, a decoction of the herb is drunk for measles and various rashes, taken for prolapse of the uterus, gastro- and enterocolitis, and to relieve toothache.
Black cohosh decoction: 1.5 g of herb must be poured into 1 glass of water, boiled for 5-6 minutes, left for 1 hour. Take the product 0.5 cups per day.
Mongolian healers recommend the herb for liver echinococcus, non-healing wounds, anthrax and diphtheria.
In Korea, black cohosh decoction is used to treat allergic skin manifestations. The plant is an ornamental plant and belongs to the poisonous species. Fresh parts of raw materials have an irritating property, which is what contributes to high-quality treatment.
Black cohosh flowers
The flowers of black cohosh are white, collected in paniculate-racemose inflorescences. The flowering period of the plant begins in July, sometimes lasting until August. Thanks to the long flowering period and the beauty of the openwork panicle, it becomes an adornment of any garden. The medicinal properties of black cohosh flowers have not been identified.
Black cohosh root
Black cohosh tincture: 1 part of the roots is infused for 5–7 days in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse the composition for 5 days in a dark place. The recommended dosage is 20–30 drops with boiled water for headaches and neuralgic pain, fever, colds and hypertension.
To prepare the tincture, take 1 part of fresh raw materials and 5 parts of 70% alcohol and leave for 5 days in a dark place, then filter and take 20-30 drops 3 times a day with water.
Black cohosh decoction: it will require 1.5 grams of crushed dry roots and 200 ml of water. It is necessary to boil the product for 5–7 minutes, then leave for 2 hours and strain. Take 1/2 cup of decoction 3-4 times a day.
Types of black cohosh
There are many types of black cohosh. Among the main ones, black cohosh should be highlighted; it is used as a component of many medicines and is included in the pharmacopoeias of some countries. The Russian resident - black cohosh - is also used in medicine, has a calming effect, eliminates insomnia, has a positive effect on the symptoms of late toxicosis in pregnant women, reduces the lipid content in the serum, which prevents and treats atherosclerosis.
Black cohosh is used for uterine contractions during childbirth. With the help of the poisonous properties of this species, it is possible to get rid of various insects; the plant is often used as an antidote for snake or spider bites.
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American, branched, simple and Japanese black cohosh are grown in household plots. Racemosus and Dahurian are ideal for medical purposes. Due to the fact that the products have a bitter taste, tea is not brewed from them.
Black cohosh
Black cohosh is a perennial evergreen plant of the Ranunculaceae family. Eastern America is considered its homeland, but the plant is already widespread in the north of the continent.
This is a large herb with dissected leaves, straight upward shoots and snow-white racemose inflorescences. For medicinal purposes, the roots are used by harvesting them in the fall: they are washed well, dried and stored in bags. Black cohosh has a bitter taste and unpleasant odor - just like other types of this plant.
Products based on raw materials relieve pain during menopause and heavy menstrual bleeding. The positive effect of decoctions and infusions is observed in vegetative-vascular and psycho-emotional disorders during the climatic period.
Black cohosh cohosh
Thanks to its active substances, black cohosh can normalize estrogen balance. At the same time, it has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. The ability to suppress the production of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates ovarian secretion in the female body, makes it easier to endure the process of restructuring the body during menopause. The herb is also useful for men's health, as it affects the cells that produce testosterone.
Black cohosh smelly
Black cohosh
Black cohosh branched
Black cohosh is also used for women's diseases. The branching roots of the plant contain a unique complex of natural chemical compounds and are recommended to reduce postpartum pain, eliminate symptoms of depression, and alleviate the suffering of women from hot flashes during menopause. In addition, the content of phytoestrogenic substances in the plant eliminates the risk of breast cancer. The medicinal herb helps with muscle pain and sciatica.
Contraindications to the use of black cohosh
The plant is poisonous, self-medication can lead to negative consequences. Treatment with black cohosh is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects may include nausea, headache, slow heartbeat, dizziness, sweating, constipation, blurred vision, and osteoporosis. Black cohosh enhances the effect of antihypertensive drugs, so their combination is undesirable. In the presence of thrombosis, stroke and allergies to plants of this group, the drugs are taken under the supervision of a doctor.
Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008).
Black cohosh: application
The use of black cohosh is useful in the following cases:
- pain syndrome or menstrual irregularities;
- menopause;
- imbalance of the hormone estrogen and its other consequences;
- muscle tension;
- joint pain and concomitant diseases (rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis);
- nervous disorders;
- insomnia;
- immunodeficiency;
- inflammation of various localizations.
In addition to the medical field, black cohosh is used in ornamental gardening. Gardeners are attracted by the unusual appearance of the plant, which grows in the form of a “fence” and tightly covers the area.
Use of black cohosh in medicine, treatment with black cohosh:
For bronchial asthma, headaches associated with spasm of cerebral vessels, the initial stage of hypertension, with increased nervous excitability, hysteria, migraine, neuralgia, insomnia, as a sedative for cardiac asthma, to increase the secretion of the digestive and bronchial glands, during childbirth and dysmenorrhea (contracts the muscles of the uterus) black cohosh is used in folk medicine in the form of powder, tincture and liquid extract.
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Used for snake bites and venereal diseases.
For toothache, ulcers in the mouth and throat, measles (with an excessively profuse rash) and other febrile diseases accompanied by a rash, as well as prolapse of the rectum and uterus, take 3-9 g of rhizome powder per day.
Black cohosh: action
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The effect of black cohosh is associated with its multicomponent composition, but the main role is played by phytoestrogens. These are natural non-steroidal compounds, which in molecular structure and chemical action are similar to estrogens - female sex hormones. What is their estrogen-like property? After 37–40 years, estrogen production in women decreases. The body experiences a shortage, which leads to the following symptoms:
- deterioration of health;
- weakening of bones due to calcium leaching;
- disturbance or complete absence of menstruation;
- dermatological problems;
- other symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance.
This is how the body reacts to age-related changes. Phytoestrogens are similar to estrogens and interact with the same receptors, but their effect is much weaker than natural hormones. Thanks to this, the condition is normalized, the lack of hormones is replaced by plant phytoestrogens.
Brief description of black cohosh:
Black cohosh (dahurian cohosh) is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 100–150 cm high. The rhizome is horizontal, thick, multi-headed, with one or more stems extending from it. The lower stem leaves are on long petioles, double or triple pinnately divided; leaf lobes are pointed, ovate, pinnately incised, coarsely toothed along the edges.
The upper leaves are much smaller and have shorter petioles. The flowers are unisexual, often dioecious, white, inconspicuous, collected in a paniculate-racemose inflorescence. Sepals are petal-shaped, falling off early. The petals are transformed into forked-bipartite staminodes - nectaries bearing sterile anthers. Staminate flowers with numerous and one or more underdeveloped pistils. Pistillate flowers have 4 upper sessile, pubescent ovaries. The fruit is a dry nut, pubescent with gray hairs, about 3 mm long, consists of several leaflets, each of which has 8 seeds. The seeds are oblong, about 3 mm long, covered with scales that form a flat, fringed wing around the seed.
It blooms in July–August, the fruits ripen in August–September.
Black cohosh of the ranunculaceae family is known in Chinese medicine. This is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 1–2 m in height, the rhizome is thick, short, the leaves are double- and triple-pinnate, the inflorescence is branched, drooping; The flowers are greenish-white, with a pungent, unpleasant odor, blooming in July–August.
Black cohosh: for menstruation
Black cohosh is useful for menstruation, as well as for their disorders. Let's take a closer look at why.
During menstruation, the follicles, in one of which the egg matures, secrete estrogens. In total, there are about 30 types of hormones of this subclass. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, their number is minimal, so a girl of reproductive age feels unwell and other symptoms. The same thing happens with menstrual irregularities, which are caused by estrogen deficiency or imbalance. Black cohosh helps relieve symptoms or restore a broken cycle.
black cohosh are especially effective for polycystic ovary syndrome or infertility. With such diagnoses, it is extremely difficult to restore the menstrual cycle. Scientists conducted a study and found that the plant helps regulate the onset of menstruation1.
Shatavari or fenugreek can help eliminate period pain, and broccoli extract can help balance the level of female hormones.
The use of black cohosh Dahurian racemose in folk medicine
The medicinal properties of the herb black cohosh are often used in home health recipes. The plant is used for internal use and products for external use are prepared on its basis.
For vegetative-vascular dystonia
A strong tincture of black cohosh helps improve the condition of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is prepared according to the following algorithm:
- Grind the dry roots of the plant in the volume of a large spoon.
- Pour the raw material with a glass of good vodka.
- Put away for a week in a dark, cool closet.
- Strain when ready.
The tincture should be taken 30 drops up to three times a day. The product is first diluted in 100 ml of clean water. Treatment is continued for 1-1.5 months.
For gastrointestinal diseases
Medicinal black cohosh relieves pain and spasms in the stomach and intestines, improves digestion and accelerates metabolic processes. Traditional medicine for gastritis and pain advises using the following remedy:
- About 10 g of dried black cohosh leaves are poured into 500 ml of hot water.
- Heat on low heat on the stove for five minutes.
- Cool covered for half an hour and filter.
You need to take the drug 125 ml twice a day on an empty stomach.
For lichen
Fresh black cohosh juice is good for inflammatory and fungal skin diseases. For lichen, scrofula and other ailments, it is recommended to wash several leaves of the plant, grind them into a paste using a blender and squeeze out the liquid. Moisten gauze or a clean cloth in the resulting juice and apply to the affected areas for 30-40 minutes.
Advice! You can use black cohosh squeeze to disinfect fresh cuts and quickly heal burns.
For muscle pain
The analgesic properties of the perennial roots help improve the condition of myositis, bruises and sprains. The treatment is prepared as follows:
- Grind the root of the plant in a volume of 50 g.
- Pour the raw material with 500 ml of clean water.
- Boil over medium heat for half an hour.
- Cool under the lid and strain.
In the finished decoction, you need to moisten a clean cloth and apply a compress to the sore spot.
You can apply compresses with black cohosh up to five times a day - when used externally, it does not cause harm
For severe PMS
A decoction of perennial roots has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps cope with irritability and anxiety during PMS. The drug is made as follows:
- Pour 500 ml of water into about 3 g of dry roots.
- Bring to a boil and heat for another five minutes over low heat.
- Keep covered for two hours.
- Filter from sediment.
The finished decoction is consumed 125 ml up to four times a day. Treatment should be continued for 3-4 days.
In case of cycle failures
Black cohosh helps regulate the menstrual cycle and eliminates minor delays caused by hormonal imbalance. Traditional medicine recommends drinking healing tea:
- The perennial root is ground into powder in a volume of 5 g.
- Pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material.
- Leave covered for only about ten minutes.
- Strain through a strainer or cheesecloth.
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Take one glass of tea twice a day. If desired, you can sweeten the drink with natural honey.
For hypertension
Daurian and black cohosh normalizes blood pressure and has a good effect in the initial stages of hypertension. A medicine based on it is prepared according to the following scheme:
- Grind 100 g of dry perennial roots into powder.
- Pour 1 liter of hot water and put on fire.
- Boil at low boil for two hours.
- Strain and mix with sugar in a 1:1 ratio.
The resulting syrup is consumed 1/2 small spoon up to six times a day. It is recommended to take the medicine on an empty stomach.
For migraines
Healing black cohosh relieves vascular spasms and helps get rid of headaches. For migraines, the following tincture has a good effect:
- About 100 g of roots are poured into a glass container.
- Pour the raw material with 500 ml of medical alcohol 70%.
- Place the closed vessel in a dark place for five days.
- From time to time, remove the container to shake it up.
The strained tincture is consumed 20 drops per 100 ml of water three times a day.
It is recommended to continue treatment with black cohosh tincture for migraines for 10-14 days.
At high temperature
Healing black cohosh helps eliminate fever from flu and colds. Traditional medicine advises using a decoction of the plant:
- Dry perennial rhizomes are crushed in the amount of 1/4 of a small spoon.
- Pour in 200 ml of water and place on low heat.
- Boil for seven minutes.
- Remove from the stove and keep covered for another two hours.
The filtered decoction is consumed half a glass four times a day until the condition improves.
Black cohosh: for menopause (menopause)
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Why is black cohosh effective for menopause (menopause)? As noted, with age, estrogen levels drop, a depressed state and multiple disturbances in the functioning of the female body appear. The plant helps these processes proceed more slowly, delays natural aging and the decline of reproductive functions for several years.
Black cohosh suppresses the following manifestations of menopause:
- tides;
- increased sweating (especially during sleep);
- dryness of the genitals;
- sleep disorders;
- nervousness, depression, nervous disorders;
- decreased libido;
- deterioration of bone strength.
All of these processes are affected by estrogen levels.
Not enough hormone = numerous malfunctions in the body.
A number of studies have proven the benefits of black cohosh during menopause. Thus, in a 2010 experiment, the frequency of hot flashes and the level of sweating decreased by 26% in women tested after they began regularly taking plant-based supplements2. Another 2013 study found that black cohosh affects a whole range of menopausal symptoms3.
Important! Menopause without proper treatment can provoke diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract or the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia. To support health, not only black cohosh , but also soy isoflavones, angelica or red clover.
Folk recipes
The medicinal properties of cohosh have long been used in herbal medicine for the treatment of many diseases and preventive measures.
- The tincture is used to treat ailments of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, gynecological diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, toxicosis in pregnant women . Pour a tablespoon of mashed roots into a glass of alcohol or strong vodka and leave for a week in a dark place. Take 30 drops three times a day with water. The course of treatment is from one to one and a half months. Cranberry
juice also helps with cardiovascular diseases ; its beneficial properties have long been known to herbalists. - A decoction of the dried root will help with joint diseases and muscle pain . Boil one root in two glasses of water for about half an hour, use as compresses. princely
infusion help with joint pain ; they will also be useful for neuralgia.
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- When treating the gastrointestinal tract, drink an infusion of black cohosh leaves . Prepared from 10 g of raw materials and 500 ml of water: boil for 5 minutes, leave for about half an hour, take 125 ml twice a day.
- The powder from the ground dry root has medicinal qualities and is used for neuralgia, muscle and joint pain.
- Juice from fresh leaves and stems is used in the treatment of skin diseases, scrofula, lichen and mycoses . Soak gauze in juice and apply to sore spots in the form of lotions and compresses.
- A decoction of dry rhizomes is used for skin rashes, toothache, uterine prolapse and PMS in women , toxicosis during pregnancy . Pour 3 g of dried roots into 500 ml of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for about 6 minutes, leave for about two hours, drink 125 ml 3-4 times a day. The beneficial properties of strawberries
help pregnant women carry a child and alleviate attacks of toxicosis if consumed fresh. - For menstrual disorders, the healing properties of tea brewed from 1 tsp will help. root in a glass of boiling water.
- For hypertension, inflammation in the oral cavity, hysteria, and neuralgia, take syrup from black cohosh . Prepare in the proportion of 1 liter per 100 g of water and crushed roots, simmer over low heat for two hours, filter and add 100 g of sugar for every 100 ml of liquid. Take 4-6 times a day, 0.5 tablespoons of syrup.
Black cohosh: sedative
Black cohosh has sedative properties, so it can be used to calm the nervous system. Increased nervousness, apathy or depression is often observed during menopause, and the plant is specifically designed to support the body during this period. One study found that many psychological problems improve in women during menopause, but anxiety levels do not change4.
In addition, constant nervousness and an excited state can affect the quality of sleep and cause insomnia. Black cohosh also helps in this case. A study of 42 women found that taking the plant improved the quality and duration of sleep5. And with the addition of blueberries, zinc, ginger and hyaluronic acid, the effect is only enhanced6.
The main question is: are all these statements true?
Listening to Strauss speak, one might get the impression that no one has ever studied herbal medicines before, but this is hardly the case.
American doctors see the problem that all the research that has already taken place was not carried out in America and not by American scientists, which means that their conduct did not meet the strict standards that pharmaceutical companies adhere to.
But that, according to Varro Tyler, professor emeritus of pharmacognosy at Purdue University, has more to do with pharmaceutical economics than whether plants have beneficial effects in treating disease.
Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, American medicine was immersed in herbal medicine; in 1820-1926 Black cohosh was included in the United States Pharmacopoeia, the official national compendium of drugs. But around the time of World War II, drug manufacturers began to focus almost exclusively on synthetic substances that, unlike herbs, could be patented and promised greater benefits. So research stopped and medicinal plants were no longer used in medicine.
“It makes me incredibly angry,” Tyler says. “Many of these plants, such as echinacea, saw palmetto and black cohosh, are natural assets. But we abandoned them, mostly because companies felt like they couldn’t make any money .”
But in Europe they were not abandoned; The Germans remained especially true to their long experience of working with herbal remedies. Edzard Ernst, a native of Munich and professor of complementary medicine at the University of Exeter (England), says:
“During the Third Reich, the Nazis actually encouraged their use. They liked the idea of natural medicine. It fit into their ideology. It was typically Germanic, domestic, very Teutonic, and everything like that. And potentially also very low-cost.”
With so many German doctors prescribing the herbs, Ernst says, it was inevitable that manufacturers would begin to conduct research if they wanted to remain at the forefront of the market.
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The leading manufacturer of black cohosh preparations is the company Schaper & Brummer, which has been selling this plant under the trade name Remifemin since 1955. Over the past half century, about 15 clinical studies on black cohosh have been published in the scientific literature. According to Johannes Freudenstein, head of the scientific and industrial department of Schaper & Brummer, each of these studies was carried out either by his company or using its products.
The best research, Freudenstein says, suggests that Remifemin is nearly as effective as estrogen and much more effective than placebo in treating hot flashes, and is also useful in controlling the mood swings and irritability that can accompany menopause.
None of the clinical trials lasted longer than six months, so there is still no data on whether black cohosh is safe to take long-term. However, the results obtained by Schaper & Brummer turned out to be convincing enough for such a pharmaceutical giant as GlaxoSmithKline to start collaborating with the German company. Glaxo recently acquired the rights to sell Remifemin in the United States as a dietary supplement and is currently pursuing a rapid advertising campaign with national television.
Michelle Klingensmith, who is responsible for introducing Remifemin into the American market on behalf of Glaxo, explains her company's interest:
Glaxo sought to enter this sector of the medicinal plant business and was looking for products that could satisfy previously unmet medical needs. “When we got the data, we knew this was the perfect fit for us.”
But Remifemin is hardly the only black cohosh drug on the market, judging by what we learned when we visited Fredy Kronenberg. On her desk there are no less than two dozen different products containing this plant: teas and infusions, ointments and pills with soothing images of flowers on the packaging and names like Flash-Ease and MenoBalance. ).
Even the advertisement for Lydia Pinkham's Elixir for Melancholy and Female Ailments, patented in 1876, speaks for itself: "Lydia Pinkham's Elixir - now with black cohosh."
This assortment of all these remedies irritates Cronenberg: she says that every year in May she conducts a course on botanical medicine for doctors, who, according to her, are often as confused as their patients because of such an abundance of medicinal plants On the market. Nodding toward a collection of black cohosh products, she laments:
“The dosage is different everywhere. Some are made from the roots, others as an extract; some come in subtherapeutic doses... and people just don’t know what to do with it all.”
Yet neither her research nor Farnsworth's work will help make sense of it all. Because as part of their clinical trials, women will receive black cohosh extract prepared according to specific specifications developed specifically for these two trials. These studies will only answer the tiny question of whether two specific drugs have any beneficial properties. This is a problem common to all herbal research, and Farnsworth and Cronenberg each have their own approach to it.
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If his research shows a positive effect, Farnsworth says, the University of Illinois could patent their "unique method" of standardizing black cohosh extract and then license the method to a company that would market a competitor to Remifemin and other products. . Cronenberg, for her part, is not interested in putting black cohosh into mass production. “I'm just interested in understanding how it works,” she says.
Understanding exactly how black cohosh works will certainly help convince American doctors to recommend it to their patients.
Farnsworth explains:
“If the mechanism of action is known, then we can predict in advance what this extract may react with. Then you can give people advice on whether to take it or not, or how to take it correctly to avoid side effects.”
But there are still only questions about the mechanism of action of black cohosh. A 1985 study in Germany found that black cohosh contains isoflavone, a type of phytoestrogen, i.e. plant estrogen.
(Isoflavones are also found in soy, which has been studied for its ability to combat hot flashes, based on the hypothesis that a soy-rich diet may cause Japanese women to experience fewer hot flashes.)
The discovery of isovlafon offered a plausible explanation for how black cohosh works. But scientists also came to other results that refute this conclusion: recently, when analyzing 13 samples of black cohosh, Kronenberg and her colleagues did not find this component.
“We believe it is not in this plant,” she says. And Farnsworth says his research suggests that black cohosh does not act on estrogen receptors (as it would if it contained isoflavones), but rather on the hypothalamus , a gland involved in regulating hormones and body temperature.
Or perhaps black cohosh contains some other, as yet unidentified, estrogen-like component. If so, then this plant, like estrogen, may be beneficial for the heart and bones.
But the obvious question still remains open.
Black cohosh: antispasmodic
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The antispasmodic properties of black cohosh were one of the first to be highlighted. Therefore, it was used to ease muscle tension and relieve joint pain. Now these properties of the plant have faded into a secondary place. It can be used for rheumatic pain or smooth muscle tension, but it is better to replace it with narrowly targeted dietary supplements.
Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials from black cohosh
Black cohosh is harvested starting from the end of August and throughout September, when the fruits of the plant are ripe. The main raw material is its roots; the stem is cut off at the very base. The dug up root is shaken off the ground and washed with water, then it is crushed and dried. It should be dried at temperatures up to 60 ° C in a dryer or oven, and stored in a place with very low humidity. The leaves and stem themselves are not of particular importance; they are used in ground form, since only the juice they contain is valuable. If the juice is squeezed out, the pulp is thrown away. Flowers, from a medical point of view, are useless.
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Important! If the roots are dried naturally in a room, then it should be well ventilated.
Black cohosh: for coughs
When coughing, black cohosh causes coughing up of stagnant fluid in the respiratory tract and relieves inflammation. The plant also contains tannins. They have a softening effect and soothe the skin and mucous membranes. Over time, the cough goes away, and with it the pain in the throat. Slippery elm (due to the mucilage in its composition) and eucalyptus oil have similar properties.
Black cohosh: Now Foods capsules 80 mg
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- Various pharmaceutical companies offer black cohosh in the form of dietary supplements. On the iHerb website, one of the most popular is the dietary supplement from Now Foods “Black Cohosh Root” (80 mg, 90 capsules). The company has been producing health products of exceptionally high quality for more than 50 years.
Black Cohosh Root helps relieve menopausal symptoms. Despite the fact that all changes in a woman’s body are natural, it is much more difficult for the body to cope without additional support. To enhance the effect of the supplement, it contains angelica and licorice.
Recommendations for use: drink 1 capsule twice a day (morning and evening).
Side effects
What are the side effects of Voronets? The use of this supplement is associated with a small number of effects, which, by the way, have not been identified in all studies. In some cases, consumption of crowberry may cause stomach discomfort, headaches, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, low blood pressure and weight problems. It is worth noting that many of these complaints may be due to misidentification of black crows in the wild by producers. ()
One of the potential side effects most commonly associated with taking crowberry is its negative effects on the liver. Although there is still no concrete evidence that this herb causes liver toxicity, we recommend consulting with your doctor before taking black sheep with other medications or supplements that may cause liver damage, or if you have already have liver disease. ()
If you experience symptoms of liver disease (such as abdominal pain, dark urine, or bilious spillage) while taking crowberry, stop using it immediately and call your doctor.
There is some concern that due to its estrogen-mimicking effects, this plant may be dangerous for women with breast or uterine cancer. For this reason, women with these cancers, as well as endometriosis, should avoid supplements containing black sheep unless such treatment is recommended and supervised by a qualified physician.
Until further research is completed. We also do not recommend taking Voronets during pregnancy or breastfeeding, since its effects on the fetus and newborns have not yet been established.
In addition, there have been some reported interactions between this plant and certain medications, including birth control, hormone replacement therapy, sedatives, and blood pressure medications.
If you regularly take any medications, it is a good idea to discuss this decision with your doctor before taking any such supplement.
Black cohosh: Solgar 200 mg capsules
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- No less popular among buyers is the black cohosh from Solgar – “Black Cohosh Root Extract Plus” (200 mg, 60 capsules). It has the above properties, but has a different dosage. Manufacturers also added a standardized black cohosh root extract (triterpene glycosides 5 mg [2.5%]) and soy isoflavones (200 mg) so that the woman’s body quickly returns to normal due to age-related changes.
Recommendations for use: take the supplement only for adults, 1 capsule per day. Preferably during meals. Your doctor may prescribe a different route of administration or dosage.
Beneficial properties of black cohosh, Dahurian
Dahurian and black cohosh are widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions and infusions based on the plant:
- increase immunity and help fight viruses and colds;
- stimulate estrogen production and normalize hormonal levels;
- help equalize blood pressure;
- have analgesic and antispasmodic effects;
- remove swelling due to diuretic properties;
- enhance testosterone production in men;
- improve hematopoietic processes and prevent the development of anemia;
- promote rapid healing of skin lesions;
- are beneficial for insomnia and anxiety;
- relieve high fever during colds.
We recommend reading: White rhododendron (Caucasian): photo with description, useful properties
The perennial is used in the treatment of cough and bronchial asthma, and for diseases of the mouth and throat. The plant improves the condition and relieves pain from rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.
Black cohosh can be used to prevent cancer
Properties of black cohosh root
Black cohosh root contains high levels of saponins and tannins and has strong astringent properties. Medicines based on it are used:
- for infectious diseases;
- for smallpox and measles;
- with anthrax;
- with diphtheria.
Traditional medicine values plant materials for their diaphoretic and analgesic properties. Root-based remedies improve joint mobility in rheumatism and gout, and help neutralize the effects of poisoning.
Black cohosh: in the pharmacy
black cohosh in pharmacies with a high concentration of the plant itself is not an easy task. There are often overpriced fakes or dietary supplements from untrustworthy manufacturers. There is an alternative - to buy a domestically produced additive, but no one can guarantee that all storage conditions have been met.
What to do in this case? The best option is to purchase black cohosh from American pharmaceutical companies. They are delivered worldwide by the iHerb online store. On the official website in the catalog, the buyer can select a dietary supplement, place the parcel and wait. This is especially convenient for residents of large cities, for example, Moscow or St. Petersburg.
Black cohosh: instructions
Black cohosh supplements must have instructions. It usually indicates the method of administration, recommended dosage and contraindications. If you follow all the instructions, the risk of negative consequences is reduced to 0.
consensus regarding the daily dosage of black cohosh . A typical dose ranges from 20 to 200 mg of extract or about 540 mg of powder per serving. It all depends on the condition of the body and the desired effect. Often the composition of dietary supplements is presented in the form of a complex, which, in addition to black cohosh , includes soy isoflavones, St. John's wort, clover, etc.
Black cohosh: how to take
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Answer to the question: “How to take black cohosh ?” very simple. It is taken orally because it is sold as tablets, capsules or liquid extract. It is advisable to do this during meals, and pre-mix the extract with water. This way the supplement is absorbed better.
What are the benefits of black cohosh for human health?
In this article we will introduce you to a plant such as black cohosh and its beneficial properties.
This is interesting: Hydrangea paniculata: the best varieties, description
Black cohosh (also known as black cohosh, black cohosh, and Adam's rib) is a perennial plant belonging to the ranunculaceae family. There are nearly 20 different species, which are especially valued for their medicinal properties. This plant has a bitter taste and a rather unpleasant aroma. The root is short and thick, the stem reaches 1.5 m in length and has a straight, unbranched shape. The length of black cohosh leaves ranges from 12 to 40 cm, and the width is directly proportional to the length. Flowering lasts from July to September. In nature, black cohosh grows in the forests of North America and Asia.
Did you know? Black cohosh is a long-lived plant, often growing for at least 20 years. There were cases when life expectancy reached 35 years.
Black cohosh: contraindications
Black cohosh has a number of contraindications:
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- severe allergic reaction;
- oncological diseases and their therapy;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- when taking medications (including lipid-lowering drugs, hepatoprotectors or blood pressure lowering drugs);
- hypotension.
Some scientists have made claims that black cohosh has a toxic effect on the liver. The American commission has not proven this thesis, but it is still believed that the plant can harm the organ. Therefore, before taking it, you should definitely consult a doctor if there are problems with the liver or pathology.
Black cohosh: harm
Harm from black cohosh occurs if dosage and administration rules are violated. Possible negative consequences include:
- nausea and vomiting;
- abdominal pain;
- vaginal bleeding;
- pain in joints and bones;
- thickening of the uterine lining and increased risk of tumors (with long-term use).
Important! On average, treatment with black cohosh lasts up to 6 months, but the period can be extended to a year. Long-term use of the supplement is not recommended.
Black cohosh - beneficial properties of the plant and medicinal uses
Black cohosh is a perennial plant also called Cohosh. The plant belongs to the Buttercup family, and belongs to the Vorontsov genus. Black cohosh naturally grows in deciduous forests in the eastern United States, as it prefers a moderately humid habitat. Such growing conditions made it easy to maintain even outside the United States, in other climatic zones. Thus, black cohosh began to be cultivated at the beginning of the 18th century, sometimes growing entire plantations.
As for other countries, it is not found in the wild, but it is quite successfully grown in greenhouse conditions, which is especially important for large companies that supply raw materials for various dietary supplements, medicinal tinctures and herbs. Yes, black cohosh is considered a medicinal plant, and it is actively used in the manufacture of health-improving medications even in our time. Considering this fact, today we will take a detailed look at the presented plant and find out all its positive, and if there are any, negative sides.
Black cohosh: Main varieties
Black cohosh has several types, each of which is presented in the following list:
Black cohosh
Black cohosh cohosh
A less common plant that is also used in the production of some hormonal preparations for both men and women. Black cohosh copes well with female hormonal system disorders, and in men it can stimulate testosterone production.
Black cohosh smelly
The herb is actively used in the creation of various antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic agents. The plant perfectly stimulates the immune system and helps fight colds, exhaustion, and even chronic illness. Black cohosh of this species grows, for example, in Siberia and is also common in Mongolia.
Black cohosh
The plant is notable for the fact that it grows in Russia, the CIS countries and Asia, which once again confirms the fact of the ancient connection of all continents into one super-continent Pangea. Black cohosh of this species has not been fully studied, but it is the one that is used in folk recipes by the indigenous people of Russia, in the absence of other variants of this herb. In general, the plant performed well as a sedative and hypnotic.
Black cohosh branched
The plant is used exclusively in the preparation of medicinal preparations aimed at women, especially those who have undergone childbirth. Black cohosh gets its name from its spreading roots, the shape of which resembles the crown of a tree.
Beneficial features
Black cohosh in pharmacies
Black cohosh has been known for its medicinal properties since the colonization of the United States, when even the Indians used it to prepare various tinctures to boost immunity, as well as as a restorative remedy after illnesses, injuries and starvation. To date, black cohosh has the following identified beneficial properties, such as:
Collection and preparation
In our latitudes, for the preparation of folk recipes, black cohosh is most often used, the harvesting of which begins in August and lasts until September. During this period, roots and rhizomes are harvested. As for the aboveground part of the plant, primarily the leaves, they can be harvested shortly before flowering, or after, before the grass goes into hibernation due to impending frost.
Black cohosh is also used in folk recipes in our latitudes. Its preparation is very simple, for this you need to find the plant itself, pull it out by the roots, take the root, and throw away the top part of the plant. The roots and rhizomes of black cohosh are used for medicinal purposes. Rhizomes can be harvested in any season, but in summer the plant is much easier to find, for obvious reasons.
In general, there is a universal formula that is relevant for harvesting black cohosh of any variety. So, you should simply dig up the roots and rhizomes of the plant in the fall, after the black cohosh fruits ripen and fall off. It is during this period that the root system will contain the maximum of useful substances that the plant has stored all summer for future replenishment during the winter dormancy period.
Traditional medicine recipes
Black cohosh is used primarily in traditional medicine, where various drugs are produced from it, aimed mainly at the female part of the population. Despite this, even now some people resort to folk remedies based on black cohosh, the most effective and common of which are listed below:
Nervous system disorders
Food poisoning and inflammation in the oral cavity
Pain in muscles and joints
If you suffer from muscle or joint pain, use a compress based on black cohosh. To prepare a compress, take dry black cohosh root and boil it in water for 30-45 minutes. After the boiling is over, the resulting water is decanted, a cloth is moistened in it, and it is applied to the sore spot for a period of 20 minutes.
Osteoporosis in women
Black cohosh and preparations based on it are prohibited from being used directly during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Moreover, before using this plant and medicines based on it, you should make sure that you do not have the following health problems, such as:
- allergy to aspirin;
- various types of thrombosis;
- past and possible future strokes;
- various types of convulsions.
Read also: Blue cohosh: description, cultivation, photo
It is also worth noting the fact that black cohosh and medications based on it can have negative consequences when taken in combination with certain hormonal drugs, which means you should definitely consult a doctor before using black cohosh.
People whose bodies have the following characteristics should take black cohosh with caution:
- periodic or chronic heartbeat at a slow pace;
- for any type of headache, except for pain in the back of the head due to overstrain of the upper cervical muscles;
- if you are prone to dizziness, especially if you are driving;
- with increased sweating;
- for various visual impairments;
- for constipation;
- with current nausea and vomiting.
Preparations based on black cohosh
Today, on the market you can find a sufficient number of drugs that contain black cohosh. The most common, effective and popular preparations containing the extract of the presented plant are listed below:
- AD-Balance;
- Albthera Plus;
- Apriorix;
- Vag Forte;
- Eight (Eith);
- Women's comfort-2;
- Meno-Fix;
- C-Ex.
Black cohosh is increasingly used as a main component in natural estrogen replacement therapy drugs, as they have much fewer side effects compared to synthetic analogues of female sex hormones.
Use in other areas
Black cohosh is practically not used in other areas of human life, except for medicine. The only direction where it is applicable, besides the manufacture of drugs, is the creation of medicinal cosmetics aimed at combating excess oily skin, as well as reducing or completely eliminating acne by reducing inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands.
In addition, various bath gels, one of the components of which is black cohosh, are becoming increasingly common. Such gels are intended for leisurely bathing, and have a relaxing and tonic effect, and also reduce muscle pain and skin inflammation.
Black cohosh is a not so well-known plant in the folk medicine of the CIS countries, but at the same time it is one of the indispensable components in official medicine, where without it it is difficult to imagine any female hormonal preparation on a natural basis, designed to normalize female hormonal levels. This allows us to say with confidence that this plant brings great benefits to all humanity, and it is likely that in the future scientists will find other beneficial properties for humans.
Black cohosh: reviews
Reviews of black cohosh are mostly left by women. Those who were concerned about painful periods or sudden changes during menopause - many were satisfied with the result. Women note that their performance has increased and their well-being has become much better, which has allowed them to get back into their usual work routine. The main thing is that this does not affect other systems and functions of the body. This is a huge advantage over synthetic drugs with a whole list of side effects.
Black cohosh: price
High-quality black cohosh differs significantly in price from fakes. That is why it is difficult to name the average price. It all depends on the supplier and seller. You can buy a highly concentrated supplement from American companies on the website, the link to which is provided below. You can also apply iHerb promotions there - they allow each buyer to receive a discount on their first and future orders.
All products in the website catalog are several times cheaper than in other online pharmacies (about 1.5-3 times). Borage oil, black soap, coenzyme Q10, 5-HTP - this is not the whole range. Millions of people around the world trust iHerb.
Contraindications for black cohosh:
The plant is poisonous. Use preparations from black cohosh with great caution. When used correctly, black cohosh tincture does not cause any side effects.
Black cohosh (lat. Cimifuga) is a perennial herbaceous plant, belongs to the Ranunculaceae family, genus Voronets. Other names for black cohosh: Adam's rib, common stinkhorn, black cohosh, stinking root. The plant has a bitter taste and unpleasant odor. Its rhizome is short, thick, lined with hard lobes. The stem is straight, unbranched, and can reach 120 centimeters in height. Its upper part is covered with leaves and short hairs. Black cohosh leaves are complex, double-pinnate, sometimes triple-pinnate, their length ranges from 15 to 40 centimeters, and the width is about the same.
The plant blooms from July to September. Its flowers are small, numerous, and greenish-white in color. They are collected in simple paniculate-racemose inflorescences, the length of which can reach 14 centimeters. The fruits are leaflets with 5-8 seeds that ripen very quickly. Fruit ripening begins in August and continues until September. In total, there are about 15-20 varieties of black cohosh in nature. The most famous types: black cohosh, black cohosh, black cohosh, heartleaf, stinking, Japanese, branched, European and others. The main habitats of this plant are Asian and North American forests. In our region, it can be found in birch and coniferous forests of the Altai Territory and Western Siberia.