When to collect marsh cinquefoil


A description of a tonic drink made from cinquefoil root is found in written sources of the 17th century. The authors claim that it restores spirits and gives strength. The records of healers in eastern Siberia mention tea made from dekola, which saves from diseases and prolongs youth. This drink helped the inhabitants of Lapland survive the harsh polar nights; the roots of this plant drove away evil spirits, and the leaves of the plant were added to food for deer.

Residents of Chukotka and the Far East also knew about the healing power of “sick grass,” and recipes came to them from Mongolian and Japanese doctors. In Japan, cinquefoil is used in official medicine, and in recent years, studies have been conducted on the antitumor activity of the plant. In Chinese medicine, cinquefoil root is also popular. Based on it, drugs have been created for pain in muscles, joints and bones, including the famous pain relief patches.

Sabelnik is also used in cooking. Nutritionists recommend drinking cinquefoil during a therapeutic diet to enhance the effect and increase tone. Cooks add it as a seasoning to fish and meat dishes, to baked goods and vegetable dishes, to marinades and compotes to add flavor.

Marsh cinquefoil - against diseases and old age: beneficial properties and contraindications for use

Festering wounds heal faster when crushed freshly collected grass is applied to them. The use of Russian ginseng is primarily associated with its root system. According to eyewitnesses, even Peter1 was treated with ointments from the roots of this herb.

The rhizomes form a real cushion, supporting the plant in the marshy soil. This pillow is very durable, it is quite capable of supporting the weight of a person. This perennial should not be completely dug up to allow the plant to recover. Moreover, the root is dug up even before flowering, so that the juices of the grass do not have time to deplete it.

The above-ground parts of the plant are also used in medicine; sometimes medicines are prepared entirely from the entire plant.

The marsh cinquefoil grass is harvested on the new moon in mid-summer, when the juices of the plant are most concentrated in the stems and leaves. Sabelnik normalizes metabolism and strengthens overall immunity. Fresh crushed herb is applied to purulent wounds, tumors and hemorrhoids.

The grass promotes their resorption. The plant is not only a good healer, but also a good honey plant. The nectar secreted by 1 cinquefoil flower per day contains an average of 6.35 mg of sugar, and the total honey productivity of the thickets is up to 200 kg per 1 hectare.

The grass is cinquefoil. Photo

Sabelnik. Photo: Ole Husby

Marsh cinquefoil. Photo: Frank Vassen

The grass is cinquefoil. Photo: Frank Vassen

Preparation of medicinal herbs

The grass is harvested during the flowering period by cutting off the flowering leafy part of the plant along with the lower leaves.

The rhizomes are kept or dug up in early spring or autumn, cleaned of soil and small adventitious roots, moss, stems are cut, washed in cold water, dried in the sun, both types of raw materials are dried in ventilated areas or in dryers at 40-50C.

The legend of cinquefoil

Like any medicinal plant known since ancient times, there are legends about cinquefoil. One of them says that the northern people living in swampy areas suffered from various ailments. In answer to their prayers, a horseman appeared and, waving his saber, cut through the fog. Purple flowers grew at this place, with the help of which people were able to cope with diseases.

According to another legend, an ancient army wandered along the road, tired of battles. When they reached Altai, the warriors, enchanted by the beauty of this land, stuck their sabers into the ground as a sign of truce. Dark red flowers in the shape of a five-pointed star grew at this place.

There are many names for the plant - spool, fireflower, marshwort, five-leafed plant. The scientific name comes from the Greek word cómarum. The Greeks still call the fruits of the strawberry tree this way.


The plant reaches a height of up to one meter. The roots of cinquefoil (there is a photo in the article) are long, up to three meters. The peak of cinquefoil flowering occurs in mid-August. Long leaves with small teeth. The cinquefoil grows near swamps, lakes, and wet meadows. Often sedge grows next to it. Another name for the plant is cinquefoil, decorative, five-leafed.

All parts of the plant are used as medicine - roots, flowers, leaves. Most vitamins are found in the root. Tinctures, decoctions, and drinks for oral administration are prepared from it. The drug is also used as compresses, rubs, ointments, most often externally.

Useful material

The roots of cinquefoil contain 5% essential oils and up to 12% tannins. In addition to them, the composition includes ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, polysaccharides, carotene, organic acids, resinous substances, large amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin P, calcium, manganese, zinc, and potassium.

Sabelnik contains biologically valuable phenols and terpenoids. Catechins have a positive effect on metabolism. Catechins have an antitumor effect, and resinous substances have an antiseptic effect. Anthocyanins improve vision. Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

The bitterness contained in the root of the cinquefoil herb has a laxative and diuretic effect. Carotene has an antioxidant effect, ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, magnesium has a positive effect on the cardiac system, potassium provides oxygen access to the brain, calcium strengthens bones. Tannins have an antitumor effect and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Application in medicine

Sabelnik is known as an effective natural remedy for the musculoskeletal system. Problems with bones, muscles, joints are resolved with the help of “swamp grass”: polyarthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis. Preparations based on it reduce inflammation, swelling, restore mobility to joints, and help regenerate bone tissue.

Reduce pain from gout, osteochondrosis and radiculitis. The root of the marsh cinquefoil is taken internally in the form of decoctions, infusions, tinctures with alcohol, and externally, as compresses and rubbing. Preparations from the plant significantly reduce pain from neuritis and neuralgic pain.

Sabelnik is a good remedy for diseases of the digestive organs, problems with the intestines, stomach, diarrhea, dysentery, diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys. The plant has a calming and astringent effect on the stomach, which is useful for digestive disorders and poisoning.

Cinquefoil tincture: indications for use, recipes, reviews

The most popular and universal remedy is cinquefoil tincture with vodka or alcohol. Its effectiveness is explained by the ability of alcohol to dissolve any, even water-insoluble, components of the plant, and also very quickly deliver them to the source of the disease.

What does the tincture help with:

  • joint problems;
  • spinal hernia;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

In addition, taking the tincture has a positive effect on the body’s condition in case of hypertension, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and improves immunity. But the main indication for use of the drug is joint diseases. Vodka tincture has a multidirectional effect on them:

  1. Reduces inflammation.
  2. Reduces pain.
  3. Removes salt deposits.
  4. Restores cartilage tissue.
  5. Improves the production of synovial fluid.

Reviews of people who have undergone such treatment will help you to finally be convinced that joint problems are an indication for the use of cinquefoil tincture.

Reviews of the use of cinquefoil tincture for joints

Anna, 32 years old. There is an initial stage of arthritis of the knee joint. Taking chondroprotective drugs slightly improved the mobility of the joints, but did not help completely get rid of the pain and crunching. A colleague advised me to drink cinquefoil tincture. I bought it ready-made at the pharmacy, and after a month’s course, the crunching in my knees went away, and discomfort was felt only under heavy load. I was also surprised to discover that the crunching sound I had when turning my neck, which I had since childhood, disappeared. I’m very pleased with the effect, I’ll rest for a month and continue taking it again.

Lyudmila Sergeevna, 56 years old. I have suffered from arthrosis of the hip joint for many years. I tried everything I could - I drank chondroitin and glucosamine, applied hundreds of ointments, attached a magnet, planted bees, but the desired relief did not come. I decided to turn to medicinal plants. I made an alcohol tincture of cinquefoil myself and started taking it. At first, the pain even intensified, but I read that this was normal and confidently continued the treatment. And now, a month later, I can recommend it to everyone suffering from arthrosis. The joints became more mobile, the pain decreased, and it became more comfortable to do joint exercises. None of the drugs prescribed by the doctor gave this effect.

How to make tincture at home

The recipe for preparing the tincture may vary slightly depending on the liquid used as a solvent.

How to infuse cinquefoil in vodka:

  1. A 1-liter jar is filled one-third with fresh roots cut into approximately 1 cm pieces.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka into the prepared raw material and close the container with a nylon lid.
  3. Insist for at least 3 weeks in a closet or pantry.
  4. Strain and store in the refrigerator.

The readiness of the product can be determined by its rich red-brown color. If the liquid is still pale in color, then leave it for another 3-5 days.

How to infuse cinquefoil in alcohol:

  1. For 70% alcohol, which is a stronger solvent than vodka, both fresh and dry raw materials are suitable. For 0.5 liters of liquid take 100 g of dry roots.
  2. The mixture is placed in a dark place and kept for 3 weeks, after which it is filtered.

The tincture recipe must be selected based on the planned method of its use. It is better to use alcohol-based products only for rubbing, while cinquefoil tincture with vodka can be taken both internally and externally.

How to take the tincture correctly

For arthrosis and arthritis, take the tincture three times a day, 1 tsp, dissolving it in 50 ml of water. For the best effect, rub the joints in parallel with the product. The procedure is carried out before bedtime so that the tincture can not be washed off the skin, but the sore spots can be wrapped in woolen cloth. The course of treatment lasts 1-1.5 months. Moreover, after about a week of taking the tincture, joint pain may increase. There is no need to quit treatment, a temporary exacerbation is a normal reaction of the body to the plant, you just need to wait it out for several days, after which relief will come sharply.

For a hernia of the spine, cinquefoil tincture is drunk according to the same scheme, but when rubbed, it is applied not to the sore spots themselves, but to the area around the vertebrae.

To get rid of salt deposits , drink 1 tbsp of the tincture. three times a day for 10-15 minutes of food. Reception is continued for 20 days, after which they rest for 10 days and repeat.

The warming effect of the tincture is beneficial for respiratory diseases . If there is no elevated temperature, it is used to rub the chest and back area.

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For oncology, alcohol tincture is taken 1 tsp. twice a day with meals, dissolving the product in a third of a glass of water. Treatment is continued for 1 month, then rest for 10 days. Depending on the stage of the disease, 2-3 such courses are carried out.

Medicinal properties

Traditional healers recommend cinquefoil root for jaundice, allergies and after animal bites, to prevent rabies. This is an effective assistant for sore throat, flu, pharyngitis, acute respiratory viral infections, and bronchitis. The antiseptic properties of the plant appear, and the temperature and inflammation are reduced. For diseases of the teeth and gums, rinsing is also recommended - inflammation and pain are reduced.

Nowadays, much attention is paid to studying the effectiveness of cinquefoil root for cancer. It is recommended for cancer of the breast, stomach and other organs. Sabelnik is taken not only as an independent remedy, but also as part of various herbal preparations.

Sabelnik helps with tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis, nervous system disorders, and low blood pressure. “Swamp grass” is an excellent remedy for bleeding and mastopathy. Plant-based preparations clean wounds, relieve inflammation and promote skin regeneration.

In complex therapy, cinquefoil root is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Cinquefoil helps with psychasthenia and fear. Doctors use it to treat suicidal and depressive conditions.

Sabelnik ideally relieves toothache, inflammation after surgery or periodontal disease. It is enough to rinse your mouth with tincture 2 times a day.


The rhizome of cinquefoil successfully acts as the dominant raw material for many folk recipes, on the basis of which it is easy to make medicinal remedies at home. It is important to first discuss with your doctor the advisability of such treatment for a number of diseases.


Marsh cinquefoil roots are rightfully included in the list of the most effective varieties of medicinal raw materials that promote the treatment of diseased joints. Based on them, several effective recipes have been developed to solve this common problem.

  1. Combine dried rhizomes and stems of cinquefoil in equal proportions. The raw materials must be crumbled and filled halfway in a glass jar with a capacity of 1/2 liter. Alcohol (70%) is poured up to the neck. The container, sealed with an airtight lid, is kept in a dark place for three weeks. Squeeze the finished tincture through double-layer gauze. Take a tablespoon before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After a month's course, a break of 30 days is required. The alcohol elixir is also used for daily rubbing of sore joints.
  2. Ground dried roots of marsh cinquefoil - 15 tbsp. l. transfer to a bottle with 1500 ml of vodka. A well-sealed vessel is kept in the dark for seven days. It is recommended to consume 50 ml of healing tincture filtered through a gauze filter with water three times a day before meals. The minimum course duration is 10 days.
  3. Based on a tincture made from cinquefoil rhizomes according to the previous recipe with vodka, you can make your own analgesic and anti-inflammatory cream. Grind the tincture with red pepper in a glass jar with a wooden spatula - 1 tsp each, adding 50 ml of heated pork or goose fat and vitamin E - 6 drops. The ointment is distributed over the affected joint area. Cover with film and wrap with a scarf. The compress is kept for one and a half hours. Perform in the morning and evening.
  4. Using a mortar, the dried cinquefoil roots are ground to a fine powder. Having then measured out a glass of prepared raw material, pour it into a glass container. Add vegetable oil - 500 ml, close tightly and keep in the cupboard for three weeks. Gently squeeze out the oil extract through two layers of bandage. Use it twice a day to rub aching joints.
  5. To treat advanced rheumatism of the joints, you will need 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots of marsh cinquefoil. Place them in a saucepan with 200 ml of boiling water. Keep covered in a steam bath for 15 minutes, remembering to stir the contents periodically. Chilled boiling water is added to the cooled filtered broth, replenishing the initial volume. Drink 50 ml of the healing drink every six hours.
  6. Dried swampweed roots need to be crushed using a coffee grinder. The powder, when vigorously kneaded with a wooden spatula, is combined with rendered lard or unsalted butter, maintaining a ratio of 1:10. The ointment is applied to the affected joints in the morning and evening with light rubbing movements.

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In order to relieve pain caused by a herniated disc at home, it is also recommended to turn to a unique plant:

  1. For the tincture, use dried bogwort roots - 100 grams. They are placed in a glass vessel with a liter of vodka. It is necessary to seal the container hermetically and leave it in an unlit place for 21 days. After decanting the finished elixir, take a tablespoon, diluted with 40 ml of water, and drink three to four times a day.
  2. For decoction in an enamel bowl, you need 1 tbsp at a minimum temperature. l. Boil the ground dried roots of the cinquefoil in a glass of water for a quarter of an hour. Warm boiling water is poured into the cooled drink, strained through a strainer, to obtain 200 ml. Every eight hours, drink a third of a glass of healing liquid.


The rhizomes of marsh cinquefoil help stabilize high blood pressure. In the evening, pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of ground dried raw materials. Brew with a liter of freshly boiled water. Leave for 12 hours. You need to squeeze out the infusion using a double gauze patch and drink 150 ml throughout the day.

Heel spurs

The root of the joint, combined in dried form with the foliage of this plant (keep equal proportions), successfully helps in the treatment of very painful heel spurs.

The mixture is crushed, two glasses are taken and transferred to a glass container, into which a liter of vodka is then poured. After sealing, the dishes are sent to a cool, dark place for three weeks.

Use 1 tsp. filtered tincture before breakfast, lunch, dinner (25-30 minutes). Practice treatment for 20 days. If necessary, continue therapy after a three-day interval.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The roots of cinquefoil are successfully used to prevent pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Pour 12 tbsp into a liter jar. l. crushed dry raw materials. Fill the container to the top with vodka, seal it and place it in a dark cabinet for 8 days.

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After straining the finished tincture through double gauze, 20 ml is taken three times a day before meals. The course is continued until the prepared product runs out.

General strengthening effect

The roots of cinquefoil increase immunity and improve metabolism. They also restore damaged cells, remove waste and toxins. The medicinal properties of cinquefoil roots make this plant an indispensable component for herbal preparations for preventive purposes. Tea with cinquefoil gives strength, creates conditions for an active life and resists aging.

For cosmetic purposes, it is used as creams and face masks, which effectively smooth out wrinkles, help get rid of cellulite and give elasticity to the skin.

Procurement, collection, storage

The natural habitat of the cinquefoil is throughout the Russian territory. The optimal time for harvesting plant roots is September and the period in spring before flowering. It is advisable to carry out the collection on the waning moon.

It should be taken into account that for medicinal purposes only the upper part (about 35-50 cm) of a very long, horizontal rhizome is used. It has a brown skin and a hollow interior with light green walls. Raw materials with a darkened interior must not be used.

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The dug up rhizomes, cleared of earth particles, are washed. The lateral roots are removed. The remaining raw materials are divided into fragments 2-4 cm long. If necessary, cut them into plates.

Place in a sunny place with good ventilation, spreading thick cloth or paper. The roots need to be stirred daily. For drying, use the oven at 40 degrees. Electric dryers can be used at identical temperatures.

The finished products are poured into glass containers and hermetically sealed. Keep in a dark, dry room or cabinet for up to three years.

Universal remedy

Cinquefoil tea can be taken as a prophylactic. It strengthens the immune system, eliminates headaches, and reduces the risk of cancer. In addition, this drink promotes weight loss, as the components of the plant break down fats and improve metabolism.

Tea. 1 teaspoon of cinquefoil per glass of boiling water. Drink 3 times a day.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of cinquefoil for women

For the fair sex, first of all, the use of cinquefoil in gynecology is of interest. Its anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties have a beneficial effect on mastopathy, mastitis, vaginitis, and polycystic ovary syndrome. And thanks to its hemostatic properties, the plant is used for uterine bleeding and menstrual disorders.

Sabelnik in gynecology

  1. For mastopathy, a decoction of cinquefoil has proven itself well. 20 g of dry herb are brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water and simmered in a steam bath for 15 minutes, then filtered. Drink 20 ml 4 times a day. It is effective to combine the use of the decoction with external rubbing of the chest with cinquefoil ointment, the recipe for which has already been described earlier.
  2. Treatment of endometriosis is carried out by parallel intake of decoctions of cinquefoil and boron uterus. Both remedies are prepared according to the above recipe and drunk three times a day - a decoction of boron uterus half an hour before meals, and a decoction of cinquefoil 30 minutes after meals.
  3. For uterine bleeding, a collection is made from the roots of cinquefoil and burnet in a ratio of 2:3. 2 tbsp. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for at least 2 hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
  4. The herb is also useful for women trying to lose extra pounds. To lose weight , drink cinquefoil tea, which normalizes lipid metabolism. In addition, such a drink cleanses the body of toxins, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

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Contraindications for women

Despite the large number of medicinal properties for women, cinquefoil also has contraindications for them.

Their role is pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. In such cases, treatment can only be carried out with the permission of a doctor and only under his supervision.

Treatment of joints

The plant is popularly called a “joint” for a reason. Sabelnik acts to eliminate the disease: regenerates damaged tissue, eliminates inflammation of the joints and normalizes their functioning. Preparations based on the roots of the plant are suitable for older people who have lost the elasticity of their joints due to age-related changes; people with joint diseases; having injuries; those experiencing prolonged stress on the joints and spine, including excess weight; those in need of prevention of joint diseases.

Tincture. Cinquefoil effectively fights rheumatism, salt deposits, arthritis, radiculitis and vertebral hernias. Tincture of cinquefoil roots eliminates joint pain, improves blood flow, and relieves inflammation. The drug is prepared on the basis of cinquefoil rhizomes, but it is also possible to use the whole plant, along with the stems.

Pour a third of a liter jar of the crushed plant into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 20 days. Strain. Use externally in the form of daily rubbing or compresses, and internally:

  • For prevention: add one teaspoon to water or tea for 3 weeks. Avoid alcoholic drinks while taking cinquefoil.
  • Treatment: 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for a month. if necessary, the course can be repeated after three days.

Cream. Thoroughly mix 1 teaspoon each of cinquefoil and red pepper tinctures, 6 drops of vitamin E, 50 ml of melted fat. Apply the ointment to the affected area and wrap it with a cloth. Use cinquefoil root 2 times a day. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. The product relieves inflammation, arthrosis pain, and eliminates redness.

Oil. Grind the cinquefoil roots and add vegetable oil. Leave for a month. Strain and rub into sore joints.

Use in folk medicine

In official medicine, cinquefoil extracts are used in the manufacture of joint ointments. But in alternative medicine the range of applications is much wider. Decop is prescribed to patients in the form of decoctions, infusions and tinctures.

Recipe marsh cinquefoil decoction

  • grind 10 g of roots in a mortar and pour into an enamel bowl,
  • pour a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath,
  • boil for 15 minutes,
  • cool, strain and bring with boiled water to the original volume.

Herbalists prescribe a decoction for at least one and a half months for:

Decop decoction mixed with infusions of rose hips, chamomile, calendula, mint, golden mustache, fruit or berry juices is the basis for preparing oxygen cocktails. For them you also need to buy small oxygen canisters at the pharmacy.

Oxygen cocktails are indicated for adults and children to normalize and stimulate metabolic processes, normalize sleep, for chronic fatigue, and for diabetes. Such drinks perfectly suppress hunger and accelerate the breakdown of nutrients, so they are useful when switching to a low-calorie diet or losing weight.


  • Freshly harvested herbs are steamed in boiling water and applied to festering wounds.
  • The decoction is used for rinsing for periodontal disease and sore throat.
  • The drugs are used as an additional means for weight loss.

  • An infusion of kombucha or enzyme kvass with decoction is an excellent remedy for the prevention of infectious and colds, tuberculosis and hypertension.
  • The broth is poured into a rubber glove and frozen. “Ice fingers” are removed and used as medicinal suppositories for hemorrhoids. Milk thistle decoction baths also help with swelling and inflammation of hemorrhoids.
  • Freshly picked roots are scalded with boiling water, wrapped in canvas bags and applied to sore spots.
  • Hot baths with a decoction are indicated for radiculitis, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • The prepared raw materials are included in phytoenergetic teas and elixirs to improve immunity, normalize intestinal function, and prevent diseases. To enhance the effect, viburnum berries and garlic juice are added to herbal mixtures with sage, mint, St. John's wort, hawthorn, and fragrant rue.

Use of cinquefoil tincture

You can buy an alcohol tincture of dekopa at a pharmacy, but it’s quite possible to prepare it yourself. The main thing is to make sure that the raw materials have been collected and dried according to all the rules. Recipe for tincture of dried roots:

  • pour 2/3 cup of crushed raw materials into a 0.5 liter jar,
  • pour vodka to the top and close the lid,
  • leave in a dark place for 3 weeks,
  • Shake the contents well every 2 days.

The resulting infusion is prescribed in different dosages for treatment:

  • breast cancer, colorectal cancer,
  • rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis,
  • salt deposits in the joints and spine,
  • flu, colds.

For preventive purposes, the tincture is recommended to be taken in the autumn-winter period to increase immunity. When used externally, the tincture should be rubbed into inflamed joints and strained muscles 2-3 times a day, then wrap the sore spot with a woolen scarf.

If you take a teaspoon of cinquefoil and red pepper tinctures, mix them with a glass of vodka, a tablespoon of honey and three drops of vitamin E, you can prepare the miraculous ointment of Peter the Great. The combination of active components provides the ointment with a powerful, long-lasting warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Judging by the reviews, many consider cinquefoil tincture to be a miracle cure, but before taking it, you need to carefully study the instructions for use, the list of medical indications and possible complications. For small children, the concentration and dose of drugs must be clarified separately.

Sabelnik in oncology

The healing properties of cinquefoil roots have been known for a long time. Many plant-based drugs are highly effective. The positive effect of the drug on people with cancer could not but interest scientists. Over the past decades, the antitumor properties of the plant have been studied very carefully.

In combination with traditional medications, cinquefoil products significantly improve the patient’s condition. Cinquefoil tincture is effective for various types of oncology.

Tincture. Pour 100 g of dry roots into 0.5 liters of vodka. Close the container and leave, shaking occasionally, for 8 days. Strain and take:

  • for lymphogranulomatosis 3 times a day, 30 drops, washed down with water (100 ml);
  • for rectal cancer, dilute 50 drops of tincture in warm water (0.5 l) and give an enema;
  • for other forms of the disease - 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

When using the tincture, you can use the method of V. Yu. Tsedilin, who claims that in the fight against oncology, taking medications correctly is important. It is recommended to take cinquefoil tincture throughout the year:

Dissolve 1 teaspoon in ⅓ glass of water and drink 2 times a day with meals. Course: 30 days – taking the drug, 10 days break. Repeat the course. The chances of a cure will be higher if you combine the use of cinquefoil root internally and, in the form of a compress, externally.

For leukemia, a positive effect is observed when taking cinquefoil tea: brew cinquefoil roots and grass instead of tea and drink 0.5 cups once a day.

A decoction of the leaves can be used for children: 2 tbsp. Pour a liter of water over spoons of leaves in the evening. Boil for 10 minutes and pour into a thermos. In the morning, strain and drink ½ glass half an hour before meals throughout the day. Amount of raw materials for children (per liter of water): from one to 3 years - 1 teaspoon of leaves; from 3 to 6 - 1 dessert spoon; from 6 to 10 years - 1 tbsp. spoon; over 10 - the same as for adults.

Remedies from cinquefoil have good results, but we must not forget about the main therapy. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the medicinal properties of cinquefoil roots and contraindications, but also to consult a doctor. The doctor, knowing the history and course of the disease, will select the optimal dosage and give recommendations on the duration of use.

Marsh cinquefoil tincture, instructions on how to make it at home

Sabelnik is taken in the form:

  • Alcohol extract, for half a liter of vodka (moonshine), take at least 50 grams of dried cinquefoil, and leave it in a dark place for at least 21 days, shaking the bottles periodically. If you urgently need to get an extract, you can infuse not dried roots. The tincture is drunk three times a day, a tablespoon at a time, can be diluted with water, for 1 month, then a break for a week, and so on up to three times. Sabelnik can cause an exacerbation of the disease; this period must be endured. During the period of exacerbation, people feel that they trusted traditional medicine in vain.
  • Tea made from the roots, flowers and leaves of cinquefoil.
  • Ointments. The cinquefoil root, crushed until dusty (to allow diffusion), is poured with sunflower oil and left to infuse, stirring occasionally. Sometimes red pepper is added to the ointment, it irritates the skin, pepper is also added to pharmaceutical ointments for joints.

More recipes in the video.


Herbal preparations can also be found in pharmacies. The root of cinquefoil in various forms is used in complex treatment, does not cause side effects and is in demand. You can purchase the product without a doctor's prescription. Pharmacies offer drugs in the form of tablets, tinctures, creams, balms and teas. The price range ranges from 30 to 300 rubles, depending on the shape and quantity.

Contraindications and recommendations

When treating with cinquefoil, it is advisable to exclude milk porridge, kefir and milk, animal fats and meat products, fatty broths and alcohol from food. These products clog blood vessels and provoke salt deposition. At this time, especially for cores, you can replace cocoa with carob. By combining a therapeutic diet and taking cinquefoil, you can significantly reduce cholesterol levels.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity and type of disease; it can be shorter or longer. In mild forms, improvements are noticeable already in the first days of use. If the form is advanced, several courses may be required with a break of 10 days. In rare cases, an exacerbation of the disease is observed in the first days, which indicates the therapeutic effect of the drug. It is recommended to drink a diuretic after 2 hours to remove toxins and waste from the body.


  • Cinquefoil root should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
  • An allergic reaction is possible.
  • Alcohol tincture should not be taken by people with alcohol intolerance.


Ointment with cinquefoil helps with joint pain, unexpected injuries and sprains. After use in the form of compresses, it helps to recover within 2 days - pain and inflammation recede. For osteochondrosis of the lower back, the doctor prescribed ointment with cinquefoil as part of complex therapy. Twenty minutes after applying the ointment, the pain subsides.

The cinquefoil tincture helped get rid of heartburn and indigestion. The doctor recommended diluting 1 tablespoon of tincture with water to reduce the concentration. The unpleasant symptoms disappeared after two weeks. When choosing the drug, there was no doubt, since the tincture is plant-based, inexpensive and does not cause side effects.

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