Hawkweed umbrella medicinal properties

What it looks like and where it grows

Umbrella hawkweed (Hieracium umbellatum) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family. It has a short root and one or several stems, the shoots are pubescent with hairs, in the lower part they can be lignified, of a purple-red hue. The leaves of the umbrella hawkweed are lanceolate or narrow-linear in shape. The lower surface of the plates is covered with stellate hairs, and the upper one usually has scattered arachnoid pubescence.

Umbrella hawkweed grows up to 1.7 m in height

From May to August, the hawkweed bears light yellow buds collected in umbellate or paniculate inflorescences. The fruits of the plant are cylindrical black achenes about 2 mm long.

The umbrella hawk is widespread throughout Eurasia and North America. Grows mainly in light pine and mixed forests, meadows, prefers granular and sandy soils.

Attention! Umbrella hawkweed is a poisonous herb. Despite this, it is a good honey plant and has numerous medicinal properties.

Hairy hawkweed

Hieracium pilosella L.

  • Compositae - Asteraceae (Compositae)
  • Common names: rock flower, small hawkweed, mouse ear.
  • Parts used: flowering aerial part.
  • Pharmacy name: hairy hawkweed herb - Hieracii pilosellae herba (formerly: Herba Hieracii pilosellae; the earlier name is still found in pharmacies: Herba Auriculae muris).

Botanical description

Hairy hawkweed belongs to the large family of Asteraceae and differs from other closely related species by a leafless peduncle 10–12 cm in height, which bears a single inflorescence-basket. The marginal flowers have reddish stripes below. The lanceolate leaves in the basal rosette below appear white-tomentose due to the appressed hairs, while their light green upper surface has longer bristle-like hairs. Blooms from May to October; Flowering time varies greatly depending on the area. You won’t have to look for long for this bright yellow plant; it is often found in dry meadows, light areas of forest, on slopes and hills, along the edges of fields and in wastelands.

Collection and preparation

Collect flowering grass along with a rosette of leaves. Dry in the shade.

Active ingredients : tannins, bitterness, flavonoids and umbelliferone.

Healing effect and application

Doctors no longer prescribe hairy hawkweed, as they have more effective products containing tannins and bitterness. However, this medicinal plant should not be considered ineffective. It is a remedy for inflammation in the mouth and throat, as well as mild diarrhea, especially in children and the elderly.

  • Hairy hawkweed tea: pour 2 teaspoons with the top of the herb into 1/4 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain and, if necessary, drink 1 cup unsweetened, and for long-term treatment, take 2 cups a day. This tea is also used for rinsing and gargling.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, this plant is still recognized and diligently used. Among the indications in the foreground are stomach and intestinal diseases, liver diseases, painful menstruation and dropsy. To this should be added the use of hawkweed tea for rinsing and washing the eyes in order to improve vision. They say that the name “hawkweed” comes from the fact that hawks owe their vigilance to this herb (this is nothing more than a legend).

Side effects with the correct dosage are unknown.

Chemical composition

Umbrella hawkweed is of increased interest in traditional medicine due to its rich chemical composition. The green parts of the plant contain the following valuable substances:

  • coumarins;
  • caffeic and chlorogenic acids;
  • tanning components;
  • bitterness and resin;
  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids luteolin, isorhamnetin and apigenin;
  • carotenoids;
  • umbelliferone;
  • mucus;
  • molybdenum, zinc and manganese;
  • rubber.

Medicinal use of the plant requires careful adherence to dosages. But when used correctly, hawkweed can have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the body.

Preparation and storage

For medicinal purposes, the above-ground part and roots are harvested. The grass is cut during the flowering period. Drying is carried out in places protected from sunlight. Packed in paper bags or wooden boxes. The roots are dug in late autumn, choosing 3-4 year old plants. Dry in the same way as grass. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Traditional recipes are good because, despite their effectiveness, they are much more affordable than official medications. You can not only buy high-quality raw materials, but also grow them yourself. You will probably find it interesting and, most likely, useful to read about the valuable qualities of spinach, the benefits that can be obtained from mulberries, and the fabulous effects of the shiitake tree mushroom on the human body.

We invite you, dear readers, to discuss the current topic of using hawkweed herb in the treatment of various diseases. We look forward to your feedback with a detailed description of the treatment process.

Publication date: various

Medicinal properties of hawkweed

Medicinal hawkweed has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and healing properties. When used according to prescriptions, the medicinal plant:

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle in women and regulates the volume of discharge;
  • improves the condition of gastrointestinal ailments and liver diseases;
  • helps with jaundice;
  • eliminates swelling and improves kidney function;
  • has a beneficial effect on urolithiasis and prostatitis in men;
  • promotes the healing of skin lesions;
  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • cleans purulent wounds;
  • stops bleeding;
  • has an astringent effect and helps with diarrhea;
  • relieves pain from rheumatism, arthritis and bruises;
  • restores strength in case of chronic fatigue;
  • improves blood composition and strengthens blood vessels;
  • relieves headaches;
  • promotes recovery from influenza, ARVI, bronchitis and pneumonia.

You can use medicines based on umbrella hawkweed for inflammation of the eyes, sore throat and bleeding gums. Decoctions and infusions are used for washing and rinsing. Umbrella hawkweed strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of colds.

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Chemical composition and properties

Hawkweed is rich in: tannins, alkaloids, coumarin, phenolcarboxylic acids, bitterness, vitamin C, carbohydrates, inulin, mucus. The flowers of the plant contain flavonoids and carotenoids.

Thanks to its composition, hawkweed has: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, hemostatic, wound-healing, antiemetic, astringent, sedative, urinary and choleretic effects on the human body.

In folk medicine, hawkweed is used for:

  • ARVI, flu, runny nose, sore throat, sore throat, cough;
  • bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • headache;
  • anemia;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • jaundice, hepatitis;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases;
  • dropsy;
  • urolithiasis;
  • ascites;
  • diseases of the spleen;
  • uremia;
  • dysentery, loose stools (including blood);
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis, spermatorrhea;
  • menstrual irregularities, painful menstruation;
  • rheumatism, bruises;
  • insomnia;
  • inflammation of the eyes, night blindness (externally);
  • bleeding gums;
  • non-healing wounds, furunculosis, allergic skin rashes;
  • general weakness of the body.

Methods of preparation and use

Traditional medicine offers several algorithms for treating umbrella hawkweed. Based on medicinal herbs, products are prepared for internal and external use.


For inflammatory diseases and ailments of the stomach and intestines, an aqueous infusion of umbrella hawkweed is prepared. The recipe looks like this:

  • 10 g of dry plant is poured with 500 ml of boiling water;
  • cover with a lid and leave to infuse for three hours;
  • strain through folded cheesecloth.

The finished medicine is taken three times a day, 50 ml. You need to drink it on an empty stomach about half an hour before eating; the drug can be slightly warmed before use.

Infusion of hawkweed can be used to wipe the skin for damage and rashes.


For external and internal use, you can prepare a tincture of hawkweed. The recipe looks like this:

  • 10 g of dry raw material is poured with 100 ml of vodka;
  • put in a closed container in a dark place for ten days;
  • the contents of the vessel are shaken from time to time;
  • When ready, strain the product and squeeze out the remainder.

You need to take the alcohol tincture 15 drops up to three times a day on an empty stomach. It is beneficial for peptic ulcers, bladder stones and malaria.

Umbrella hawkweed tincture can be made from fresh herbs - measure 20 g of raw material per 100 ml of vodka


A decoction of umbrella hawkweed has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to wash the eyes for conjunctivitis and damage to the mucous membranes. The product is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • pour 10 g of dried raw material with 200 ml of liquid;
  • simmer over low heat after boiling for 20 minutes;
  • cool under the lid and strain.

A piece of gauze is moistened in the prepared product and the inflamed eyes are gently washed. The decoction can also be taken orally for diseases of the stomach and intestines, the dosage is 30 ml three times a day.

Hawkweed decoction can be used as a gargle for gum inflammation and sore throat.


For the preparation of medicines, powder from the leaves of the plant is used in its pure form. This is how they do it: grind the dry plates with a mortar until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

You can use the product 5 g three times a day to treat jaundice. The powder is used to create decoctions and infusions, measuring its quantity in accordance with recipes. The drug diluted with water is suitable for treating wounds and cuts.


For inflammatory processes and stomach ailments, fresh juice of the umbrella hawkweed is beneficial. To obtain it, you need to grind the leaf plates of the plant by hand or in a blender, and then squeeze the resulting pulp through cheesecloth.

The juice is consumed 30 drops three times a day on an empty stomach, washed down with water. It can also be used to lubricate cuts and healing burns.


For joint and skin ailments, homemade ointment based on the herb hawkweed is beneficial. It is prepared like this:

  • grind dry or fresh leaves and stems of the plant;
  • mixed with melted pork fat in a ratio of 1:4;
  • bring to complete homogeneity.

The resulting product is used to treat sore joints and damaged areas. After application, the ointment can be covered with a warming compress.

Instead of pork fat, you can use regular Vaseline to prepare hawkweed ointment.

Fresh leaves

For bleeding cuts, abscesses and boils, it is allowed to use fresh hawkweed leaves without additional processing. The plates are washed in running water to remove dust and dirt, and then lightly kneaded with hands so that the juice comes out. The leaves are applied to the lesions on the skin and secured on top with a bandage.

Important! Young plates picked at the end of spring or beginning of summer have the greatest benefit.

Hawkweed (Hieracium L.)

The healing properties of hawkweed are quite widely used in folk medicine. For medicinal purposes, the most popular are the hairy hawkweed and the umbrella hawkweed. In folk medicine, hawkweed is used to treat stomach and intestinal diseases, liver diseases, dropsy, painful and scanty menstruation. Tea from the herb of the plant is used for digestive disorders and eye diseases (for washing the eyes). For jaundice, powder from a dry plant is used, and for menstrual irregularities, a decoction of herbs is used; for uterine and pulmonary bleeding, a decoction of the roots and aerial parts is used. In addition, a decoction of hawkweed herb is used as a decongestant for inflammatory kidney diseases, urolithiasis, prostatitis, as well as dropsy and ascites. Crushed leaves are used as a wound healing agent (in the form of compresses), as well as in the form of powder (powder from dried grass) for long-term non-healing purulent wounds. When the body is weakened, an infusion of the plant’s inflorescences is recommended. Infusion and decoction of hawkweed rhizomes are used in folk medicine as an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic for general weakness and physical fatigue, rheumatic pain and bruises, and an alcohol tincture of the rhizome is used to restore strength, etc.

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Hawkweed decoction also helps with hemorrhoids and dysentery. In addition, healers recommend using a decoction of the plant for anemia and diseases of the spleen. Hawkweed is an effective remedy for bronchitis, pneumonia, ARVI, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza, inflammation of the mouth and throat. An aqueous infusion of the plant's herb is recommended for bloody diarrhea, headaches, etc. A decoction of the herb is used to wash the eyes for inflammation and night blindness, gargle the throat and mouth, and gums for bleeding. A decoction of the herb hawkweed is used externally to treat allergic reactions on the skin.

In Ukrainian folk medicine, an infusion of the herb hawkweed is used for anemia, hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, edema, gastritis with low acidity, diarrhea (bloody), various internal bleeding, hemorrhoids, uremia. For a severe runny nose, sniff powder from dry leaves. German folk medicine recommends an alcoholic tincture of the plant for stomach and duodenal ulcers, malaria, stones in the bladder and kidneys.

Application of the herb hawkweed, umbellifera

Traditional medicine offers many recipes based on the herb hawkweed. When using them, you must carefully follow the suggested dosages and application regimens.

For lung diseases

For pneumonia, an infusion of hawkweed roots has a beneficial effect. It is made according to this recipe:

  • grind dry raw materials in the volume of a large spoon;
  • pour a glass of boiling water and leave for two hours under the lid;
  • filter through a layer of gauze.

The finished product should be consumed 45 ml three times a day before meals. The infusion not only has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, but also helps regulate the monthly cycle in women.

For sore throat

The leaves and stems of the hawkweed relieve inflammation in the throat during sore throat and fight the bacterial process. The following drug is prepared for treatment:

  • grind the dried grass and measure out 5 g of raw materials;
  • pour 100 ml of hot water into the umbrella hawkweed;
  • closed, leave to infuse for 15 minutes;
  • filter and cool.

You should take the infusion instead of regular tea twice a day. In addition, it can be used for rinsing; the product is first diluted in equal quantities with water.

For uremia

For chronic kidney diseases and uremia caused by them, you can take an infusion of fresh leaves and stems of the umbrella hawkweed. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe:

  • fresh grass is washed and crushed in the volume of two large spoons;
  • pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials;
  • cover with a lid and leave for 40 minutes;
  • After the expiration date, filter.

The prepared product is taken three times a day, 30 ml.

For kidney and bladder stones

Umbrella hawkweed has diuretic properties and helps remove small stones from the bladder and kidneys. For therapy purposes, an alcohol tincture is used, and it is made like this:

  • measure out 10 g of dried plant flowers;
  • pour 100 ml of vodka;
  • put in a dark, cool place for a week;
  • shake from time to time;
  • After the expiration date, filter through gauze.

You need to take the drug in small dosages - 20 drops up to three times a day.

Attention! Umbrella hawkweed tincture should not be used for large kidney stones. The remedy will cause them to move, and this will cause severe pain.

The tincture of umbrella hawkweed is taken for two weeks in a row, and then a break is taken for the same period.

For jaundice

To treat jaundice, traditional medicine recommends taking dried hawkweed leaves powder. The algorithm looks like this:

  • the raw materials are ground using a mortar;
  • measure out 5 g of the resulting powder.

You need to take the medicine in its pure form up to three times a day, with a small amount of water. Hawk powder is also used for a runny nose; it is sucked in through the nose to free up breathing.

For uterine bleeding

Umbrella hawkweed has hemostatic properties and helps with gynecological diseases and complicated hemorrhoids. A useful decoction is prepared for medicinal use:

  • 10 g of dry herb is poured into 250 ml of hot water;
  • on the stove over low heat for five minutes;
  • leave covered for another half hour.

The finished product is filtered and used for douching and sitz baths. It is necessary to use the decoction every evening until you feel better; before carrying out the procedures, it is heated to a warm state.

For insomnia and anxiety

For nervous disorders, you can use an infusion of umbrella hawkweed. It is prepared like this:

  • measure out 20 g of chopped dry grass;
  • pour 1 liter of hot liquid into the raw material;
  • leave to steep under the lid until completely cooled.

The strained product is consumed half a glass three times a day. The drug has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and improves sleep.

Properties of the herb hawkweed and its use in medicine

Particularly noteworthy is the activity of the hawkweed plant against the causative agent of brucellosis, a disease of cattle that can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with food.

As an external remedy, an infusion of the herb is used for douching the vagina during uterine bleeding and leucorrhoea, as well as for washing purulent wounds and lotions for boils.

Dosage form and method of use of hawkweed in medicine:

  • Herbal infusion.
    Pour 10 g of crushed raw material into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.


The beneficial properties of umbrella hawkweed are combined with contraindications for the use of the plant. In some cases, the grass can cause serious harm. It is not recommended to use it:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • in children under 12 years of age;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance.

Umbrella hawkweed is considered safe when dosages are followed. If you use it in increased volumes and do not adhere to the rules, side effects may develop. These include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pain;
  • increased salivation and dizziness;
  • headache;
  • general weakness.

If symptoms of poisoning appear, you need to perform gastric lavage using activated charcoal or a solution of potassium permanganate 0.1%. To improve your health, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Treatment with umbrella hawkweed is temporarily stopped, and subsequently dosages and rules are strictly observed.

Preparation and storage of hawkweed

During flowering, hairy hawkweed grass should be harvested. It is simply mowed, sorted out to remove any random weeds, and then dried in a well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight. It is also good to do this in a special drying cabinet. The raw material for pharmacology is the entire terrestrial part of the hawkweed. Dried grass is packaged in bunches and stored in paper bags or wooden boxes. Shelf life is from 1 to 2 years.

Use in everyday life

As such, this plant has no industrial or economic use. However, in terms of its nutritional value and variety of vitamins, it is close to clover, and therefore is an unsurpassed food for animals. Artiodactyls love it for its sweetish taste.

Collection and preparation

Both the above-ground parts of the hawkweed and its roots are used for medicinal purposes. The stems, leaves and flowers of the plant are harvested in early summer during the flowering period, when the raw materials contain the maximum amount of useful substances. The roots must be dug out of the soil in late autumn; during this period, the grass goes into a dormant state, and valuable components are concentrated in its underground part.

Umbrella hawkweed retains valuable properties for up to two years

The prepared raw materials of umbrella hawkweed are laid out to dry outside under a canopy in warm weather or in well-ventilated areas. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on the medicinal herb and roots. After the raw materials begin to crumble in your hand, they can be transferred to paper bags or glass jars and stored in a dark place with low humidity. To quickly dry the herb, you can use an oven, but you need to make sure that the temperature in it does not rise above 50 ° C.

Important! To harvest roots, it is better to choose plants older than 3-4 years - they contain more useful substances.

Description and preparation

Hawkweed has an erect, pubescent stem with linear or oblong sessile stem leaves. Some species have rooting shoots. In May-June, hawkweed blooms with small yellow or reddish flowers, collected in baskets, and sometimes in corymbose or umbellate inflorescences. Hawkweed often blooms until the end of summer. Herbs with leaves and flowers and hawkweed rhizomes are used as medicinal raw materials. The grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant: the stems are cut and dried in the shade under a canopy. The roots are dug up in early spring or autumn, after the end of the growing season, and dried like grass. Dried raw materials are stored for up to two years.

The use of hawkweed in folk medicine

It is worth saying that the use of hairy hawkweed for different diseases has different effectiveness. The fact is that its chemical composition has not yet been studied enough; it has no industrial or pharmacological value. Therefore, if you decide to be treated with this herb, you will have to prepare the medicine yourself.

With a runny nose

Hawkweed leaves need to be dried and then ground into powder. The smaller the fractions, the better. Then you just need to draw this powder into yourself, that is, sniff it. There may be an itchy nose and sneezing; this is normal. The first signs of improvement will appear after just a few days of regular use.

For sore throat, including purulent

It is necessary to gargle with a decoction of hawkweed, and the more often the better. At least 3 – 4 times a day for a week. A decoction is prepared from 1 teaspoon of herb, which is poured with 100 grams of boiling water and covered tightly with a lid. After 10 - 15 minutes, filter the infusion, cool to room temperature, and dilute it in half with water for gargling. Can also be taken internally as tea. Drink 1 cup per day. If the sore throat is severe, the dose should be increased to 2 cups.

To remove stones from the bladder and kidneys

You need to take an alcohol tincture made from hawkweed. 20 drops three times a day should be taken for 2 weeks, then take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 10 grams of dried flowers of this plant, then pour 100 milliliters of vodka over them. Mix everything and leave in a dark, cool room for a week. It is advisable to shake the tincture periodically.

With spermatorrhea

The alcohol tincture according to the recipe indicated above should be taken 15 drops 3 times a day for 2 months.

For jaundice

It is necessary to take crushed hawkweed leaves internally - a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Yastrebinochka: where does it grow?

The natural habitat of the hawksbill is in the Northern Hemisphere. In the wild, this plant is quite often found in dry mixed and pine forests, on forest edges, in clearing areas, on the slopes of mountains and hills in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in Western and Central Asia. The plant was naturalized in North America, where today it is considered a rather formidable, dangerous weed. The thing is that this plant contains natural alkaloids that lead to the death of livestock (especially sheep).

In cultivation, the plant is grown mainly in Eastern Europe and Asia as a fairly common, melliferous, medicinal, ornamental and poisonous plant.

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