Healing herbs
What kind of plant is this? Ferula jungarica is the scientific name of the plant, which is better known
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Adonis vernalis Spring adonis is a perennial plant 15-60 cm high from the Ranunculaceae family. Growing
General information Young pine cones are a remedy that has long been used for treatment. They were used
What does the umbrella hawkweed (Hieracium umbellatum) look like and where does it grow?
Many of us know that eucalyptus has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. However
A bit of history For the first time, Yuba Eforb became interested in the healing properties of individual plants belonging to the genus Euphorbia
What is cumin? Cumin is a spice in the form of dark brown seeds in the form
Chemical composition Photos of Echinops and its medicinal properties are of interest due to its rich composition
What are antlers and how are they obtained? The ancient Chinese began using deer antlers approximately