Category: Succulents, Care Published 09/14/2018 · Comments: · Reading time: 10 min · Views: 9,434
No matter how many people invent effective medications, sooner or later, research shows that nature is ahead of them and an effective cure for this or that ailment already exists. This happened with a popular plant from the succulent family - aloe, which is often found on windowsills. This herbal remedy has found application in medicine, including ophthalmology, and is highly effective. How is aloe beneficial for the eyes and in what cases is it used?
Plant composition
Aloe juice has medicinal properties; chronic eye diseases are treated with it. Regular use improves visual acuity, eliminates swelling and relieves inflammation. Aloe extract is rich in:
- beta-carotene;
- B vitamins;
- choline;
- folic acid;
- vitamin A;
- magnesium;
- chrome;
- zinc;
- potassium;
- calcium
The interaction of these components improves metabolism in the lens, protects it from clouding, which prevents the appearance of cataracts. Aloe juice is an excellent alternative to ophthalmic products. It is dropped into the eyes, lotions and compresses are made from it, and used as an ointment. For example, for conjunctivitis, aloe drops are used for the eyes. An extract or solution that is diluted with water is suitable.
The plant is used for the delicate skin around the eyes. It provides gentle care for the skin. Cosmetologists use the plant to lengthen eyelashes. To do this, the juice is mixed with vegetable oil.
Aloe with honey - beneficial properties and recipe
Aloe (lat. Áloë) is a genus of succulent plants of the subfamily Asphodelaceae of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family, containing more than 500 species common in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Previously, the genus Aloe could be classified in the families Aloaceae or Asphodelaceae. wiki
Aloe contains a healing substance - allantonin, which easily penetrates into the deep layers of human skin and tissue.
Beneficial properties of the aloe plant
What aloe can do:
- can relieve inflammation
- moisturize and nourish
- activate metabolic processes in the body
- normalize digestive secretions
- promote tissue regeneration
- detoxification of the body
- normalize metabolism
- enrich the body with vitamins and microelements.
Aloe is used in different forms - tinctures are made from it, leaves are applied to wounds and inflammations, it is used in cosmetology to make aloe vera gel, aloe face masks, compresses are made from the juice and used internally and externally.
What are the benefits of aloe with honey?
But the medicinal combination of aloe and honey is especially appreciated.
Together, these two components enhance each other’s beneficial properties and create an excellent healing medicine.
Aloe with honey is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases and disorders of the body:
- gastrointestinal diseases,
- lung diseases,
- asthenia,
- general exhaustion of the body after diets, fasting,
- severe illnesses,
- for hair and skin restoration,
- to strengthen the immune system and defenses of the body.
How to cook aloe with honey - recipes
To prepare aloe with honey, you will need to take freshly squeezed juice from aloe leaves and high-quality raw honey.
How to cook correctly:
- When preparing any medicines from aloe, only freshly cut leaves of the plant or freshly squeezed juice are used.
- Leaves should be cut from a plant that is at least 3 years old (five years is even better). Then they need to be put in a dark bag and put in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 - 8 degrees for at least 12 days.
- Many people don't do this, but I highly recommend doing everything according to the rules. In this case, special biostimulant substances are formed in the aloe pulp, which can enhance metabolism in tissues, promote rapid healing of affected cells, and increase the body’s immunity.
- Then the leaves are washed, wiped dry, the thorns are removed, cut into thin strips, and the juice is squeezed out using gauze. It is best to grind them in a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.
- Place in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.
- Drain it into a clean, dry jar and store in the refrigerator.
Aloe eye drops are used because of:
- delivery of oxygen to skin cells;
- increasing the strength and elasticity of the skin;
- participation in the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
- moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin;
- tonic effect.
The plant eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin. It is used to treat sunburns and scratches. If you look at the composition of cosmetics for tanning, wrinkles, bags, redness and bruises, most of them include aloe vera.
Aloe eye drops are effective in treating many ailments. This is due to the fact that the plant has the following properties:
- Antibacterial. Possible use for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, fungal diseases.
- Anti-inflammatory. Because of this, the product is used in the treatment of skin diseases and internal ailments.
- Healing. Treatment of ulcers and burns is performed.
- Eliminate irritation. Therefore, the plant is effective for dermatitis and allergies.
In cosmetology, aloe is used to restore problem skin, treat acne and rashes. Agave has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
Eye drops with aloe according to Fedorov have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. It contains active substances that treat various eye ailments. The product protects against the appearance of conjunctivitis, myopia, farsightedness, cataracts, glaucoma and other ailments. The drug cannot be used if you are hypersensitive to the components.
This product contains honey and aloe. Eye drops contain silver, as well as other components with antioxidant effects. These substances enhance the therapeutic properties of the active substances, accelerating recovery.
Aloe extract drops for eyes consist of the following components:
- Water with silver ions. Demineralized water has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It provides hydration, restoration and rejuvenation of damaged tissues.
- Honey is valued for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Allows you to saturate the eyeball with nutritional components. Honey restores the damaged structure of the eyeball.
- Adenosine is a component that accelerates recovery. With the help of the component, microcirculation and metabolism improves. Adenosine relieves swelling.
- Vitamin B is known for its antioxidant effect and improving retinal function.
- Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It also improves tissue nutrition and reduces the risk of hemorrhages.
- Benzalkonium can enhance the antiviral antiseptic effect.
The extract can improve eye condition if used correctly. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.
Aloe juice for eyes
As medical practice shows, every second person has encountered ophthalmological problems. Eye diseases can be triggered by a variety of factors, among which inflammatory processes occupy a leading position. Be that as it may, any pathology requires careful diagnosis and timely treatment.
Incredibly, aloe vera, which grows on many housewives’ windowsills, can speed up the healing process for many diseases. This popular plant can be grown both at home and in the wild. Two types of plants are used in cosmetology: aloe vera and ordinary agave.
Properties of aloe
The juice of the plant has medicinal properties; it can even be used to treat chronic eye diseases. Its regular use can improve visual acuity, remove swelling and relieve the inflammatory reaction.
Aloe extract is rich in the following beneficial components: beta-carotene, B vitamins, choline, folic acid, vitamin A, magnesium, chromium, zinc, potassium, calcium. The interaction of these components normalizes metabolism in the lens, prevents its clouding, which serves as a good prevention of cataracts.
The juice of this plant is a good alternative to synthetic ophthalmic drugs. It can be dropped into the eyes, made into lotions, compresses, or used as an ointment. For example, for conjunctivitis, it is useful to drip juice into the eyes. This can be either an extract or a solution diluted with water.
Aloe vera is a powerful antioxidant
The widespread use of aloe for the eyes is due to the following properties of the plant:
- delivery of oxygen to skin cells;
- increasing the strength and elasticity of the skin;
- participation in the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
- moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin;
- tonic effect.
The plant combats dryness and flaking of the skin, it is also effective in treating sunburn and scratches. If you look at the composition of various cosmetic products for sunburn, wrinkles, bags, redness and bruises, most of these products contain aloe vera.
Let us highlight the main properties that aloe juice has for the eyes:
- antibacterial. Possibility of use for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, as well as fungal diseases;
- anti-inflammatory. Thanks to this, the product is used to treat skin diseases and internal diseases;
- healing – treatment of ulcers and burns;
- relieving irritation from dermatitis and allergic reactions.
In cosmetology, the plant is used to combat problem skin, acne and rashes. Agave has pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
Aloe vera rejuvenates the skin around the eyes
Aloe extract according to Fedorov
Aloe extract is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that contains active components that can fight various eye diseases. The product helps prevent conjunctivitis, myopia, farsightedness, cataracts, glaucoma and other diseases. It is prohibited to use the drug if you have an individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.
Eye drops contain bee honey, aloe, and silver. The product also contains other substances with antioxidant properties. These biologically active components enhance the therapeutic effect of the active substances, accelerating the healing process.
Let's take a closer look at the features of the action of the components included in the composition:
- water with silver ions. Demineralized water is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It moisturizes, restores and rejuvenates damaged tissues;
- Honey is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. The product is used to provide the eyeball with nutrients. Bee honey restores the damaged structure of the eyeball;
- Adenosine is a component that accelerates the recovery process. The substance improves microcirculation and metabolic processes. Adenosine relieves puffiness - a common symptom of many eye diseases;
- B vitamins have antioxidant properties and improve retinal function;
- Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Ascorbic acid improves tissue nutrition and reduces the risk of hemorrhages;
- benzalkonium enhances the antiviral and antiseptic effects.
Indications for the use of aloe extract are the following diseases:
Actovegin eye ointment
- chorioretinitis;
- myopia;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- dystrophic changes in the retina;
- blepharitis;
- keratitis;
- iritis;
- glaucoma;
- staying at the computer for a long time;
- traumatic injury;
- infectious eye diseases;
- cataract;
- for the purpose of prevention for the elderly.
Aloe extract fights many eye diseases
Depending on the underlying disease and the extent of the damage, drops are used for four to six weeks. The dosage is one to two drops two to three times a day. If the remedy was prescribed to people whose work involves spending a long time at the computer, then treatment can last up to two months.
Drops and lotions
In order to prepare the drops, it is best to use the lower thick leaves of a three-year-old plant. Before extracting the juice, you must place the cut leaf in the refrigerator. Then you should trim the thorns, grind and strain.
Let's consider the options for using the plant in the treatment of various diseases:
- cataract. Mix freshly squeezed juice with mumiyo. The mixture should be instilled one drop twice a day. Before using the product, it must be kept in the refrigerator for two weeks. You can also make lotions. To do this, dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1:10. It is also useful to rinse your eyes with the resulting solution;
- conjunctivitis. Grind the aloe leaf to a paste. The resulting mass is poured with water and brought to a boil. After the mixture has been filtered, it is applied to a swab and wiped over the skin around the eyes;
- barley. To treat the disease, use aloe tincture prepared in water. Crushed aloe leaf is diluted with cool water, left to infuse overnight, and then filtered. Use the remedy until complete recovery.
Before using aloe at home to combat eye diseases, consult your doctor.
Aloe for the skin around the eyes
This sensitive area requires gentle handling. Even the cream should be applied carefully using light touches. The first facial wrinkles appear at a young age. Aloe vera can be added to ready-made creams, lotions, masks and tonics.
Consider the recipe for a powerful mask:
- Agave juice;
- fresh honey;
- yolk of one egg.
All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. The resulting mass is stirred until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The mask is applied to the skin around the eyes for fifteen minutes. Then the product is carefully washed off.
Now let's look at a popular recipe for a product that will help get rid of crow's feet and fine wrinkles. To prepare the mask, take the following ingredients:
- aloe juice;
- clean and rose water;
- honey;
- visceral fat.
Take all ingredients except fat and place in a water bath. Once skimmed, add the grease and mix thoroughly. The resulting mask is stored in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator.
Aloe vera will help get rid of fine wrinkles under the eyes
Next, we will discuss a recipe for eyelid skin that will help relieve fatigue. You can even use the product according to this recipe in the form of a lotion. First of all, you need to stock up on the following components:
- xanthan gum;
- pink water;
- Castor oil;
- agave.
Add gum to heated rose water, stirring thoroughly. As a result, the xanthan gum granules should completely dissolve. Then add aloe juice and castor oil. The resulting product should be used for two weeks, after which a new one should be prepared. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and apply to the area around the eyes for twenty minutes.
For people with dry skin, especially in the cold season, a mask recipe is suitable, which is a good prevention of expression lines and dark circles under the eyes. Mix agave, milk and egg yolk. If there is no yolk, then take cream.
This mask option will help get rid of wrinkles: mix a tablespoon of aloe gel with a banana and pass through a blender. Then add a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice. The facial skin is first cleansed, after which a mask is applied for twenty minutes.
Aloe vera quickly eliminates dry skin, especially in winter
For aging skin, a recipe is suitable, for the preparation of which you will need cottage cheese, honey and aloe juice. First, the mask is applied for twenty minutes, then washed off with water. Next, apply a nourishing cream to your face.
A mixture of aloe gel and glycerin will help reduce swelling and remove wrinkles. The ingredients are dissolved in a small amount of water. You can also enrich the mask with honey.
Can I make my own drops?
In order to avoid complications and infection, it is necessary to follow the rules of sterility. The cut leaf of the plant is washed under hot water. Experts recommend using the leaves of a three-year-old plant, because during this period aloe has time to accumulate nutrients that will actively affect the eyes.
To prepare the mask, you must use sterile gauze and a container. Use a clean, sterile swab to wipe the eye. Aloe drops are instilled for cataracts, myopia, conjunctivitis, as well as inflammation of the eyelids and irises.
Aloe and honey will help with red eyes
For eye diseases, remedies made from honey and aloe are especially valued. There are many variations in the preparation of medicine based on these products. Let's consider the most popular:
- To improve vision, mix honey and juice, then add boiled water. The resulting mass should be infused for a week in the refrigerator, after which it is used in the form of eye drops. Let's look at another recipe. The crushed agave stem is poured with boiling water. Then the product should infuse for 24 hours. After the product has been filtered, honey is added to it, mixed thoroughly and sent to the refrigerator. One drop should be placed into the eyes three times a day in the following cases:
- for cataracts, a tablespoon of aloe vera juice and honey is poured with one hundred grams of boiled water. The product is thoroughly shaken and left in a cool place for half an hour. You should put one drop in your eyes before going to bed;
- for glaucoma, prepare the following honey solution: a tablespoon of honey, 30 ml of aloe vera and a glass of cool water. Wash your eyes with the medicinal solution twice a day for a month.
It is extremely important to choose honey. You should not use a product from the supermarket. The product must be of high quality and natural. Honey should be chosen transparent and without impurities.
The product is a stabilized aloe gel, allantoin, and an organic agent that promotes cell growth and renewal. The drug contains a component that helps prevent microbial infection. The mask moisturizes, cleanses the skin, and also removes dead particles.
Aloe Activator has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties
Aloe Activator is a natural product that is made from the pulp of the plant. A napkin is moistened in this product and applied to the area around the eyes for half an hour. If there is swelling, Aloe Activator is mixed with crushed ice.
The product has the following medicinal properties:
- nutrition;
- cleansing;
- hydration;
- smoothing;
- tightening of pores;
- relieving inflammation;
- restoration of vision.
The gel has a wide range of therapeutic and aesthetic effects. It can be used for all skin types. Aloe Activator has no analogues. Before using the product, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin. This will minimize the presence of allergens and pathogenic microorganisms. For eye drops, it is better to dilute the product in equal proportions with distilled water.
Aloe eye treatment is not a myth, but a real opportunity to get rid of various ophthalmological disorders. Aloe vera relieves inflammation, moisturizes, nourishes the eye, and also helps restore damaged tissue.
The plant is widely used in both medical and cosmetology practice. Aloe eliminates dryness, flaking, redness, swelling, and also fights fine wrinkles. The plant fights serious diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and conjunctivitis.
Making an effective aloe mask is easy. The combination of aloe and honey is very popular. It is important to exercise caution when treating children. Experiments may harm your child. Consult your doctor for details of using aloe vera and stay healthy!
When is it used?
Before starting treatment, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for using eye drops according to Fedorov. Aloe extract is used for:
- chorioretinitis;
- myopia;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- dystrophic changes in the retina;
- blepharitis;
- keratitis;
- irite;
- glaucoma;
- long periods of work at the computer;
- injuries;
- infectious eye diseases;
- cataracts;
- prevention.
Depending on the disease and the degree of damage, the drops are used for 4-6 weeks. The dose is 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. If the drug is used by people who work at the computer for a long time, then treatment can last up to 2 months. You can buy aloe drops for the eyes at the pharmacy.
Therapeutic properties of agave
Tree aloe is a medicinal plant with strong therapeutic properties. Means based on it in the fight against eye diseases are used by both official and traditional medicine. This indoor plant is found in almost every home. The gel-like substance and juice of its leaves have healing properties. Their chemical composition includes:
- organic acids;
- flavonoids;
- tannins;
- anthraglycosides;
- amino acids;
- ester compounds;
- vitamins: the entire series of group B, tocopherol, ascorbic acid;
- iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, cobalt and other minerals;
- polysaccharides.
We recommend: Aloe to strengthen the immune system
The combination of biogenic compounds of agave provides, depending on the method of application, a local and systemic therapeutic effect. The substances have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, restorative, wound-healing effects, accelerate tissue regeneration, bind toxins, and strengthen immune defense.
Aloe for the eyes is used in the treatment of diseases such as initial myopia, vitreous opacities, inflammation of the blood vessels of the eyes, optic nerve atrophy, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, and pathologies of the iris.
For therapy, pharmacological agents and those prepared at home are used.
Drops and lotions
According to reviews, you can prepare aloe drops for eyes yourself. For this, the lower leaves of a 3-year-old plant are used. To obtain juice, the cut leaf is placed in the refrigerator. Then the thorns are cut off, ground and filtered.
If the following are recipes for the treatment of various ailments:
- Cataract. Fresh juice is mixed with mummy heated to a liquid state (1:1). The mixture is instilled 2 drops 2 times a day. Before use, the product is kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Lotions are also prepared. The juice and water are diluted in a ratio of 1:10. The prepared solution helps to wash the eyes.
- Conjunctivitis. The leaf is ground until it becomes mushy. The finished mass is filled with water and brought to a boil. When the mixture has been filtered, it is applied to a swab and wiped over the skin around the eyes.
- Barley. In the treatment of the disease, an aloe tincture made from water is used. Crushed aloe leaf should be diluted with cool water, left overnight, and then filtered. The product is used until recovery.
How to put aloe juice in your eyes
Herbal medicine is used not only for the purpose of prevention, but also for the treatment of pathologies of the organs of vision. An excellent alternative to medications are solutions or drops prepared with decoctions or juice of medicinal plants.
Aloe can be spread on the epidermis and mucous membranes; it is recommended to instill it in the form of a solution or homemade drops.
Is it possible to put aloe juice in your eyes?
It is permissible to apply aloe to the mucous membranes of the organs of vision after preliminary preparation. For this purpose, solutions or drops are prepared based on the plant. Before starting therapy, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Contraindications to the use of prepared products are:
- children under 1 year of age;
- pregnancy;
- individual immunity to aloe components.
The therapeutic result is determined by the saturation of the leaves of the home flower with nutrients:
- vitamins A, B, C and E;
- catechins;
- folic acid;
- choline;
- glycosides;
- essential oils;
- anthracenes;
- phytoncides;
- tannins;
- microelements;
- amino acids
- resinous components.
Medicinal properties
The leaves of the flower can be used both externally and orally. Aloe juice has a healing effect on the whole body:
- improves the functionality of the stomach and intestinal tract;
- increases the immunological response;
- eliminates pathologies of the respiratory system;
- symptoms of neurological disorders;
- dermatological diseases.
The plant acts as a biostimulant and is characterized by a lot of useful qualities for eye diseases:
- reduces the severity of symptoms during inflammation;
- increases the level of blood supply to the retina;
- destroys pathogenic microflora;
- relieves inflammation;
- increases the functionality of the visual organs;
- normalizes metabolism in the lens area;
- prevents the process of retinal clouding;
- eliminates pain and discomfort;
- reduces swelling.
Aloe is characterized by a positive effect on the epidermis of the eyelids:
- increases the saturation of the epidermis with oxygen;
- participates in the metabolism of the dermis;
- saturates the dermis;
- tones;
- eliminates drying of the epidermis;
- reduces areas of peeling;
- promotes regeneration after burns or scratches.
Aloe juice as eye drops
The juice of the home plant helps cure pathologies of the organ of vision, such as barley. Preparation of drops based on aloe is carried out according to the rules:
- It is better to use the lower leaves of the flower for these purposes;
- it is advisable to select material from a three-year-old aloe;
- Only freshly squeezed juice can be applied;
- frequency of instillations - at least 2 times a day;
- The duration of therapy depends on the indications and averages 1 month.
Undiluted juice is used for barley. Diluted versions are applied in the presence of cataracts, conjunctivitis lesions or keratitis.
Making an eye solution from aloe
To prepare the solution, it is necessary to select plant leaves that meet the following conditions:
- parts of a three-year-old plant are suitable;
- Before cooking, it is necessary to keep the leaves for 14 days in a cold place;
- it is advisable to choose the most fleshy options to facilitate processing of the leaves;
- do not water the flower several weeks before starting to prepare the drops;
- After the leaf turns black, you must begin preparing the ophthalmic agent in a cool place.
An eye solution is prepared according to a special technology:
- after the leaves turn black, rinse them with hot water;
- spines on the side of the plant must be removed;
- Squeeze aloe juice into a pre-disinfected tray using a bandage;
- dilute the solution based on the squeezed out liquid and water to a concentration of 1 to 10;
- place the solution in a tightly closed container;
- The prepared drug is stored in a cool and dark place.
The solution is used according to indications. On average, the remedy from the juice of the leaves is applied 2 times a day. The course is about 21 days. To enhance the therapeutic effect, add liquid honey to the solution, which significantly reduces the symptoms of glaucoma.
Frozen aloe juice
After freezing, aloe juice does not lose its healing properties. Due to cutting, the cellular structures of the home flower continue to function. Substances that are released after a part of the plant dies are responsible for this.
As a result of freezing, biogenic stimulants are released, which also eliminate eye pathologies. A technique is used to restore the organs of vision due to pathologies:
The use of plant leaves after freezing promotes:
- increasing the local immunological reaction;
- acceleration of metabolism;
- tissue regeneration;
- speeding up recovery.
Treatment of diseases with aloe
Therapy based on the leaves of a home plant is carried out in the presence of the following conditions:
- keratitis;
- blepharitis;
- chorioretinitis;
- progression of myopia;
- processes of a dystrophic nature in the retinal area;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- glaucoma;
- prolonged work at a computer monitor;
- damage by pathological microflora;
- eye injuries;
- cataract;
- prevention of the development of destructive processes;
- inflammation of capillaries or other vessels;
- pathological changes in the iris area;
- iritis;
- death of the optic nerve.
To treat pathology using a home plant, you need to mix the squeezed juice with mumiyo. Before application, the mixture is kept for 2 weeks in a cool place. You need to inject 1 drop into the visual organ 2 times a day. It is permissible to make homemade lotions based on juice. To obtain them, you need to mix 1:10 juice and water. The liquid can be used to wash the eyes.
For anti-glaucoma therapy based on aloe, the leaf must be crushed and poured with boiling water. The resulting mixture must be left for 3 hours. After this time has passed, the solution is filtered using a bandage. The resulting medicine must be washed with the eyes at least 3 times a day.
To cure this disease, it is necessary to prepare an aloe tincture in water. To do this, fill a container with crushed parts of the leaves of a home flower with cool water. After which the mixture is infused for about 12 hours.
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Apply the prepared paste to the eyes until the symptoms of the pathology are eliminated.
To treat conjunctivitis, a solution is prepared from aloe. To do this, you need to grind the sheet and fill it with hot water. Afterwards, the mixture is brought to a boil and filtered. The solution is applied to the affected area using a cotton pad.
Dry eye syndrome
To eliminate the symptom, you can drip freshly squeezed juice into your eyes, 1 drop at a time, if necessary. To relieve fatigue after a long working day, you need to make a lotion from a solution with aloe leaves.
Aloe eliminates many ophthalmic diseases and inflammatory processes. When preparing a solution or drops based on this plant, it is necessary to maintain sterility conditions as strictly as possible.
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Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.
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For the skin around the eyes
Not only aloe vera eye drops are used. Products for the skin around the eyes are also effective. Aloe is added to ready-made creams, lotions, masks and tonics.
The mask is prepared from:
- aloe juice;
- fresh honey;
- egg yolk.
All components are mixed in equal quantities. The mass is stirred until smooth. The mask is applied to the skin near the eyes for 15 minutes. Then it is carefully washed off.
They also prepare a remedy for crow's feet and fine wrinkles. This requires having:
- aloe juice;
- pure and rose water;
- honey;
- visceral fat.
They need to be taken in equal quantities. All components, except fat, must be placed in a water bath. After removal, interior fat is added and mixed thoroughly. The mask is stored in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator.
Homemade drops
You can prepare the drops yourself at home. But to avoid complications and infections, you need to follow the rules of sterility. The cut aloe leaf is washed under hot water. Experts advise using the leaves for 3 years, since during this time they accumulate nutrients valuable for the eyes.
For the mask, use sterile gauze and a container. To wipe the eye, you need to take a sterile swab. Drops are instilled for cataracts, myopia, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, and iris. For eye diseases, a remedy made from honey and aloe is effective:
- Honey is mixed with juice in equal quantities, and then poured with boiled water (the same amount). The finished mass is infused for a week in the refrigerator and then used in the form of eye drops.
- For cataracts 1 tbsp. l. juice and honey pour boiled water (100 ml). The product is shaken and left for 30 minutes. You should take 1 drop before going to bed.
- For glaucoma, prepare a honey solution: mix honey (1 tbsp), aloe (30 ml), cool water (1 glass). For a month, wash your eyes with the medicine 2 times a day.
You need to choose your honey carefully. It's better not to buy it in the supermarket. It is important that the product is of high quality and natural. Honey is chosen transparent and without impurities.
Aloe Home Remedies for Eye Treatment
Eye treatment with aloe juice is carried out not only with the help of pharmaceutical, but also home-prepared remedies. In order for biogenic plant stimulants to exert their maximum effect, several conditions must be met:
- take the lower shoots of aloe no younger than 3 years of age;
- wrapped in a napkin, store the stems for 12 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5-7°C, this will contribute to the concentration of active substances in them;
- Cut off the skin from the leaves in a thin layer, chop the pulp and squeeze the juice out of it.
We recommend: Aloe against fungal skin infections
From the secreted liquid, compositions are prepared for washing the eyes, lotions, compresses and eye drops.
Making homemade preparations requires sterility: work surfaces, utensils and tools must be spotlessly clean.
With the help of aloe juice, fatigue and irritation of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, chalazions, keratitis, and inflammation of the mucous membrane are treated. Agave-based products perfectly strengthen nerves and blood vessels, improve microcirculation, protect against free radicals, and strengthen local immunity.
- Recipe for lotions. 0.5 tsp. dilute fresh juice with 100 ml of distilled water, heated to 60°C, cool. The liquid can be used to rinse the eyes when there is redness to prevent infections. To relieve fatigue, it is useful to apply cotton pads soaked in infusion to closed eyelids. The product can be used every day.
- A more concentrated infusion to get rid of conjunctivitis and styes. Take 100 g of peeled aloe pulp, mash it into a paste without squeezing, pour 200 ml of cold water, placing everything in an enamel saucepan. Letting stand for about an hour, heat the mixture to a boil, then cool. Carefully filter the liquid, store in the refrigerator in a dark bottle with a lid. Use as eye drops. For inflammation of the conjunctiva, instill 1 drop daily into each eye twice a day: morning and evening. To treat barley, it is allowed to apply a lotion for 15-20 minutes. three times a day until the nodule resolves.
- Aloe drops with mumiyo for cataracts and keratitis. You will need 150 ml of fresh plant juice, 5 g of natural mummy. Dissolve the resin in the liquid so that no solid grains remain. Before use, dilute the resulting extract in distilled water in a ratio of 1:10 and drop it into the affected eye 2-4 times a day, the course of treatment is 30-40 days.
- Ointment for blepharitis. Use aloe and honey, mixing juice and liquid bee product for the eyes in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting substance is used to lubricate painful areas of the eyelids daily. Do not drop undiluted product into the eye or place it on the inside of the eyelid, as this can cause severe irritation. As eye drops for inflammation of the cornea or mucous membranes, the honey-herbal mixture is diluted with water 1:5, instilled once into each eye for 14 days.
We recommend: Tincture of aloe, Cahors and honey - benefits and application
The use of medicines with aloe for ophthalmological diseases requires increased attention. It is contraindicated to administer drugs orally during pregnancy and lactation, as they cause an increase in muscle tone, pose a threat of miscarriage, and the active substances can harm the infant’s body. You will have to refuse treatment with biostimulants if you suspect oncological processes in the body, as well as if you are prone to allergic reactions.
For blepharitis and stye
To treat blepharitis, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the aloe pulp. It is mixed with water in an amount of 1:10. The solution is suitable for drops and lotions. Treatment lasts until the inflammation is eliminated.
If barley appears, then aloe (several leaves) is crushed and then poured with boiled water. Leave for an hour, filter, apply in the form of drops or lotions. The procedures are performed every day until you feel better.
To improve vision
Aloe and agave can not only treat eye diseases, but also improve vision. For myopia or other pathology with impaired vision, aloe juice is used with honey in the form of drops. The leaf of the plant must be crushed and kept in the cold with 20 g of honey.
The finished transparent liquid is poured into a glass bottle. The product can be stored for no more than 5 days. Used in the form of drops. You should consult your doctor regarding dosage.
Aloe for vision with myopia is often used. This is due to the fact that it contains active substances. Drops improve vision in a short time and do not cause harm.
For dryness
For dry eye syndrome, you can use a drug from the pharmacy. These can be drops or ampoules. But you can make the product yourself. To do this, warm water (50 ml) is mixed with honey (1 tsp) and aloe juice (5 ml). Therapy lasts 1.5 weeks.
Aloe is a plant that has a positive effect on the organs of vision. Drops made at home can eliminate eye diseases if used as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. But natural remedies should not be abused. The effect of treatment depends on a correct diagnosis, identification and elimination of the causes of the disease, and proper treatment, and this can only be done by an ophthalmologist.
The use of aloe juice in the form of drops and lotions has no contraindications other than individual intolerance. As you can see from the reviews, usually medications based on this plant do not cause negative reactions. But you should not take the juice orally if:
- kidney or liver diseases;
- inflammation of the bladder;
- ailments of the heart and blood vessels;
- pregnancy or menstruation.
Thus, aloe-based eye drops are effective. Moreover, they can be either purchased or prepared independently. By following the rules of use, you will be able to eliminate eye problems.
Interactions with other medications and contraindications
Liquid aloe is not recommended to be combined with drugs that improve the synthesis of steroid hormones that are produced in the adrenal cortex, with licorice root and drugs for normalizing water balance in the body (diuretics).
If ignored, potassium deficiency can be caused.
It is prohibited to use the extract with other laxatives and substances that improve the process of hematopoiesis.
We recommend reading: Amoxicillin: instructions for use for adults and children
The product should not be used if the following ailments occur:
- individual intolerance;
- severe heart disease;
- children under 3 years of age;
- appendicitis;
- intestinal obstruction;
- period of bearing a child;
- sputum accompanied by blood clots;
- cystitis;
- diseases of the digestive tract during exacerbation.
If the dosage and dosage instructions are not followed, the following side effects may occur:
- high pressure;
- increased body temperature;
- diarrhea;
- unpleasant itching sensation;
- sore throat;
- stomach ache;
- dizziness;
- the occurrence of menstrual syndrome with pain;
- allergic reaction.
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